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作者:THEDEFIINVESTOR,DeFi 研究员 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网




对于 ETH 来说,情况甚至更好,因为 ETH 在其历史上只有 1 次在二月下行。

但与此同时,比特币从未连续 6 个月收盘上涨,在过去的 5 个月中,比特币大部分时间都处于只涨不跌的状态。



1.香港首只现货 BTC ETF

几周前,中国大型资产管理公司嘉实全球投资(Harvest Global Investments)申请了香港首只现货BTC ETF。

另一家金融巨头 Venture Smart Financial Holdings 已将 2024 年第一季度作为推出 BTC ETF 的目标。

此外,香港监管机构已于 12 月证实,他们正在考虑接受现货比特币 ETF 的申请。

嘉实全球投资公司(Harvest Global Investments)的目标似乎是在2月10日之后推出香港首只现货比特币ETF。


听起来好得不像真的,但也许本月香港就会批准现货 BTC ETF。

此外,为了以防万一,Venture Smart Financial Holdings透露,他们计划在第二季度在香港推出现货ETH ETF。

现货比特币 ETF 在美国的推出无疑取得了巨大成功,尽管灰度带来了巨大的抛售压力,但其总净流动量仍超过了 15 亿美元。

香港的现货比特币 ETF 可能也会吸引大量资金。


Starknet 是以太坊 L2 领域的关键项目之一,也是最早建立在以太坊之上的 ZK-Rollup Layer 2 网络之一。

虽然没有官方确认,但许多熟悉 Starknet 生态系统的人预计 STRK 代币将在 2 月份上线。


项目团队已经确认他们在 60 多天前为代币分配进行了快照,因此代币发行应该不会太远。


每次一个主要 L2 项目宣布其代币启动时,其生态系统通常会从那时起直到代币生成事件后看到活动和 TVL 的激增。例如,在 Arbitrum 的案例中,其 TVL 在 ARB 代币发布确认后一周内增加了 5 亿美元。


许多 Arbitrum 生态系统代币的价格也在 ARB 代币首次推出时飙升,然后在 ARB 代币生成事件后逐渐抛售。(因为代币发布最终被证明是“sell-the-news”事件。)

未来几周 Starknet 生态系统代币也可能发生同样的情况,因此如果您交易叙事,需要特别记住这一点。

3.EigenLayer 存款重新开放

最大的再质押协议 Eigenlayer 将再次开放存款。

他们取消了 LST 的20 万 ETH 的个人上限,但现在分配给任何流动性质押代币或流动性再质押代币的再质押点的上限为未来总发行量的 33%。

就我个人而言,我正在用相对较大比例的 ETH 持有量参与 EigenLayer 空投,因为我认为这是目前 ETH 的最佳收益机会之一。

我很快就会发布一个主题,介绍我用来最大化 ETH 收益 + 空投分配的一些重置策略。

不过,简而言之,我正在使用 4 种流动性再质押协议博取 EigenLayer 空投:

Kelp DAO - 目前使用 Kelp 铸造的每个 rsETH 可获得 100k Kelp 积分奖励,时间有限。

Eigenpie - 2 月 12 日前,Eigenpie 积分提升 2 倍

EtherFi - 使用 EtherFi,每质押 1 个 ETH 可多获得 20 个 EigenLayer 点数

Renzo - 在 2 月 11 日之前,每再质押 1 个 ETH 可获得 200 ezPoint 积分奖励

EigenLayer TVL 目前价值 21 亿美元。



接下来,EigenLayer Stage 2 的最终测试网定于 2 月 7 日发布。

第 2 阶段将使再质押者最终能够开始将其 ETH 委托给运行积极验证服务的运营商。

以下是 EigenLayer 第 2 阶段的精彩概述:


3.Frax Finance 推出 L2


Frax Finance 是建立在以太坊上的 DeFi 产品生态系统,旗下最受欢迎的产品包括稳定币 $FRAX 和流动质押代币 frxETH。

该团队一直在研发 Frax 自己的 L2 区块链,目前似乎距离发布仅剩几天(预计日期为 2 月 7 日)。

Fraxtal(Frax 的 L2 产品名称)并非仅仅是 Optimism 的简单分叉,它将带来一些有趣的创新:

  • Gas 代币灵活性: Fraxtal 将同时使用 frxETH 和 FRAX 作为 Gas 代币。

  • 区块空间激励: 使用网络的用户、应用和开发人员将获得 veFXS(FXS 的质押版本)奖励。

  • BAMM: 借贷 AMM 的新颖功能(由 Frax 团队开发),将在 Fraxtal 上线 1-2 个月内发布,允许用户无需预言机即可对任何代币进行杠杆操作。

  • Curve Finance 和 Ra(由 Ramses Exchange 团队创建的 DEX)已确认将在 Fraxtal 上部署。

  • Frax Finance 创始人还做出大胆预测,他预计 Fraxtal 在第一个月将吸引数亿美元。

是否会实现还有待观察。目前我们还不知道 Fraxtal 的很多细节,但发布当天可能会有更多信息分享。

4.太坊 Dencun 升级:最终测试网开启

备受期待的以太坊 Dencun 升级最终测试网即将于 2 月 7 日启动。若测试顺利,该升级预计将在 3 月或 4 月上线主网。

Dencun 升级备受关注主要是因为它引入了“proto-danksharding”技术。proto-danksharding 预计将大幅降低 L2 的交易费用,方法是降低 L2 为继承以太坊安全所支付的“租金”。

过去两年,L2 网络发展迅速。如果 Dencun 能够达到社区的预期,它可能会吸引大量新用户进入以太坊 L2 网络,因为这将使它们更加经济实惠。



Wu Blockchain 制作了一张很棒的表格,列出了2月份预计解锁的最大型代币。其中两个特别引起了我的注意:

  • APT - 2.29 亿美元的 APT(占其流通供应的 7.3%)将于 2 月 11 日解锁。

  • SAND - 9400 万美元的 SAND(占其流通供应的 9%)将于 2 月 14 日解锁。

此外,2 月 22 日还将解锁价值 3.3 亿美元的 AVAX 代币。然而,虽然这在美元价值上看起来很大,但 3.3 亿美元的 AVAX 只占其流通供应的 2.6%。





  • 2 月 13 日 - 美国消费者物价指数数据

  • 2 月 12 日 - Ripple-SEC 诉讼的下一个关键日期

  • 2 月 23 日 - 币安创始人 CZ 的听证会


Will the cryptocurrency market go up or down in February? Interestingly, from the historical data, February has always been one of the best months for Bitcoin. In the whole history, only two February bitcoins have fallen, and the situation is even better for me, because in its history, it has only gone down in February for the second time, but at the same time, Bitcoin has never closed up for three consecutive months. In the past three months, Bitcoin has been only rising but not falling. However, no matter what the price trend of bitcoin is about to appear, this month will be a month full of opportunities for narrative and news traders. The following are several major events that are expected to happen in February. A few weeks ago, Harvest Global Investment, a large asset management company in China, applied for the first spot in Hong Kong. Another financial giant has set the first quarter of 2008 as the launch target. In addition, Hong Kong regulators confirmed in May that they are considering accepting the application of Harvest Global Investment for spot bitcoin. It seems that the goal of the capital company is to launch the first spot bitcoin in Hong Kong after June. It sounds too good to be true, but maybe Hong Kong will approve the spot this month. In addition, in case of disclosure, they plan to launch the spot bitcoin in Hong Kong in the second quarter. The launch in the United States has undoubtedly achieved great success. Although the gray scale has brought great selling pressure, its total net flow still exceeds 100 million US dollars. The spot bitcoin in Hong Kong may also attract a lot of money to issue tokens, which is the key to the field of Ethereum. One of the key projects is also one of the earliest networks built on Ethereum. Although there is no official confirmation, many people familiar with the ecosystem expect that the tokens will be launched in January. The Bitcoin project team has confirmed that they took a snapshot of the token distribution many days ago, so the token issuance should not be too far away. Why is this important? Every time a major project announces its token launch, its ecosystem usually sees a surge in activity and activity from then until after the token generation event, for example, in the case of. Within one week after the confirmation of the token release, the price of many ecosystem tokens also soared when the token was first launched, and then gradually sold after the token generation event, because the token release finally proved to be an event, and the same situation may happen to ecosystem tokens in the next few weeks, so if you need to remember this in your trading narrative, the largest re-pledge agreement will reopen the deposit. They have cancelled the personal limit of 10,000 but now they are allocated to any liquidity. The upper limit of the pledge point of pledged tokens or liquid re-pledged tokens is the total circulation in the future. Personally, I am participating in airdrops with a relatively large proportion of holdings, because I think this is one of the best profit opportunities at present. I will soon publish a topic to introduce some reset strategies I use to maximize the distribution of airdrops, but in short, I am using a liquid re-pledge agreement to gain the rewards for airdrops. At present, I use casting for a limited period of time. If you use each pledge twice, you can get more points. You can get bonus points for each pledge before June. It is currently worth hundreds of millions of dollars. This year, its growth rate is too fast, and so many ecosystem airdrops are announced every week. I don't expect the hype around it to disappear soon. The next final test network is scheduled to be released on June. The first phase will enable the pledgee to finally start entrusting it to operators running active verification services. The following is a wonderful overview of the first phase. Bitcoin is launched and established. The most popular products under the product ecosystem in Ethereum include stable coins and mobile pledge tokens. The team has been developing its own blockchain. At present, it seems that there are only a few days left before the release. The product name with the expected date of month and day is not just a simple fork. It will bring some interesting innovative token flexibility, which will be used at the same time and used as a token block space to stimulate users' applications and developers to use the network. The novel function of pledge version reward lending will be developed by the team. It will be released within the next month, allowing users to leverage any token without Oracle, and it has been confirmed that it will be deployed on the website created by the team. The founder also made a bold prediction that he expects to attract hundreds of millions of dollars in the first month. It remains to be seen whether it will be realized. At present, we don't know many details, but there may be more information to share on the day of release. The final test network will be launched, and the much-anticipated Ethereum upgrade will be launched. If the test is successful, the upgrade is expected to be. The upgrade of the main network when it goes online in January or October has attracted much attention, mainly because it introduces technology, and the transaction cost is expected to be greatly reduced by reducing the rent paid for inheriting the security of Ethereum. The network has developed rapidly in the past two years. If it can meet the expectations of the community, it may attract a large number of new users to enter the Ethereum network because it will make them more economical. At the beginning of the new moon, another wave of tokens will be unlocked. A great table is made to list the largest number of tokens expected to be unlocked in the month. Two of the tokens have attracted my attention in particular, of which $100 million accounts for its circulation supply, and $10,000 accounts for its circulation supply. In addition, the tokens worth $100 million will be unlocked on March. However, although it looks great in dollar value, $100 million only accounts for its circulation supply of bitcoin and other events worthy of attention. If you want to know what other major events will happen in the cryptocurrency field this month, please check out the following cryptocurrency calendar. Personally, I think there are still several key dates worthy of attention, and the next key date of the US consumer price index data litigation is March. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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