继承Mac而非iPhone“衣钵” VisionPro是否符合乔布斯最初构想?

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苹果公司的Vision Pro有望颠覆人们在家看电视和在工作中使用电脑的方式,成为传统电视和Mac的“继承者”


Vision Pro进入了一个充斥着Meta、HTC等低成本竞争对手的市场,这些竞争对手大多局限于视频游戏市场,并未找到大量受众。

另外,苹果在吸引开发者方面的成果喜忧参半。Netflix作为最受欢迎的用户视频应用之一,却没有为Vision Pro开发新的应用,尽管用户可以在该设备的网络浏览器上观看电影和连续剧。


YouTube也表示不打算为Vision Pro推出新的应用程序,但用户可以使用苹果自带的Safari网页浏览器访问。据知情人士透露,音乐流媒体服务公司Spotify也没有为该产品的发布开发应用程序。

不过,这款价格昂贵的头显配备了定制的计算芯片和难以制造的显示屏,这是竞争对手所不具备的。试用过该头显的分析师表示,Vision Pro这些功能可能对家庭或工作中的几乎所有大型二维屏幕构成威胁。

迪士尼公司多年来一直在与苹果合作,为Vision Pro的发布开发一款应用程序,这是两家公司合作历史上的最新一例。

迪士尼娱乐公司首席技术官Aaron LaBerge表示:“当我们看到这款产品时,显然它对我们来说是一个全新的'画布',让我们可以用一种前所未有的方式讲述故事。因此,我们很希望在这方面做些事情,并以此来拓展我们自己。”




观众还可以观看42部迪士尼3D电影,包括票房大卖的《阿凡达:水之道》《黑豹》和《Inside Out》。


迪士尼工作室首席技术官Jamie Voris表示:“《狮子王》导演Jon Favreau和《阿凡达》导演James Cameron等电影制作人都对用新方式讲故事很感兴趣。”

迪士尼在去年6月的苹果全球开发者大会上展示了一段视频,不久将推出一种体验,用户可以在其中与漫威影业的动画《What If?》互动。


已故苹果公司联合创始人Steve Jobs曾对传记作家Walter Isaacson表示,在开发下一代电视机的过程中,“我终于破解了它”,但目前尚不清楚混合现实设备是否正是乔布斯心中所想

在Creative Strategies的Ben Bajarin等分析师看来,Vision Pro似乎实现了这一久远的承诺。



可以肯定的是,价格昂贵的Vision Pro不会迅速畅销。Bernstein分析师Toni Sacconaghi在给投资者的一份说明中表示,苹果公司已经告诉其供应链,预计只能生产100万台。即便如此,也可能是苹果公司在用户需求之前准备好了过剩的产能。



Campfire是一家初创公司,其首席执行官Jay Wright指出,1984年最初的Mac电脑价格相当于现在的近7500美元。但小企业对Mac趋之若鹜,因为它能够创建和打印文件。

Wright也表示:“重要的是要认识到,Vision Pro不是像Apple Watch那样的消费配件设备,而是一个全新的计算平台。我认为,这更像是继Mac之后的产品,而不是iPhone之后的产品。”

Apple is expected to subvert the way people watch TV at home and use computers at work, and become the successor of traditional TV and TV. This head display with a price of US dollars integrates three-dimensional digital content with the outside world. It landed in Apple's offline store in the United States last Friday and entered a market full of low-cost competitors. Most of these competitors are limited to the video game market and have not found a large audience. In addition, Apple's achievements in attracting developers are mixed as the most popular. One of the user's video applications has not been developed for new applications. Although users can watch movies and series on the device's web browser, they also indicate that they do not intend to launch new applications, but users can use Apple's own web browser to access it. According to informed sources, the music streaming service company has not developed applications for the release of this product, but this expensive head display is equipped with customized computing chips and difficult-to-manufacture display screens, which competitors do not have. Analysts who have used the head-mounted display said that these functions may pose a threat to almost all large two-dimensional screens at home or at work. Disney has been working with Apple for many years to develop an application for the release. This is the latest example in the history of cooperation between the two companies. The chief technology officer of Disney Entertainment said that when we saw this product, it was obviously a brand-new canvas for us to tell stories in an unprecedented way, so we hope to be here. Do something to expand ourselves and tell stories in a brand-new way. The Disney application can immerse movie audiences in different environments. The audience can land on the Tatooine planet in a virtual glider and watch the Star Wars Force awaken, just like in the future drive-in cinema or watch the The Avengers Terminator in the Avengers Building in midtown Manhattan. The audience can also watch a Disney movie, including the box office hit Avatar, Panther and Dish. The chief technology officer of the studio said that filmmakers such as the Lion King and Avatar are interested in telling stories in new ways. Disney showed a video at the Apple Global Developers Conference last month, and will soon launch an animation interaction in which users can interact with Marvel Pictures, indicating that the device has also opened up a new way to experience live sports events or amusement projects in theme parks. Disney's application well explains what Disney is best at, that is, the role and the theme park. The story brings you closer to the people you care about by bringing it into the real world. The late co-founder of Apple once told the biographer that in the process of developing the next generation TV, I finally cracked it, but it is not clear whether the mixed reality device is what Jobs had in mind. Analysts seem to have realized this long-standing promise, saying that I don't know if this is what Jobs said, but the platform elements make it more interesting than the TV that was introduced. It can be. Productivity can also be social, which can become a much bigger transaction and opportunity than TV sets. What is certain is that it is expensive and will not sell quickly. Analysts said in a note to investors that Apple has told its supply chain that it is expected to produce only 10,000 units. Even so, it may be that Apple has prepared excess capacity before users demand it. Apple's practice shows that it lacks confidence in whether users will buy immediately without in-store demonstrations, but the high price is for enterprises to buy. It's not a big problem for me. The CEO of a start-up company pointed out that the initial computer price in 2008 was equivalent to nearly US dollars now, but small businesses are flocking to it because it can create and print files. It is also important to realize that it is not a consumer accessory device like that, but a brand-new computing platform. I think this is more like a subsequent product than a subsequent product. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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