Eigenpie 的空投玩法、机制、前景和收益预期

币圈资讯 阅读:43 2024-04-22 10:13:31 评论:0



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作者:CapitalismLab 来源:@NintendoDoomed

Magpie 针对 LRT 的 subDAO @Eigenpiexyz_io 今天开启了积分活动,这是目前为止 LRT 项目中给 TVL 提供者最大蛋糕的,项目有特色外加此前 Magpie 的 subDAO 有着不菲的收益,配置价值恒奥。

本 Thread 将分析 Eigenpie 的空投玩法,机制,前景,和收益预期,帮你明明白白地取得最大化收益。


A. 空投玩法

当前存 stETH 等 LST 进去可以获取三重收益:

1. Eigenpie 积分,对应总量10% 的空投

2. Eigenlayer 积分 (2月5日 Eigenlayer 开放存款后)

3. Eigenpie 对应总量 24% IDO 份额,3M FDV 低估值

3. 所存 LST 的基础收益(比如 mETH APR 是 7% 那你可以继续享受 7%)




B. 机制

Eigenpie 做的是为 isolate LRT (ILRT),每个 LST 发一个对应的 Token 隔离风险,参见下表:

当前 Eigenlayer 上了这么多 LST,如果一个LRT项目笼统接受的话,那么这个项目要承担所有底层 LST 的风险,一旦某一个 LST 出现安全问题可能就会对其造成毁灭性的打击。


所以就有了 Eigenpie 的 ILRT 可以隔离风险,隔离了风险也隔离了流动性,这是否会有问题呢?其实也不染, 支持 LST 的 LRT 相比 支持 Native Staking 的 LRT,优势之一便在于可以充分利用底层 LST 的流动性。mrETH/rETH, mmETH/mETH 这些单独的 pair 其实更有利于和 LST 项目方合作激励流动性。

C. 前景

这个项目有什么优势?毕竟发的的确晚了一些,但是目前的确有一块需求空缺尚未被填补:上了 Eigenlayer 的 LST 都迫切希望参与到 LRT 叙事中,而 Eigenpie 目前来看是最好的方案,每个 LST 又有独立的 LRT 不用担心给其他人做了嫁衣。像 mETH 这种利率更高的 LST,也可以继续发挥其优势。

Mint 出来的 mstETH 这些什么时候可以在 DEX 交易?是否会上 Pendle ?

显而易见的是项目方有极大意愿和能力推进这些,无他,这些都可以带给 Magpie 旗下的 Cakepie,Penpie 这些 subDAO 丰厚的贿赂收益。

如果你对 Magpie 的架构不了解的话,可以参考我们此前的推文:


D. 收益预期


• IDO: 40%

• 空投: 10%

• 激励 35%

• Magpie Treasury: 15%(按照惯例不出售,staking分红给 vlMGP)

基本是一个 FairLaunch 的操作,不同之处在于目前大部分 Fairlaunch 白名单内定比较多,而这个的 IDO 白名单大部分都明牌给 TVL 提供者


1. 总量 10% 的空投

2. 60% 的IDO份额,IDO 占总量的 40%, $3M FDV 估值

就是说总量的 10%+60%*40% = 34% 都会给到 TVL 提供者,这占了初始流通的 34%/ 50% = ~70% ,今后也没有 VC 抛压这些


目前 LRT 叙事非常火热,仅有 $7M TVL 的 $RSTK 都有 $35M mcap 和 $180M FDV,目前已经发布其他几个项目的估值也非常之高

Eigenpie 最终的TVL多半会远高于 RSTK,如果按照 $RSTK 的 FDV 对标的话,TVL 提供者的总利润也可达:10%*180+60%*40%*(180-3)= $60M

假设两个月后发币,平均 TVL 为 $200M 的话,也是可以达到 (60/2)/200*12= 180% 的 APR,这还不包括底层 Eigenlayer points 的收益,在前15天作为早期提供者参与还有 2 倍的点数增幅

我们再看下此前 magpie 的subDAO IDO 至今的涨幅:

  • Penpie,IDO 3M FDV,14倍

  • Radpie,两轮 IDO 平均 7.5M FDV,1.4 倍

  • Cakepie,IDO 20M FDV,2.4 倍

此番进军市场更大的 LRT 赛道,不但拿出了 3M FDV,给到 TVL 提供者的空投和IDO 份额均是当年 PNP 的数倍,不知收益是否会复刻甚至超越。


1. 空投需要抱团取暖获取更大增幅,抱团链接:https://eigenlayer.magpiexyz.io/?ref=0x307225Bc52ef0fEDAa67b626996c0E74cEA924Ee

2. 特色机制为 ILRT 隔离各个 LST 的风险

3. 优势还有可以充分利用 Magpie 积累的 Pendle/Pancake 资源加速发展

4. 绝大部分权益明牌给到 TVL 提供者,IDO额度透明的Fairlaunch


The author started the points activity today, which is the biggest cake for the providers in the project so far. In addition, it has a high income allocation value before. The prospect and income expectation of the airdrop game mechanism that Hengaoben will analyze will help you clearly maximize the income. At present, you can get the triple income points corresponding to the total amount of airdrop points after opening the deposit. For example, you can continue to enjoy the basic income stored in the low valuation. Points will be provided according to the total size of the fleet. The greater the gain, the greater the increase of the fleet. Therefore, it is best to hold a group to keep warm. Welcome to join in. After use, you will continue to invite new people. What the team mechanism does is to send a corresponding isolation risk for each team. See the table below. If a project is generally accepted, it will bear all the risks at the bottom. Once a security problem occurs, it may cause a devastating blow to it, so it will be possible. Isolating risks, isolating risks and isolating liquidity, is there a problem? In fact, one of the advantages of supporting is that it can make full use of the liquidity at the bottom. These separate ones are actually more conducive to cooperating with the project side to stimulate the liquidity prospect. What are the advantages of this project? After all, it is indeed a little late, but there is indeed a demand vacancy that has not been filled yet, and all of them are eager to participate in the narrative, and at present it is the best scheme, and each one has its own needs. Worried about getting married to others, people with higher interest rates like this can continue to give full play to their advantages. When will these come out? It is obvious that the project party has great will and ability to promote these things. Without them, these rich bribery benefits can be brought to it. If you don't understand the structure, you can refer to our previous tweet, expected benefits. Here, let's first look at the token economy airdrop incentive. It is basically a good operation not to sell dividends according to the usual practice. The difference is that at present, most of the whitelists have a lot of defaults, and most of this whitelist is the rights that winning numbers gives to the providers. The share of the total amount of airdrops accounts for the valuation of the total amount, which means that the total amount will be given to the providers, which accounts for the initial circulation, and there will be no selling pressure in the future. These current narratives are very hot, and the valuations of other projects that have been released at present are also very high. In the end, most of them will be much higher than the total profit of the providers if they follow the target. It can be achieved if the average amount of money distributed after two months is set, which does not include the bottom income. The day before yesterday, as an early provider, there was a double increase in points. Let's take a look at the previous increase and the two rounds of average increase. This time, we entered the market with a larger track, not only taking out the airdrops to the providers and the share was several times that of that year. I wonder if the income will be repeated or even exceed the summary of airdrops. The characteristic mechanism of holding a group to keep warm and gain a greater increase. In order to isolate various risk advantages, we can make full use of the accumulated resources to accelerate the development of most rights and interests 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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