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作者:Route 2 FI;编译:Luccy,BlockBeats




为了了解一枚币是涨是跌,我们必须了解供应和需求。为了更好地理解这一点,让我们以 BTC 为例,从供应方面开始。


· BTC 代币有多少个?

答案:1920 万 BTC

· 总共会有多少个代币存在?

答案:2100 万 BTC

· 新代币多久释放到市场上一次?


每 10 分钟,BTC 矿工验证一块 BTC 交易。每验证一块 BTC 的当前奖励是 6.25BTC。因此,每天大约释放 900BTC 到市场上。

平均而言,每四年块的创建速度将「减半」一次(称为「减半」),直到最终在 2140 年时,每挖掘一块的奖励仅为 0.000000001BTC。

换句话说,到 2030 年初,预计将挖掘出近 97% 的 BTC。剩下的 3% 将在接下来的一个世纪内产生,直到 2140 年。

BTC 的通货膨胀率目前为 1.6%,并将逐渐趋向于零。


对于 BTC 来说,这很容易理解,但当我们看其他代币时,例如 ETH,情况就有点复杂了,因为以太坊的数量没有上限。然而,只要以太坊的 gas 费保持在合理水平,它实际上是一种净紧缩资产。


· 流通供应量:今天存在的代币数量

· 总供应量:链上供应减去销毁的代币

· 最大供应量:能够存在的最大代币数量

· 市值:今天的代币价格 x 流通供应量

· 全稀释市值:今天的代币价格 x 最大供应量

在供应方面另一个需要考虑的重要事项是代币分配。这在 BTC 方面并不是个大问题,但在评估考虑购买的新代币时需要考虑。


· 是否有大户拥有大部分的代币?

· 解锁计划如何?

· 协议是否在种子轮的早期投资者中分发了大部分的代币?

我的观点是:不要因为没有研究代币经济学就投资像 KASTA 这样由 The Moon Carl 创造的垃圾币而最终亏损。在我看来,@UnlocksCalendar 和 @VestLab 是检查解锁计划的好资源。


· 流通供应

· 总供应和最大供应

· 代币分配

· 解锁计划。



好的,我们知道 BTC 的供应是 2100 万个代币,而 BTC 的通货膨胀率约为 1.6%,并且每年都在下降。那么为什么 BTC 的价格还不是 10 万美元?为什么只有「40K」美元?

嗯,简单的说是,仅仅有固定的供应并不能让 BTC 有价值。人们还需要相信 BTC 有价值,并且它将来会有价值。

让我们将需求分为 3 个组成部分:

· 财务效用(代币的投资回报率)

· 实际效用(价值)

· 投机

财务效用:持有代币可以产生多少收入或现金流。对于股权证明代币,你可以质押代币以生成 pass yield。

这对 BTC 来说是不可能的,除非你将其包装成 WBTC,但那时它就不再是普通的 BTC 了。如果持有代币通过奖励质押收益或在流动性挖矿中提供 LP 来使持有者受益,那么需求自然会增加。

但请记住,收益必须从某个地方获得(代币通货膨胀),所以当你看到这些真的很高的年化项目时(想想 2021 年的 OHM-fork 季节),要保持一些怀疑。

实际效用:对于许多项目来说,事实是它们没有价值。这可以讨论,但是 BTC 之所以有价值是因为它可以作为价值存储和交换单位。BTC 被称为数字货币,是中央银行控制的法定货币的替代品。以太坊是一种数字货币,通过去中心化金融应用(dApps)具有多种用途。

你实际上可以使用 ETH 做一些事情,而不仅仅是持有、发送或接收它。要决定是否有实际效用,你必须考虑团队成员是谁,他们有哪些顾问,以及他们的背景。支持他们的公司有哪些,他们在建设什么,他们是否解决了一个真实的问题等。


需求方的投机方面很难分析和预测。BTC 没有投资回报率和没有质押机会,但它有一个超强的叙述。人们相信它可能是一种长期的价值存储。BTC 还有一个巨大的优势,那就是它是第一个加密货币。

当你听到人们谈论加密货币时,他们会首先提到的是 BTC。强大的社区可以推动需求,所以在投资之前,始终记得在 Twitter 和 Discord 上研究社区。

在我看来,投机方面是加密货币中最大的推动因素之一。不要低估一个代币在正确的叙述、梗和追随者的带领下能走多远。想想 DOGE、SHIB、ADA 和 XRP。

大多数加密代币高度相关并且会一起运动。如果你持有的不是 BTC 和 ETH 之外的任何东西,那么它应该基于代币经济学的供需方面让你认为它会表现优越。




如果以太坊基金会决定明天印刷 1 亿个新的 ETH 代币会发生什么?答案:由于供应增加和需求减少,价格将崩溃。

如果迈克尔·塞勒宣布他想在未来 6 个月内购买 10 万 BTC 会发生什么?答案:价格会上涨,因为供应会减少,需求会增加。



ETH 值 100 美元还是 10000 美元?BTC 完全毫无价值还是值 300,000 美元?




让我们来看看 Curve(CRV)的结构。

实质上,Curve 为 LP 提供激励,通过他们的代币经济学鼓励参与者参与治理。而对于 Convex 来说,这里的终极目标是获得尽可能多的 veCRV 以最大化 CRV 奖励。


· 质押

· 治理

· 价值存储


一个完美的例子是 GMX,该代币具有多个价值主张,如治理(启发参与者的真实偏好的能力)、认领(将托管的 GMX 在一段时间内转换为 GMX 的能力)和持有(接收协议收入)。


· 可转让性(可转让 + 不可转让):分别是 GMX 和 esGMX。

· 可销毁性(可销毁 + 不可销毁):分别是 BNB 和 SBTs。

· 可替代性(可替代 + 不可替代):分别是 ERC20 和 ERC721(NFT)。

· 汇率(浮动 + 固定):分别是 MKR 和 DAI。

有时,团队故意决定一个代币被分配了冲突的价值主张或功能。在这种情况下,代币可以被分为两种或更多种类型。AXS 的著名案例就是一个最好的例子,从最初的单代币模型转变为多代币模型。

最初,AXS 有 3 个价值属性:价值转移、治理和持有。这里的冲突源于参与者如果决定在游戏内进行 AXS 的价值转移,就意味着放弃治理和持有的权益,这对游戏经济造成了问题。为了解决这个问题,他们发布了一个「新」代币 SLP,然后成为游戏内的首选价值转移工具。你可能还记得 STEPN 的 GMT 和 GST 中的同样的双系统。

然而,实施双代币系统可能使代币经济学设计过于复杂,并且有时考虑将外部代币作为辅助代币可能是重要的,以确保更顺畅的交互。一个典型的例子是 ARB,主要用于治理。

为了确保更顺畅的交互,ARB 使用 ETH 作为支付交易费用的手段,因为发生在 L2 上的交易被捆绑在一起并发送到 L1 状态。如果没有引入此外部代币(ETH)作为支付交易费用的手段,将发生以下情况:ARB 用于支付交易费用(gas 费),运营商然后必须将 ARB 兑换成 ETH 以在 L1 上进行验证并在进一步的 gas 费中损失,为 ARB 的增长创造了一种矛盾。

在上述部分,我已经介绍了代币经济学的一般动态和团队应该考虑的各种推动因素,现在让我们来看看代币供应。因为这直接影响代币价格(这是 degen 们想要的)。代币供应的结构如下:

· 最大供应量

· 分配百分比(销售、投资者、团队、市场营销、国库等)

· 分配的分布:分配给初始、归属和奖励发行。


对于有限的最大供应量,例如 CRV(30 亿代币),价格可以上涨。因为随着网络的增长,对代币的需求增加,形成了一个供应有限的高需求区域,这种类型的最大供应的问题在于,如果代币分发不迅速,未来的新贡献者也很难提供激励。


在分配方面,通常是基于最大供应的百分比,实际上确定了每个类别应该分配的最大供应的百分比。主要的类别有:团队(包括创始人、开发者、市场营销等,实际上是负责建设项目的个人),投资者(参与早期/种子/私募轮的人员),国库(运营成本,如研发、储备等),社区(空投、LP 奖励、挖矿奖励等),公开销售(ICO、IDO、IEO、LBP 等)和营销(包括顾问、意见领袖、代理等)。


值得注意的是,在 2020-21 年 DeFi 崛起时,团队意识到通过允许更高奖励给他们的社区,或通过空投增加初始持有者的浮动量,可能会导致网络增长和可持续代币经济的繁荣。

最后,分发。初始供应是在「启动」时立即释放到开放市场的初始浮动量,或者有些人称之为 TGE。分配到这个类别的分配通常是国库、公开销售和我们到处都能看到的臭名昭著的空投的一部分百分比。

对于待解锁的代币,这些通常会被锁定 x 个月/年,通常适用于投资者、国库、团队代币,他们可以自行决定持续时间和何时开始解锁,通常解锁防止大规模的代币抛售,特别是因为这个部分的参与者通常是以低于上市价的估值购买的投资者。



让我们再次以 CRV 为例。我们需要识别和理解 CRV 的元需求。让我们分解其价值主张:它是一种治理代币。参与者可以使用他们的 CRV 进行投票,决定每周发行多少 CRV。为什么这很重要?它是如何捕获价值的?因为持有 CRV 的市场参与者有资格获得项目费用的 50%。因此,他们持有的 CRV 越多,他们获得的收入越多。这使得 CRV 的终极元需求是最大化用户利润的能力,同时鼓励他们持有,是一种良好的机制,诱导积极行为(用户持有)并捕获价值(获得奖励)。


如今,空间中有许多创意的代币模型。我认为另一个很好的例子是 Cosmos 成功解决了关于空投的热潮。

我之前已经讨论过,但你可能还记得质押 ATOM、OSMO、KUJI、INJ 和 TIA 可能使你有资格参与今天 Cosmos 生态系统中的大多数空投。

这导致了 Cosmos 生态系统中质押者数量的显著增加。由于未来有更多空投的承诺,他们将不会停止质押。这种激励鼓励人们持有代币而不是抛售。由于有 21 天的解质押期,解质押变得相当麻烦,所以人们更愿意持有。

一个 DeFi Degen 将 Cosmos 生态系统的做法描述为 (3,3)(OHM 庞氏骗局),在某种程度上他说得对。

Today's article compiled by the author is about token economics. When you are looking for new projects to determine whether they are worth buying, it may be very valuable to you. Many people talk about token economics, but only a few people really understand it. If you are considering whether to buy encrypted assets, understanding token economics is one of the most useful first steps you can take to make a wise decision. This newsletter will introduce some basic knowledge to help you learn how to analyze projects by yourself. In order to understand whether a coin is rising or not. In order to better understand this, we must understand the supply and demand. Let's think of how many answers there are to supply tokens from the supply side. How many tokens will there be in total? How long will new tokens be released to the market? The last answer is that with the passage of time, the increase of token supply is called emissions, and the speed of emissions is very important. You can find information about this in the white paper on tokens. Every minute, miners verify a transaction, and the current reward for each verification is due to This is released to the market every day. On average, the speed of creating blocks will be halved every four years, which is called halving until the end of the year. In other words, it is expected that the remaining ones will be excavated by the beginning of the year, and the inflation rate will be zero until the end of the next century. This means that if there are fewer tokens, the price of tokens should go up, and vice versa. If there are more tokens, the price should go down. This is easy for me to manage. However, when we look at other tokens, for example, the situation is a bit complicated because there is no upper limit on the number of ethereum. However, as long as the fee of ethereum is kept at a reasonable level, it is actually an important measure of the net tightening of assets. The total supply of tokens existing today minus the maximum supply of destroyed tokens in the chain is the maximum number of tokens that can exist. The market value of today's token price is fully diluted. The maximum supply of today's token price is on the supply side. One important thing to consider is the distribution of tokens, which is not a big problem in this respect, but when evaluating the new tokens to be purchased, it is necessary to consider whether there are other large households who own most of the token unlocking plans, how to agree on whether most of the tokens have been distributed among the early investors in the seed wheel, and my point is not to invest in junk coins created like this without studying token economics and eventually lose money. In my opinion, it is a good resource to check the unlocking plan in order to quickly summarize the supply side. Important contents: Please check the circulation supply, total supply and maximum supply token allocation unlocking plan. Even so, relying on supply alone is not enough to decide whether it is worth buying a token, so let's talk about demand. Well, we know that the supply is 10,000 tokens, and the inflation rate is about and decreasing every year. So why is the price not 10,000 dollars? Why is there only a fixed supply of dollars? Well, simply speaking, people still need to believe that it is valuable and It will be valuable in the future. Let's divide the demand into components: financial utility, return on investment of tokens, actual utility value, speculative financial utility, how much income or cash flow can be generated by holding tokens? It is impossible for you to pledge tokens to generate them unless you package them, but then it will no longer be common. If holding tokens benefits the holders by rewarding pledge income or providing them in liquidity mining, the demand will naturally increase, but please remember. Earnings must get tokens from somewhere. Inflation, so when you see these really high annualized projects, you should keep some doubts about the actual utility. For many projects, the fact is that they are worthless. This can be discussed, but it is valuable because it can be used as a unit of value storage and exchange. It is called digital currency, which is a substitute for legal tender controlled by the central bank. Ethereum is a kind of digital currency. It has many uses through decentralized financial applications. In fact, you can use it to do something, not just hold it, send it or receive it. To decide whether it is practical or not, you must consider who the team members are, what consultants they have, and what companies they support with their background. What they are building, whether they have solved a real problem, etc. This includes narrative stalks and beliefs. Basically, this is a belief in the future, that is, others will want to buy it after you buy it. It is difficult to analyze and predict whether there is a return on investment and whether there is a demand side speculation. There is a pledge opportunity, but it has a super narrative. People believe that it may be a long-term value store. There is also a huge advantage that it is the first cryptocurrency. When you hear people talk about cryptocurrency, they will first mention that a strong community can promote demand, so always remember to study the community in harmony before investing. In my opinion, speculation is one of the biggest driving factors in cryptocurrency. Don't underestimate that a token can be led by the correct narrative stalk and followers. Think about how far you go. It is highly related to most encrypted tokens and will move together. If you don't hold anything other than and, then it should be based on the supply and demand aspects of token economics to make you think that it will perform better when valuing a token. Another important aspect is the balance between the three difficult problems of token economics, income inflation and lock-up period. Equity certification projects hope to give their tokens high pledge income to attract users, but high annualized percentage may lead to inflation and selling pressure. On the one hand, if the pledge income is not attractive enough, it may be difficult to get users to let people hold tokens. The longer the lock-up period is, the higher the income will be. The disadvantage is that if the lock-up period is too long, people will simply avoid participating in the project. Another thing will happen on the day of unlocking, which will lead to huge selling because investors want to extract profits. If you think the supply demand is difficult to understand, just try to think in a simple way about what will happen if the Ethereum Foundation decides to print 100 million new tokens tomorrow. The answer is that the price will collapse due to the increase of supply and the decrease of demand. What will happen if Michael Sailor announces that he wants to buy 10,000 yuan in the next month? The answer is that the price will rise because the supply will decrease and the demand will increase. Just consider the following model. The price will always tend to be balanced according to the supply-demand curve. Is the dollar completely worthless or is it worth the dollar? No one really knows that it is still very difficult for investors to determine the price because cryptocurrency has no basic value compared with, for example, stocks, which makes cryptocurrency assets very volatile and speculative, but it is also provided for a few people who actually take the time to participate in cryptocurrency 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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