Eigenlayer生态玩法:正向意义大于潜在风险 潜力项目值得高度关注

币圈资讯 阅读:32 2024-04-22 09:58:58 评论:0



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具体方式:目前提供了9种LRT,其中LIDO 的stETH和Swell的swETH的TVL较大,如退出需要经历7天等待。此外还提供了原生质押,如前文所述,此项针对的是具有以太坊验证节点的大户而言,不适合普通玩家。

收益:除了再质押收益,还可以获得积分,积分数量可能是后续发空投的依据。积分计算除了看质押的量,也看时间,官网给出的示例为:用户质押 1stETH质押10天,可获得240积分。计算公式为:1 ETH××10天×24 小时/天。

swell network质押:


项目玩法:一种是swETH Liquid Staking,在官网质押ETH,可以获得swETH,再去eigenlayer上进行再质押。一种是rswETH Liquid Restaking,即在Swell质押ETH可以获得rswETH,直接完成再质押。


●Kelp DAO


玩法:由Stader Lab 做的Restaking 项目,主要的模式就是Liquid-LSD Restaking,即可以存入lido的stETH获得rsETH,目前尚不能赎回。


●Puffer finance


项目进展:Binance Labs(1月30日宣布)、Brevan Howard Digital、Jump Crypto 和 Lightspeed Faction以及Eigenlayer创始人的投资,项目方是原chainlink工程师Jason Vranek创业,技术背景雄厚。此外种子轮区块先生、神鱼等OG均有参投。非常值得重点关注。








玩法:目前TVL532.7M,质押ETH获得 eETH,14天可赎。


● eigenpie








主要介绍:eigenlayer推出的第一个官方AVS服务,Restakers可以将权益委托给为EigenDA执行验证任务的节点运营商,以换取服务付款,并且Rollups也能够将数据发布到 EigenDA。

其他生态类似项目:AltLayer、Celo、Mantle、Movement、Caldera、Layer N、Polymer Labs

●Witness Chain:见证链

主要介绍:中间件,见证链利用eigenlayer构建去中心化的监控网络,为OP rollup提供AVS服务可证明的监控。


主要介绍:跨链基础设施,主要用于跨链的状态验证,验证和确认optimistic rollup的提案块状态转换,并生成零知识状态证明。目前是兼容EVM,未来会进一步兼容非EVM链条,如Solana、sui等。




主要进展:目前已获得18M的融资,coinbase、jumpcapital、Polygon、Pantera Capital等投资,目前可以通过其测试网在Galxe平台里面的Omni Overdrive Launch Supporter,赚取积分。


主要进展:23年9月获Founders Fund 和 dao5 联合领投500万美元,迄今已获得3轮融资。公共测试网在2月份上线,可体验。

●Polyhedra Network  ZKP赛道,跨链桥

主要进展:累计融资2500万美金,包括Binance Labs、Polychain Capital、ABCDE Labs、OKX等知名机构。目前可以通过chainlist.org参与早期测试币或者参与

In essence, the project is an ecological doll project of Ethereum. According to this kind of safe sharing logic, it is assumed that the doll can be played indefinitely, which has a highly similar structure to the root of the subprime mortgage crisis. This is also an important reason why God is worried about the risk of re-pledge. In other words, the re-pledge agreement relies on the bottom consensus of Ethereum in a major loss event, and this impact will be transmitted to the layer network, which will lead to the normative conflict of the layer network itself. In the words of the financial world, the problem of consensus overload is that excessive leverage on the consensus itself may lead to the collapse of the consensus itself. There is no denying the doll property, but if it is based on a limited doll, it is not only a way to improve the operating efficiency of the assets on the Ethereum, but also a moderate extension of the security consensus on the main chain of the Ethereum. It is indeed very beneficial to the prosperity of the Ethereum ecology itself. In essence, it provides services, although some people call it if we encrypt. Looking forward to the future of the world for some time, a remarkable trend is that the competition of public chains has entered the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and the multi-chains are shining in an endless stream. One of the few high-level security consensus in the encrypted world has become a beacon, and this is the stage of such projects. From this point of view, its positive significance is greater than the potential risks. From the risk point of view, the biggest potential risk of the project stems from the logical problem of the concept of security sharing itself, and it has the ability to ensure security without sharing. Extremely unsafe, it is likely to be thunderous, so there is still a long way to go from the perspective of business model, especially for the re-pledgee, if there is no high income or airdrops, it is basically impossible to engage in re-pledge. Whether it can stabilize the profit in the future really needs to be questioned, but at least in the short term, there is a blessing from a number of top investment institutions and the market value expectation is no problem. In the long run, the model is likely to run through, especially in today's increasingly popular modularization, which is fast, convenient and low. The cost deployment method is a very imaginative narrative gameplay potential project list. The specific method of re-pledge project pledges official website. At present, the sum of these projects is relatively large, such as it takes days to quit. In addition, it also provides protoplasm pledge. As mentioned above, this item is aimed at large households with Ethereum verification nodes, which is not suitable for ordinary players. In addition to re-pledge income, points can be obtained. The number of points may be the basis for subsequent airdrops. The calculation of points depends not only on the amount of pledges but also on the time. The example given by official website is that the calculation formula of the points that users can get on the day of pledge is days, hours and days. One is to re-pledge after the pledge can be obtained in official website, and the other is to get the direct re-pledge proceeds, pledge proceeds, points and tokens in official website. The main mode of the project is to get the points that can be deposited and get the points that cannot be redeemed at present. The progress of the official website project is announced on the month and the founder's investment project is. The original engineer has a strong entrepreneurial technical background. In addition, Mr. Shen Yu, the seed wheel block, etc. have participated in the project, which is worthy of special attention. From the current news, it is mainly protoplasm pledge. It is expected to launch a double token model. It is not disclosed that official website's gameplay is currently pledged to obtain the fast-growing income points that cannot be redeemed for the time being. According to the hourly points held, official website's gameplay is currently pledged to obtain the pledge days of the day-redeemable income points. This project will be detailed in another article. Introduce ecological projects and other ecological potential projects. The recent sum services in the current ecology can be described as the limelight. The rise in currency prices has also quickly ignited other ecological projects. The main categories in the ecology are and three key projects. The data available layer mainly introduces the first official service launched. The rights and interests can be entrusted to the node operators who perform verification tasks in exchange for service payment, and the data can also be released to other ecological similar projects. The construction of middleware witness chain is mainly introduced. Decentralized monitoring network provides services for provable monitoring. Cross-chain bridge mainly introduces cross-chain infrastructure, which is mainly used for cross-chain status verification and confirmation. The proposal block status conversion and zero-knowledge status certification are compatible at present and will be further compatible in the future. Non-chain decentralized sorters, such as equal decentralized sorters, have made major progress. The project is mainly to establish a privacy public chain project and turn it into a decentralized sorter after being deeply involved in infringement and moral scandals in the early days, mainly to provide a modular sharing group. Parts can quickly realize the main progress of one-click hair chain blockchain. At present, the investment such as financing that has been obtained can earn points in the platform through its test network. The main progress of modularization has been achieved in the month and the joint investment of 10,000 US dollars. So far, the public test network has been launched in the month to experience the main progress of the track cross-chain bridge. The accumulated financing of 10,000 US dollars includes well-known institutions such as participating in early test coins or participating. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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