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原文作者:RootData Research



1.1、比特币领跑全球大类资产涨幅,比特币现货 ETF 将推动行业长远发展
1.2、 2023 年融资总额 90.43 亿美元,一二级市场联动助推行业走向新周期
1.4、 2023 年基础设施与 CeFi 主导Web3行业发展,新增独角兽 6 家
1.5、 2023 年Web3项目倒闭数量减少 50% 


2.2、Web3 开发者数量同比增加 66% ,以太坊生态具有压倒性优势
2.3、Web3 热门板块轮动:L1/L2、DeFi、GameFi 依旧是市场最关注的赛道


3.1、 2023 年Web3投资机构风格及活跃度分析
3.2、 2023 年Web3投资机构出手次数涨跌分析
3.4、DeFi 赛道年度融资额前十项目研究分析
3.5、CeFi 赛道年度融资额前十项目研究分析
3.6、GameFi 赛道年度融资额前十项目研究分析


4.1、Web3 行业 Top 50 项目
4.2、Web3 行业 Top 100 投资机构
4.3、Web3 行业垂直赛道榜单

  • CeFi 赛道 Top 20 项目

  • Layer 1 赛道 Top 20 项目

  • GameFi 赛道 Top 20 项目

  • DeFi 赛道 Top 20 项目

  • Layer 2 赛道 Top 20 项目

  • SocialFi 赛道 Top 20 项目

Web3 行业整体呈现出强劲的回暖态势,比特币全年最高涨幅达到 160% ,投资回报率领跑全球大类资产,比特币现货 ETF 成为增量资金新的入场渠道。

Web3行业总融资额在 2023 年达到 90.43 亿美元,不同赛道的融资表现也有所不同,企业级基础设施与钱包方向备受资本青睐。在 DeFi 趋势中,DEX 竞争激烈,衍生品与 RWA 备受关注。CeFi 赛道总融资额下跌,但比特币生态机会备受资本关注。

寻找最大共识的原生新资产成为Web3行业发展的重要规律。开发者数量同比增加 66% ,以太坊生态凭借其压倒性优势引领潮流。热门板块集中在 DeFi、L1/L2、Game 等传统领域,但合规、社交方向的机会正在成为市场的重要共识。

2023 年有超 10 个机构领投至少达 8 次。HashKey Capital 首度跃居年度投资次数榜首,在亚太区的基础设施、DeFi 等方向大范围布局。DWF Labs 成为年度黑马,主要投资已发币且市场热度不高的项目。

一、Web3 行业整体趋势特点

1.1、二级及宏观分析:比特币领跑全球大类资产涨幅、现货 ETF 开启市场新维度增长 



在 2023 年,比特币作为一种资产类别表现出色。据 NYDIG 统计,截至 2023 年 10 月份,比特币以 63.3% 的涨幅成为 40 种选定资产类别中表现最佳的资产。这超过了美国大盘增长股的 28.2% 涨幅,以及其他主要资产类别,如美国股市(12.2% )、大宗商品(6% )、现金(3.8% )和黄金(1.1% )。此外,Kaiko Research 的分析显示,尽管面临宏观经济的紧张条件和加密行业的逆风,比特币在 2023 年的涨幅仍然超过了 160% 。


比特币减半事件将于 2024 年Q2发生。历史上,每次减半之后比特币的价格都有显著上升,但同时也伴随着波动性增加。需求方面,据 Glassnode 数据,截至 2023 年 12 月 22 日,非零余额比特币地址数量已超过 5 千万。该数据的增加反映了用户基础的增长。这些因素共同影响比特币的市场价值和交易活动。 

3、比特币现货 ETF:引领增长趋势

比特币现货 ETF 市场表现突出,在 1 月 16 日的交易量超 18 亿美元,是同日 500 个其他 ETF 总量的三倍。前三天交易量近 20 亿美元。主要包括 Grayscale、BlackRock 和 Fidelity 管理的基金。渣打银行的外汇研究主管预测 2024 年资金流入量可能达到 500 亿至 1000 亿美元。这反映出市场对这些 ETF 的高兴趣和增长潜力。


上轮牛市与美国宽松货币政策相关,而最新数据显示美联储 2024 年可能降息。该背景下,比特币等加密货币因非关联性和避险属性,或成为投资者多元化选择。比特币现货 ETF 批准后,比特币从个人投资向机构投资转变,减少流通量增加稀缺性。美联储降息预期和通胀对策可能促使更多投资者配置比特币,预示着Web3行业新牛市周期的开始。 

1.2、 2023 年投融资总额达 90.43 亿美元,一、二级市场联动推进Web3行业复苏与增长


受比特币现货 ETF 利好刺激,BTC 价格在多次测试 3 万关口之后,迎来突破,伴随着市场看涨情绪突出,截止 12 月 31 日, 2023 年Web3行业融资总额达 91.3 亿美元,其中单月融资额最高为 11 月达到 13.12 亿美元,Q4季度的融资额超前三个季度,这源于Web3行业一二级传导路径短有极大关系,显示一级市场正逐步进入恢复与增长的轨道。

进入 2023 年Q3季度以来,多家基金宣布完成募资,Web3基金 Lightspeed Faction 宣布完成 2.85 亿美元募资(超募 14% )、渣打银行与日本金融巨头 SBI 推出 1 亿美元Web3基金、受李泽楷支持的Web3基金 CMCC Global 完成 1 亿美元募资。

1.3、一级半市场正成为投资或退出的新选择,Fireblocks 场外估值回撤最多,EigenLayer 场外估值上涨最多


  • 随着Web3加速走向合规,一二级市场高度联动较容易造成投资者的 FOMO 情绪、项目估值高企,越来越多的投资者正在将一级半市场视为重要的投资与退出路径。

  • 在 RootData 一级半市场上架的 45 个项目中,Fireblocks 场外交易估值相比融资估值回撤最多,减少约 40 亿美元。Copper、Dune Analytics 均有约几亿美元的场外估值回撤。EigenLayer 则表现强劲,现 25 亿美元场外交易估值为最新一轮融资估值 5 亿美元的 5 倍。Aleo、LayerZero 等项目的场外估值较为稳定。

1.4、 2023 年基础设施与 CeFi 主导Web3行业发展,新增独角兽 6 家


据 RootData 数据显示,近 3 年基础设施、CeFi、游戏、NFT、DeFi 等是资金流入量最多的赛道。2023 年平均融资金额 990 万美元相比 2022 年 1880 万美元缩减约一半。即使行业历经两年熊市,但基础设施始终为高热度赛道。


截止 2023 年 12 月 31 日,Web3行业总共诞生 91 个独角兽项目,其中 CeFi 占 32 个、基础设施占 29 个、NFT 占 8 个。然而近两年市场行情低迷,一级市场投资步调放缓,由此 2023 年崛起的Web3独角兽项目(Andalusia Labs、Scroll、Flashbots、BitGo、Wormhole、Ramp)数量仅为 2022 年的 1/5 。


1.5、Web3行业正趋向于成熟: 2023 年死亡项目数量同比减少 50% 


据 RootData 数据,约 120 个项目在 2023 年宣布破产或停止运营,累计融资金额达到 9.4 亿美元。相比 2022 年死亡的 239 个项目,总融资 40.33 亿美元,整体呈现大幅下降,反映出行业正在逐渐成熟和稳定。这些死亡项目分布于各个赛道,其中 DeFi 赛道死亡的项目最多(40 个),其次是 CeFi(18 个)、基础设施(16 个)。

倒闭项目当中融资前三的分别是 Prime Trust(累计融资 1.63 亿美元)、Voice(累计融资 1.5 亿美元)、Rally(累计融资 7200 万美元)。资金金不足是最项目停止运营主要、也是最直接的原因,其它原因还包括产品缺乏市场契合度、监管政策趋严、黑客攻击等。


2.1、Web3行业四波创新浪潮: 寻找最大共识的原生新资产



2.2、Web3 开发者数量同比增加 66% ,以太坊生态具有压倒性优势


  • 以太坊生态具备最大优势: 无论是单链还是多链,以太坊生态都具有压倒性优势,其余生态主要承接以太坊的价值溢出;

  • Solana 成为 2023 年表现最亮眼的公链:SOL 代币涨幅近 1000% ,Solana Foundation 公布月活开发者保持在 2500 位以上,生态明星项目轮番上阵,无论是老牌 DeFi 项目 Raydium、Orca、Solend,还是当前 Jito、Jupiter、Pyth Network 等明星项目,逐渐形成了独特的生态优势。


  • 开发者数量较上个周期整体提升:与上一次熊市相比,开发者数量增加了 66% ;

  • 开发者类型的变化:成熟的开发者建设者依旧在Web3行业坚挺,投机性开发者批量离开;从 2023 全年数据来看,本轮熊市变化最大的是新手开发者(数量减少了 58% ),而有经验的开发者数量均在增长, 1 年以上经验的开发者代码提交量占比为 75% 。

2.3、Web3 热门板块轮动:L1/L2、DeFi、Game 依旧是市场最关注的赛道,Layer 3、Restaking 等板块正在被市场关注


  • 从 RootData 上百万次的标签点击量来看, DeFi、L1/L2、Games 是最热门的标签。质押服务龙头 Lido 和 RWA 概念先锋 MakerDAO 带领 DeFi 赛道重焕生机。

  • Layer 3、 Intent 和 Restaking 等板块正在被市场关注。 EigenLayer 将以太坊级别的信任引入中间件,已打造出全新的再质押生态。

  • 2023 年币安总共上架 26 个新币种,覆盖了基础设施、Layer 1 和 Meme 等 20 多个热门标签,搜索热度下降较大的是 NFTFi、DAG、DOV 等标签。

2.4、斯坦福产出最多的Web3 从业者,谷歌系项目融资金额最高




  • 从教育经历与工作经历来看,美国、中国与新加坡是诞生Web3项目最主要的国家,主流Web3 从业者基本都具备金融与技术双重能力与资源。

  • 哈佛大学系Web3 创业团队与谷歌系创业团队累计融资金额最高,北京大学系Web3 创业团队累计融资金额排第十五位,币安系创业团队累计融资金额排第十位。华人当中以币安、HTX 系创业团队数量最多。此外,OKX、比特大陆系创业团队数量在不断增加。华人非原生的从业者主要来自阿里、腾讯。


3.1、 2023 年Web3投资机构风格及活跃度分析:HashKey Capital 最愿意出手,a16z Crypto 偏好领投


Hashkey Capital 成为年度出手次数最多的机构

HashKey Capital 首度跃居年度投资次数榜首,在基础设施、DeFi 等方向大范围布局,特别关注亚太区项目。2023 年 1 月,宣布旗下三期基金完成 5 亿美元募资,为其高频投资提供有力支持。典型投资案例:MyShell、DappOS、Supra、SynFutures、PolyHedra。

DWF Labs 成为年度黑马

DWF Labs 主要投资已发币且市场热度不高的项目,其风格引发诸多争议。典型投资案例:EOS、Conflux、Mask Network、Synthetix、。

a16z Crypto 偏好领投与大额投资

a16z Crypto 偏好领投、大额投资的风格,在基础设施、游戏、娱乐等领域保持积极投资姿态。典型投资案例:Gensyn、Mythical Games、Proof of Play、Story Protocol、CCP Games。

2023 年有超 10 个机构领投至少达 8 次

从领投次数来看, 2023 年 Andreessen Horowitz、Polychain、Bitkraft Ventures、Dragonfly、1kx、Hack VC、Shima Capital、Jump Crypto、ABCDE Capital 位居前十,至少领投 8 次。

3.2、 2023 年Web3投资机构出手次数涨跌分析:Animoca Brands 出手次数收缩最大, 85 个机构全年投资超 10 次


  • 从投资数量来看,共有 85 个投资方出手超过 10 次, 9 个投资方出手超过 30 次,较 2022 年均大幅大跌,这反映出绝大多数投资机构都受到募资困难、信心不足等原因影响,大幅下调投资频次。

  • 其中 Animoca Brands、GSR、Coinbase Venture、Shima Capital、Spartan Group、a16z、Paradigm、Circle Ventures、Mirana Ventures 等投资机构在 2023 年的投资数量均显著下降,下跌 40% 以上。

  • Web3投资机构普遍面临募资困难,仅 Blockchain Capital、HashKey Capital、CMCC Global、Bitkraft Ventures、No Limit Holdings 等机构宣布募资金额超过 5000 万美元。

  • 与此同时,少部分投资机构也在加快投资频次,为惨淡的市场注入动力。根据统计,ABCDE Capital、Superscrypt、Foresight Ventures、OKX Ventures、Sora Ventures、No Limit Holdings 等机构在 2023 年的投资数量均显著增加,上涨 50% 以上。

  • 在年底的比特币生态热潮中,ABCDE Capital、Sora Ventures、Waterdrip Capital 等机构保持活跃态势,成为比特币生态项目的主要投资者。




Wormhole 在 2023 年 11 月宣布完成 2.25 亿美元融资,成为年度融资最高的项目,跨链也是 2023 年最热门的行业趋势之一。随着 Layer 1、Layer 2 乃至 Layer 3 大范围出现,用户的资产与数据跨链需求正在快速增长,Wormhole、LayerZero 通过跨链通讯打通了各种区块链间的壁垒。


作为用户流量入口,钱包赛道仍然是资本加注的对象。加密硬件钱包 Ledger 与 社交登陆钱包 Magic 均获巨额融资,分别反映出用户在钱包安全性与便捷性方面的需求,它们的发展与进化是区块链承载下一个十亿级用户的关键。


企业级基础设施成为布局重点。数字资产托管与发行基础设施 Auradine、区块链开发平台 QuickNode 都主要面向企业级客户,帮助企业在资产端解决资产发行、应用开发等问题,从而向市场输送源源不断的优质资产与项目。

3.4、DeFi 赛道:DEX 竞争持续加剧、衍生品与 RWA 成为行业关注的焦点



衍生品协议是 DeFi 领域的焦点所在,围绕着永续合约、合成资产、结构化产品等方向,SynFutures、Thetanuts Finance、Synthetix 等协议获得资本加注,其核心亮点在于更加透明化、无需许可的运作机制以及更加用户友好的产品。

DEX 赛道在合规、订单薄、跨链等方向竞争加剧

去中心化交易赛道也有不少亮点,主打合规的 Mauve、主打订单薄交易的 tanX、以及专注多链的 iZUMi Finance,它们正在通过细分市场与功能从 Uniswap 等龙头手中争夺市场份额,被投资机构们寄予厚望。

市场对 RWA 产生较高期待

RWA 资产正在成为 DeFi 市场最受瞩目的方向,由于房地产、国债、票据等资产具有稳定的收益率,这使得 RWA 能为加密市场提供可持续的、丰富类型的的真实收益率。Compound 创始人新创立 Superstate 是 RWA 赛道的最新主力军之一,该项目致力于购买短期美国国债并上链进行代币化,可以直接在链上交易流转。

3.5、CeFi 赛道:主要赛道中融资总额跌幅最高,比特币生态机会受资本追捧



2023 年,CeFi 赛道总融资额为 11.8 亿美元,下降 75.%,这是主要赛道中跌幅最高的赛道。这主要受自 2022 年开始的 CeFi 恶性暴雷事件影响。


比特币相关的金融服务最受资本关注,Swan、Unchained、River Financial 都是针对比特币生态提供解决方案,提供储蓄、借贷、经纪等服务。比特币作为价值最高的加密资产,为其持有者提供各种解决方案酝酿着巨大的未挖掘价值。


交易所赛道在历经 FTX 事件后,空缺的市场空间仍然吸引许多资本的关注,、One Trading 等交易所凭借垂直业务、地区性或者牌照方面的优势,均获得巨额融资。

3.6、GameFi 赛道:融资总额下跌超 57% ,3A游戏仍受投资机构青睐 


GameFi 赛道整体融资金额跌幅超 57% 

受二级市场行情影响,GameFi 赛道总体融资金额大幅下降超 57% ,大额融资主要由 a16z Crypto、Griffin Gaming Partners、Bitkraft Ventures 等机构发起。


3A 游戏尤其受到投资机构青睐,足球、射击、冒险类传统游戏的 Web3 话前景也受到看好,可玩性至上成为成为 GameFi 的趋势;此外,全链游戏正在被资本与市场寄予厚望。


Web3 正在成为全球社会不容忽视的重要变革性力量,为了更加清晰地呈现这些贡献巨大的 Web3 力量,RootData 依托自身领先且丰富的数据优势与来自用户超千万次访问与查询,秉持专业、客观、严谨、公正的原则,致力于打造一份数据驱动的具有业界公信力的榜单——ROOTDATA LIST,呈现更多 Web3 领域的行业代表,助力行业高质量发展。

2023 年 ROOTDATA LIST 榜单包括《WEB3 行业 TOP 50 项目》、《WEB3 行业 TOP 100 投资机构》、《CEFI 赛道 TOP 20 项目》、《DEFI 赛道 TOP 20 项目》、《LAYER 1 赛道  TOP 20 项目》、《LAYER 2 赛道  TOP 20 项目》《GAMEFI 赛道 TOP 20 项目》、《SOCIALFi 赛道 TOP 20 项目》。


机构评选:核心衡量指标包括投资次数、领投次数、投资项目质量、媒体热度、RootData 热度等。

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The characteristics of the overall development trend of the original author's directory industry Bitcoin leads the world's major asset growth. Bitcoin spot will promote the long-term development of the industry. The total annual financing will be billion dollars. The linkage between the primary and secondary markets will help the industry move toward a new cycle. The primary and secondary markets are becoming a new choice for investment or withdrawal. Infrastructure and leading industries are developing in the year of the unicorn, and the number of projects closed down is reduced. The characteristics of asset development and the trend analysis of sectors are the essence of the four waves of innovation in the industry, which is to find the primary asset developers with the greatest consensus. The number has increased year-on-year, and the ecology of Ethereum has an overwhelming advantage. The hot plate rotation is still the most concerned track in the market. Stanford produces the most practitioners. The characteristics and trends of Google's project financing amount are the highest. Analysis of the style and activity of investment institutions in the year. Analysis of the ups and downs of investment institutions in the year. Analysis of the top ten projects of the annual financing amount of infrastructure track. Analysis of the top ten projects of the annual financing amount of track. Ten projects research and analysis year list industry projects industry investment institutions industry vertical track list track project track project track project track project track project track project track project track project track project industry as a whole showed a strong recovery trend. Bitcoin's highest annual increase reached the rate of return on investment, leading the world's major assets. Bitcoin spot became a new entry channel for incremental funds. The total financing amount of the industry reached $100 million in. The financing performance of different tracks was also different, and the direction of enterprise-level infrastructure and wallets was greatly influenced by capital. Derivative products that are highly competitive in the trend and the total financing amount of the track that has attracted much attention have fallen, but the original new assets that have attracted much attention from capital and sought the greatest consensus have become an important law for the development of the industry. The number of developers has increased year-on-year. With its overwhelming advantage, Ethereum Ecology has led the trend, and hot sectors are concentrated in traditional fields, but the opportunity to conform to the social direction is becoming an important consensus in the market. In 2008, more than one institution led the investment at least for the first time, ranking first in the Asia-Pacific region. The large-scale layout of infrastructure and other directions has become the main investment of Dark Horse in the year, and the market is not hot. The overall trend characteristics of an industry are secondary and macro-analysis. Bitcoin leads the world in the increase of large-scale assets, and the spot opens the market with new dimensions of growth. The industry development research report and annual list show that Bitcoin has performed well as an asset category in the year. According to statistics, Bitcoin has become the best-performing asset in the selected asset category by the increase in the year. Beyond the increase of the US market growth stocks and other major asset classes, such as the US stock market, commodities, cash and gold, in addition, the analysis shows that despite the macroeconomic tension and the headwind of the encryption industry, the increase of Bitcoin in 2008 still exceeded the new opportunity of halving the market supply and demand of Bitcoin, and the price of Bitcoin will increase significantly after every halving in the history of 2008, but it is also accompanied by volatility. According to data, the non-zero balance ratio of demand as of March. The number of special currency addresses has exceeded 10 million. The increase of this data reflects the growth of the user base. These factors jointly affect the market value and trading activities of Bitcoin. Bitcoin spot leads the growth trend. The spot market of Bitcoin shows outstanding performance. The transaction volume on January is over 100 million US dollars, which is three times of the other total amounts on the same day. The transaction volume in the first three days was nearly 100 million US dollars, mainly including and managed funds. The head of foreign exchange research at Standard Chartered Bank predicted that the annual capital inflow may reach 100 million to 100 million US dollars, which reflects the high market demand for these. Interest and growth potential The change of monetary policy catalyzes the new bull market. The last bull market is related to the loose monetary policy of the United States, and the latest data shows that the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates this year. Under this background, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have become diversified choices for investors because of their irrelevance and hedging properties. After the spot approval, Bitcoin will change from personal investment to institutional investment, reducing circulation, increasing scarcity, and the Fed's interest rate cut expectation and inflation countermeasures may prompt more investors to allocate Bitcoin, which indicates a new bull market week in the industry. At the beginning of the period, the total annual investment and financing amount reached US$ 100 million, and the primary and secondary markets jointly promoted the recovery and growth of the industry. The research report and annual list were stimulated by the positive spot of Bitcoin, and the price ushered in a breakthrough after repeatedly testing the 10,000 mark. With the market bullish sentiment, the total annual industry financing amount reached US$ 100 million, of which the highest monthly financing amount reached US$ 100 million. The quarterly financing amount was three quarters ahead of schedule, which was due to the short transmission path of the primary and secondary industries, which showed that the primary market was gradually. Entering the track of recovery and growth, a number of funds have announced the completion of fund-raising since the quarter of. Standard Chartered Bank and Japanese financial giants have announced the completion of $ billion in fund-raising. Funds supported by Li Zekai have completed $ billion in fund-raising. The first-and-a-half market is becoming a new choice for investment or withdrawal. Off-market valuation has retreated the most, and off-market valuation has risen for the longest time. With the acceleration of compliance, the industry development research reports and annual lists are highly linked, which is likely to cause investors' emotional projects. The valuation is high, and more and more investors are taking the first-and-a-half market as an important investment and exit path. Compared with the withdrawal of the financing valuation, the withdrawal of the OTC valuation in the first-and-a-half market has decreased by about hundreds of millions of dollars at most, and the withdrawal of the OTC valuation has performed strongly. The OTC valuation of the current billion dollars is twice that of the latest round of financing valuation. The OTC valuation of other projects is relatively stable. The development of infrastructure and leading industries in 2008 has added a research report on the development of unicorn industry in 2008 and 2008. According to the data, in recent years, infrastructure, games, etc. are the tracks with the largest inflow of funds. The average annual financing amount of USD 10,000 is reduced by about half compared with USD 10,000. Even though the industry has experienced a bear market for two years, the infrastructure has always been a high-heat track. By the end of the year, a total of unicorn projects were born in the industry, of which infrastructure accounted for one. However, in the past two years, the market has been sluggish and the pace of investment in the primary market has slowed down. The number of unicorn projects that have risen this year is only. According to the data, some projects declared bankruptcy or stopped operation in 2000, and the total financing amount reached $ billion. Compared with the total financing amount of 100 million projects that died in 2000, the overall decline showed that the industry was gradually maturing and stabilizing. These dead projects were distributed in various tracks, with the most dead projects being an infrastructure, and the top three projects were accumulated financing of $ billion, accumulated financing of $ billion, and accumulated financing of $10,000. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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