探寻 Web3 Music 未来:NFT、AI、去中心化共谱音律

币圈资讯 阅读:50 2024-04-22 10:04:57 评论:0



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根据 IFPI 的 2023 全球音乐产业报告,2023 年全球音乐市场规模已达到 262 亿美元,较 2022 年增长了 9%,世界上每个地区音乐产业的收入均有增加,录制音乐市场同比增长 9%,付费订阅用户群体达到了惊人的 5.89 亿人。当前,音乐产业正经历着快速变化。一方面,独立音乐的兴起打破了传统唱片公司的市场垄断;另一方面,全球化和互联网的普及使得音乐跨越地域界限,触及全球听众。

Source: IFPI 2023 全球音乐产业报告














  • 从音乐平台的角度来看,版权管理是一个巨大的挑战。需要确保所有流播的音乐都合法,同时还要处理复杂的收益分配给相关的版权持有者。

  • 尤其对于拥有大量独立音乐人作品的平台来说,这一过程尤为繁琐且容易出错。


  • 大型音乐平台往往倾向于推广已经成名的艺术家和热门歌曲,这使得新兴艺术家和独立音乐人难以获得相应的曝光。

  • 这种市场垄断限制了音乐多样性,并对创新和新兴艺术家的成长构成障碍。


  • 传统的音乐平台通常提供有限的用户参与方式,主要集中在音乐播放和基本的互动功能,缺乏深度的用户参与和社区构建。

Web3 技术,尤其是区块链和去中心化的理念,为解决音乐行业的现存问题提供了新的视角和工具。Web3 音乐的本质即是重塑了音乐产业链,使用区块链技术将上游的艺术家的作品制作成 NFT 直接交予下游的听众手中,解决版权问题并且改进了收益分配,我们一起来看看 Web3 音乐的优势。


  • 区块链在版权管理中的应用:


  • 智能合约在收益分配中的作用:



  • 去中心化音乐平台:



  • 基于社区的推广模式:

    在 Web3 平台上,艺术家可以利用社区的力量来推广他们的音乐。通过代币化的激励机制,粉丝可以直接参与到音乐的推广和分销中,形成一种去中心化的营销模式。


  • NFT 和数字资产:

    通过将音乐作品或体验转化为 NFT,艺术家可以为其作品赋予独特性和稀缺性。这不仅可以作为一种新的收入来源,还可以帮助重塑数字音乐的价值观念

本章节对目前市面上有的 Web3 音乐项目进行整理。

Gala Music 是一个使用区块链技术构建的去中心化音乐平台,使得音乐艺术家能够增强对音乐的控制以及增加产业链的透明度,粉丝能够与音乐艺术家更为紧密的接触与联系。 

Gala Music 是 Gala 生态系统中的重要组成部分,与 Gala Games、Gala Movies 一起构成了 Gala 生态系统的基石,目前已发行 $Music 代币,市值仅为 1,300 万美金。

Audius 是目前用户量最大、市值最高的 Web3 音乐平台。其打造音乐的开放分享生态,所有音乐都可免费收听,并且开放 API 供第三方产品调用音乐,音乐资源丰富且和用户门槛低。

该项目于 2020 年 10 月发布主网及代币 $AUDIO,$AUDIO 在上轮牛市巅峰达到了 50 亿美金市值,现市值 2 亿美金左右。

Pianity 是一个构建在 Arweave 上的音乐 NFT 平台,旨在聚集音乐艺术家及其社区在一起创作、销售、购买和收集限量版歌曲。

Pianity 不仅将音乐视为精美的艺术,还提供艺术家发行音乐 NFT 的服务,让艺术家获得了新的独立收入来源。Pianity 为艺术家与收藏者提供了音乐 NFT 销售服务与拍卖功能。目前生态代币被确定为 $PIA ,尚未发行。

Sound.XYZ 是一个以太坊链上的 NFT 音乐探索和流媒体平台,它提供了一个方便的钱包功能与 NFT 交易途径。

目前项目 A 轮获得了 2,000 万美元的融资,有 Snoop Dogg、DanielAllan、San Holo、Alexander23 和 Vic Mensa 等艺术家入驻。目前无代币发行。

Royal 是 Polygon 链上的一个开创性的音乐市场,旨在让粉丝与艺术家共后投资音乐并赚取版税,实现共享所有权和共同成长,获得了 Coinbase、a16z 等的机构的种子轮1,600万美元,A轮5,500万美元融资,有 3LAU、JD Ross、TheChainsmokers、Nas、Kygo 和 Loqic 等艺术家入驻。目前无代币发行。

Web3 技术在音乐产业中的应用不仅解决现有问题,还为行业带来了全新的发展方向。以下是几个关键领域的探讨,每个领域都配以具体的例子以加深理解:

结合 AI 音乐创作技术和 Web3 的去中心化、透明特性,能够创造新的音乐体验和商业模式。利用 AI 生成的音乐作品可以在 Web3 平台上进行版权管理和交易。这种结合为音乐的个性化和智能化提供了新的可能。

AI 音乐技术可以与流行的 MEME 文化结合,创造出具有高度吸引力和传播性的音乐作品。这种结合可以在年轻人中迅速获得流行,形成新的音乐趋势。AI 可以分析流行的网络趋势和用户偏好,生成符合当前文化背景的音乐作品。

使用去中心化的存储解决方案可以保障音乐数据的安全和永久性。结合去中心化的算力平台,可以高效地进行 AI 音乐模型的推理和处理。这种技术结合有助于降低音乐产业的运营成本,同时提高数据处理的效率和安全性。

Web3 平台能够为音乐创造者提供更直接的收益渠道和更大的市场控制力。通过去中心化的市场,艺术家可以直接向听众出售作品,无需经过传统的音乐产业中介。这将激励更多的独立创作,推动音乐产业的多样化。

NFT 为音乐创作提供了一种独特的所有权和交易方式。艺术家可以通过发行音乐作品的 NFT,来创建限量版作品或独家体验,从而为听众提供独特的收藏价值。未来,NFT 可能成为音乐创作和分发的重要方式,尤其是对于独立艺术家和实验性音乐项目。

在 Web3 环境下,粉丝可以通过购买艺术家的代币或 NFT 来支持他们喜爱的音乐家。这种模式不仅加强了粉丝与艺术家之间的联系,还为粉丝提供了参与音乐创作和推广的机会,形成了一个互动的音乐生态系统。


Web3 技术的引入不仅为现有问题提供了创新的解决方案,还预示着音乐产业未来发展的新方向。

  • 融合创新与传统

    Students, authors, instructors and teachers in a troubled world, music is the place where the soul belongs. It is the outlet of emotions and the soothing agent of the soul. In the melody of music, we find resonance and touch the depths of those emotions that cannot be expressed in words. Music is like a brush of time to add color to the canvas of life, so that ordinary days can bloom with extraordinary light. Music is the carrier of emotions. It can arouse our deep emotional resonance, whether it is a joyful carol or a sad elegy. A simple melody has the power to call. Memories hidden in the bottom of my heart evoke old smiles or tears. It is the key to our emotional world and opens doors to the depths of our hearts. Music is the link between society and culture. Music is a bridge that transcends language and cultural barriers. It conveys stories of different cultures and history in its unique way, promotes the understanding and connection between people, and each note carries the cultural background. Every rhythm reflects the heartbeat of society. In the resonance of music, we not only find similarities with each other. We also learned to appreciate those wonderful differences. Music is the comfort of the soul. In the journey of life, music is our constant companion. It gives us comfort in difficult times and companionship in happy moments. When we feel lonely or confused, music is the light that illuminates the darkness, gives us strength and hope. It is a haven for the soul, and allows us to find a moment of peace in the rough life. Music is a source of creative inspiration and creative thinking. It inspires our imagination and challenges us. Music is not only a canvas for artists, but also a catalyst for the inner creativity of scientists, writers, entrepreneurs and even everyone. Inspired by music, we can break through the boundaries of thinking and explore infinite possibilities. In this diverse and complex world, music provides us with a unique perspective and makes us feel the beauty and richness of life. It is indispensable because music not only touches our ears, but also touches our souls. The music industry chain is a huge and complex life. From the flash of inspiration to the birth of a song, from the elaborate production of the recording studio to the global distribution, every step is the key to the music journey. Basically, it is an ecosystem with creation, production, distribution and consumption as the core. In this system, every link is interconnected and interdependent. Everything starts with the creation of music, including lyrics, composition, arrangement and recording. The artist and creator are the core, and then the production stage, including recording and mixing master recording. It is very important to determine the final sound quality and style of music works at this stage. The distribution and distribution link is the process of bringing music works to the market. Traditionally, this mainly refers to the release of physical records such as vinyl through record companies. However, with the development of digital technology, this link has turned to digital streaming media services and the evolution of online music store business models. In the past, the business model of the music industry mainly relied on record sales and live performance artists through records. At the same time, the company earns income from live performances. However, with the development of digitalization, streaming media service has become the dominant mode, which has changed the way of income generation. Nowadays, artists' income comes more from the royalties of streaming media services. Live performances and brand cooperation copyright management occupy a vital position in the music industry. It is not only related to artists' income, but also the basis for the fair operation of the whole music ecosystem. Although the digital era has brought a broader distribution channel, At the same time, it also brings challenges to copyright protection and management. According to the global music industry report, the scale of the global music market has reached $ billion in, which has increased year by year. The income of the music industry in every region of the world has increased year by year, and the number of paid subscribers has reached an astonishing 100 million. At present, the music industry is undergoing rapid changes. On the one hand, the rise of independent music has broken the market monopoly of traditional record companies. On the other hand, globalization and the popularity of the Internet have made. Music touches the global audience across geographical boundaries. Global Music Industry Report Although the music industry is expanding and developing on a global scale, it still faces a series of profound challenges and pain points. These problems not only affect the income and creation of artists, but also affect the healthy development of the whole industry. Copyright issues and income distribution have always been one of the core pain points in the music industry. With the popularization of digital music, copyright management has become more complicated, such as the famous artist Taylor Swift and her. The copyright dispute between former record companies highlights the challenge of how artists can protect the copyright of their works in the music industry. In addition, the opaque income distribution mechanism makes many artists feel that they have not received reasonable remuneration, especially on the streaming media platform. Market monopoly is another important issue. The dominant position of large music labels and streaming media platforms limits the development space of independent artists. This monopoly not only affects the income and exposure opportunities of artists, but also affects them. Due to the diversity of music, for example, it is often difficult for independent artists to get enough exposure on the mainstream platform, which limits their professional development and creative freedom. In the digital age, artists are facing increasing pressure of marketing and self-promotion. Artists who sign contracts with big companies may get more market exposure opportunities, but independent artists need to explore how to stand out in the complicated digital world. This is not only a resource problem, but also a problem. Challenges brought by digitalization of skills and knowledge Although digitalization has brought wider reach and convenience to music, it has also brought new challenges. Digital piracy and copyright infringement are still a serious problem. At the same time, the popularity of digital music also means that consumers' perception of the value of music has changed, which has affected the pricing and sales strategy of music. As the most important link in the whole music industry chain, the music platform is also facing enormous challenges, and the complexity of copyright management and income distribution. From the perspective of music platform, copyright management is a huge challenge. It is necessary to ensure that all the music that is streamed is legal, and at the same time, it is necessary to deal with complicated income distribution to relevant copyright holders. Especially for platforms with a large number of independent musicians' works, this process is particularly cumbersome and error-prone. Market monopoly and artists' exposure tend to promote established artists and popular songs, which makes it difficult for emerging artists and independent musicians to obtain corresponding exposure. This market monopoly limits the diversity of music and hinders the user experience and participation in innovation and the growth of emerging artists. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

    Web3 技术的核心特性,如去中心化、透明性、数据安全和智能合约,为解决版权管理复杂性、收益分配不公等行业长期问题开辟了新路径。


  • 构建更加公平的生态系统

    在 Web3 音乐生态系统中,艺术家、创作者和消费者将享有更大的权力和控制。这种新的生态系统有助于破除传统行业中的垄断结构,创造一个更加多元和公平的艺术创作及分享环境。


  • 开启全新的商业模式

    随着 NFT、AI 音乐和去中心化平台的兴起,音乐产业的商业模式将迎来革命性变化。这些新模式将不仅增加艺术家的收入来源,还将为消费者提供前所未有的音乐体验和参与机会。

    从 NFT 的收藏价值到 AI 音乐的创新潜力,Web3 为音乐产业注入了新的活力。

  • 展望未来


    尽管 Web3 音乐还在发展初期,但其创新型的模式与对传统音乐行业痛点的解决是所有想在音乐行业站稳脚跟、持续发展的音乐公司的不可或缺的道路,当一切条件基础完善,Web3 音乐赛道的井喷式发展是可以预见的。


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