虚拟币交易所平台,数字货币,NFT | 现货比特币ETF会带来风险 欧易OKX将下线矿池产品及相关服务

币圈资讯 阅读:43 2024-04-22 10:16:21 评论:0



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美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席Rostin Behnam今日在美国律师协会活动中表示,他担心最近批准的现货比特币ETF产品会带来风险,并再次呼吁联邦层面立法来监管加密货币。   Behnam表示:“我担心比特币ETP的监管批准会带来风险,零售和机构等可能会将产品的技术批准误认为是对现金商品数字资产的实际监管,进行联邦立法的必要性从未如此迫切,我将继续呼吁采取行动”。Behnam还表示,围绕利益冲突和客户保护等问题,目前还没有任何好的措施来“解决数字资产现金市场中不透明和不一致的做法”。














美SEC专员Hester Peirce在接受TechCrunch记者Jacquelyn Melinek采访时表示:“监管机构非常害怕权力下放,因为这意味着他们无法控制这些实体。但与此同时,这也是建立有弹性的金融体系的力量所在”。


香港证监会告诫公众提防两项名为“Floki Staking Program"及“TokenFi Staking Program"的可疑加密货币相关产品。两项产品涉及加密货币质押服务,并声称可提供30%至超过100%的高水平年率化回报目标。该两项产品并未获证监会认可向香港公众发售(注1及2),而其管理人亦未能向证监会证明并使其信纳该等产品如何实现高水平年率化回报目标。 证监会注意到,香港公众可透过互联网取览该两项产品及其相关资料,证监会因而在2024年1月26日将该两项产品及其相关资料登载于可疑投资产品警示网页上。


据韩国金融当局透露,金融服务委员会(FSC)的金融情报机构(FIU)将最早于本月底,最迟于下月初对《特定金融信息法》的执行令和通知提出修正案,其中包含银行发放实名账户的标准。 修正案包括银行评估虚拟资产运营商的洗钱风险以及虚拟资产运营商是否遵守法律法规的标准。此外,虚拟资产运营商还必须遵守将于七月生效的《虚拟资产用户保护法》。





在获得比特币ETF提供商21Shares投资之后,Web3应用De.Fi在X平台宣布即将推出“DEFI”代币并启动空投第一季。De.Fi表示,质押DEFI 代币是获得空投分配资格的关键标准之一,活跃用户还有机会获得奖励。De.Fi还透露后续将在代币分发之前进行快照,但目前尚未披露具体时间。





比特币买卖交易网报道,贝莱德现货比特币ETF(IBIT)资产管理规模突破20亿美元,成为九支同类新产品中首个达到该规模的ETF(不包括灰度的GBTC)。周四,投资者向IBIT增资约1.7亿美元,该基金又购买了近4,300 BTC,使持有的BTC总数达到49,952枚。 下一个突破20亿美元大关的基金很可能是富达的Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund (FBTC),截至1月25日,该基金持有的比特币略低于44,000枚。







与传统同行不同,加密货币对冲基金专注于加密货币基金管理、投资加密货币并采用各种策略为投资者创造良好的回报。 这包括买卖加密货币,以及从事加密货币衍生品和期货交易。 特别是,加密货币对冲基金充当贡献投资者和希望接触数字资产的投资者的发起交易者之间的中介。


Headline beauty chairman spot bitcoin will bring risks, and federal legislation is urgently needed. The chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission said at the American Bar Association today that he was worried that the recently approved spot bitcoin products would bring risks, and once again called for legislation at the federal level to regulate cryptocurrencies. He said that I am worried that the regulatory approval of bitcoin will bring risks, and retailers and institutions may mistake the technical approval of products for the necessity of federal legislation on the actual supervision of cash goods and digital assets. The importance has never been so urgent, and I will continue to call for action. I also said that there are no good measures to solve the opaque and inconsistent practices in the digital asset cash market. Ouyi will go offline for mine pool products and related services according to the official announcement of Ouyi, and according to the business adjustment, Ouyi will go offline for mine pool products and related services in the near future. The specific offline time is year month day, and the new user registration function will be closed. Existing users can continue to enjoy the products and services until year. Ouyi will close all mine pool products and related services as of press release. According to the data, the latest transaction price of USD is up and down in the day. The latest transaction price of USD is up and down in the day. The latest transaction price of USD is up and down in the day. The latest transaction price of USD is up and down in the day. The latest transaction price of USD is up and down in the day. The US Commissioner is very afraid of decentralization. In an interview with reporters, the US Commissioner said that the regulator is very Fear of decentralization because it means that they can't control these entities, but at the same time, it is also the strength of building a flexible financial system. The Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission warned the public to beware of two suspicious cryptocurrency investment products claiming high returns. The Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission warned the public to beware of two suspicious cryptocurrency-related products called and, which involved cryptocurrency pledge services and claimed that they could provide a high-level annualized return target that exceeded. These two products were not recognized by the CSRC. The public offering in Hong Kong and its managers failed to prove to the CSRC how these products can achieve the high-level annualized return target. The CSRC noticed that the public in Hong Kong can access the two products and their related information through the Internet, so the CSRC posted the two products and their related information on the warning page of suspicious investment products on January, and the Korean financial authorities will propose amendments to the enforcement orders and notices of specific financial information laws as early as the end of this month, according to the Korean financial authorities. The financial intelligence agency of the Financial Services Commission will propose amendments to the enforcement orders and notices of specific financial information laws at the earliest end of this month and at the latest at the beginning of next month, including the standard amendments for banks to issue real-name accounts, including the bank's assessment of the money laundering risk of virtual asset operators and whether the virtual asset operators comply with the standards of laws and regulations. In addition, virtual asset operators must also abide by the virtual asset user protection law, which will take effect in July. Companies applying Musk in blockchain seek from investors. A number of sources said that Musk's artificial intelligence start-up company is seeking to raise $ billion from global investors to fund its challenge. People familiar with the matter said that Musk hopes to raise as much as $ billion with a proposed valuation of $ billion. He also targeted sovereign wealth funds in the Middle East and has contacted investors in Japan and South Korea. One of the people familiar with the matter said that Morgan Stanley is currently coordinating the financing, and the scale of the financing reflects the opening. The huge cost required for the occurrence of adult artificial intelligence will be used to launch tokens and start airdrops. In the first quarter, after obtaining the investment from bitcoin providers, the application announced on the platform that tokens will be launched soon and airdrops will be started. In the first quarter, it indicated that pledged tokens are one of the key criteria to qualify for airdrops distribution, and active users still have the opportunity to get rewards. It also revealed that snapshots will be taken before token distribution, but the specific time has not been disclosed yet. The last weekly points will be distributed on social media platforms during the testing period. The body issued a document saying that tonight we will issue the last weekly points in the test period, so that the total number of points issued will reach 10,000, and the remaining 10,000 points in the test period will be distributed in our upcoming version. BlackRock's spot bitcoin asset management scale exceeded 100 million US dollars. Bitcoin trading network reported that BlackRock's spot bitcoin asset management scale exceeded 100 million US dollars, becoming the first of nine similar new products to reach this scale, excluding gray. The fund increased its capital by about 100 million US dollars on Thursday. The purchase of the fund that nearly brought its total holdings to the next billion-dollar mark is likely to be Fidelity's. As of June, the bitcoin held by the fund is slightly lower than an important economic development. The three major stock indexes closed mixed. Intel fell sharply in the past ten data. On Friday, the US stock market closed at the initial closing point, or the S&P index fell. After Intel's performance, it closed down. Tesla Boeing closed lower and closed higher. What is cryptocurrency hedge fund plus? The cryptocurrency hedge fund is created to cope with the complexity of cryptocurrency investment. It brings together the funds of different investors to trade digital assets strategically, aiming to generate positive returns. Unlike traditional counterparts, cryptocurrency hedge funds focus on cryptocurrency fund management and investment, and adopt various strategies to create good returns for investors, including buying and selling cryptocurrency, engaging in cryptocurrency derivatives and futures trading, especially cryptocurrency hedge funds as contributing investors and hopes. Intermediary Disclaimer between Initiators of Investors Contacting Digital Assets The contents of articles published by Bitcoin Trading Network as a blockchain information platform are for information reference only, not as actual investment suggestions. Please establish a correct investment concept and be sure to raise your risk awareness. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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