
币圈资讯 阅读:40 2024-04-22 10:03:26 评论:0



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1. BRC-20


BTC采用的是UTXO 模型,交易是以 UTXO 为单位进行转账的。UTXO 是 Unspent Transaction Output 的缩写,意思是未花费的交易输出。UTXO 模型不同于以太坊等公链的账户模型,它记录交易事件,而不记录最终状态。计算某个用户有多少比特币,就需要对其地址的所有 UTXO 求和,得到结果就是该用户的持币数量。






link: https://twitter.com/blockpunk2077/status/1725513817982136617

2. ARC-20

ARC-20依然是比特币公链上的铭文协议,和BRC-20协议一样,都是在UTXO里面写入标准的数据来实现,但不同的是ARC-20协议不用在数据中指定ARC-20代币的数量,而是使用该UTXO中的sats(聪,比特币最小单位)来表示ARC-20代币的数量,规则是1 sat=1 ARC-20 token。


link: https://twitter.com/blockpunk2077/status/1725513817982136617




3. Ethscription







4. EVM区块链的铭文

对于BSC Chain、以太坊、polygon等EVM区块链,有一套共有的铭文刻录方法,就是利用calldata数据块存储固定的格式数据,与上述保存图像数据不同,该方式是向calldata中写入标准格式的文本数据。

在BSC Chain上刻录铭文,其铭刻格式与BRC20铭刻格式类似,例如铭刻格式为:data:,{"p":"_","op":"_","tick":"_","amt":"_"},则其中p字段所代表的是协议名称,如bsc-20、bnbs-20、ltc-20、bep-20、drc-20、nrc-20、src-20等等;op字段所代表的是操作,一般为”mint”;tick字段所代表的是代币名称;amt字段所代表的是代币数量。



以太坊、polygon等链上也基本相同,但需要注意一点,上述BSC Chain的内容并不是evm链上创建铭文的唯一情况,不同evm链或不同协议之间填入的文本数据字段可能存在区别,转移代币的方式也可能存在区别。但对于这类方式来说,都是利用了EVM链中的calldata属性来实现的,也就显得大同小异。



On February, the coin security wallet officially launched a variety of inscription agreements, such as market support for inscriptions, which were also announced a few days ago, causing the whole market to pay attention to inscriptions. In this context, due to the complexity and novelty of inscription agreements, various security problems frequently occur, which not only threaten the safety of users' assets, but also have a negative impact on the healthy development of the entire inscription ecology. For this security team, we sorted out the mainstream inscription agreements to help users understand the uses, implementation methods and protection of inscription agreements. The so-called inscription on the blockchain is to record some specific and meaningful information on the blockchain through some characteristics of the blockchain. Once this information is recorded on the blockchain, it will be permanently stored in the blockchain and difficult to tamper with. The information recorded in the blockchain can be of many types, such as simple text information, complex code images, etc., which can be written into the blockchain, so that we can use a set of standards to realize the functions of digital assets. From the appearance of the inscription on the elementary bitcoin public chain to the present, almost every day, there are endless inscriptions, new agreements and new projects. The development of inscriptions can be said to be rapid. All common public chains have also joined the inscription ecological circle, such as the agreements on the public chain, the agreements on the public chain, and the agreements on the public chain. These agreements are all for publishing inscriptions on their public chains. We will introduce the implementation methods of various protocols and explain the use case inscriptions in detail. Let's introduce the agreements with high market attention at present, and compare the similarities and differences between the inscription agreements of various public chains. First of all, we must make it clear that the model transaction is used to transfer money for the unit. The abbreviation means that the unused transaction output model is different from the account model of public chains such as Ethereum. It records the transaction events without recording the final state. To calculate how many bitcoins a user has, it is necessary to sum all the addresses and get the result, which is the use. The number of coins held by households is a system protocol for numbering the smallest unit of bitcoin, which can assign a unique number to each cong that contains several cong, and also support the function of writing words, pictures, audio and video into cong, thus making each cong unique, which is similar to the familiar Ethereum heterogeneous token, and we call it bitcoin, and the founder came up with another set of ideas based on the protocol. Since the protocol can give each cong a different genus, Sex to create bitcoin, then you can also create bitcoin by giving a unified format and attributes, that is, homogenizing tokens. Write the text data in a unified format into the agreement, which is the bookkeeping book of tokens. According to the text data, you can analyze the holding and transfer of tokens, which mainly includes the following three standards, in which the fields indicate the operations that need to be performed, including deployment casting and transfer, and the names of tokens that need to be performed. Indicating the total amount of tokens issued indicates the maximum number of coins per token, indicating the number of tokens to be operated. There are still fields in the standard, but it is not necessary to realize the balance change by sending the inscription to the target address, as shown in the figure below. The protocol is the same as the protocol in which standard data is written, but the difference is that the protocol does not specify the number of tokens in the data, but uses the minimum unit of smart bitcoin in it to indicate the number of tokens. Then the agreement, like the agreement, is divided into three steps: deployment, casting and transfer. In the deployment stage, you need to fill in the standard token name, total amount of tokens, casting restricted block information, image information, etc. In the casting stage, you need to fill in the name of tokens, and the number is the casting quantity of tokens. When users cast tokens, they can send them to other addresses. When sending tokens, users do not need to fill in any data, but will directly hold the tokens. When transferring to other addresses to inquire about tokens, you only need an index server under the index line to read the registration information of tokens, as well as casting and transfer transactions. You don't need a server to calculate the number of tokens owned by the inquiry address, and you can get an understanding by directly reading the number of tokens held. After that, you should know why some inscription assets are mistakenly transferred to other addresses or burned. Because the agreement with this kind of inscription is based on transactions, the inscription transaction is practical. In fact, the user who is attached to the transaction may carry out ordinary transfer operation without fully understanding the inscription, and then merge and split it with others and send it to an unexpected address, thus causing the inscription assets to be wrongly transferred or burned, causing irreversible losses. It is an agreement to create and share data in Ethereum. Some inscriptions use this agreement to replace smart contracts to realize token issuance. Using inscriptions can reduce the cost of users to a very low level. A new data block is provided. Generally, the data block will be left blank for ordinary transfer. If the smart contract is called, the data block will be designated as the signature of the calling function and various parameters. The data protocol uses this data block to add some standard data when sending ordinary transfer, thus giving relevant meanings. How to specify these standard data? First of all, if you want to create an image whose content is image data, you need to limit the image size to be converted into coded data. The format is as follows: next, convert this into a decimal string, send a general transfer transaction to the target address through Ethereum, and fill in the above-mentioned decimal string as shown below, so that the address will have this one and the same one created later will be deemed invalid. If you want to transfer this one, you need the owner to send a general transfer to the receiving address and fill in the transaction hash that created this one, then the receiving address will have the inscription of the block chain in the following diagram, and there is a set for the block chain such as Ethereum. The common inscription burning method is to use data blocks to store data in a fixed format, which is different from the above-mentioned image data. This method is to write text data in a standard format to burn an inscription on the tablet, and the inscription format is similar to that of the tablet. For example, if the inscription format is, the field represents the protocol name, and so on, and the field represents the operation. Generally, the field represents the token name, and the number of tokens. Here, taking tokens as an example, we can see that the token casting operation is completed as long as an ordinary transfer is sent to the target address and filled in the tablet, as shown below. At this time 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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