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作者:ByNoelle Acheson,coindesk 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网





其中之一是 EIA 宣布将对所有美国比特币矿商进行强制性调查。



从本月开始一直到7 月底,EIA 将定期向所有美国比特币矿商进行调查,要求提供有关其运营的详细信息,重点关注其能源来源和消耗情况。




通常情况下,政府调查必须由管理和预算办公室 (OMB) 在评估必要性和详细程度后签署。比特币挖矿调查的批准是通过紧急修订请求征求的,因为根据提交的文件,“如果遵循正常的审批程序,很可能会造成公共损害。”



“作为证据,比特币的价格在过去三个月里上涨了大约 50%,更高的价格刺激了更多的加密货币挖矿活动,这反过来又增加了电力消耗。”



随附的报告中还对美国比特币矿工的用电量进行了估计。该机构估计占美国总用电量的 0.6% 至 2.3%。这是一个很宽的范围,但无论如何,它的表达方式都意味着,无论实际数字是多少,它都太多了。报告澄清,即使是该范围的低端,也将等于犹他州、西弗吉尼亚州或其他类似州的年用电量。据我们所知,高端电力消耗相当于大约 600 万个家庭的电力消耗。



  • 彭博社 –美国比特币矿工的用电量与犹他州所有人一样多

  • 雅虎财经 –加密货币挖矿消耗了美国 2% 的电力,令人难以置信

  • Ars Technica –现在美国超过 2% 的发电量都来自比特币


  • 美国一半以上的比特币开采是利用可再生能源完成的。

  • 如果没有比特币矿工作为初始锚定客户,提高发电机的盈利能力和融资渠道,这些可再生能源的很大一部分在经济上是不可行的。

  • 比特币矿工经常使用能源,否则这些能源可能会因为将消耗靠近能源而浪费,从而增加运营商可以用来改善和扩展传输的收入。

  • 比特币的能源消耗有助于通过使用甲烷气体来减轻化石燃料生产造成的污染,否则这些甲烷气体会被燃烧到大气中。

  • 比特币的能源消耗通过充当工业摇摆消费者来帮助稳定电网——这不仅可以在需求疲软时保持电网正常运转,还可以为电网运营商提供额外收入,为进一步的电网改进提供资金。


首先,在 BTC 现货 ETF 在美国上市后不久(某些监管机构强烈反对),这个时机可能并非巧合。第二个目标可能是提醒投资者政府不喜欢比特币。这增加了一层可感知的投资风险。








The survey of bitcoin miners initiated by the US Energy Information Administration is not a harmless information collection activity, and it may eventually damage more than just the encryption ecosystem. It seems that the public relations dispute over how much energy bitcoin mining consumes is not over, after all. Not long ago, I announced that it has won. In fact, the unremitting resistance of people who have spent a lot of time studying this issue has quelled criticism and worry, and facts and reasoning have defeated spreading fear and using touch. How naive is the speech? Last week, the US Energy Information Administration, a statistical agency under the Ministry of Energy, fired several shots at the bitcoin ecosystem. One of them announced that it would conduct a mandatory investigation on all American bitcoin miners, and the other released a report in which an official estimate of the energy consumed by bitcoin mining in the United States was collected. From this month until the end of the month, it will regularly conduct surveys on all American bitcoin miners, requesting detailed information on their operations and focusing on their energy sources. And the problem here is that bitcoin mining is singled out, and no one suggests that artificial intelligence projects should be subject to the same review, although the energy required by its huge data center has begun to attract attention. More importantly, information collection does not start from a neutral position. Usually, government investigations must be handled by management and budget. After assessing the necessity and the degree of detail, the office signed the approval of the bitcoin mining survey through an urgent revision request, because according to the submitted documents, if the normal approval procedures are followed, it is likely to cause public damage. What is the emergency and where the possible public damage comes from official requirements as evidence? The price of bitcoin has risen by about higher in the past three months, which has stimulated more cryptocurrency mining activities, which in turn increased power consumption. It specifically mentioned people. Paying more and more attention to the energy-intensive nature of bitcoin mining, and quoting two letters written by elected officials to the US Secretary of Energy, asking for more detailed information to better determine the impact of bitcoin mining on emissions, both of which came from Senator Elizabeth Warren and her gang, it will not surprise anyone. The attached report also estimates the electricity consumption of bitcoin miners in the United States, which is a very wide range. However, in any case, its expression means that no matter what the actual number is, it is too much. The report clarifies that even the low end of this range will be equal to the annual electricity consumption of Utah, West Virginia or other similar States. As far as we know, the high-end electricity consumption is equivalent to the electricity consumption of about 10 thousand households. Don't mind comparing bitcoin mining consumption with the consumption of the whole country, just like comparing apples with road signs. The former helps to maintain the global financial network and the latter covers a wide range. The subconscious meaning of industrial public service distribution and lifestyle activities is that if bitcoin mining is moved to other places, more families can get electricity. As expected, the mainstream media began to carefully create headlines to get more hits. Here are some examples I found. Bloomberg, American bitcoin miners use as much electricity as everyone in Utah. Yahoo Finance cryptocurrency mining consumes the electricity in the United States, which is unbelievable. Now more electricity generation in the United States comes from bitcoin. Even if this estimate is accurate, it does not mention the fact that more than half of the bitcoin mining in the United States is done by using renewable energy. Without bitcoin miners as initial anchor customers, it is economically infeasible to improve the profitability and financing channels of generators. Bitcoin miners often use energy, otherwise these energy sources may be wasted because they will be consumed close to energy sources, thus increasing the income that operators can use to improve and expand transmission bitcoin. The energy consumption helps to reduce the pollution caused by fossil fuel production by using methane gas, otherwise these methane gases will be burned into the atmosphere. Bitcoin's energy consumption helps stabilize the power grid by acting as an industrial swing consumer, which can not only keep the power grid running normally when demand is weak, but also provide additional income for power grid operators to fund further power grid improvement. Usually, I think this is just another annoying attempt to limit Bitcoin in the United States. This may be refuted by reasoning and facts. However, there are signs that this is more than that. First, it may not be a coincidence that some regulators strongly opposed this opportunity shortly after the spot was listed in the United States. The second goal may be to remind investors that the government does not like Bitcoin, which increases the perceived investment risk. Secondly, this move marks that different attack media are hostile to each other because there are enough reputable studies showing that bitcoin mining has a net positive impact on the environment. The regulatory agency is trying a new method, which is no longer pollution but potential power grid pressure. The emergency authorization request cites the cold weather in the United States and the possibility that the whole community is in trouble because bitcoin miners occupy electricity. This can also be solved by explaining in detail how the flexible demand for bitcoin mining can strengthen grid management and stabilize consumption, even during the peak demand and climate crisis. However, at the same time, this hint is used to punish industries that regulators don't like. Here we are. Talking about the bigger problem, this is not only the cost involved, but also considerable. More paperwork will inevitably lead to additional costs, and the resulting database may also promote further attacks. Neither of these results is good, but they are only focusing on one industry at present. The bigger problem is regulatory bias and the lasting damage that may be caused to American production and innovation investment. Imagine a national regulatory agency deciding on the use of energy. Once they eliminate an industry, they will have something to do. Being able to switch to another industry increases the risk of investment in production capacity, increases the financing cost and encourages more overseas investment. No matter how the US government treats Bitcoin, Bitcoin itself will be very good. No matter how oppressive some regimes become, the network will continue to verify transactions and deal with blocks. More supporting systems will benefit from the support of commercial energy networks and enter the financial system that does not care about the hegemony of the US dollar. However, this high-handed means will ultimately hurt not only American bitcoin mining enterprises, but also the United States has a strong entrepreneurial spirit, a tradition of property protection and a deep capital market, which are worth preserving. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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