
币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 10:14:46 评论:0



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作者:王峰,Twitter @wangfeng_0128;来源:SevenUp DAO



1/ 做一级半市场基金




2/ 和最活跃的创业者站在一起


3/ 迅速拿回本金



4/ 长期持有头部项目


5/ 投资是横向思维



6/ 精力在决策不在管理



7/ 最好两人合伙一起干




8/ 必能对自己专长过于迷信








投资团队中,若有很强创业者背景,很加分。一个好创业者,且不论其成败大小,总要保持着一个最重要的品质,那就是饥渴感。事实证明,这个和一个人让你年龄没有关系。能说出“Stay hungry,Stay foolish”,乔布斯绝对是看透人性的。反之,一个有大厂背景看似风光的人,则可能是减分。









1/ NFT没戏!——Token更直接。小图片搞非同质化资产。怎么可能?

2/ 比特币很好,就够了!——可编程性扩展?以太坊有了,就不要重复造轮子。

3/ 链游绝对没有机会!——要是我想玩游戏,为什么不去主机和网游?

4/ 更早的时候,我还听一位币圈有丰富经验的前辈,亲口对我说,defi就是资金盘一阵风的。千万别碰

Author Wang Feng came from my experience in investing in cryptocurrency market written for the internal team. In fact, I tried to do a three-year experiment on how to look at trends, people and assets in the simplest way. Today, I managed a US$ 100 million cryptocurrency fund at the end of this year. In the next three years, I might be able to manage a US$ 100 million fund. Originally, ten articles said that I couldn't stop writing while meeting on Thursday. This is the first draft. In the future, I may continue to like it or not to spray it as a first-and-half-market fund. The investment in cryptocurrency market is completely different. There is a very important logic behind the angel we met on the traditional Internet and the most active emerging market, which is an economy based on secondary market investment and empowered by primary market investment. We can fully understand the first-hand information of the project by participating in the primary market and then exert our power in the secondary market earlier, instead of waiting for the return of the primary market for two to four years. The original decentralized and even multi-channel liquidity is encrypted market. The unique charm of the market, so what we have to do is actually to stand with the most active entrepreneurs in the first-and-a-half investment market, strive to stand with the best projects, have the ability to have smooth contact with the best entrepreneurs, know what they think, provide us with a first-line market signal, understand the market reference system and reference object, and only in this way can we search and judge where the next better project is, so-called learning from entrepreneurs is the most precious place for you emotionally. Entering the space of developing together with entrepreneurs, it is certainly not a bad thing to have some resonance. It is very cheap to get back the principal quickly in the initial investment projects, which may be three times, five times or even higher. Sometimes, for example, even if the cost you earn is not high, you should get back the principal quickly and get into the habit of not being greedy, especially for the projects that have just entered the market, most of them are not on a bigger exchange, and the liquidity is seriously insufficient. Once the overall market mood has problems, it will be difficult to get back the principal for a long time. We have The principal that is enough to start will have the next bargain-hunting and the next new target. The long-term holding of the head project portfolio must focus on the current head, especially on finding the absolute head of the emerging sector, such as the underlying agreement and trading platform. The big investment never looks at the news, but it is the real trend. Once we want to adjust the position, it is also the replacement of the old head. The supplementary investment in the new head is horizontal thinking. Entrepreneurial projects are vertical thinking, and investors are used to horizontal thinking. In the horizontal bid, the head of a market segment has been found. In order to find the next new market and new head, take the initiative to find a new target and discover new themes. Don't be infatuated with a plate. Some people feel that they know a lot and are professional, so they keep buying a link of the target under this agreement. In fact, it is not necessary for you to get the head. In the past, we often heard that investors should invest in the market they know. In fact, no one knows it by nature, and what you see is often because of investment. I didn't really understand it until after I entered the project. Even many investors were scared to sweat. It's not what they initially recognized. The cryptocurrency industry is changing faster. Investors in this field are determined to learn constantly, and the courage to see opportunities can correct the capacity of chips in time. The energy is not in the nature of decision-making, but in investment. The energy can be concentrated on research and decision-making. The last key step to trigger investment is to respond directly to information collection, and to make investment rather than management. In fact, institutions that are not too big think that there are a lot of talents below to manage them well. The meetings are all in gossip style, which is bad. In fact, more people come in. Although there may be good information, it is more terrible noise after different modes of symphony. People have more than one rhythm, and they don't have to write down the target of investment in their hearts. If they are tempted to embrace it and kiss it, how can they make investment decisions by polishing it? Don't become complicated. Investment in the encryption industry often can't drag on the market, otherwise it will rise immediately. Get on the bus, say yes, and the courage to make decisions is half-hearted, and then you may be flustered or even fail to manage your mentality. It is best for two people to work together to do this, just like our entrepreneurial team. The combination of two people is simply an ideal structure. You can look at the professional combination and the ability combination. One person has products and technology. Even if you look at sociology and psychology from the perspective of ability or personality, some people are good at organizational resources and some are good at making influence. If an investment team has two or more people who don't know the technology, don't write Twitter or even can't find the community, they shouldn't be easy to mix in this mixed industry, so what is the advantage of both of you? You must be too superstitious about your expertise and invest. Be careful to fall into endless line thinking. Once addicted, it will be short-term and empty thinking, just like a product research and development team just falling into endless pure coding thinking. The code looks professional and hard-working, and there is almost no time to meet customers. In the end, there is a type of people who like a tool or method very much. When practice makes perfect, they actually rely too much on technical paths. Once they start to ignore the outside world, they often look down on differences. Once they find that changes are not in their old tools, they can be analyzed and said to be metaphysical. Such people living in a well with exquisite decoration may not be suitable for investment. Judge the situation, you can't be too confident in your own expertise. You have to jump out of the picture and look at the painting first. Why is it difficult to bet on a good target? Very few people often know it. Once many people hold a great reputation, it shows that the project has missed the investment and entered the best stage, so it is also the feeling of fighting for the courage to bet. Last year, when no one cares, I asked a colleague to see a new bitcoin asset agreement token. When he saw that there was no wallet address, he said that the market was too early to turn. In fact, we entered the cryptocurrency market because we are tempted by stories that can pay at least twice the return. There is a saying that you can listen as a joke. Over the years, I have observed that people who are happy to spend money are suitable for investing in entrepreneurs. If there is a strong entrepreneurial background in the genetic investment team, a good entrepreneur will always maintain one of the most important qualities, regardless of his success or failure. Facts have proved that this has nothing to do with a person's age, and it can be said that Jobs definitely sees through human nature. On the contrary, a person with a big factory background and seemingly beautiful scenery may be reduced for more than ten years. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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