人工智能和 DeFi 的结合可以使两个行业受益

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作者:Stephen Katte,cointelegraph 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网


DeFi 是一种基于区块链技术的金融服务,主要涉及使用智能合约的点对点交易,消除银行等中介机构,并让个人直接控制金融资产。


BNB Chain 首席科学家V表示:人工智能有效分析大量数据、识别模式和做出智能预测的能力可以使 DeFi 能够优化运营、增强安全措施并为用户提供个性化服务。使用人工智能还可以改进帮助审核智能合约和确定贷款信用评分等功能。


V 表示:“分散计算资源有可能通过提供计算能力强大、经济高效且节能的基础设施来创建更加公平和公正的人工智能生态系统。人工智能算法日益复杂,带来了挑战,但专注于分布式计算和开放协作的 Web3 技术为促进协作人工智能计划提供了一个有前途的框架。

“DeFi 和人工智能之间存在一些初步的协同作用”,将人工智能与去中心化应用程序相结合可以改善这两个行业,并可能在此过程中增加加密货币和区块链技术的用例。

加密货币和 DeFi 还可以引入更多激励方法,以分散数据市场和 AI 算法市场等领域的整个 AI 基础设施。

“如果所有数据都被视为资产,那么质量越高的数据就越值钱,”V 说。“由于人工智能模型是为不同的应用而设计的,因此这些模型的市场可能会出现;用户可以选择和购买最适合其特定需求的模型,从而创建一个需求驱动的市场,重点是将正确的人工智能模型与正确的用例相匹配。”

然而,虽然将人工智能融入 DeFi 平台可以带来巨大的机遇,但也存在潜在的安全挑战。

人工智能允许 DeFi 交易者通过人工智能驱动的交易机器人和预测分析来实施交易策略,以识别市场趋势。然而,人工智能算法很容易受到数据操纵的影响,如果每个人都依赖相同的有缺陷的数据模型,这可能会导致损失。

美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 主席加里·詹斯勒 (Gary Gensler)在 2023 年对在传统金融市场使用人工智能表达了类似的担忧。


人工智能可以帮助解决 DeFi 中的问题,反之亦然

DappRadar 的区块链分析师Sara Gherghelas告诉 Cointelegraph,Web3 技术与人工智能的结合可能代表着“具有巨大潜力的突破性融合”。

在她看来,人工智能可以帮助解决 DeFi 领域的问题,反之亦然,有可能推动这两个领域的发展,使金融服务更加高效、安全和便捷。Gherghelas 认为,我们面临的关键问题不是我们是否实施人工智能,而是如何实施人工智能以最大限度地发挥其效益。

“人工智能分析大数据集的能力可以增强 DeFi 中的风险评估、欺诈检测和预测分析,”Gherghelas 说。相反,DeFi 透明、去中心化的账本可以为 AI 提供稳健、防篡改的数据,提高 AI 模型的准确性和公平性。

人工智能已经被用于 DeFi 领域,帮助检测欺诈、身份验证和打击洗钱。加密货币交易所币安开始利用人工智能来对抗。


如果深思熟虑,Web3 和人工智能的协同作用可能会彻底改变金融、医疗保健和供应链等行业,从而将效率和透明度提高到新的水平。


然而,必须应对可扩展性和互操作性等挑战,同时还要解决道德和监管问题。除了对人工智能所能实现的成就感到兴奋的同时,也存在很大的恐惧。SpaceX 首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 等科技领袖一直在对人工智能滥用的可能性发出警告,甚至要求暂停人工智能开发



Gherghelas 认为,将人工智能融入 DeFi 可能需要一个全新的监管环境来解决其影响,这可能会给已经在努力跟上人工智能行业快速增长的监管机构带来另一个问题。

“需要强调的是,人工智能不仅仅是一种转瞬即逝的趋势;它也是一种趋势。” 它会一直存在,并将越来越多地成为我们日常生活的一部分,”Gherghelas 说。


过去几年,人们对人工智能生成内容的担忧呈指数级增长。世界经济论坛在其第 19 份全球风险报告中强调了人工智能技术的不利后果。


Deepfake 已被标记为特别值得关注的问题。人工智能视频技术可以创建计算机生成的图像和声音,这些图像和声音通常与真实的图像和声音难以区分。Deepfakes 已经在电影行业中用于延缓演员的衰老。然而,这项技术也有其阴暗面。 

近日,美国总统乔·拜登的幽灵向选民打电话,涉嫌操纵2024年大选结果。音乐巨星泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)也发现自己成为深度伪造图像的受害者,因为人工智能被用来在网上创建她的露骨照片。

SumSub 的数据显示,从 2022 年到 2023 年,全球所有行业的深度造假都增加了十倍。

人工智能和 DeFi 仍处于早期阶段

OneReach.ai 创意内容总监 Josh Tyson 在接受 Cointelegraph 采访时表示,在他看来,去中心化和人工智能有着千丝万缕的联系——我们正处于它们关系的早期阶段。人工智能的更广泛采用似乎可能会导致一个更加去中心化的世界。

Tyson 认为OpenAI 的聊天机器人等软件可以提供有关 Web3 和 DeFi 基础和演变的可靠背景,这对“客户方程式双方”的用户都有价值。

“似乎 DeFi 领域的许多问题都与变化的步伐有关;随着 NFT、应用程序、平台和去中心化交易所不断发展,很难建立对该领域的基本了解。”


Artificial intelligence and decentralized finance have been promoted as technical experts who can change the world. Experts say that combining the two may create unparalleled opportunities for these two industries. It is a financial service based on blockchain technology, which mainly involves the use of smart contracts to eliminate intermediaries such as banks and let individuals directly control financial assets. On the other hand, artificial intelligence can simulate human intelligence and execute decisions at high speed to solve problems. And data analysis, the chief scientist said that the ability of artificial intelligence to effectively analyze a large number of data recognition patterns and make intelligent predictions can optimize operations, enhance security measures and provide personalized services for users. The use of artificial intelligence can also improve the functions of helping to review smart contracts and determine loan credit scores, indicating that decentralized computing resources may create a fairer and more just artificial intelligence ecosystem by providing an infrastructure with strong computing power, high efficiency and energy saving. The increasing complexity of system artificial intelligence algorithm brings challenges, but the technology focusing on distributed computing and open collaboration provides a promising framework for promoting collaborative artificial intelligence plan. There are some preliminary synergies between artificial intelligence and decentralized applications. Combining artificial intelligence with decentralized applications can improve these two industries, and may increase the use cases of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in the process, and can also introduce more incentive methods to disperse the data market and algorithm market. If all the data in the whole infrastructure in other fields are regarded as assets, the higher the quality of the data, the more valuable it is. It is said that because artificial intelligence models are designed for different applications, there may be a market for these models, and users can choose and buy the model that best suits their specific needs, thus creating a demand-driven market. The key point is to match the correct artificial intelligence model with the correct use case. However, although integrating artificial intelligence into the platform can bring huge opportunities, there are also potentials. The current security challenge, artificial intelligence, allows traders to implement trading strategies to identify market trends through artificial intelligence-driven trading robots and predictive analysis. However, artificial intelligence algorithms are easily affected by data manipulation, which may lead to losses if everyone relies on the same flawed data model. Gary Gensler, chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, expressed similar concerns about the use of artificial intelligence in traditional financial markets in. Gaenssler believes that if mainstream financial institutions start to take root, Making decisions based on the same data model may lead to herd mentality, undermine the stability of financial markets and inadvertently lead to economic recession. On the other hand, the blockchain analyst told us that the combination of technology and artificial intelligence may represent a breakthrough integration with great potential. In her view, artificial intelligence may help solve problems in the field, and vice versa, which may promote the development of these two fields and make financial services more efficient, safe and convenient. The key issue is not whether we implement artificial intelligence, but how to implement artificial intelligence to maximize its benefits. The ability of artificial intelligence to analyze large data sets can enhance the risk assessment, fraud detection and predictive analysis. On the contrary, transparent decentralized accounting books can improve the accuracy and fairness of models for providing robust tamper-proof data. Artificial intelligence has been used in the field to help detect fraud, authentication and combat money laundering. If the synergy between careful consideration and artificial intelligence may completely change the industries such as finance, health care and supply chain, thus improving efficiency and transparency to a new level, she said, because decentralized technology provides diverse and secure data sets, this integration has the potential of innovative applications, enhanced data privacy and powerful artificial intelligence models, but it is necessary to deal with challenges such as scalability and interoperability, and at the same time solve ethical and regulatory issues, in addition to what can be achieved by artificial intelligence. While being excited about the achievements, there are also great fears. CEO Elon Musk and other scientific and technological leaders have been warning about the possibility of the abuse of artificial intelligence, and even demanding that the development of artificial intelligence be suspended. The United States and many other countries have taken measures to standardize the development of artificial intelligence and prevent some predicted worst cases from coming true. So far, only Europe has made real progress, and the European Union has established a framework to stipulate the obligations of artificial intelligence development, including testing. Transparency of records and obligation of notification suggest that the integration of artificial intelligence may require a brand-new regulatory environment to solve its impact, which may bring another problem to the regulatory agencies that are already trying to keep up with the rapid growth of artificial intelligence industry. It should be emphasized that artificial intelligence is not only a fleeting trend, but also a trend, which will always exist and will increasingly become a part of our daily life. The key is to guide this integration responsibly and ensure the deployment of artificial intelligence. Ethical, fair and in line with social values, she added that people's concerns about the content generated by artificial intelligence have increased exponentially in the past few years. In its first global risk report, the World Economic Forum emphasized the adverse consequences of artificial intelligence technology. The United Nations also called on artificial intelligence stakeholders to solve the problem of spreading false information and asked them to take immediate and urgent actions to ensure that the responsible use of artificial intelligence has been marked as a problem of special concern. Artificial intelligence video technology can create calculations. Machine-generated images and sounds, which are usually indistinguishable from real images and sounds, have been used in the film industry to delay the aging of actors. However, this technology also has its dark side. Recently, the ghost of American President Joe Biden called voters on suspicion of manipulating the results of the 2008 election, and music superstar Taylor Swift also found herself a victim of deeply forged images, because artificial intelligence was used to create her explicit photos on the Internet, showing the depth of all industries in the world from 2000 to 2000. In an interview, the director of creative content said that in his opinion, decentralization and artificial intelligence are inextricably linked, and we are in the early stage of their relationship. It seems that the wider adoption of artificial intelligence may lead to a more decentralized world. It is believed that software such as chat bots can provide a reliable background of relevance, foundation and evolution, which is valuable to users on both sides of the customer equation. It seems that many problems in the field are related to the pace of change. 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