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DePin作为去中心化的物理基础设施,通过代币经济的模式,更容易获得资金和增长,但大多数 DePin 项目并不怎么“去中心化”。投资者可能最后发现他们投资的更像互联网公司。

DePin 的含义、概念和类别

DePin:Decentralized Physical Infrastructure。翻译过来就去中心化的物理基础设施。这个词最近一段时间经常被人提起,有人说是下一轮加密货币周期的一个主要叙事之一。这当然是一个大好的事情,因为这意味着 W区块链正在走入现实世界的物理网络,也意味着 Web3 的发展到了一个新的阶段。

DePin 的概念

DePin 背后的核心理念是颠覆传统的基础设施模型。传统上,网络、电信或能源领域的公司会投入大量时间和资金到基础设施中。然而,Web3 公司的目标是将这些构建和维护工作外包给由代币激励的去中心化志愿者大军,并在网络覆盖足够广泛后进行货币化。

DePin 的类别

从目前 DePin 项目以及未来可能的方向来分析,DePin 大致可分为这四个方面: 

  • 存储网络,用于文件存储、关系数据库、CDN 和 VPN 网络,如 Filecoin,SubSpace,BitTorrent等;

  • 无线网络, 5G,WiFi 网络等;如Helium,XNET

  • 物联网,实时数据收集的传感器网络,地图应用等,如 HiveMapper, DIMO network;

  • 能源网络,聚合分布式能源资源以创建一个弹性和高效的电网,如 GreenPower Network


DePin 是怎样的 Web3 项目

从目前的 DePin 的大多数项目来看,可以说:

DePin 指的是使用代币化来协调和激励启动阶段的基础设施项目。个人以去中心化的方式贡献于基础设施的建设,并以代币形式获得奖励。

请注意,这里强调的是使用代币化来协调和激励。并没有提区块链,也没有提去中心化。这是因为,目前大多数 DePin 项目仅仅是利用区块链和智能合约来分发、管理和交易代币,并不用区块链或智能合约来自动运行和治理项目。但我们不能因此就认为 DePin 不是 Web3 的项目,其实它非常 Web3,它有代币激励,它需要建立社区,它需要用户参与共同建设网络。

通过代币激励,DePin 与传统互联网企业相比,它在项目早期的发展阶段具有很大的优势,因为通过代币和激励模型,它建立一个更公平、更高效的基础设施启动过程。因此,DePin 项目可能:

  • 构建基础设施的速度比传统方式快 10 到 100 倍

  • 更好地符合当地市场需求。

  • 在不同司法管辖区具有成本效益和可扩展性。

  • 具有可信的中立性和集体所有权。

  • 支持更平滑的微支付和与 DeFi 的整合。

但同时,我们也应该看到,目前出现的新的 DePin 项目,为了与现实世界的运作相结合,其区块链和去中心化属性已经弱化。传统区块链所关注的完全开源,完全社区治理,基金会运作等都已经弱化。说直接一点,大多数 DePin 项目的传统互联网属性更强一些,他们让利给社区,通过代币的模式进行融资,和建设网络,但网络的运营并不能完全去中心化,项目方的持续运营和管理显得至关重要。从另一方面讲,DePin 的投资者一开始的感觉可能与其他 Web3 项目无异,但时间一长,可能发现实际上是投资的一类互联网项目。

当然 DePin 赛道中也有一类项目是不同的,他们实现完全开源、去中心化,可以实现社区管理。这类基本上是存储项目,因为在技术上已经具备了可行性。这一点我在 [区块链随想]挖矿的三种形态:掘金(Mining)/开荒(Farming)/质押(Staking) 里面也提到,目前仅仅可以实现可去中心化验证的特定零知识证明计算的 有效PoW,而对于 PoC,仅仅能够实现去中心化存储证明验证的 PoC。而 DePin 要去中心化,其本质上就需要走有效 PoW 或 PoC 之路。

DePin 的挑战和发展趋势

DePin 的代币化相对于传统互联网来讲,其融资的门槛大大降低,几乎是一种无需许可的网络启动,而且,理想情况下,成本由供应端参与者承担,他们通过代币激励获得补偿。随着网络的增长,它吸引更多用户,可能会创建一个需求和供应的良性循环。

但另一方面,正由于融资门槛大大降低,DePin 项目也就鱼龙混杂,大浪淘沙,一番风起云涌之后,大多数都会死在沙滩之上,而且可以想象,其淘汰率会高于传统互联网创业的公司。

在网络启动之后,DePin 项目不仅仅需要面对来自同行的竞争,也要来自传统互联网公司的竞争,包括已经形成寡头的 Google,Facebook,Amazon,Microsoft,OpenAI 等等。这是因为多数不能以来有效 PoW 和 PoC 的项目实际上还是要依靠项目方运营,实际上就是一家融合了 Web3 概念的一家公司,而不是一个社区治理的去中心化项目。另外,一定的去中心化也可能在某些方面带来更高的成本。项目是否成功,还依赖于项目的发展速度、社区共识、以及项目带来的真正价值。

对于 DePin 项目的发展而言,可以考虑关注以下几个方面:

  1. 这个项目能否做到去中心化,如果能,它就与传统的公司存在很大的差异化;就可以做到跨国界,抗审查等等特性,自然会有其应用场景;

  2. 这个项目有没有解决实际问题,尤其是这些问题在中心化公司模式下是否难以解决;

  3. 这个项目能否做到较大程度地开源,如果能,我们对项目方的依赖就会减少一些,尤其是节点部分能否开源,如果节点部分能够开源,那么社区参与包括开发者参与的途径会多很多;

  4. 这个项目的治理模式如何?或者治理的演化路径是什么样的?一个 DePin 项目应该在一定程度上公开治理模式,并能够逐步像完全去中心化演进。

DePin 是 Web3 发展的路径之一

Web2 如何发展到 Web3?这是一个不断探索的过程。区块链的原教旨主义者更看中去中心化,去信任等特性。但道路总是曲折的。Web2 的实现技术和网络构建本身就是在一定程度的中心化基础上达成的。Web2 到 Web3 的过程中一定无法直接从中心化跳跃到完全去中心化, 对于基础设施建设尤其如此。

因此,中心化和去中心化相结合是一个必然的发展道路,这是一个不断创新、妥协、适应、发展的过程。DePin 在这个过程中如果能够把现有物理网络从中心化的模式逐步转移到部分去中心化的模式,就是一个巨大的成功了。

    As a decentralized physical infrastructure, it is easier to obtain funds and growth through the token economy model, but most projects are not decentralized. Investors may finally find that their investment is more like the meaning, concept and category of Internet companies. The word decentralized physical infrastructure has been frequently mentioned recently. Some people say that it is one of the main narratives of the next cryptocurrency cycle, which is of course a great thing because it means that the blockchain is going. The physical network entering the real world also means that it has developed to a new stage. The core idea behind the concept is to subvert the traditional infrastructure model. Traditionally, companies in the field of network telecommunications or energy will invest a lot of time and money in infrastructure. However, the company's goal is to outsource these construction and maintenance work to a decentralized volunteer army inspired by tokens and monetize the category after the network coverage is wide enough. From the current project and possible future direction, analyze the big. It can be divided into these four aspects: storage network is used for file storage, relational database and network, such as wireless network, such as Internet of Things, real-time data collection, sensor network map application, such as energy network, to aggregate distributed energy resources to create an elastic and efficient power grid, such as storage network, which has developed relatively early and the technology is relatively mature. This is because storage network has basically solved the problem of storage proof in cryptography, while other networks have decentralized proof and verification. What kind of project is a long way to go? From the perspective of most current projects, it can be said that it refers to the use of tokenization to coordinate and motivate infrastructure projects in the start-up stage. Individuals contribute to infrastructure construction in a decentralized way and get rewards in the form of tokens. Please note that the use of tokenization to coordinate and motivate does not mention blockchain or centralization, because most projects only use blockchain and smart contracts to distribute management and trading tokens. We don't use blockchain or smart contract to run and manage the project automatically, but we can't think that it is not a project. In fact, it is very much. It needs to build a community with tokens. It needs users to participate in building a network together. Compared with traditional Internet companies, it has great advantages in the early development stage of the project because it establishes a fairer and more efficient infrastructure startup process through tokens and incentive models, so the project may build infrastructure faster than the traditional party. It is cost-effective and scalable in different jurisdictions, with credible neutrality and collective ownership to support smoother micropayment and integration with, but at the same time, we should also see that the blockchain and decentralization of new projects have weakened in order to combine with the operation of the real world, and the operation of completely open source and completely community governance foundations that traditional blockchains pay attention to has weakened. The Internet has a stronger attribute. They give money to the community to finance and build a network through token mode, but the operation of the network can not be completely decentralized. The continuous operation and management of the project side is very important. On the other hand, investors may feel the same as other projects at first, but after a long time, they may find that they are actually investing in an Internet project. Of course, there are also a class of projects on the track that are different. They can realize the complete open source decentralization and realize the foundation of community management. This is a storage project because it is technically feasible. I also mentioned in the three forms of nugget land reclamation pledge of random mining in blockchain that at present, only the specific zero-knowledge proof calculation that can be decentralized can be realized, but for the decentralized storage proof verification, it is essentially necessary to take the effective or road. Compared with the traditional Internet, the threshold of financing is greatly reduced. A kind of network startup without permission, and the cost is ideally borne by the supply-side participants, who get compensation through token incentives. With the growth of the network, it may attract more users and create a virtuous circle of demand and supply, but on the other hand, because the financing threshold is greatly lowered, the projects will be mixed, and most of them will die on the beach after a storm, and it is conceivable that the elimination rate will be higher than that of traditional Internet startups after the network startup. Not only do we have to face the competition from peers, but also from traditional Internet companies, including oligopolies, etc. This is because most projects that can't be effectively reconciled actually still rely on the operation of the project side, which is actually a decentralized project that integrates concepts instead of a community governance. In addition, certain decentralization may also bring higher costs in some aspects. Whether the project is successful depends on the development speed, community consensus and project belt. For the development of the project, we can consider the following aspects: whether this project can be decentralized, if so, it can be very different from the traditional company, and it can be cross-border anti-censorship, and so on. Naturally, it will have its application scenarios. Has this project solved practical problems, especially whether these problems are difficult to solve under the centralized company model? If so, our dependence on the project side will be reduced, especially. It is whether the node part can be open source. If the node part can be open source, there will be many ways for community participation, including developer participation. What is the governance model of this project or the evolution path of governance? A project should open the governance model to a certain extent and gradually evolve like complete decentralization. It is one of the development paths. How to develop this is a process of continuous exploration. Fundamentalists in blockchain pay more attention to decentralization and trust, but the road is always tortuous. The realization technology and network construction itself are achieved on the basis of a certain degree of centralization. In the process, it is impossible to jump directly from centralization to complete decentralization, especially for infrastructure construction. Therefore, the combination of centralization and decentralization is an inevitable development path, which is a process of constant innovation and compromise to adapt to development. In this process, if the existing physical network can be gradually transferred from centralized mode to partial decentralized mode, it will be a great success. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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