观点:BTC Layer2 的终局可能是 interoperability 层

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 10:05:57 评论:0



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作者:MiX 来源:X,@MixRestaking

BTC Layer2 的终局可能是 Bitcoin 的 interoperability 层!我就双手赞同 @tmel0211 老板的观点

比特币资产是本轮牛市的第一引擎,其前景我认为会围绕以下架构而展开: Bitcoin 发行 + 跨链 interoperability + 执行链的智能合约 DeFi。


1、只要能承接并且应用 Bitcoin 资产的高速智能合约执行链,都是 BTC Layer2。 PS:拉长时间周期,所有 BTC 之后的区块链,其时都是对 Bitcoin 的扩容,都是 BTC 的 Layer2.

2、BTC 原生 Layer2 属于螺蛳壳里做道场,怕是短期难以突破,叙事的发展时机很重要,错过了就回不来了。所以不管是从 Builder 的角度还是投资的角度,我很期待 BTC 原生 Layer2,但持悲观态度。

如果比特币资产的火爆是第一引擎,承担了本轮牛市的拉新重任。 那么「模块化区块链」就是本轮牛市的第二引擎,而且是更有力量更长效更有留存的那个关键引擎。

模块化区块链趋势,其实改变了整个区块链互联网的架构,未来会是 Bitcoin 和 以太坊 两个无可争议的结算层链,链接数以千计的执行层链,这样的一个树状结构,正在让各大区块链放弃生态门户之见,走向融合。


如何融合? 目光只好又一次看向「跨链 interoperability」。

- 比特币发行的资产,铭文也好符文也罢,谁能笑到最后,生死局在意得看谁能率先走出 Bitcoin

- 模块化区块链之下,除了 Bitcoin 和 以太坊 稳坐钓鱼台之外,谁能率先融入上述的这个区块链互联网的树状结构,就能吃到这轮牛市的最高红利。

昨天,我一直期待的 @louisliubj 刘毅老师主导构建的全链跨链协 #Omnity 发布 Lightpaper,我认为是真正带来了适合模块化趋势的跨链方案。


1、针对模块化带来的「树状区块链互联网」架构而设计。 比如实现了「通证的可替代性」,在任何执行层链上,通过不同路径跨链而来的同一通证都是可替代可互换的。毫不夸张的说,这是跨链技术的里程碑式的突破,这是过往所有跨链协议根本无人敢触碰的领域,跨链黄金标准 IBC 也只是有所研讨而已。

2、彻底的 100% 的去中心化 Omnity 协议由链上智能合约实现,Lightpaper 中描述为:业内首个不依赖任何链下进程、relayer 或者 indexer,是彻底的 100% 的去中心化的跨链网络。

3、这个全链协议的核心hub是构建在 #ICP 之上,这个安全级别就非常足够。 比起那些自建 PoS 链做Hub然后自建安全性的方案,安全性直接拉满。 PS:ICP 值得关注,其独有的架构和特性以及天然对 Bitcoin 全节点的支持,完美契合这轮牛市。


回到开头比特币资产的事,Omnity 协议优先支持 #Runes 资产,同样也选择在减半的时候也就是4月左右推出 Omnity 协议。

Lightpaper 没有看到跨链的目标链选择了哪个生态,持续关注,这里必然会有密码。可

以遇见的是,Runes 资产,跨链到执行层链,做更多的DeFi 业务,这有机会直接启动牛市。

I agree with my boss that bitcoin assets are the first engine of this bull market, and its prospects. I think that smart contracts with cross-chain execution chains will be launched around the following architecture, so my view is even more extreme. As long as we can undertake and apply the high-speed smart contract execution chains of assets, the time period will be prolonged, and all the subsequent blockchains will be right at that time. The expansion is native to the snail shell, even if it is difficult to break through the narrative in the short term, the development opportunity is very heavy. If you miss it, you can't come back, so I'm looking forward to it from the perspective of investment, but I'm pessimistic. If the popularity of bitcoin assets is the first engine to take on the heavy responsibility of this bull market, then the modular blockchain is the second engine of this bull market, and it is the key engine that is more powerful, longer-lasting and more persistent. The trend of modular blockchain has actually changed the architecture of the whole blockchain Internet, and in the future, it will be linked with the two undisputed settlement layers of Ethereum. A tree-like structure like thousands of executive layer chains is making major blockchains abandon the view of ecological portal and move towards integration. Only by further integration can there be further combinability and exponential innovation. How can generate integrate its eyes has to look at the asset inscriptions or runes issued by cross-chain bitcoin again? Whoever can laugh at the end depends on who can take the lead in getting out of the modular blockchain and who can take the lead in integrating into the above-mentioned blockchain except for sitting on the Diaoyutai with Ethereum. The networked tree structure can get the highest dividend of this bull market. Yesterday, I was expecting the release of the full-chain cross-chain cooperation led by teacher Liu Yi. I think it really brought a cross-chain solution suitable for the modularization trend. There are several points that people are particularly optimistic about. For example, the tree-like blockchain Internet architecture brought by modularity has been designed to realize the substitutability of the pass. The same pass that crosses the chain through different paths on any execution layer chain is replaceable and interchangeable. It is no exaggeration to say that this is cross-chain. A milestone breakthrough in technology, which is an area that no one dared to touch in the past. The cross-chain gold standard has only been discussed. The thorough decentralization protocol is described as the first cross-chain network in the industry that does not rely on any offline process or is completely decentralized. The core of this full-chain protocol is built on it. This security level is very sufficient compared with those schemes that build their own chains and then build their own security. Note: its unique architecture and characteristics and natural support for all nodes perfectly fit this bull market, and then the cost is extremely low and the delay is extremely low. As a new protocol, it is a good cross-chain experience. I think it is the basic operation, so I won't say much about going back to the beginning. The protocol gives priority to supporting assets, and it also chooses to launch the protocol at the time of halving, that is, around the month. I haven't seen the target chain of cross-chain, and I continue to pay attention to which ecology I have chosen. What I will meet here is that assets cross-chain to the executive chain to do more business, which 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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