Synthetix 2024 年展望:有哪些重要进展?

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2023年对Synthetix来说是一个 erfolgre的一年。 Perps V2迅速实现了产品市场匹配,交易量约430亿美元,产生费用约3650万美元。2024年将推出Synthetix V3、Perps V3和USDC组合在Base部署,以及 focuses于其他跨链部署。斯巴达理事会通过SNX通胀消除和Andromeda部署产生费用分配40%用于回购与销毁。


Synthetix还是Optimism成功的主要推动力之一,因为它占据了该链的大部分TVL(Total Value Locked,总锁定价值)、活动和收入。Synthetix在年底时的TVL为3.16亿美元,在Optimism Mainnet上的所有TVL中约占34%。此外,与Synthetix相关的Optimism Mainnet交易,包括任何现货和永续交易以及SNX质押,在2023年驱动了约1460个ETH(约350万美元)的交易费用,这大约占了整个链收入的7.3%。



尽管交易量和费用显然非常重要,但对于SNX持有者而言,一个重要的方面是减少市场波动的敞口。这是通过Perps V2的动态资金费率实现的。与仅考虑偏差(即多头和空头之间的差异)不同,动态资金费率还考虑了速度。这意味着如果长期存在持续的多头偏差,资金费率将继续随时间增加。这一系统极大地激励交易者进行套利交易,并保持持仓平衡。尽管2023年初由于极小的持仓上限而出现了大幅波动,但大部分时间都保持了非常稳定的状态,只是偶尔出现小幅波动。






1、Synthetix V3 和 Perps V3

Synthetix目前正在将其当前的V2x系统迁移到新的产品:Synthetix V3 和 Perps V3。





这种设计允许在不同市场中进行实验,同时允许流动性提供者选择承担的风险量主要池将是Spartan Pool,其配置、抵押资产和市场将由斯巴达理事会决定。大多数流动性提供者将选择提供这种更安全的系统,但如果有人想要建立一个无需许可的永续期货市场,具有更高风险但潜在回报更高的能力现在已经可用。

到目前为止,有几个团队表示希望使用V3基础设施构建产品。其中之一是Overtime Markets,这是一个建立在Thales上的体育博彩平台,目前正在将其当前基础设施迁移到V3上。很可能该市场将在推出后不久被Spartan Pool吸收,因为流动性提供者在不到一年的时间里获得了超过70%的年化回报率。其他表示有兴趣在V3上构建的协议包括Betswirl,这是一个CasinoFi项目,以及TLX,正在创建Synthetix永续仓位的Token化版本。其他市场类型,如期权市场、保险市场和预测市场,也已经被提出。


Synthetix还计划发布其永续产品的下一版,该产品将作为V3基础设施下的一个市场存在:Perps V3。此次升级将改进永续合约的基础架构,以提供整体增强的用户体验。这意味着交易者的延迟改进,原生跨边际系统,扩展的抵押品选项,包括使用合成资产(如sETH和sBTC)进行交易的开放交易,逐步清算以减少MEV搜索者造成的夹层清算风险,以及基于NFT的账户。这种改进的用户体验与Synthetix计划在2024年扩大永续合约活动的计划非常契合。


Synthetix正在进入其发展的关键阶段。虽然Perps V2产品表现出了明确的产品市场匹配,但用户体验方面存在限制,这限制了潜在的增长和活动。Perps V3正在改进永续交易体验,但要在链上创造与中心化交易平台提供的交易体验相媲美,仍有很长的路要走。在2024年,Synthetix及其生态系统希望尽可能地缩小这一差距。

当前永续合约系统的一个限制是用户只能在Optimism Mainnet上进行交易。虽然该链本身提供了足够好的用户体验,但将产品移植到具有不同用户集的其他链上,将使Synthetix能够产生更多的活动和收入,并在不同社区建立其品牌。

对其他链的实验和迁移过程将从Synthetix称为Andromeda的一揽子产品开始,其中将包括Synthetix V3、Perps V3和USDC作为唯一的抵押品类型。这个环境有助于测试新产品本身,并了解使用USDC提供流动性的需求程度,而不是使用SNX原生Token。


Andromeda的第一次部署目前正在Base上逐步推出。这将是Perps V3和USDC作为主要抵押品的第一个测试场地。将逐步增加允许的总USDC,并允许在永续市场上进行的流动性和持仓量的交易。此外,最大的Synthetix前端Kwenta表示,一旦推出完成并且有足够的流动性来满足交易者的需求,他们将“积极推动”用户使用V3,并提供激励措施。

For me, the year of compiling vernacular blockchain is a new year, and the product market matching is rapidly realized. The transaction volume is about 100 million US dollars, and the cost is about 10,000 US dollars. It will be launched and combined in deployment and other cross-chain deployments. The Spartan Council will allocate the cost for repurchase and destruction through inflation elimination and deployment, which is still one of the main driving forces for success, because it occupies most of the total locked value activities and revenues of the chain, accounting for about 100 million US dollars at the end of the year, in addition to all related transactions. Including any spot and perpetual transaction and pledge, it drove about $10,000 in transaction costs in, which accounted for about the whole chain income. Although some people attributed the growth of this activity to the incentive measures of $10,000 at that time and the front-end used it as the fee refund for traders on the platform, the transaction volume remained at a relatively high level after the end of the incentive period, and compared with $10,000 during the incentive period, the average daily transaction volume reached $100 million, even reaching the week of the month. The highest weekly trading volume of $100 million means that these incentives have brought a certain degree of stickiness to users and trading volume. Although trading volume and expenses are obviously very important, an important aspect for holders is to reduce the exposure to market fluctuations. This is achieved through the dynamic capital rate, which is different from only considering the difference between bulls and bears. The dynamic capital rate also considers speed, which means that if there is a long-term persistent long-term deviation, the capital rate will continue to increase over time. Adding this system greatly encourages traders to carry out arbitrage trading and maintain the balance of positions. Although there was a big fluctuation at the beginning of the year due to the extremely small position limit, it remained very stable for most of the time, with only a small fluctuation occasionally. Other competitors, such as now, are incorporating dynamic capital rates into their products because they have been proved to be able to successfully reduce the market exposure of liquidity providers. With a sustainable product that clearly finds a market match for products, they focused on their ambitions in. Vigorous deployment to upgrade its product line, cross-chain expansion and perpetual trading, adding new collateral types to maximize liquidity and capital efficiency, and encouraging the front end to create an enhanced user experience comparable to the centralized trading platform, and is currently migrating its current system to new products and the liquidity core layer of the financial market, in which holders can mortgage their debt and bear the debt position, which is then expressed by their corresponding share of the total debt of the system among all holders. With the value created by this global debt pool, a synthetic asset market is formed. With the entry and exit of positions, the debt system will be updated to reflect the changes in the balance. As mentioned above, this makes the holder a temporary counterparty of the trader in the perpetual contract, because the dynamic capital rate has been proved to be able to maintain the position balance. By creating a more modular system, the concept of this liquidity layer will be raised to a new level, which enables developers and users to cross liquidity. The core of the experiment at different levels of the stack begins at the level of the pool. Each pool represents an independent source of debt and liquidity, and then it is used to provide liquidity for the market. Debt and liquidity come from liquidity providers who deposit their assets in it and entrust their collateral to the pool. Each pool has a pool suitable for each type of collateral it accepts. They can choose any collateral they want, and then the pool can mortgage the market into the market they choose, although these can be existing ones. Goods or a sustainable market, but developers also have the opportunity to establish a brand-new market. This design allows experiments in different markets and allows liquidity providers to choose the amount of risks they bear. The main pool will be their allocation of mortgage assets and the market will be decided by the Spartan Council. Most liquidity providers will choose to provide this safer system, but if someone wants to establish a sustainable futures market without permission, it has the ability of higher risks but higher potential returns, which is now available. Only a few teams have expressed their hope to build products with infrastructure. One of them is that this is a sports betting platform built on the Internet. Currently, it is moving its current infrastructure to the Internet. It is very likely that this market will be absorbed soon after its launch, because liquidity providers have achieved an annualized rate of return of more than one year. Other agreements that have expressed interest in building products on the Internet include this project and other market types such as options market and insurance market. And forecast the market has also been put forward, although most of this year's focus will be on promoting sustainable products by enhancing user experience and portability in many chains, so that new markets will emerge. It is also planned to release the next version of its sustainable products, which will exist as a market under the infrastructure. This upgrade will improve the infrastructure of sustainable contracts to provide an overall enhanced user experience, which means that traders will delay and improve the collateral options for the expansion of native cross-marginal systems. Including the use of synthetic assets, such as open transactions and gradual liquidation to reduce the risk of mezzanine liquidation caused by searchers, and the improved user experience based on accounts is very consistent with the plan to expand perpetual contract activities in 2008. The road map of 2008 is entering a critical stage of its development. Although the products show clear product market matching, there are limitations in user experience, which limits the potential growth and activities. The perpetual transaction experience is being improved, but it should be created and centralized in the chain. The trading experience provided by the trading platform is still a long way to go, and its ecosystem hopes to narrow this gap as much as possible. At present, one limitation of the perpetual contract system is that users can only trade on the Internet. Although the chain itself provides a good user experience, transplanting products to other chains with different user groups will enable them to generate more activities and income and establish their brands in different communities. The experiment and migration process of other chains will begin with what is called a package of products. This environment, which will include and be the only type of collateral, helps to test the new product itself and understand the degree of demand for providing liquidity instead of using the native special test because it has the potential of better liquidity. Because it is a stable currency, it allows liquidity providers to have a lower loan-to-value ratio, thus improving capital efficiency, so it does not need to have a major market exposure, so it increases the expected annualized rate of return of liquidity providers, for example, if we assume that the holders earn the annualized rate of return under the condition that other conditions are equal, the annualized rate of return that will be earned is also planned. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台















Synthetix希望通过利用2023年的成功,利用新的链来测试Synthetix V3和Perps V3产品、新的抵押品类型以及用户行为。在不同链上进行更多的部署将有助于对新产品进行实战测试,突出显示带来最多流动性的抵押品类型,并展示哪些社区和部署吸引了最多的用户和资本。永续合约产品本身也将在用户体验方面有巨大的改进,无论是对于Perps V3产品还是专注于在链上重现CEX体验的前端,如Infinex。随着近年来订单簿型DEX的崛起,Synthetix无疑证明了基于预言机的永续合约DEX仍然具有重要地位,我们将看到这些部署是否将注意力和流动性重新引向他们的方向。


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