解决DeFi世界数据源价值分配不公平的痛点?OEV Network做出系列创新

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 10:10:27 评论:0



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2024年熊市行情似乎走到了尾声,又有预言机项目开始整活,他们意欲通过解决行业痛点,来赚取超额收益。近期,行业代表性预言机项目API3宣布推出ZK-Rollup技术支持的OEV Network。OEV Network是一个专门的订单流程拍卖平台,将执行特定数据源更新的权利出售给出价最高者,中标者在执行数据源更新时支付费用,使得Dapp能够立即在其本机链上收到收益。



首先明晰OEV的概念,才能洞悉OEV Network究竟要为DeFi数据领域做出哪些改变

按照官方的说法,OEV Network将用于捕获在链上使用API3数据源的Dapp生成的OEV。所以,在介绍OEV Network是个什么项目之前,我们需要先了解下OEV的概念。





读懂OEV Network的工作流程,发现其中的一系列潜在价值机遇

OEV Network在利益机制上自然更具诱惑力,但是对于用户来说,深入了解他的机制究竟是什么样的才更有说服力。接下来,为大家介绍一下OEV Network的具体工作流程。






4、跨链操作与扩展性:OEV的一个显著特点是其跨链功能。借助于ZK-rollup技术,OEV Network能够在各个链上高效地运行,从而扩大了OEV捕获的范围和潜力。


通过这些机制,OEV不仅提供了一种新的价值捕获方式,也增加了DeFi生态系统的整体效率和公平性。随着API3的OEV Network的发展和完善,预计OEV将在未来的DeFi应用中扮演越来越重要的角色。





对此,OEV Network可以从某种程度上改善这一系列的问题,让数据分配的流程得以优化和提高,并且进一步让利给普通用户,激励更多人建设更繁荣稳健的DeFi世界。

During the bull market in 2008, the asset price of the leading Oracle project rose from US dollars to US dollars, which made many developers see the great opportunities and business opportunities of this track. In 2008, the bear market seemed to come to an end, and another Oracle project began to live. They wanted to earn excess income by solving the pain points in the industry. Recently, the representative Oracle project in the industry announced the launch of a special order process auction platform to sell the right to update specific data sources to the highest bidder and the winning bidder. Pay the fee when updating the data source so that you can immediately receive the benefits on its local chain. The following will introduce this platform and its related important concepts, aiming at creating opportunities for readers to grasp the value of the world. First, clear concepts can help you understand what changes should be made in the data field. According to the official statement, it will be used to capture the generation of data sources used in the chain. Therefore, before introducing what project it is, we need to understand the concept, which is called the Oracle Extractable Value System. The proprietary concept is that miners can extract a part of the value, paying attention to the application relying on the update of the Oracle to take advantage of the inconsistent state, and creating arbitrage and liquidation opportunities by introducing external data such as market prices into the chain Oracle, thus becoming a part of the life cycle, which is different from that independent of the Oracle. For example, when the price of the centralized exchange changes, the robot may choose to liquidate the underwater account on the loan agreement. This is a typical application scenario. In the traditional mode, verifiers and pledgers usually benefit, but this often comes at the expense of users, such as liquidity providers. In contrast, it allows protocols and applications to capture and redistribute these profits, enhance user loyalty and enhance the competitiveness of protocols. Putting aside complicated concepts is more friendly to liquidity providers, that is, ordinary users, and more in line with the interests of ordinary people, so this concept and gameplay will undoubtedly be more welcomed by the outside world once it is launched. After reading the workflow, it is found that a series of potential value opportunities are naturally more attractive in the interest mechanism, but it is more convincing for users to deeply understand what his mechanism is. The specific workflow that I will introduce to you next represents a major innovation in the value capture mechanism in the field. The core of this part is to create opportunities for value capture by using the inconsistency between online and offline data. The working principle of this part can be divided into Based on a simple fact, the status of the application in the chain, such as price information, is sometimes inconsistent with the actual market status under the chain. The function of the predictor is to introduce these external data into the chain, but in the process of updating, this inconsistency becomes an arbitrage opportunity, changing the role of the predictor. In the traditional scene, the arbitrageur obtains profits through transaction reordering, while in the case, the data update of the predictor becomes value. The key to capture is that when the Oracle updates the new market data to the chain, it provides an opportunity for the application to take advantage of these information differences. In order to effectively capture, an automated auction system is proposed. This system allows the Oracle to sell the right to update to the highest bidder by auction, so that the winner of the auction can not only update the data source, but also capture the value from it. A remarkable feature of its cross-chain operation and expansibility is that it can be used by means of its cross-chain function. Because technology can operate efficiently in all chains, the scope and potential of capture are expanded. Distribution and redistribution of capture not only bring benefits to verifiers and pledgers, but more importantly, it can be redistributed to all parties involved in the agreement, including users and liquidity providers. This distribution mechanism increases the attraction of the agreement and improves the motivation of users to participate. Through these mechanisms, it not only provides a new way of value capture, but also increases the overall efficiency and fairness of the ecosystem. Exhibition and improvement are expected to play an increasingly important role in future applications. The market for data revenue distribution of Oracle is broad, and revitalizing this track will help stimulate users' enthusiasm. The Oracle project involves the world's data clearing processing, especially the capture of the value of data information on the chain. In fact, there is a huge market in this part, but these services cover a variety of roles, from clearing triggers to block producers. Third parties often use the loopholes of these services to extract the maximum value from the agreement. For example, it has been an example. In the past three years, positions worth hundreds of millions of dollars have been liquidated, of which more than hundreds of millions of dollars have been used as liquidation bonuses. Although liquidation is necessary, there is still room for improvement in the value distribution in this process, which can improve this series of problems to some extent, optimize and improve the data distribution process, and further benefit ordinary users and inspire more people to build a more prosperous and stable world. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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