Base 链上游戏生态系统终极指南

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作者:WASD 来源:mirror 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网


但对于不太了解区块链的人来说,「Base」是一个由 Coinbase 开发的「Optimistic Rollup」,是基于 OP Stack 构建的。

虽然从 TVL 等指标来看,它可能还没有 Arbitrum 或 OP 主网等老牌网络那么引人注目,但自 2023 年 8 月推出以来,Base 一直保持着稳定增长。

虽然这个 Layer2 以其社交和创作者经济用例而闻名,但它也悄然成为游戏和其他酷炫链上实验的中心。



在深入研究一些单独的项目之前,我们先来解释一下为什么 Base 非常适合托管链上游戏。


作为 L2,相对于以太坊 L1,Base 可以实现显着更高的 TPS。



Base 与 EVM 兼容,允许开发人员利用现有的开发工具或从其他网络迁移他们的 dapp。

特别是对于链上游戏,这意味着团队可以使用 MUD 或 Paima 等 EVM 兼容引擎。


从长远来看,基于 Base 的链上游戏应该能够很好地利用 Coinbase 庞大的现有用户群。

Base 正在与 Coinbase 的产品套件深度集成,无论是支持 CEX 桥接,还是使用 Coinbase 钱包在 L2 上免费进行 USDC 转账。



现在我们已经了解了 Base 与链上游戏相关的价值主张,让我们看一下网络上的一些实时可玩游戏。



FrenPet是一款 Tamigotchi 风格的手机游戏,您可以在其中照顾一只链上宠物。

除了照顾你的宠物之外,你还可以参与不同的活动,例如与其他玩家战斗、在游戏内精品店购买化妆品以及参加 FrenPet Arcade 中的“旋转轮子”和“骰子”等迷你游戏。

每个 FrenPet 都由 NFT 代表,可以用 10 个 FP 代币(7 美元)铸造,如果你忽视它,就会被烧毁。

$FP 是一种 ERC-20 代币,需缴纳 5% 的交易税,但是该费用的一部分会以 ETH 形式作为奖励分配给玩家,并根据您相对于游戏中所有玩家的得分按比例分配。


总的来说,如果您喜欢简单、休闲的手机游戏,那么您应该在 FrenPet 中享受乐趣。


然而,考虑到它的休闲性质以及作为喜欢深入游戏的玩家类型,我从未 100% 投入其中。

Words 3


Words3是Small Brain Games开发的一款PVP文字游戏。

Words3 类似于 Scrabble 或 Words with Friends;当您与其他玩家竞争形成单词并赚取积分时。

然而,与那些离线游戏不同的是,你必须支付 ETH 才能使用字母,而字母的价格在整个游戏中会根据使用它们的需求而变化。

单词游戏 3 是在限时回合中进行的。

在一轮结束时,整个过程中花费的 ETH 将根据玩家的盈利能力或相对于他们花费的 ETH 获得的分数重新分配给玩家。

我喜欢 Words3,因为它在一款易于上手(但难以掌握)的游戏中结合了策略、速度和创造力。

我每周都会参加 WASD 与 [WE] 主办的 Words3 社区回合比赛。




Drawtech是一款同样由Small Brain Games开发的PVP绘画游戏。

作为有史以来第一个移动链上游戏,Drawtech 是作为 PWA 构建的,并使用 Privy 进行登录并托管嵌入式钱包。


与 Words3 类似,你必须支付 ETH 才能做到这一点,每个图块都有自己的价格,由玩家需求决定。

假设他们不覆盖你的,每次玩家在一个图块上着色时,你都会获得他们花费的 ETH 的一部分,比例与你控制的图块数量成比例。

虽然我喜欢底层机制和赚取一些 ETH 的机会,但我确实认为游戏价格很快就会变得非常昂贵,从而让新玩家望而却步。





您可以将该项目视为与Arbitrum上的Treasure DAO或Starknet上的Realms类似,因为LandTorn充当游戏出版商和分销商的角色,旨在围绕共享代币($TORN)统一其生态系统。

按照这些路线,在 LandTorn 生态系统中发布的游戏将利用 $TORN,同时参与更大的元游戏和经济。

该项目的第一款游戏是Lorak,一款闲置游戏,类似于Treasure DAO的Bridgeworld和Realm的Eternum,充当生态系统的元游戏。




这样做是为了实现您的最终目标,即发现称为“神话”的物品,这些物品可用于铸造“Torn Lords”,这是一个包含 500 个 NFT 的稀有收藏品。

总体而言,LandTorn 所追求的创建一个相互关联的游戏生态系统的愿景非常有趣,尽管 Lorak 本身很复杂。




Cambria是一个制作多款游戏的工作室,包括Duel Arena、Degen Wars和Gold Rush。

Degen Wars是一款受到Runescape和Ultima Online等游戏启发的2D MMO。


他们的第二款游戏,Degen Arena,现在是团队的主要关注点。在Arena中,玩家可以相互挑战进行1对1的决斗。


决斗参与者将赚取精华积分(Essence Points),使您有资格获得即将到来的决斗竞技场代币空投。


我发现 Degen Arena 非常有趣,有很多机会聊天、竞争、展示 NFT,甚至赢得一些 ETH。





  • Basepaint,一个协作的链上艺术项目。

  • Dot,一个允许您创建可收藏像素艺术的协议

  • Land, Labor, Capital (LLC),一个在Base部署的大亨游戏。




在这些游戏中,Base 的可扩展性、EVM 兼容性以及与 Coinbase 的联系使其处于有利地位,能够继续成为领先的链上游戏生态系统。


If you often read the blockchain information, especially the relevant content, you probably already know what it is, but for those who don't know much about the blockchain, it is developed and built. Although it may not be as eye-catching as the established network such as the main network, it has maintained a steady growth since its launch in June. Although it is famous for its social and creator economic use cases, it has quietly become a game and. Can other centers of cool online experiments become leaders in this field? Let's wait and see why we choose to study some individual projects in depth. Let's explain why it is very suitable for hosting online games. Compared with Ethereum, it can achieve significantly higher scalability, which is very important for online games because they need a lot of low-cost transactions to provide players with a smooth and accessible experience. Compatibility and compatibility allow developers to use existing development tools. Or migrate their products from other networks, especially for online games, which means that the team can use or wait for compatible engines to support online games. In the long run, online games based on should be able to make good use of the huge existing user base and be deeply integrated with the product suite, whether it is to support bridging or to use wallets to transfer money for free. In addition, the team also provides extensive developer support, focusing on projects built on the network and distributing grant games to developers. Now we have learned about. Value proposition related to online games Let's take a look at some real-time playable games on the Internet, which are a style of mobile games. You can take care of a pet on the chain. Besides taking care of your pet, you can also participate in different activities, such as fighting with other players, buying cosmetics in in-game boutiques and participating in mini-games such as spinning wheels and dice. Each of them can be cast with a token dollar, and if you ignore it, it will be burned. It is a token transaction that needs to be paid. Tax, but part of the fee will be distributed to players as a reward in the form and in proportion to your scores relative to all players in the game, that is, the more you score, the greater the proportion of rewards you get. Generally speaking, if you like simple and casual mobile games, then you should enjoy the fun in the game. The retention mechanism is very clever because it encourages players to participate and climb up in the rankings to maximize their rewards. However, considering its leisure nature and as a type of player who likes to go deep into the game, I. A word game that has never been put into it is similar to or when you compete with other players to form words and earn points. However, unlike those offline games, you have to pay to use letters, and the price of letters will change according to the demand of using them throughout the game. Word games are played in limited rounds, and the expenses spent in the whole process will be redistributed to players according to their profitability or the points gained relative to their expenses. I like it because. Because it combines strategy, speed and creativity in an easy-to-use but difficult-to-master game, I participate in the community round competition with the host every week. Nevertheless, I think the game can benefit from burning wallets to promote a smoother experience and providing more information about strategy and how to play. It is also a painting game developed as the first mobile chain game in history, and it is used to log in and host embedded wallets in the game. You will compete on the shared grid to color tiles and similar things. You have to pay to do this. Each tile has its own price, which is determined by the player's demand. Assuming that they don't cover you, every time a player paints a tile, you will get a part of what they spend, which is proportional to the number of tiles you control. Although I like the underlying mechanism and the opportunity to earn some money, I do think that the price of the game will soon become very expensive, which will deter new players. Nevertheless, as the first one. A mobile game, which is a huge leap for online games, aims to build an interconnected online game ecosystem. You can regard this project as similar to online or online, because the role as a game publisher and distributor aims to unify its ecosystem around shared tokens. The games released in the ecosystem along these lines will take advantage of participating in larger meta-games and economies at the same time. The first game of this project is an idle game, which is similar to and acts as an ecosystem. In the meta-game, you will cast a settler, and you can use it to complete the dungeon and get the loot. The loot can be sold in exchange for the second token as its main token, because it can be used to upgrade your settler and enter some dungeons. This is to achieve your ultimate goal, that is, to discover the items called myths, which can be used to cast. This is a rare collection that contains 10 items. Generally speaking, the vision of creating an interrelated game ecosystem is not pursued. It's often interesting, although it's complicated, and although the pace of this game is not fast, I like to improve my ranking in the leaderboard, especially when there are not many players now. It is a studio that makes a variety of games, including Hehe, which is inspired by Hehe and other games, in which players compete for territory and resources by participating in battles as part of the tribes on the chain. Their second game is now the main concern of the team, in which players can challenge each other to duel and use the betting mechanism. You can use points or other assets in the world as a bet. These prizes will go to the winner of the battle. All duel participants will earn elite points to qualify you for the upcoming duel arena token airdrop. You can also participate in a free duel in which you can earn arena tokens. This is another currency used to buy cosmetics and other commodities. I find it very interesting, and there are many opportunities to chat, compete, show and even win some. I am very excited to continue playing and look forward to seeing future upgrades, such as reality. There are several interesting online game projects or experiments on other games such as Shihui, which are worth seeing. These include a collaborative online art project, an agreement that allows you to create collectible pixel art, and a tycoon game in deployment. As you can see, the online game ecosystem is booming. At present, there are many online games that can be played. They bring unique gameplay mechanism and economic design, and their scalability, compatibility and connection make them in a favorable position to continue to be the leading online game ecosystem. If you are concerned about online games, please don't. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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