DAO 组织模式探究及发展预测

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DAO 是一种利用区块链技术实现的组织形式,它的核心在于去中心化和代码即法律的原则。与传统组织不同,DAO 没有中心化的管理结构,而是通过智能合约来自动执行规则,实现组织的治理和运营。DAO 被视为 Web3 领域基础设施的重要组成部分。它支持远程协作,特别适合开源项目。DAO 提供了一种开放、自由、公平的组织方式,鼓励合作和分享。 

DAO 的概念最早在 2013 年提出,但真正引起广泛关注的是在 2016 年,当时一个名为"The DAO"的去中心化自治组织成为了热门话题。The DAO 是一个以太坊上的智能合约组成的去中心化投资基金,它的目标是通过智能合约进行投资和决策,而无需中央管理。 

DAO 的定义和核心要素尚未有共识,但其作为一种合作社区的概念被广泛接受。DAO 的本质在于其“自动自发,不需要人为干预”的特点,尽管目前的 DAO大多是靠人治为主。截至 2023 年末,全球 DAO 的数量快速增长,已经渗透到金融、娱乐、房地产和社区治理等多个领域。最初在北美和亚洲的部分区域受欢迎 的 DAO,现在在全球范围内获得关注,许多项目和组织都尝试利用 DAO 来建立更加去中心化和民主的组织结构。 


在 DAO 中,每个成员都可以参与决策过程,通常通过代币持有量来决定投票权重。这意味着,DAO 的决策是通过社区成员的集体智慧而不是少数人的意志来做出的。这种透明、民主的治理机制是其吸引力的重要源泉。DAO 的实现和运行有很多的基础技术支撑,张群认为以下几项是关键: 

1. 智能合约技术

DAO 的核心一定是基于智能合约的。智能合约在 DAO 中发挥着核心作用,DAO通过智能合约来定义组织的规则、成员的权利和责任,以及投票和决策的机制。智能合约确保了规则的自动执行,减少了对中央权威的依赖。智能合约的不可篡改性和透明性保证了规则一旦设定,除非通过社区共识来更改,否则不会被单方面更改。 

2. 区块链技术

区块链是 DAO 的更底层设施,无论是治理还是 DAO 上的经济,都需要通过区块链实现。通过在区块链上运行,DAO 的规则和决策记录被保存在公开可验证的账本上,提高了组织的透明度和信任度。 

3. 组织代币 

成员持有 DAO 的代币,代表他们在组织中的责权利的份额。这些代币可以用于投票、提案和决策,也可以作为分享成果的标尺。不过中国大陆的法律条款对此有严格限制,很多代币都以权益凭证名义发行。

资金的管理也是 DAO 的核心要素之一。与传统组织不同,DAO 的资金通常通过智能合约进行管理。这种方式提高了资金使用的透明度和安全性,同时也降低了欺诈和滥用的风险。 

4. 治理模型 

DAO 的治理模型定义了组织成员如何参与决策和管理事务,如何获得回报。这可能包括投票机制、提案程序、成员资格验证、任务执行和财务分配等。一个有效的治理模型是确保 DAO 有效运行的关键。DAO 的成功还取决于成员的积极参与和共识建设,成员需要在组织的决策和事务中保持热情。

总而言之,DAO 的核心要素是去中心化的治理结构、基于共识的决策制度、智能合约的自动执行,以及透明安全的资金管理机制。这些因素共同作用,使得DAO 成为一种全新且颇具潜力的组织形式。 

DAO 的核心是治理模型

DAO 的目标是完成具体工作或实现远景愿景。张群认为,治理模型包含决策治理和任务治理两个核心。很多 DAO 在决策治理上做了大量探索,决策模型也在不断演化。原始的治理模型多依赖于代币持有量决定投票权,而后来的实践开始引入声誉系统、预测市场以及二次方投票等更加复杂和公平的治理机制。 


声誉系统是一种用来衡量和表示成员在组织内的影响力或贡献度的机制。它通常基于成员的行为、参与程度、对项目的贡献等因素来分配。其目的是鼓励和奖励对 DAO 贡献的成员,同时确保决策权在有经验和值得信赖的成员手中。这可以提高决策的质量并促进组织的长期健康发展。  





如果说决策治理是对 DAO 上战略方向的民主决策机制,那任务治理就是保证战略能被有效落地的关键方法。

DAO 建立的初衷是通过创新协作,完成某项目目标,因此确保每项任务和具体工作都能执行成功应该是 DAO 的重点关注。DAO 的规则制定、工具使用、协作文化和流程都应围绕这一核心展开,因此,尽管 DAO 是一种新型组织形态,其组织目标与传统组织并无差异,认识到这一点尤为重要。 

张群观察到许多 DAO 组织陷入了为了 DAO 而 DAO 的境地,仅强调技术和理念创新,搭建豪华复杂的用户平台,这并无实际意义。在商业实践中,我们探索了四个关键元素建立任务治理模型的方法,称之为 TTAM 四要素模型。此模型能覆盖几乎所有任务管理和劳动协作,并有效进行任务评价和验收。所谓的四要素,即一项工作的四个维度: 任务、时间、成果、劳酬。任务、时间和成果是过程元素;而劳酬则是结果元素,参与最终的价值交换。TTAM 模型适用于所有任务型工作。 

1. 时间(TIME)


2. 任务(TASK) 

任务的制定是一门科学。任务本身涉及确定工作内容、分配任务、设定优先级和跟踪进展。任务制定要符合 SMART 目标管理原则,描述要具体、明确、详细和准确;任务需求中列出的条款要能够被测试、被验证。每一条需求都应该有唯一的编号,以便在以后的确认和测试中能够进行追溯。 

3. 成果评价(APPRAISAL) 


为了有效管理和利用成员的多样性,治理模型需考虑多样性和包容性管理。我们建议对任务成果进行分级: S+代表优秀,S 代表成功,F 代表失败。

成果的评价分布在任务的每一个里程碑节点,最终使用加权形成。最少进行规划期、执行期、交付期三次评价。可以采用 CAQ 步进评价法,从以下三个维度进行: 

1) 方向(Correct direction):工作在正确的方向。方向对,符合任务意图,而且在这个正确的方向上进行了产出。

2) 可接受(Acceptable):产出物(可能是设计方案,中间件,实物产品或者一组指标)可以接受,评价标准为“能用”、“是想要的”、“可以勉强验收”。可以勉强验收代表了“可接受性”,这是工作成果可以容忍的最低标准。

3) 质量级(Quality level):在可接受的基础上,对产出物的品质评级。CAQ 法采用步进评价,C 不通过则停止 AQ 评价,A 不通过则停止 Q 评价。

CAQ 评价分别关联成果分级中的 F 和 S,C 对应 F,S 对应 A 和 Q。

TTAM 与 CAQ 示意图 

4. 劳酬(MONEY) 

劳酬是对完成规定任务的劳动者给予的报酬,可能是金钱也可能是物质或者 荣誉。进行成果评审和定级后,劳酬与成果直接相关。S+级成果可能获得额外X%奖励,S 级成果 70%-100%劳酬,而 F 级任务仅获得基础劳动报酬,具体数值可由不同组织自行定义。

这四要素构成了 DAO 治理的基础框架,可以根据具体情况进行调整和扩展。管理者可以利用这些要素来规划、执行和监督管理活动。

从业务角度看,TTAM 模型在一项工作的发起和终结可能包括以下步骤:

1) 设定目标:明确工作的绩效目标和标准,使用具体的数字和指标定义目标,如“增加销售额 10%”。

2) 收集数据和反馈:定期收集与目标相关的数据,向成员提供反馈,以便了解工作表现。

3) 评估和讨论:定期与成员讨论工作表现,包括对目标达成程度的讨论和反馈。

4) 提供支持和改进计划:帮助成员制定改进计划,提供必要的支持和资源以提高工作表现。

TTAM 模型旨在支持 DAO 治理,通过设定目标、数据收集、评估和支持等四个基本步骤来最大化成员协作成果。该模型易于理解和实施,可根据组织需要进行定制和扩展,工作过程数据来源可能是 DAO 组织需要考虑的问题。关于 TTAM治理模型的详细架构和实施方法,我将在之后的文章中继续与大家探究。 


DAO 凝聚了广大社区成员的美好愿景,这个愿景可能是美好的情怀,也可能是真善美、公平、道义、透明等一系列关键词。但是仰望星空之后回望大地,它始终无法置身商业之外。带着成员进入盈利通道才是 DAO 的关键,而 DAO 有没有标的物是它能否走下去并长治久安的关键。

什么是 DAO 标的物呢?为什么必须要有标的物呢。标的物是 DAO 上的产出成果。就像中国早期的人民公社,社员们一起种的苹果树,这棵树结了很多苹果,这些苹果就是 DAO 的标的物。更简单说其实就是蛋糕,只有有了这个蛋糕,才会有分蛋糕的人,有了想分蛋糕的人,才会有真正意义的治理,单纯的责权没有任何意义。没有标的物的 DAO 不会走的太久,难以聚起广泛的成员,社区发展一定会障碍重重。 

标的物就是 DAO 上的成果,一般情况下这个成果是资金累积,也可以是一种成功的商业模式。Uniswap 可以看做是最原始的 DAO,它基于加密货币交易形成巨大的用户社群,用户持有 UNI 可以参与到治理决策,Uniswap 的标的物是UNI和交易所这种商业模式。世界知名的 MakerDao 的长久发展是因为它的标的物 Dai稳定币,另外就是去中心化借贷的商业模式;PermaDAO 的持续发展来自于Arweave 基金会的支持,他的标的物是资金;Aragon 的标的物是它的商业模式,人人都可以通过 Aragon 建立 DAO 组织去挣钱。

之前说了,DAO 也是商业管理的模式之一,不管社区的野心有多大,也不管 DAO 的的治理结构有多复杂,DAO 一定要有最简单的东西,要么是可被分配的资金,要么是一个持续不断带来营收的商业模式,这才是 DAO 成功与否的核心标准。  

DAO 面临挑战?

DAO 的挑战不单在外部,更多来自于它自己。去中心化组织中不存在单一的中央权威,而是由分散的网络节点或成员共同参与决策和管理。在 DAO 中,智能合约和区块链技术被用来自动执行组织规则、 处理资金流动和记录决策。这种模型的目标是提高透明度、防止单点失误,并鼓励更广泛的社区参与。理论上,组织管理可以实现完全去中心化。

在某些情况下,大多数人的决策可能更趋于正确,这体现了所谓的"智慧众筹"(Wisdom of the Crowd)现象。智慧众筹认为,群体中的集体智慧和经验可以带来更好的决策结果,超过了个体决策的水平。





虽然 DAO 推崇去中心化自治,它带给人们生产协作更多创新机制和想象空间,但我们又不得不问:它真的是我们的未来吗?DAO 必须要走去中心化的路线吗?


1. 治理效率 


2. 安全性和智能合约漏洞: 


3. 社区分歧: 


3. 合规性问题: 


张群认为,成熟的 DAO 一定是中心化与去中心化相互融合的。DAO 在无法完全去中心化的地方,可采取一部分中心化的模式,在需要借助群体智慧,不会造成方向错乱,结果扭曲的情境中引入去中心化元素,通过区块链记录并验证信息,以增加透明度和安全性。


DAO 向哪里去

1. 成员参与度和影响力增强。

DAO 模式通过其独特的治理结构,赋予了社区成员更大的参与度和影响力。据 DeFi Pulse 数据,截至 2023 年,MakerDAO 的总锁定价值(TVL)已超过 50 亿美元,这反映出其庞大的参与度和市场影响力。 

未来,随着区块链技术的发展,我们预计更多类似的 DAO 将出现,其中成员的直接参与将成为常态,从而推动组织的民主化和效率提升。 

2. 法律地位和监管框架明晰化。

当前,DAO 的法律地位仍然处于模糊状态,但随着其影响力的增长,预计将出现专门针对 DAO 的法律和监管框架。在 2023年,美国怀俄明州立法通过了关于 DAO 的一系列法案,旨在为 DAO 提供明确的法律框架和运作指南。未来预计更多的司法管辖区将采纳类似的立法举措,从而为 DAO 的运作提供更加稳定和可靠的法律环境。 

3. 应用场景的多元化。

DAO 未来的应用领域将不再局限于区块链和加密货币项目管理。例如,艺术领域的 DAO 正逐渐兴起,其中以 PleasrDAO 为代表。PleasrDAO 是一个收藏和管理数字艺术作品的组织,其通过购买和拥有重要的数字艺术作品,如《纽约时报》的 NFT,表明了其在艺术收藏和管理领域的影响力。截至 2023 年,PleasrDAO 已成功收购了多件重要的数字艺术作品,展现了 DAO在艺术领域的应用潜力。我们预计在未来五年内,更多行业如教育、慈善、环境保护等也将逐步采纳 DAO 模式。 

4. DAO 和传统企业结构的融合。

DAO 不仅将作为一种独立的组织模式存在,还可能与传统企业结构发生融合。我们已经看到一些传统企业开始探索引入 DAO元素。例如,Reddit 在其社区积分系统中引入了区块链技术,允许用户通过代币直接参与社区治理,这反映了 DAO 元素在传统企业中的应用。未来,更多企业可能会尝试部分或完全转型为 DAO 模式,以提高透明度、效率和用户参与度。 


未来,随着区块链技术的进一步成熟和法律框架的完善,DAO 的发展潜力巨大。DAO 作为区块链和 Web3.0 生态中不可或缺的一部分,它可能在多个领域实现创新应用,如企业管理、社区治理、慈善事业等。我们也期待更多的实验性项目和创新解决方案的出现,以应对当前的挑战,推动 DAO 模式向更加成熟和广泛的应用方向发展。DAO 代表了一种组织未来的可能,它的演化将是区块链技术影响社会结构的一个重要标志。随着更多创新和实践的出现,DAO 将在各个领域展现其独特魅力和美好未来。

Author Zhang Qun's introduction is an organizational form realized by blockchain technology. Its core lies in decentralization and the principle that code is law. Unlike traditional organizations, there is no centralized management structure, but intelligent contracts are used to automatically implement rules to realize organizational governance and operation. It is regarded as an important part of the domain infrastructure. It supports remote collaboration and is especially suitable for open source projects. It provides an open, free and fair organizational way to encourage cooperation and sharing. The concept was first put forward in 2008, but it is really cited. It is widely concerned that a decentralized autonomous organization named in 2000 became a hot topic. It is a decentralized investment fund composed of smart contracts on the Ethereum. Its goal is to invest and make decisions through smart contracts without the definition and core elements of central management. However, the essence of its widely accepted concept as a cooperative community lies in its automatic and spontaneous characteristics without human intervention, although most of them are governed by people by the end of the year. The rapid growth of quantity has penetrated into many fields, such as finance, entertainment, real estate and community governance. It was popular in parts of North America and Asia at first, and now it has attracted worldwide attention. Many projects and organizations are trying to use the key technologies to establish a more decentralized and democratic organizational structure. In this process, every member can participate in the decision-making process, and usually the voting weight is determined by the amount of tokens held, which means that the decision is made through the collective wisdom of community members rather than the will of a few people. This transparent and democratic governance mechanism is an important source of its attraction. The realization and operation are supported by many basic technologies. Zhang Qun believes that the following are the core of smart contract technology. Smart contracts must be based on smart contracts, which play a central role in defining the rights and responsibilities of the members of the organization's rules and the voting and decision-making mechanism. Smart contracts ensure the automatic implementation of rules and reduce the dependence on the central authority. Smart contracts are unbreakable and transparent. Clarity ensures that once the rules are set, they will not unilaterally change the blockchain technology unless they are changed through community consensus. Blockchain is the lower-level facilities, and both governance and economic needs need to be realized through blockchain. By keeping the rules and decision-making records running on the blockchain in an open and verifiable account book, the transparency and trust of the organization are improved. The tokens held by the organization token members represent their share of responsibilities and rights in the organization. These tokens can be used to vote on proposals and decisions. Policy can also be used as a yardstick for sharing results. However, Chinese mainland's legal provisions have strict restrictions on this. Many tokens are issued in the name of equity certificates. The management of funds is also one of the core elements. Funds different from traditional organizations are usually managed through smart contracts, which improves the transparency and security of fund use and reduces the risk of fraud and abuse. The governance model of the governance model defines how members of the organization participate in decision-making and management affairs and how to get returns. This may include. An effective governance model, including voting mechanism, proposal, membership verification, task execution and financial allocation, is the key to ensure effective operation. Success also depends on the active participation of members and consensus building. Members need to maintain enthusiasm in the decision-making and affairs of the organization. In short, the core elements are decentralized governance structure, consensus-based decision-making system, automatic execution of intelligent contracts and transparent and safe fund management mechanism, which together make it a brand-new and potential fund management mechanism. The core of the organizational form of power is the goal of the governance model, which is to complete specific work or realize long-term vision. Zhang Qun believes that the governance model includes two cores: decision-making governance and task governance. Many people have made a lot of explorations in decision-making governance, and the decision-making model is constantly evolving. The original governance model mostly relies on the amount of tokens to determine voting rights. Later, the practice began to introduce the reputation system to predict the market and the quadratic voting, which is a more complex and fair governance mechanism. Quantity and the mechanism of expressing members' influence or contribution in an organization are usually allocated based on factors such as members' behavior, participation and contribution to the project. Its purpose is to encourage and reward members who contribute to the project, and at the same time ensure that the decision-making power is in the hands of experienced and trustworthy members, which can improve the quality of decision-making and promote the long-term healthy development of the organization. Forecasting the market is a manifestation of collective wisdom, allowing members to bet on specific future events or results or predict the use of forecasting the market. It can help to evaluate the potential impact and success probability of different decision-making schemes. Members can express their views on the probability of a certain result by voting on future events. Quadratic voting is a voting mechanism aimed at reducing the disproportionate influence of big capital in voting and increasing the fairness and representativeness of voting. In this mechanism, the cost of voting increases superlinearly with the increase of the number of votes cast, and they need to pay the cost proportional to the square of the increased votes. The mechanism aims at balancing power so that smaller investors can also exert their influence on issues that are important to them. If decision-making governance is a democratic decision-making mechanism in the strategic direction, task governance is the key method to ensure that the strategy can be effectively implemented. The original intention of the establishment is to complete a project goal through innovation and collaboration, so ensuring that every task and specific work can be successfully implemented should be the key concern. Therefore, the use of rule-making tools and collaborative culture and processes should be carried out around this core. Although it is a new organizational form, its organizational goals are not different from those of traditional organizations. It is particularly important to realize this point. Zhang Qun observed that many organizations have fallen into a situation of "for the sake of", and only emphasized the innovation of technology and ideas to build a luxurious and complex user platform, which has no practical significance. In business practice, we explored four key elements to establish a task governance model, which is called a four-element model. This model can cover almost all task management and labor cooperation, and effectively carry out task evaluation and acceptance. The four elements are the four dimensions of a job: task time, achievement, reward, task time and achievement are process elements, while reward is the result element. The value exchange model is applicable to all task-based work time, that is, the delivery date is one of the key elements of any job. It stipulates the time limit for the completion of the task with the generation of the task. The time element is not a one-time evaluation element, but a process element. The implementation of time management is helpful to ensure that the work is completed on time, improve efficiency and make full use of resources. The formulation of the task itself involves determining the work content, assigning tasks and setting priorities. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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