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文章作者:SHINOBI 文章编译:Block unicorn


"无政府主义" 对很多人来说是一个极具分歧的词汇,这个词汇本质上让人们觉得是一种混乱不堪,彻底无法控制的环境,这与无政府主义在任何层面上的实际含义都不符。它仅仅是一个缺乏统治者或中央权威的系统,所有的合作和协调都是在系统中的同行之间纯粹自愿的基础上进行的。原始希腊词汇 "anarhkia" 的词源本身就是“没有统治者”,其中 "an" 意味着没有,"arkhia" 意味着统治者。







“但比特币有规则” ,它有规则。那是人们自愿选择加入的规则。在制定这些规则时,没有涉及到权力结构或治理结构。这些规则是由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)发布到世界上的,自那时起加入网络的每个人都是自愿选择采纳这些规则的。没有任何结构规定“这就是规则”,只是一套每个人都完全自愿选择遵循的规则。






The governance process of Bitcoin can be clearly and concisely defined in one word. In a voluntary and decentralized system, it is completely impossible to govern in other ways. Anarchism is a very divergent vocabulary for many people. This vocabulary essentially makes people feel that it is a chaotic and completely uncontrollable environment, which is inconsistent with the actual meaning of anarchism at any level. It is just a lack of rulers or central authority. All the cooperation and coordination of the system are carried out on a purely voluntary basis among peers in the system. The etymology of the original Greek vocabulary itself has no ruler, which means that the concept of ruler does not mean that Bitcoin is the basis for the operation of a distributed network and protocol. If there is, it will no longer be a distributed system where sovereign individuals voluntarily choose to interact with each other. People tend to regard Bitcoin as an objective thing. Reality as a reference frame of human beings is just like the existence of physical laws, which is not correct. This concept confuses the boundary between objectivity and subjectivity. The objective facts exist and are not affected by people's subjective beliefs. For example, the law of gravity means that objects with sufficient mass will exert gravity on all other objects around them, and no matter how many people refuse to believe in this fact in the universe, it will not change its subjectivity. You can convince the whole human being that the law of gravity does not actually exist. However, this does not prevent gravity from affecting all of them. Take the value of the dollar as an example. Is the dollar valuable in essence? Is this a statement of objective truth? It is not the case. The only reason why the dollar is valuable to individuals is because they give it value subjectively. Why do individuals give it value subjectively because other individuals also give it value subjectively? This is mutual subjectivity. This is just a subjective view shared among many individuals. This is the essence of Bitcoin. It is a distributed and mutually subjective system, so what is the difference between Bitcoin and the US dollar? There is no ruler and the mandatory US dollar system. Some people control the federal reserve system. Commercial banks that actually issue new US dollars by providing credit supervise their use and government agencies that can interact with them. There are tax agencies that require you to use US dollars when fulfilling your tax obligations. Bitcoin has no similar ruler. There is no federal reserve board and no commercial banks that stipulate when and how much US dollars are. Putting it into circulation, there is no tax that anyone forces you to pay. It is just a distributed collection of economic participants who voluntarily run a piece of code to interact with each other. But Bitcoin has rules. It has rules that people voluntarily choose to join. When formulating these rules, they did not involve the power structure or governance structure. These rules were released by Satoshi Nakamoto to the world. Since then, everyone who joined the network has voluntarily chosen to adopt these rules. There are no structural provisions. This is the rule. It is a set of rules that everyone chooses to follow voluntarily, even though many changes to these rules have taken place over the years, and quite a few of them are completely voluntary. There is no governance structure or authority imposed on anyone, and there is no way to change the rules. Anyone can come forward at any time and propose a new rule to add to the Bitcoin protocol and network. People can choose to adopt the new rule at any time. If enough people do this, it is now the rule of the network. People often think that it is made by. There are rules in the protocol and network itself, so there are some fundamental rule frameworks around it. These fundamental rules must be followed in order to change the rules of the system itself or the binding requirements of the purpose or nature of a system that cannot be changed or evolved over time. This has no reality of internalizing what an anarchist system actually is, and there are no other rules within the scope of these rules except those that people voluntarily choose to follow. This is an anarchy within the scope of these rules. What people can do voluntarily when interacting with others is allowed. Even these rules themselves are only the result of consensus reached through a purely anarchic process, that is, people interact voluntarily within the framework they choose. This is its essence. No matter how much you want to misinterpret the definition to adapt to other frameworks, there is no authority to turn to. There are no rules that people must follow except the consensus rules themselves, and even this cannot be required or enforced. All you can do is hope that people will come out. Choose to continue to follow them in your own interests. At any time, a convincing individual or group can convince others or even change these rules. If this happens, there is nothing you can do about it except trying to be more convincing. This is anarchy, free association, no form of authority coercion or control over how others unite and on what terms. Bitcoin is anarchy. If this fact makes you feel uneasy or instinctively want to oppose it, then you actually didn't understand Bitcoin from the beginning. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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