FTX重启“梦碎” FTT沦为“空气币”

币圈资讯 阅读:42 2024-04-22 09:57:30 评论:0



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关于FTX破产事件,在此也并不一一赘述,但简单提一下其债务总额。2022年11月11日,当时是全球第二大加密货币平台的FTX通过官方社交媒体账号发布公告宣布,FTX交易公司、FTX美国、Alameda研究公司和其他大约130个附属公司已经按照《美国破产法》第11章开始在特拉华州地区法院启动自愿破产程序。在当时,华尔街日报称FTX资金缺口约为80亿美元。但随着庭审不断深入,债权总额持续增长,最终索赔超过36000 项,债权总额约为 160 亿美元。


即使在如今ETF通过后,FTX的债权抛售仍对比特币与其他币种价格有着较大的影响,但随着抛售的进行,从数据来看,这一影响正逐渐减少。截至 2024 年1月22日,FTX 机构已清算其持有的全部GBTC 2200 万股,含约20000枚BTC。




关于重启的讨论最早开始于2023年1月,当时FTX新上任的首席执行官 John J. Ray III在公开采访中表示已建立了特别行动组,对重启交易所业务持开放态度,并称客户对于FTX的技术表示认同。当然,当时FTX破产仍不足3个月,该消息在市场并无任何水花。

后续,关于重启的消息不断。不仅FTX 无担保债权人官方委员会的律师事务所多次召开重启的主题研讨会,部分债权人也跳出称对重启表示积极,而在FTX的庭审文件记录中,也可以看到含“重启”相关的财务细节。但债权人的看好,多被市场视为解套操作,而当时,FTX更多细节的流出,再度加深了其诈骗且不尊重投资者的印象,市场仍对其的重启表示高度怀疑。

反转来自4月的庭审。4 月12日凌晨,来自 FTX 代理律师事务所 Sullivan Cromwell 的律师 Andy Dietderich 在特拉华州的法庭听证会上表示,FTX 已收回了73亿美元的资产,包含 20 亿美元现金,43 亿美元 A 类加密货币,3 亿美元的证券,6 亿美元应收投资等。其还首次在法庭中提到,FTX 正考虑在未来某个时候重新开启交易所业务,FTX 的债权人有望将其债权转换为重新开放的交易所的股份。

此前提及过,市场传FTX资金缺口为80亿美元,而4月就已收回73亿美元,这无疑为市场注入了一针强心针。受此消息影响,FTT迅速上升,当日最高突破 3 USDT,涨幅超过90%。


5月,John J. Ray III 确认 FTX 2.0 计划,重启提上时间线;6月份,一份法庭文件名单中显示包括纳斯达克、Ripple、贝莱德等在内的多家公司对FTX 2.0重启有意向。随后在10月25日,彭博社报道,FTX 正在与三个未公开的竞标者谈判重启其交易平台。

知情人士表明,坐拥900万客户的FTX在拍卖过程中曾收到超过75家机构的关注,但经历了多轮洽谈与考量后,最终有3位潜在买家脱颖而出。这三位分别是Block.one旗下聘请纽约证券交易所前总裁Tom Farley运营的加密货币交易所Bullish、金融科技初创公司Figure Technologies和曾参与Celsius破产收购、投资过Aptos和Sui的加密风险投资公司Proof Group。收购要约将一并递送至特拉华州的破产法院审核,最终在23年12月中旬确立。

而11 月 9 日,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席 Gary Gensler 更是公开表示,在法律框架范围内重新启动FTX 是有可能的。在一连串的利好刺激下,当日FTT一小时内迅速拉升40%。在收购方披露后,场外用户也蠢蠢欲动,当时社区消息称 FTX 或将会按照 11 月 11 日申请破产当天的价格五折(50%)赔付,并需支付 5% 左右的手续费。








更残酷的消息随之而来,1月31日,在最新的法庭听证会上,FTX律师Andrew Dietderich表示,FTX不打算重新启动该平台,该平台花费数亿美元收购的企业被证明并无实际价值,感兴趣的买家并不多。其还表示尽管FTX坐拥大量的客户资源,但团队仍无法找到愿意投入巨额资金重启交易所的投资者。





当然,尽管资产足够赔付,但显然债权人赔偿也不会按照市场最高价值,而是根据提交索赔的申请日期价值而定,该日期集中于22年11月前后。举例说明,FTX宣布破产的当时,绝大多数币种已经经历了巨大贬值,BTC报价大约为16000美元,但如今,BTC已高达43000美元,债权人显然不能以最高价格为赔偿,而仅能以其提交追偿的价格为基准,此外,赔付均以美元为本位进行,美国破产法官John Dorsey 裁定,每项索赔的规模将基于 FTX 申请破产当日所欠客户或债权人的金额。




Recently, there is new news about the debt dispute. It is well known that the mine explosion in September almost ignited the whole media and investment circle. But this year, except for the creditors who are still tirelessly paying attention to its trial events, with various black-box operations surfaced, other people in the industry mentioned this institution with a rather contemptuous and judgmental attitude, and this news happened to be closely related to the creditors. The creditors finally got their wish in recent days. At the latest trial meeting, China said that it was expected to pay off their creditors in full. Some people expect that the funds will be paid before the end of the second quarter of, but the bad news is that it will not be paid at the current price. On the other hand, it is different from the previous statement that it is hopeless to restart, which makes it difficult for the holders to accept. In this sense, this news is just like the normal state of encryption. Some people are happy and some people are worried that the secret of the encryption market is undoubtedly an absolute star enterprise in the encryption circle. Before June, it could be called the upper-class representative of the encryption circle, but after a month, it became a cancer that everyone in the encryption circle shouted about bankruptcy. I won't go into details here, but I will briefly mention its total debt. At that time, it was the second largest cryptocurrency platform in the world. It was announced through the official social media account that the trading company, American Research Corporation and some other subsidiaries had started voluntary bankruptcy proceedings in the Delaware District Court in accordance with Chapter of the US Bankruptcy Law. At that time, the Wall Street Journal said that the funding gap was about $100 million, but with the deepening of the trial, the total amount of claims continued to grow, and finally more than one total claim was made. The high debt of about $100 million has a far-reaching impact on the encryption circle. In fact, the encryption market is still digesting the negative impact throughout the year. The most significant price performance is that Bitcoin once fell to $ in, and after the first anniversary of bankruptcy, the trading volume of market makers almost halved, and the trading volume of exchanges also decreased by half. In addition, the external effects such as the continuous tightening of supervision and the continuous deepening of party games can be considered to have played a key role in shaping the current encryption map, even if it is passed today. After the debt selling, it still has a great impact on the prices of Bitcoin and other currencies, but with the selling going on, the impact is gradually decreasing from the data point of view. As of March, the institution has liquidated all 10,000 shares held by it, including about 10,000 public positions at the end of the year. It is precisely because of the far-reaching restart that the data source has attracted so much attention. Although it has many problems of its own, the key to making its cash flow difficult to survive is the liquidity environment under the previous macro-tightening, and it used to be the former second largest exchange. It's not a nonsense to restart the data of millions of customers. The wolf is coming. The discussion about the restart first began in January, when the newly appointed CEO said in a public interview that he had set up a special task force to restart the exchange business and that customers agreed with the technology. Of course, the news was still less than a month after bankruptcy, and there was no splash in the market. The news about the restart continued. Not only did the law firm of the official Committee of unsecured creditors hold the restart several times. Some creditors in the theme seminar also jumped out and said that they were positive about the restart, but financial details related to the restart can also be seen in the records of court documents. However, many of the creditors' views were regarded as unwinding operations by the market, and at that time, the outflow of more details once again deepened their fraud and disrespected the impression of investors. The market still expressed high suspicion about its restart. The lawyer from the attorney's office said at the court hearing in Delaware that it had recovered $100 million. Assets include $ billion in cash, $ billion in cryptocurrency, $ billion in securities, and $ billion in investment receivable, etc. It is also mentioned in court for the first time that creditors who are considering reopening the exchange business at some time in the future are expected to convert their creditor's rights into shares in the reopened exchange. It was mentioned earlier that the capital gap in the market was $ billion, and $ billion was recovered every month, which undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm into the market. Affected by this news, it rose rapidly, and the highest breakthrough on that day exceeded the previous highlight. At this moment, some investors firmly believe that it can start all over again. The reorganization under this background is undoubtedly a great benefit to the platform currency, and its historical price has made investors full of imagination. Since then, restarting has become the key word of the holder. As long as the news of restarting comes out, it has shown a rising trend, and it has not failed to live up to expectations. It has been reported that the plan to restart is on the timeline. In January, a list of court documents showed that many companies, including Nasdaq BlackRock, were interested in restarting. Later, on March, Bloomberg reported that it was negotiating with three undisclosed bidders to restart its trading platform. People familiar with the matter indicated that the one with 10,000 customers had received the attention of more than one institution in the auction process, but after several rounds of negotiations and consideration, a potential buyer finally stood out. The three were the cryptocurrency exchange financial technology start-up company operated by the former president of new york Stock Exchange and the crypto venture capital company that had participated in the bankruptcy acquisition and investment. The tender offer will be delivered together. The review of the bankruptcy court in Delaware was finally established in mid-May, and the chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission publicly stated on May that it was possible to restart within the legal framework. After a series of favorable incentives, the off-site users were also eager to move after the disclosure of the acquirer. At that time, the community news said that they would file for a 50% discount on the price on the day of bankruptcy according to May, and they had to pay about handling fees. With the support of various news, the price continued to remain in the US dollar. Even if the news of the main body liquidation in Bahamas came out in June, it was regarded by investors as a precursor to the restart, and some communities were full of confidence in the restart. The source square restarted the dream, but the creditors ushered in good news, but the beautiful dream finally ended up helpless. The compensation shown in the court documents was in the second quarter of 2008, but all the losses of creditors could not be fully repaid. At present, some cryptocurrencies have not yet been liquidated and are waiting or being liquidated, which is worth noting. It is a clear description of the recovery in the document, indicating that the basic value is zero. The court thinks that it is only a practical token and has no value outside the operating exchange that does not exist at present. In other words, the current market price is speculative. In other words, the exchange that thinks that the platform currency will not exist in the future will have nothing to do even if it is restarted as a platform. In fact, according to the regulatory requirements of the United States, the compliant exchange should not have issued money, which is why it chose to go public as a capital channel. The court documents recorded more cruel news, which followed at the latest court hearing. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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