Blockstream:隐藏在 Bitcoin Core 背后的比特币「老炮」

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刚刚过去的去年 12 月,萨尔瓦多国家比特币办公室(ONBTC)发布声明,称比特币债券「火山债券」已获得萨尔瓦多数字资产委员会的批准,预计将于 2024 年第一季度发行,该债券将在 Bitfinex 证券平台上发行。

「发行债券筹集的资金将用于建设一座名为比特币之城的城市,此次债券发行将使萨尔瓦多成为新的世界金融中心」,2021 年 11 月,时任 Blockstream 首席战略官缪永权(Samson Mow)在萨尔瓦多比特币债券的集会上如是说道。

那作为萨尔瓦多比特币债券背后的 Blockstream,究竟在比特币的世界里扮演怎样的一个角色?

涉足「比特币全产业链」的 Blockstream

2021 年 8 月,比特币和区块链基础设施公司 Blockstream 完成 2.1 亿美元 B 轮融资,并同时收购以色列 ASIC 芯片设计团队 Spondoolies,这标志着 Blockstream 从原本软件为核心的业务逐渐拓展到了比特币产业链的更上游。

在此之前,Blockstream 的商业类产品线主要关注于比特币侧链「Liquid」生态和比特币挖矿相关的服务以及部分数据类业务,致力于为比特币生态系统做扩展与加强工作。


Blockstream 早期的产品线其实主要是服务于机构的 Liquid 侧链解决方案,后来还通过收购比特币钱包 Green Wallet 涉足消费级产品。

同时 Blockstream 还有数个比特币生态的免费产品线在持续维护和迭代,比如比特币全节点卫星网络 Blockstream Satellite、多签钱包 Blockstream Green 和闪电网络客户端 c-lightning 等等。

不过虽然 Blockstream 参与 Bitcoin Core 的研发属于软件研发的最前沿,但是比特币整个产业链的上游还有参与共识的挖矿产业,所以他们也开始在 2020 年初宣布开展比特币挖矿服务,通过和挪威上市公司 Aker、Square 和 BlockFi 等公司合作展开比特币挖矿业务。

包括后续推出的「Blockstream Energy」服务,就旨在帮助能源生产商向矿工销售多余电力,从而通过比特币挖矿为发电项目提供可扩展的能源需求,提高发电效率并改善全球尤其是偏远地区的可再生能源项目的经济性。

而在具体的芯片制造角度来说,Blockstream 在公开 B 轮融资的同时也宣布收购了比特币矿机硬件制造商 Spondoolies 的知识产权,Spondoolies 的核心团队也将加入 Blockstream 并专注 ASIC 芯片设计和制造,补齐 Blockstream 在这方面的短板。

此外 Blockstream 还推出了针对合格投资者的流通在 Liquid 上的比特币挖矿代币 Blockstream Mining Note(BMN),挖矿设施位于美国乔治亚州和加拿大魁北克。

伴随着矿业板块的布局完善,目前 Blockstream 几乎涵盖了比特币开发、机构服务、挖矿等几乎所有维度的产品矩阵。


而 Blockstream「比特币全家桶」的关键核心,就是「Liquid」。



目前比特币网络生态可以简单分为 4 层基本结构:


2.二层,以闪电网络为代表的 Layer2,重心在于扩展比特币的支付体验;


4.跨链,其他几乎所有主流公链都用跨链桥将比特币引入了自己的生态,并且在自己的生态中(特别是以太坊)中,用于开发比特币相关的 DeFi 项目;

而「Liquid」侧链也是 Blockstream 的产品核心,虽然其它产品也都是相互联系的,但会优先以 Liquid 网络作为最重要的产品线,「比如我们开发的钱包,最终会接入 Liquid 网络,所以钱包本身的盈利模式是次要的,主要的是如何增长 Liquid 网络」。


2014 年,以太坊开始预售、门头沟被盗、比特币社区的扩容之争日渐甚嚣尘上,整个加密世界的注意力都放在这几件对行业产生深远影响的大事。

与此同时,成立不到几个月的 Blockstream 拿到 2000 万美元 A 轮融资,并清晰了彼时的项目定位——扩大比特币协议层功能(侧链)。

该公司阵容相当豪华,其牵头人是前 HashCash 开发者 Adam Back;e-cash电子现金早期开发者、零知识系统创始人Hammie Hill,而 HashCash 和 e-cash 都是比特币的奠基产品。

此外,Blockstream还拥有了一支全明星开发团队,包括日后成为比特币核心开发者领袖的Gregory Maxwell、Jonathan Wilkins、Matt Corallo 以及 Pieter Wuille;Freicoin 项目负责人 Jorge Timon 以及前 NASA 工程师 Mark Friedenbach 等等。


在比特币扩容之争中,彼时的社区领袖加文·安德森、比特大陆等是扩容派,而以核心开发者 Gregory Maxwell 为代表的 Blockstream 等却是反对派。


反对派却认为,长期来看拥堵问题可以并且也应该通过二层网络来解决,因为扩容只能解决短期拥堵,当涌入比特币的人群越来越多,已经扩容的比特币将不得不继续扩容,而这样的做法看不到尽头,因此他们主张保持比特币网络 1MB,同时在比特币网络之外推出第二层网络的隔离见证和闪电网络方案。




而在后续双方旨在进行协商的纽约会议中,由于种种龃龉,最终代表 Bitcoin Core 和 Blockstream 来参会的缪永权被拒之门外。

随后的种种路线之争和冲突曲折也不再赘述,结果大家都已知晓,随着 BCH 等比特币分叉币的潘多拉魔盒被打开,一切都变得覆水难收。


此前 Blockstream 共公开过三次的融资信息,分别是 2014 年 11 月的 2100 万美元种子轮, 2016 年 2 月的 5500 万美元 A 轮,以及 2017 年 11 月宣布 Digital Garage (DG Lab Fund)对 Blockstream 进行了一次具体金额未披露的战略投资。

同时需要明确的一点是,Bitcoin Core 是一个开源项目,它负责维护和发布比特币客户端软件「Bitcoin Core 」(包括全节点验证和比特币钱包)和一些相关软件维护等工作。

参与 Bitcoin Core 项目的核心开发者和贡献者中,则有相当一部分是 Blockstream 的员工,由 Blockstream 资助他们的开发工作,这就同时产生了 Blockstream 关于「比特币开发」和「公司化组织」的双重悖论争议:

一方面,Blockstream 公司逐步聚集了比特币社区最优秀的一批开发者们,为比特币日常代码的开发、维护做出贡献;

另一方面,这群开发者和最开始的比特币核心开发者直接参与到开源项目中的形式又有所不同——他们直接受雇于 Blockstream,是领取薪水的公司员工;

加上 Blockstream 公司的融资、业务发展本身就是围绕着二层网络等比特币产品来进行的,这开始让部分社区成员对比特币核心开发者的独立性产生质疑,社区对此的担忧也由此浮出水面:

以 Blockstream 为代表的 Core 成员失去了开发的独立性和公正性,有将整个比特币底层变成二层网络附庸的危险,甚至有人直言,「Blockstream 控制了比特币代码」。


「基于以太坊是无法构建真正去中心化的金融系统,只可能通过比特币、闪电网络和 Liquid 来实现」,Blockstream 可以视作比特币社区影响力最大的「KOL 组织」,无论是首席执行官 Adam Back 还是 COO 缪永权等等,都以日常抨击以太坊社区为乐。

Adam Back 就曾在回复其他人的信息时称以太坊与庞氏骗局类似,而 Buterin 则认为以太坊正在崛起,历史的潮流不会对(比特币)最大主义者有利。

后续在缪有权与 Vitalik 的激辩中,甚至就以太坊和 Liquid 开启了「互相伤害」的质疑,「没有人会在以太坊平台上构建任何安全(例如金融)系统。如果你想要 Token,你可以在 Liquid 网络上发行,以后你可以感谢我」。

从某种程度上讲,Blockstream 背后,就是整个比特币江湖——比特币扩容之争、闪电网络与侧链方案、与以太坊等竞争币的路线之争等等,剪不断理还乱。

Last month, the National Bitcoin Office of El Salvador issued a statement saying that the Bitcoin bond volcano bond has been approved by the Digital Assets Committee of El Salvador, and it is expected to be issued in the first quarter of 2008. The funds raised from the issuance of the bond will be used to build a city called Bitcoin City. This bond issuance will make El Salvador a new world financial center, Miao Yongquan, then chief strategy officer, said at the rally of Bitcoin bonds in El Salvador. What role does Donna play in the world of bitcoin as the backing of El Salvador's bitcoin bonds? In June, Bitcoin and blockchain infrastructure companies set foot in the whole industry chain of bitcoin, and completed a billion-dollar round of financing and acquired the Israeli chip design team at the same time, which marked the gradual expansion from the original software-centered business to the upstream of the bitcoin industry chain. Before that, the commercial product line mainly focused on bitcoin side chain ecology and services and parts related to bitcoin mining. The data business is committed to expanding and strengthening the bitcoin ecosystem. The product matrix of the bitcoin family barrel in the early days was actually mainly a side chain solution for institutions. Later, it also set foot in consumer products through the acquisition of bitcoin wallets. At the same time, there are several free product lines of bitcoin ecology that are continuously maintained and iterated, such as Bitcoin full-node satellite network multi-signature wallet and lightning network client, etc. However, although the research and development involved is at the forefront of software research and development, the bit There is also a mining industry that participates in the consensus in the upstream of the entire industrial chain of Bitcoin, so they also began to announce the launch of Bitcoin mining services at the beginning of the year. By cooperating with Norwegian listed companies and other companies to launch Bitcoin mining services, including the follow-up services, it aims to help energy producers sell surplus electricity to miners, thus providing scalable energy demand for power generation projects through Bitcoin mining, improving power generation efficiency and improving the economy of renewable energy projects in the world, especially in remote areas. From the point of view of chip manufacturing, the core team that announced the acquisition of the intellectual property rights of the hardware manufacturer of bitcoin mining machine at the same time of the open round of financing will also join and focus on chip design and manufacturing to fill the shortcomings in this respect. In addition, the bitcoin mining token mining facilities for qualified investors have been launched, which are located in Georgia, USA and Quebec, Canada. With the improvement of the layout of the mining sector, it now covers almost all dimensions of bitcoin development institutions, services and mining. The product matrix bitcoin side chain and the key core of the bitcoin family bucket is the bitcoin side chain on which El Salvador plans to issue bitcoin bonds, which can be simply understood as an intelligent contract layer based on bitcoin. As a second-tier network of bitcoin, it allows the issuance of securities tokens and other digital assets, and aims to provide financial products and services and settle financial assets through the bitcoin network. At present, the bitcoin network ecology can be simply divided into layers, and it is mainly responsible for bitcoin. Our value system bears the decentralization and security of Bitcoin and the value orientation of Bitcoin community representatives. On the second floor, the focus represented by lightning network is to expand the payment experience of Bitcoin. The part of the side chain smart contract is mainly placed on the side chain. The most important function of the side chain is to add the application of smart contract to Bitcoin ecology. Almost all other mainstream public chains have introduced Bitcoin into their own ecology with cross-chain bridges and used it in their own ecology, especially in the Ethereum. Bitcoin-related projects and side chains are also the core products. Although other products are interrelated, they will give priority to the network as the most important product line. For example, the wallet we developed will eventually be connected to the network, so the profit model of the wallet itself is secondary. The main thing is how to grow the old year of the online bitcoin world. Ethereum began to pre-sell the stolen bitcoin community in Mentougou. The dispute over the expansion of the community is becoming increasingly rampant. The attention of the entire encryption world is focused on these pieces, which have a far-reaching impact on the industry. At the same time, the big event was set up less than a few months ago, and it got a round of financing of 10,000 dollars, and made clear the project positioning at that time, expanding the functional side chain of Bitcoin protocol layer. The company's lineup is quite luxurious, and its leader is the former developer, the early developer of electronic cash, the founder of zero knowledge system, and both of them are the foundation products of Bitcoin. In addition, it also has an all-star development team, including those who will become the leaders of Bitcoin core developers in the future, project leaders and former engineers, and so on. Gavin Anderson, the community leader who was sent in the dispute of bitcoin expansion at that time, was the expansion faction, while the core developers were the opposition expansion faction. The expansion faction thought that the problem of network congestion must be solved immediately, otherwise, with the further expansion of users, the problem of payment delay would be very obvious, and the transaction cost would soar to a terrible level, which was unacceptable for Bitcoin who was determined to make electronic cash. Gavin Anderson bluntly said that the increase in bitcoin transaction cost would keep the poor away from the bitcoin opposition. However, they think that in the long run, the congestion problem can and should be solved through the second-tier network, because the expansion can only solve the short-term congestion. When more and more people flood into Bitcoin, the expanded Bitcoin will have to continue to expand, and there is no end in sight. Therefore, they advocate maintaining the Bitcoin network and launching the second-tier network outside the Bitcoin network. The contradiction between the two sides, the developer and the miner, is that they don't trust each other. The miners' representatives believe that the mining pool and the large companies operating the mining pool have stolen the miners' right to speak, and industrial mining has become a centralized commercial activity. The existence of the mining tyrant is destroying the essence of decentralization in digital currency. The miners' representatives believe that once the lightning network is really built, most transactions will take place on the second-floor network, and the second-floor network will eventually become absolutely centralized, with the central node monopolizing the trading channel, and the bottom network will become the channel for the settlement of the central node of the second-floor network. Not being able to use the underlying network for a lifetime goes against Satoshi Nakamoto's original intention of establishing Bitcoin, but in the subsequent new york meeting, the final representative of the two parties and Miao Yongquan who came to attend the meeting were turned away, and then all kinds of route disputes and conflicts and twists and turns will not be repeated. As a result, everyone knows that with the opening of Pandora's Box for bitcoin forked coins, everything has become a dispute between the development and corporatization of Bitcoin in water under the bridge. The financing information has been made public three times before, namely, the $10,000 seed round in June and the $10,000 seed round in June and the announcement of the pair. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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