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在比特币链上的铭文协议基础设施中,一系列创新协议,如 BRC-20、BRC-420、BRC-100、BRC-1024 和 BRC-137,催生了数字资产的新时代。这些协议正在推动比特币生态系统内的显著变革,涵盖了从 BRC-20 同质化代币标准到 BRC-420 元宇宙数字资产管理协议,再到 BRC-100 分布式计算协议和BRC-1024 开放元宇宙构建协议,最终再到 BRC-137 去中心化身份协议。



BRC-20是一种代币标准,其关键信息被铭刻在比特币交易的隔离见证脚本数据中。该协议是由区块链分析师 Domo 于 2023 年 3 月初创建的,允许 BRC-20 代币携带 JSON 数据,实现在比特币网络上进行代币部署、铸造和转移等附加功能。BRC-20 标准通过 Ordinals 协议支持可互换代币的创建和转移,例如 Ordi 和 Pepe。


BRC-20 索引器负责维护分类帐本,与比特币完全独立。索引器必须准确记录每次余额变化,以确保分类帐本的完整性。尽管随着时间的推移和节点负担的增加,索引器的分类帐本会积累,但由于包括 OKX 在内的多个技术团队的协作努力,基础设施是稳健的,确保了 BRC-20 的可靠性。

BRC-20 代币为比特币区块链引入了创新维度,在 BTC 生态系统内为代币化和去中心化应用提供了新的可能性。虽然它们在 BTC 生态系统内展示了更广泛的应用和灵活性,但在智能合约功能和互操作性方面存在一些限制。然而,BRC-20 代币的持续发展和不断增长的兴趣表明它们有潜力对数字资产领域产生重大影响,使比特币不仅仅成为一种加密货币,还成为各种代币化资产和应用的平台。


BRC-420 协议是元宇宙中数字资产管理的创新方法,为创作者提供了一个全面的系统,通过递归、许可和版税来管理、共享和变现他们的创作。

该协议旨在颠覆虚拟空间中数字资产创建和分发的概念。使用 BRC-420 的创作者可以开发复杂的资产格式,如游戏物品、动画、效果或游戏模块,并开放这些格式供社区驱动的增强和利用。最重要的是,BRC-420 实施了一个独特的系统,将使用权与许可费用联系起来,为数字资产创造了新的收入流。


基于铭文,BRC-420 通过约束关系将使用权和许可费用结合在一起。拥有铭文的个人可以分配他们的使用权并为其设置价格。使用权可以理解为允许其他用户在普通空间中使用创作者的音乐、模型、脚本、游戏等,或解释为购买某些特权,比如加入创作者的组织或俱乐部。

BRC-420 的关键特征包括在元宇宙中实现复杂的递归数字资产格式,将使用权与创作者利益的版税联系在一起。在技术规范方面,它支持各种递归资产格式(2D、3D),与区块链集成,并促进自动版税转移。此外,BRC-420通过游戏平台和引擎的广泛采用,提升了在各种数字生态系统中的可用性,同时实现了不可变的资产部署和透明的区块链记录交易,以保护创作者和用户的权利。

关于部署,任何人都可以为所拥有的铭文部署 BRC-420。部署者是许可费的接收者。每个铭文只能部署一次 BRC-420,这意味着一旦对特定铭文进行了有效的 BRC-420 部署,进一步的部署将无效。

在与 Ordinals 关联的游戏和模块化区块链中,BRC-420 为创作者提供了创新的可能性。不同的创作者可以贡献各种模块,使新的创作者能够建立在前人的创新基础上,从而在 Ordinals 生态系统内创新激增,使所有涉及方受益。

BRC-100协议是基于序数理论的去中心化计算协议,专门用于比特币 Layer1 上的去中心化应用,比如 DeFi、SocialFi 和 GameFi。它被定义为一个可扩展的去中心化计算协议,允许随时间集成新的特性和功能。


BRC-100 引入了独特的计算操作,如 mint2 / mint3 和 burn2 / burn3,每个操作都为协议添加了一层复杂性和功能。mint2和mint3操作通过合并特定条件或状态来扩展基本的发行过程,例如,mint2 可用于在某些条件下发行代币,通常涉及应用程序状态的更新,而 mint3 允许在不影响流通供应的情况下铸造代币,对于特定使用场景很有用。类似地,burn2 和 burn3 扩展了标准的燃烧过程。burn2用于在特定条件下销毁代币,通常会导致应用程序状态的更改,而burn3允许将代币转换为应用程序内不同的状态,而不减少流通供应量。例如,在借贷应用中,用户抵押代币后,应用程序可以使用 mint2 指令为用户铸造认证代币。

BRC-100协议的一个显著特点是其全面的参数和操作集合,定义了其功能。关键参数包括 “extends”、“upgradeFrom”、“openAsChild” 和 “stoppable”,每个都在协议架构中服务于特定目的。例如,"extends" 确定从其他协议的继承,而 “stoppable” 表示应用程序是否可以停止。


BRC-100为协议和应用开发提出了模块化方法:继承和嵌套,为 BRC-100 协议和应用的扩展提供了理论基础。该协议从根本上描述了具有计算能力和状态的代币,扩展了BRC-20协议的行为。计算能力和状态转换可以通过 BRC-100 扩展协议进行扩展,所有 BRC-100 扩展协议都是相互兼容的,这意味着实现 BRC-100 及其扩展协议的代币可以跨应用使用。此外,BRC-100 协议及其扩展协议可以通过协议改进来更新和升级。BRC-100 协议及其扩展和改进的集合称为 BRC-100 协议栈。

BRC-100 以其全面的参数、各种操作和高级计算能力而闻名。它可以支持像 BRC-101 这样的协议扩展和独特的计算操作,展示了其在应对去中心化计算的复杂需求方面的适应性和创新性。





下面概述的顺序操作有助于在根元宇宙中部署名为 “charactor:warrior” 的组件,明确定义了在这个背景下战士的角色。在 “tick” 字段中,分层的类别分隔符由 “:” 表示,表示 “warrior” 是更广泛的类别 “character” 的子集。

在 “elements” 的领域内,“warrior” 组件的组成部分以字典形式表达。这个字典中的键与元素名称有关,包括种族、亚种、性别、发色、发型、肤色、服装、配饰、武器和外骨骼,总共有十个不同的元素。每个键的相应值是一个包含特定元素的候选值的数组。在通过 “mint” 操作启动创建战士实例时,需要从提供的数组中精心选择每个元素的一个候选值。





BRC-137 为比特币生态系统带来了一种全新的去中心化身份识别系统。它为组织和社区提供了一种在比特币生态系统中区分自己并建立品牌的方式,提供了高度的灵活性和流动性,是比特币生态去中心化社交、社区治理以及 SocialVerse 的基石。

对于传统的去中心化身份标识符(DID),其格式通常遵循 .,其中 表示其所属的域。在同一域内,通常不允许重复使用名称。为了增强域名的灵活性和流动性,BRC-137 提出了一种新的 DID 组合形式。

BRC-137 协议允许任何人以完全无需许可和去中心化的方式铸造唯一的 是一种与 BRC-20 协议兼容的半同质化铭文,总供应量为 2100 万。拥有 的持有者可以在其上自定义一个字符串作为名称(全链唯一且先到先得),一旦铭文铭刻上字符串,它就变得不可替代。对于与 BRC-137 协议集成的基础设施或 dApps,铭刻的 可以直接解析到铭文持有者的地址。

同时, 铭文可以与多个 建立绑定关系。在建立绑定关系后,. 也可以解析到所有者的地址。 同样以去中心化的方式分发,任何组织或社区都可以通过 创建自己的品牌并建立身份识别系统。

BRC-137 包括三种资产:BRC137-DID、BRC137-TLD 和 BRC137-DELEGATOR。其中,BRC137-TLD 和 BRC137-DELEGATOR 是基于 BRC-420 协议的非同质化代币,而 BRC137-DID 是基于 BRC-20 协议的半同质化代币。


`BRC-137` 主要包括以下三种类型的资产:

  • `BRC137-DID` 是与 `BRC-20` 标准兼容的半同质化代币。任何人都可以以完全去中心化的方式铸造 `BRC137-DID`,在经过命名之后, `BRC137-DID` 将会变成非同质化代币,可以直接解析到所有者的地址。此外,`BRC137-DID` 还可以绑定到任意数量的 `BRC137-TLD` 以获取附加名称。 `BRC137-DID` 的引入,实现了比特币生态上的去中心化身份识别,同时保障了资产性质上的高流动性。

  • `BRC137-TLD` 是 `BRC-137` 协议中的非同质化代币,命名规则类似于 `BRC137-DID`,一旦命名,就无法更改。持有者可以设置绑定费用,`BRC137-DID` 的持有者可以向 `BRC137-TLD` 的持有者支付绑定费用,来为持有的 绑定 后缀,从而实现社区身份的获取。`BRC137-TLD` 的推出进一步丰富了比特币链上去中心化身份领域的生态系统,为链上社区治理提供了更为全面的解决方案。

  • `BRC137-DELEGATOR` 是 `BRC-137` 协议中的特殊资产,数量有限。持有者可以成为代理节点。代理节点可以批量记录用户交易以降低交易成本,并通过向用户收取低于交易费用的费用而获利。引入 `BRC137-DELEGATOR` 角色,在降低`BRC-137` 持有者交易成本的同时,也为 `BRC137-DELEGATOR` 的持有者提供了盈利机会,促进了 `BRC-137` 生态系统的发展。


从铭文的生成和传输到独特的计算能力,再到通过 `BRC-420` 创建开放虚拟世界,以及 `BRC-137` 协议的去中心化身份识别系统,每个协议都呈现出其独特的技术特征和应用领域。

这一系列的铭文协议,包括 `BRC-420` 和 `BRC-137`,不仅仅是数字资产的代名词,它代表着比特币链上基础协议的新一代,为区块链技术的发展铺平了道路。这不仅是比特币作为数字货币的演进,也是比特币作为一个平台的崛起,为各种数字资产和应用提供了坚实的基础。

The author's series of innovative protocols in the infrastructure of the inscription protocol on the bitcoin chain, such as and, have given birth to a new era of digital assets. These protocols are promoting significant changes in the bitcoin ecosystem, ranging from homogeneous token standards to metauniverse digital asset management protocols to distributed computing protocols and open metauniverse construction protocols, and finally to decentralized identity protocols. The emergence of these protocols not only provides more possibilities for digital assets on the bitcoin network, but also provides decentralized application communities. Next, we will introduce in detail that these protocols are a token standard, and their key information is engraved in the isolated witness script data of bitcoin transactions. The protocol was created by blockchain analysts in early June to allow tokens to carry data to realize additional functions such as token deployment, casting and transfer on bitcoin networks. The protocol supports the creation and transfer of interchangeable tokens, such as maintaining ledger books with bitcoin indexers. Indexers that are completely independent of Bitcoin must accurately record each balance change to ensure the integrity of the ledger. Although the ledger of indexers will accumulate with the passage of time and the increase of node burden, due to the cooperative efforts of multiple technical teams involved, the infrastructure is stable and reliable. Tokens introduce an innovative dimension into the Bitcoin blockchain, providing new possibilities for tokenization and decentralized applications in the ecosystem, although they are more displayed in the ecosystem. Wide application and flexibility, but there are some limitations in the function and interoperability of smart contracts. However, the continuous development and growing interest of tokens show that they have the potential to have a significant impact on the field of digital assets, making Bitcoin not only a cryptocurrency, but also a platform for various token assets and applications. The protocol is an innovative method of digital asset management in the meta-universe, providing creators with a comprehensive system to manage, share and realize their innovations through recursive licenses and royalties. Creators who use this agreement to subvert the concept of creating and distributing digital assets in virtual space can develop complex asset formats, such as game objects, animation effects or game modules, and open these formats for community-driven enhancement and utilization. The most important thing is to implement a unique system to link the right to use and license fees, creating a new revenue stream for digital assets. Bitcoin combines the right to use and license fees through binding relationships based on inscriptions. Individuals with inscriptions can Allocating their right to use and setting a price for it can be understood as allowing other users to use the creator's music model, script games, etc. in ordinary space or as buying some privileges, such as joining the creator's organization or club. The key features include realizing complex recursive digital asset formats in the meta-universe, linking the right to use with the royalties of the creator's interests. In terms of technical specifications, it supports the integration of various recursive asset formats with blockchain and promotes automatic royalty transfer. Through the wide adoption of game platforms and engines, the usability in various digital ecosystems has been improved, and at the same time, the immutable asset deployment and transparent blockchain record transactions have been realized to protect the rights of creators and users. Regarding the deployment of inscriptions, anyone can assume that the deployer is the receiver of license fees, and each inscription can only be deployed once, which means that once a specific inscription is effectively deployed, further deployment will be invalid in the game and modular blockchain associated with it. It provides creators with the possibility of innovation. Different creators can contribute various modules so that new creators can build on the previous innovations, so that the surge of innovation in the ecosystem benefits all involved parties. The decentralized computing protocol based on ordinal number theory is specially used for decentralized applications on Bitcoin, such as and it is defined as an extensible decentralized computing protocol, which allows the integration of new features and functions over time and introduces unique computing operations such as and each operation. Both add a layer of complexity and function and operation to the protocol, and expand the basic issuing process by merging specific conditions or states. For example, it can be used to issue tokens under certain conditions, which usually involves the update of the application state and allows casting tokens without affecting the circulation supply. Similarly, it is useful for specific use scenarios, and the standard burning process is extended. Destroying tokens under certain conditions usually leads to the change of the application state and allows the tokens to be converted into applications. Different states without reducing the circulation supply. For example, in the loan application, after the user mortgages the token, the application can use instructions to cast the authentication token agreement for the user. A remarkable feature of the agreement is that its comprehensive parameters and operation sets define its functional key parameters, including and each serving a specific purpose in the agreement architecture, such as determining whether the application can stop bitcoin. A modular method of inheritance and nesting is proposed for the agreement and application development. The extension of application provides a theoretical basis. This protocol fundamentally describes the token with computing power and state, and extends the behavior of the protocol. Computing power and state transition can be extended by extension protocols. All extension protocols are compatible with each other, which means that tokens that implement and extend the protocol can be used across applications. In addition, the protocol and its extension protocols can be updated and upgraded through protocol improvement. The set of extensions and improvements is called protocol stack, with its comprehensive parameters, various operations and. It is famous for its advanced computing ability. It can support protocol extensions and unique computing operations like this, demonstrating its adaptability and innovation in dealing with the complex needs of decentralized computing. The protocol is an open metauniverse construction protocol based on bitcoin ordinal number theory. It outlines the core elements of the metauniverse on the bitcoin network, such as role maps and world views, and builds a virtual open world similar to Marvel and Star Wars. Once the metauniverse components are deployed, any wallet can be cast. Its example bitcoin, the sequential operation outlined below, helps to clearly define the component named in the middle of the root universe. Under this background, the category separator of the warrior's role in the field is expressed in the form of a dictionary by the components in the field that represent a subset of a broader category. The keys in this dictionary are related to the names of elements, including racial subspecies, gender, hair color, skin color, clothing accessories, weapons and exoskeletons. There are ten different elements in total. The corresponding value of each key is an array containing the candidate values of a specific element. When creating a warrior instance through operation, it needs to be refined from the provided array. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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