简析Treasure DAO(Magic)的游戏生态梦想

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作者:蓝狐笔记 来源:X,@lanhubiji

根据Treasure链今天出炉的litepaper,简单聊聊Treasure DAO(Magic)的游戏生态梦想。

Treasure Chain是Treasure DAO(Magic)推出的一条游戏链。对于刚开始了解magic的小伙伴们,简单来说,TreasureDAO(Magic)试图做一个游戏平台,用户通过进入Treasure 链平台,可以体验各种不同的web3游戏,同时,这些游戏之间并不是孤立存在,会有互通,比如角色、道具、玩法的互通,换个复杂一些的话来说,就是具有互操作性。(更多介绍也可以搜索之前关于magic的帖子)

为了实现这个计划,TreasureDAO推出了游戏链,而这条链就是为了实现不同游戏之间互操作性的,进而实现web3特色的游戏生态。在这条游戏链中,经济机制的基础是magic,这是它联系不同游戏的纽带,也是实现其链安全的基石。magic之于Treasure chain正如eth之于以太坊的关系。

1.infinity chain的梦想

从TreasureChain的简易白皮书看,它有一个游戏生态的大梦想。它计划的未来并不是完全固定于某个L2上,也不是一个单一的基于L2的游戏应用链,它有一个infinity chain(无限链)的概念。早期主要利用arbitrum的rollup技术来构建,但不会限于arbitrum技术,除了Arbitrum,未来也计划与OP、Zksync、polygon和immutable平台实现互通,它最终目标是成为跨Rollup/链的游戏平台。对于用户来说,不用管底层是arb、op、Zksync或者其他各种L2/链技术,用户从Treasure平台进入之后,不会感知到多种链或L2本身存在。magic链会跟各种L2或evm兼容链打通,开发者可以构建自己的游戏链,并通过去中心化共享排序器,实现不同L2之间游戏间的互操作。到了最后,Treasure链的核心就是去中心化的共享排序器。



随着Arbitrum Stylus的发展,更多开发者利用自己熟悉的语言来构建游戏。

Treasure链计划利用Arbitrum的跨链消息传递实现与Arbitrum生态的其他游戏连接,这样可以进一步发展器游戏生态。Treasue链也会使用Stylus来构建,同时采用DAC的模式,也就是数据可用性委员会来存储链上数据,降低费用。DAC中的委员最初由基础设施以及游戏领域的知名组织组成,需要通过DAO投票批准。排序器最初由Treasure DAO的核心贡献者维护,同时计划向DAO提议来自排序器的收入会烧毁(收入收取magic,会造成magic通缩,其通缩的程度跟排序器收入相关),后续逐步过渡到去中心化的排序器阶段。


Treasure DAO由magic持有者管理,关于Treasure链的重大决策均通过DAO方式来进行,其中包括DAC的批准、链的启动、排序器收入的烧毁等决策。

其中大家关注较多的是magic代币在Treasure Chain生态中的作用,目前为止,从其简易白皮书披露来看,包括了如下几点:








The author's blue fox notes source is based on the chain. The game ecological dream released today is a game chain. For the friends who just started to understand, they simply try to make a game platform. Users can experience various games by entering the chain platform. At the same time, these games are not isolated, such as the interoperability of character props. In other words, it is interoperable. More introductions can also be searched for previous posts in order to achieve this. The plan has launched a game chain, and this chain is to realize the interoperability between different games, so as to realize the characteristic game ecology. In this game chain, the foundation of the economic mechanism is that it is the link between different games, and it is also the cornerstone to realize the safety of its chain. From the simple white paper, it has a big dream of game ecology, and its planned future is not completely fixed on a certain one, nor is it a single game application chain based on it. In the early days, the concept of limited chain was mainly built by using technologies, but it will not be limited to technologies. In addition to the future, it is planned to interoperate with the platform. Its ultimate goal is to become a cross-chain game platform. For users, regardless of the underlying or other chain technologies, users will not feel that multiple chains or their own chains will be connected with various or compatible chains after entering the platform. Developers can build their own game chains and realize the interoperability between different games through decentralized shared sorters. The core of this paper is the benefits of decentralized shared sorter to developers. For game developers, why not directly develop games on the same level but through? Some of the benefits are that besides the synergy between games, it also plans to provide some services that other game chains may lack, such as some feature-rich distribution stacks, including online and offline functions, lower cost, data availability Committee, player account system, barrier-free login and other game-specific trading market tours. Play token market liquidity, local payment analysis tools, community users, player-centered service functions, unified entrance tournament tasks and reward system, message notification, email notification and other development kits for developers to introduce various functions into the game, management platform, user management, viewing game data and key indicators, task tournament and so on, that is, compared with waiting for the game chain, trying to create its own characteristics. With the development, more developers use their familiar languages to build the game chain and plan to use it. Cross-chain messaging realizes the connection with other games in the ecosystem, so that the game ecosystem can be further developed. The game ecosystem will also be used to build a model adopted at the same time, that is, the data availability Committee will store the data on the chain to reduce the cost. The Committee members are originally composed of well-known organizations in the infrastructure and game field, and need to vote to approve the sorter, which is initially maintained by the core contributors, and plans to charge the proposed revenue from the sorter, which will cause deflation, and its degree and ranking. Income-related devices gradually transition to decentralized sorter stage and chain management and economic mechanism are managed by the holders. Major decisions about the chain are made by means, including the approval of the start of the chain, the burning of sorter income, etc. Among them, everyone pays more attention to the role of tokens in the ecology. So far, from the disclosure of its simple white paper, it includes the following points: as the cost of the game chain, the pledge token is responsible for safety, as the governance token, as the game market exchange. The liquidity of easy media provides trading for tokens, and the income from the future sorter is used to burn down the last chain. The test network is planned to be launched in the first quarter of 2008 and the main network is planned to be launched in the third quarter of 2008. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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