
币圈资讯 阅读:35 2024-04-22 10:13:17 评论:0



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原文作者:RICHARD CHEN 文章编译:Block unicorn





这个阵营的人们信奉行业创始人中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的理念,即将权力从腐败机构转移到人民手中的去中心化。

他们往往是早期进入加密行业的人。2013年的这一群体主要是对比特币作为对不负责任货币政策的对冲而感兴趣的硬通货自由派。对于那些坚定支持Ron Paul并热衷于投资黄金的金融投资者来说,比特币被看作是吸收美联储印刷货币所带来的过度流动性的一种工具。简而言之,他们认为比特币可以作为对抗美联储不负责任货币政策的一种避险手段,吸收多余的货币供应。
















我在十月份遇到了史蒂夫·温(Steve Wynn),他向我讲述了他发展酒店和赌场业务的经历。当时他提出的一个独特见解是专注于赌博之外的体验,拉斯维加斯曾经是人们只来赌博然后离开的地方,几乎没有其他理由留下。





使用预测市场的人不一定需要在上面下注,而可以将其作为地缘政治事件的新闻来源,就像人们不需要只为了赌博而访问拉斯维加斯一样。甚至特朗普现在定期在Truth Social上发布他在Polymarket上的赔率。


有一句话说创业公司更容易死于自杀而不是他杀。对于像加密这样的创业行业来说,这也是真的——degen文化慢慢地自我毁灭,人们离开这个行业,比Gary Gensler或Elizabeth Warren禁止加密更有可能导致其死亡。投机始终是加密文化的一部分,否认(加密文化中存在的)投机成分是一种非常幼稚的看法。但我们不应该加速堕落的金钱游戏,而是利用degen来推动新的正和用例,将更多的人引入这个行业。

For any encryption veteran who has been in this industry for a long time, there is no doubt that the culture of the industry has changed significantly in the past year. A cultural war began to appear between the early purist encryption computer party and the later tourist encryption gambler party, which caused differences between the builders of the encryption community. I will explain the positions of these two parties and how we got to today's conflict, and then propose a solution to the cultural war for the encryption industry. There are subtle differences in the way forward. The people in this camp believe in the idea of Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of the industry, that is, the decentralization of power from corrupt institutions to the hands of the people. They are often the early people who entered the encryption industry. This group was mainly interested in Bitcoin as a hedge against irresponsible monetary policy. For those financial investors who firmly support and are keen on investing in gold, Bitcoin is regarded as absorbing the printed currency of the Federal Reserve. In short, they think that bitcoin can be used as a hedge against the irresponsible monetary policy of the Federal Reserve to absorb the surplus money supply. My peers are mainly technical experts, perhaps less ideological than the previous generation, but they are attracted by encryption because it represents a new computing paradigm. Ethereum shows the feasibility of decentralized applications, so that you can now have data instead of just reading or writing. The concept of "yes" is that it tries to weaken the intermediary role of large-scale technology companies and the gatekeepers of the Internet. Today, these two groups represent the unknown majority. They still believe in Satoshi Nakamoto's vision and are optimistic about the new use cases and products that promote the development of this field. However, at the same time, they are afraid to publicly criticize the popular Ponzi project that is currently being hyped by some people, otherwise they will be attacked by keyboard fighters. Therefore, they choose to remain silent and encrypt people in this camp who are skeptical. They think that encryption is just a decentralized casino, and they want to keep it this way. The purpose of their construction is to add more gambling tables to the casino, that is, to find new creative ways to make everything super-financial and speculate, whether it is through mobile phones to speculate on friends' net worth or through robots to speculate on junk money. They often enter the encryption industry years later, and their backgrounds are mostly from the trading and financial fields. This is a minority group that is very good at attracting attention in the world. Therefore, they dominate the online discussion and create tension between early purists and later tourists, similar to aborigines who are dissatisfied with immigrants with different cultures, and they are often young. My hypothesis is that this is the second-order effect of zero interest rate policy and traditional financial system on the failure of millennials and generations. Young people increasingly feel that they need to get rich quickly to repay student loans and afford housing loans. When people feel that they have been under pressure, they can't get rid of it. When they are in trouble, they may seek opportunities in casinos and try to improve their situation through gambling. How did we get to this point is very useful for starting casinos in early projects? This is because gamblers are early adopters, who have become testers of unproven financial products and users who bear high-risk assets. It is easy for outsiders to ignore them, but they are the source of vitality in the encryption industry. They are blue-collar workers who are busy in the trenches, rushing through difficulties for every new product. There are countless risks. During the bear market of encryption, no new users enter this field, and the application is forced to focus on the existing core users. This is acceptable in the short term, because the transaction volume is mainly driven by the core users, for example, the former users are responsible for more than half of the transaction volume. However, when the project begins to doubt that mainstream adoption is impossible, the problem arises. It is believed that encryption will never cross the gap of early gamblers to inspire people. To promote the degradation of blockchain technology and design the application of zero-sum games like casinos, so we get the Ponzi Pass Economics multi level marketing Plan and the most unpleasant part of finance. In the short term, the products of Ponzi Project have a narrative that meets the needs of the market, because there will always be a small number of thousands of encrypted native users who will gamble on every new shiny speculative application, which has created a zero-sum game culture created by financial engineering, and the affected people will be attracted by speculation without knowing it. Some retail users enter the casino only to be sold to them afterwards, which is why so many people try their best to attract attention and become influencers, because only in this way will the odds of winning in the casino stack in their direction. Influence in the casino is a profitable business model, but it is disgusting for anyone who is not in the bubble to cater to them outside the casino. I don't blame ordinary consumers for hating cryptocurrency and being associated with greedy Ponzi projects and whenever they hear about it in the news. The worst personality on the Internet is that designing zero-sum applications will keep more people away from the encryption industry and unwilling to use products on the chain. We need to think about how to expand the user base of encryption, just as Bitcoin has done. Bitcoin is a fresh wind in this field, because it was impossible to access the trillions of dollars of retirement accounts encrypted before, and now it is finally possible to access Bitcoin for the first time. Speaking of this, how on earth can we achieve mainstream adoption? I met Steve Winta in October. He told me about his experience in developing hotel and casino business. At that time, he put forward a unique insight that he focused on experiences other than gambling. Las Vegas used to be a place where people only came to gamble and then left. There was almost no other reason to stay. Although it is common practice for every Las Vegas casino to provide concerts, performances, celebrity chefs, restaurants and luxury shopping, it sounded crazy when the casino opened in, and its success quickly prompted other casinos to invest in higher-quality facilities and shopping. Entertainment beyond gambling played an important role in transforming Las Vegas Boulevard from a gambling destination into a world-class entertainment and leisure resort in the last century. Good hospitality made the experience of Las Vegas less zero-sum and the number of tourists visiting Las Vegas for various reasons increased greatly every year. Obviously, this is a lesson worth learning for the encryption industry. We need less zero-sum games and more positive and negative experiences. A good example is the prediction market, because they like to bet on the outcome of winning or losing, just like they can gamble. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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