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作者:Cyberscope,区块链审计公司 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网



根据美国法律,清洗交易被视为非法,因为它破坏了金融市场的完整性。此外,美国国税局 (IRS) 禁止纳税人扣除洗售交易造成的损失,从而对这种非法行为增加了经济抑制作用。从本质上讲,清洗交易损害了市场透明度,并给参与者带来法律和财务后果。



清洗交易是一种欺骗性行为,公司或实体利用自我交易在市场上制造人为效应。Blockchain Intelligence Group 监管事务总监 Timothy Cradle 强调其目的:抬高价格,制造流动性假象,并吸引其他投资者的兴趣



蒂莫西·克拉德尔(Timothy Cradle)强调这种做法缺乏合理性,并强调行业竞争并不能成为洗售交易的借口。保持透明度,特别是在信任至关重要的加密货币领域,对于培育健康和值得信赖的市场环境至关重要。







清洗交易的复杂程度各不相同,从钱包之间的简单交易到更复杂的计划。Chainaanalysis 研究总监 Kim Grauer根据钱包和地址之间的特定关系标准识别清洗交易,表明潜在的欺诈活动。

美国国家经济研究局 (NBER) 的研究深入研究了 29 个加密货币交易所的虚假交易盛行情况,分为受监管和不受监管两类。研究显示,受监管的交易所很少出现洗牌交易,而不受监管的交易所,尤其是二级交易所,平均有77.5% 的交易量归因于洗牌交易。

币安是全球最大的加密货币交易所,在研究中被归类为不受监管的一级交易所,估计其 46.4% 的交易归因于洗售交易。尽管如此,币安发言人强烈否认参与洗售交易,并强调存在专门的市场监控团队来监控和防止操纵行为。

据报道,另一家知名交易所KuCoin有52.9% 的交易被归类为洗售交易,尽管该交易所否认参与此类行为。NBER 的论文还指出,在正回报或市场波动性下降之后,洗盘交易的发生率更高,这表明交易所在这些时期有动机夸大交易量以吸引注意力和客户。

然而,在无法访问通常由交易所独家持有的账户数据的情况下识别清洗交易具有挑战性。MarketVector Indexes 数字资产产品专家 Martin Leinweber 强调了行业监管对于保持加密市场完整性和透明度的重要性,正如研究结果所证明的那样。

NFT 洗盘交易

现在我们已经介绍了加密货币世界中清洗交易的基础知识,让我们来探讨一下它如何专门应用于 NFT。虽然原理相似,但 NFT 的独特性质在清洗交易的进行方式上带来了一些差异。

与具有明确交易量的可替代代币不同,NFT 由于其独特性而交易量较低。然而,这也使得追踪他们的行动变得更加容易。尽管如此,那些怀有恶意的人仍然可以试图隐藏清洗交易活动,尤其是在早期阶段。

想象一下,在发布后不久遇到一个新的 NFT 项目,您会注意到特定代币的价格明显高于其他代币,尽管具有类似的功能。进一步调查显示,过去 24 小时内同一 NFT 的销量有所增加,并且该代币在看似不同的个人之间易手。




门头沟 (2014)

Mt. Gox曾经是全球最大的比特币交易所,但在 2014 年倒闭,导致用户损失了价值数亿美元的比特币。清洗交易被发现是 Mt. Gox 所采用的不道德行为之一,导致其平台上的比特币价格人为膨胀。Mt. Gox 案仍然是加密货币交易所历史上最臭名昭著的事件之一。

Bitfinex 和 Tether (2018)

纽约总检察长办公室指控Bitfinex和 Tether 参与大规模清洗交易计划。指控涉及 Bitfinex 使用 Tether 的 USDT 稳定币人为抬高比特币和其他加密货币的价格,造成虚假的需求感。正在进行的案件凸显了交易所可能因清洗交易而面临的法律后果。




例如,美国国税局有具体措施来解决清洗交易企图。美国国税局 (IRS) 会考虑在收购资产后 30 天内的资产出售事件造成的清洗交易损失。此外,清洗交易金额可以从税收减免中打折。简单来说,即使有人试图洗钱贸易来人为造成损失,国税局也不会允许这些损失用于减税。


避免陷入加密货币洗盘交易对于保护您的投资组合至关重要。以下更详细地解释了如何识别和避免潜在的虚假交易情况,重点关注传统加密货币(而非 NFT):

1. 分析交易量







3. 新代币和牛市



现在您已经知道如何检测加密代币中的洗售交易,让我们继续了解如何对 NFT 进行同样的操作:


最大的 NFT 市场 OpenSea 等平台提供了对 NFT 交易历史的深入了解。探索此类平台上特定 NFT 的登陆页面,以透明地了解其交易过程。

2. 识别可疑交易模式

警惕那些每天多次交易同一个 NFT 的钱包,有时甚至数百次,却没有盈利,甚至蒙受损失。没有财务收益的持续高频交易是 NFT 领域潜在洗盘交易的明显迹象。


由于加密货币和 NFT 的监管不明确,解决加密货币清洗交易等欺诈活动非常复杂。虽然股票和债券属于 SEC 的管辖范围,但商品期货交易委员会 (CFTC) 负责监管黄金和石油等大宗商品。加密资产缺乏明确的分类阻碍了监管机构对其采取法律行动的能力。








The author's blockchain audit company translated Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network. Cleaning transactions has become a prominent problem among hundreds of problems related to centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. wash sale trading refers to someone selling something to himself to increase demand or make the market look more active. This deceptive practice may be driven by many motives, such as attracting liquidity and customers artificially creating demand for irreplaceable tokens or participating in tax losses. The main goal is to create trading volume. A higher illusion may attract legitimate trading activities. This deceptive strategy misleads investors to believe that the demand for assets is more important than the actual situation. According to American law, cleaning transactions is considered illegal because it undermines the integrity of the financial market. In addition, the IRS prohibits taxpayers from deducting the losses caused by wash sale transactions, thus increasing the economic inhibition on this illegal behavior. In essence, cleaning transactions damage market transparency and bring legal and financial consequences to participants. It's just a formal overview of this illegal activity. Now let's discuss what is the cleaning transaction in cryptocurrency and how traders can identify this kind of activity and avoid potential losses. It is a deceptive behavior that companies or entities use self-trading to create artificial effects in the market. The director of regulatory affairs emphasizes its purpose of raising prices, creating the illusion of liquidity and attracting the interest of other investors. This manipulation may mislead investors to buy tokens at artificially high prices. Cleaning transactions that constitute fraud and market manipulation are not only aimed at individual wrongdoers, but even cryptocurrency exchanges may adopt this strategy. Exchanges may carry out cleaning transactions to exaggerate their trading volume to make them look more active and more liquid than they actually are. Timo Thikra del stressed that this practice is unreasonable and that industry competition cannot be an excuse for wash sale to trade. Transparency, especially in the cryptocurrency field, which is crucial for trust, is conducive to fostering health and trustworthiness. The market environment is very important. How does the cleaning transaction in cryptocurrency work? Imagine that you are in a crowded market. Everyone is looking at the most popular goods. The trading volume in the cryptoworld is just like the popularity of digital currency. Cleaning traders focus on making a specific cryptocurrency look more popular than it really is. They do this by buying and selling the same currency quickly, creating false trading volume. This artificial popularity can attract others who think that the token is in great demand. Investors imagine that you have a bag of candy and you trade it back and forth with yourself quickly. They seem to have a lot of trading activities. Because the trading volume will affect the price of tokens, your bag of candy now looks more valuable, but this is the tricky part. Others see the high cost and think that the coins are hot, but when you decide to sell your tokens, the price will collapse because it is all fake activities. Now other buyers can't sell their tokens because there are no real buyers. Simply put, wash sale trading. It's like pretending that a toy is very popular, deceiving others to buy it at a high price, and then suddenly showing no real interest, leading to a decline in value. How common are cleaning transactions in cryptocurrency? The complexity of cleaning transactions varies from simple transactions between wallets to more complicated plans. The research director identifies cleaning transactions according to the specific relationship between wallets and addresses, indicating potential fraudulent activities. The research of the National Bureau of Economic Research has deeply studied the false transactions of a cryptocurrency exchange. The prevalence situation is divided into two types: supervised and unregulated. The research shows that the supervised exchanges rarely have shuffling transactions, while the unregulated exchanges, especially the secondary exchanges, have an average transaction volume due to shuffling transactions. Qian' an is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world. In the study, it is estimated that its transactions are attributed to wash sale transactions. However, a spokesman for Qian' an strongly denied participating in wash sale transactions and stressed that there is a special market monitoring team to monitor and prevent them. It is reported that all transactions of another well-known exchange are classified as wash sale transactions, although the exchange denies participating in such behaviors. The paper also points out that the incidence of dishwashing transactions is higher after positive returns or market volatility declines, which shows that the exchange has the motivation to exaggerate the trading volume in these periods to attract attention and customers. However, it is challenging to identify the cleansing transactions without access to the account data usually held exclusively by the exchange. Product experts of digital assets emphasized industry supervision. Despite the importance of maintaining the integrity and transparency of the encryption market, as proved by the research results, now that we have introduced the basic knowledge of cleaning transactions in the cryptocurrency world, let's discuss how it is specially applied to cleaning transactions, although the principle is similar, but its unique nature has brought some differences in the way of cleaning transactions, which is different from the alternative tokens with clear trading volume, but the trading volume is lower because of its uniqueness, which also makes it easier to track their actions. Easy to add, however, those who are malicious can still try to hide the cleaning transaction, especially in the early stage. Imagine encountering a new project shortly after its release. You will notice that the price of a specific token is significantly higher than that of other tokens, despite its similar functions. Further investigation shows that the same sales volume has increased in the past hour and the token has changed hands between seemingly different individuals. Is this a cleaning transaction unnecessary? Celebrities may recognize the token, thus increasing interest and authenticity. However, it is very important to handle such situations carefully. It is best to be vigilant and avoid suspicious situations to protect yourself from potential losses. The following is an example of cleaning transactions in the cryptocurrency world. Mentougou was once the world's largest bitcoin exchange, but it closed down in 2000, causing users to lose hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bitcoin cleaning transactions. It was found that it was one of the unethical behaviors adopted, which led to the artificial inflation of bitcoin prices on its platform. The case is still a cryptocurrency exchange. One of the most notorious events in history and the accusation by the Attorney General's Office of new york that the stable currency used has artificially inflated the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has created a false sense of demand. The ongoing case highlights the legal consequences that the exchange may face because of the cleansing transaction. Why do people participate in this illegal activity? People engage in cryptocurrency cleansing transactions mainly for quick profit without considering moral or legal impact. However, another aspect related to taxation has prompted some people to explore the cleansing transaction strategy. During the cleansing transaction, traders may be deliberately subjected to it. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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