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根据财报披露,19万枚BTC持仓,所用的建仓总资金量为59.3亿美刀,算下来折合平均持仓成本为每枚BTC 31224美刀。根据目前44.5k左右的价格来看,浮盈40%多。


要知道,整个四季度矿工一共才能生产多少枚BTC呢?按每个区块6.25个BTC的固定产量来计算,一小时6个区块,一天24小时,一个季度90天,那么季度产量就是6.25 x 6 x 24 x 90 = 8.1万枚BTC。

















微策略现在资产负债表上有7.26亿美刀现金,以及约31亿美刀资产(注意上文谈到的会计准则问题)。负债则有22亿美刀。也就是说,净资产大概只有7.26 + 31 - 22 = 16.26亿美刀。

常看教链内参的星球会员都知道,微策略公司和老板Michael Salyor,其实都在趁着微策略股票跑赢之际,抓紧减持套现,该囤饼囤饼,该储备弹药储备弹药。(参考阅读教链内参11.30《微策略售股囤饼》,教链内参1.3《该如何计划减持》)










A few days ago, Microstrategy, a listed company in the U.S. which is famous for hoarding bitcoin, released its fourth-quarter financial report. It was only after reading this financial report that it was found that the power source of the sudden pull-up market started in January of this year had a great contribution from Microstrategy. From the chart of position growth given in the Microstrategy report, we can see that Microstrategy was still slowly adding positions step by step in the third quarter of 2003 to holding more than 10,000 positions in the fourth quarter, and it suddenly increased to 10,000 positions in the first quarter of 2003. According to the financial report, the total amount of funds used to open positions for 10,000 positions is US$ 100 million, which is equivalent to the average cost of each position. According to the current price, the total cost of the pieces bought in the fourth quarter of the year is US$ 100 million, the average cost of adding positions is US$ 100,000, and the total cost of adding positions in the first quarter of the year is US$ 100,000. Calculate one hour, one block, one hour, one quarter and one day, then the quarterly output is 10,000 pieces, that is to say, the micro-strategy alone has taken away more than 30% of the quarterly output. No wonder the quarterly increase of Bitcoin from the opening quarter of the month to the closing quarter of the month has soared since the stock price of Bitcoin Micro-strategy has been hoarded. The following picture is a comparison chart of the growth of US stocks that the micro-strategy boss is proud of. It shows that from the beginning of micro-strategy to the end of the month. At the beginning, the growth rate of American stocks was as high as that of several head companies, which far exceeded that of American stocks. That's why it didn't forget to catch up with competitors on the same track. But in fact, it's hard to say that Microstrategy is still an enterprise software development company, and even Microstrategy itself has begun to flaunt that it has become the world's first bitcoin development company. In the report, it wrote that Microstrategy is the world's first bitcoin development company. The Nasdaq Stock Code thinks that it is the world's first bitcoin development company. We are a publicly listed company, and we are committed to the continuous development of bitcoin network through our activities in financial market promotion and technological innovation. As an operating enterprise, we can use cash flow and the proceeds from equity and debt financing to accumulate bitcoin as our main financial reserve assets. We also develop and provide industry-leading enterprise analysis software driven by artificial intelligence to promote our vision of ubiquitous intelligence and make use of our software development capabilities. To develop bitcoin applications, we believe that the combination of our operating structure, bitcoin strategy and attention to technological innovation provides a unique opportunity to create value. Some people say that micro-strategy is a cake-hoarding agent with its own off-site cash flow and flexible use of leverage. Micro-strategy is also advertised in this way, but if you look closely at the financial report, you will find that this off-site cash flow is still slightly embarrassing. The operating income for two consecutive years is negative, with an annual loss of 100 million US dollars and an annual loss of 10 thousand US dollars. There is hope to turn losses into profits, so at least from the current point of view, its off-exchange negative cash flow has actually damaged the book value of the hoarded assets, which makes the book value of micro-strategy positions under the current accounting standards not the market value of US$ 100 million but the cost of US$ 100 million minus the loss of US$ 100 million, resulting in only US$ 100 million, which greatly limits the ability of micro-strategy to leverage, but still does not hinder the main strategy of micro-strategy explosion buying. In the financial report of micro-strategy, it says that it is clever. Wonderful leverage micro-strategy. Now there are billion dollars in cash and about billion dollars in assets on the balance sheet. Pay attention to the accounting standards mentioned above. The liabilities are billion dollars. That is to say, the net assets are only about billion dollars. All the members of the planet who often look at the micro-strategy stocks know that micro-strategy companies and bosses are actually trying to reduce their holdings and cash out the stocks. Read the teaching chain for reference. How to plan to reduce their holdings? In theory, micro-strategy stocks are as good as spot stocks, but they know that there are flowers that can be folded straight, and they need to be folded. After all, the positions supported by debts are not as stable as those from spot stocks. There are three micro-strategy debts that are objectively much more beautiful than the leverage that most individuals can get. The largest one is a billion dollars, and the other two are a billion dollars, and the interest is extremely low. The maturity date is another year. The interest rate of a billion dollars is relatively high, but the maturity date is very late. From the time setting of this debt maturity date, we can see the micro-strategic abacus at a glance. It must be calculating that the end of the year is likely to be the peak of the next bull market, and then the debt will be sold off at a high level. As for the biggest debt, we will skip the expected bear market in 2008 and start paying off debts in the first quarter of 2008 when the bear market ends and begins to rebound. I don't know whether the micro-strategy is going to be a bull market at the end of the year. Sell the debt service cost of these two debts at the same time at the high point, or wait until the bear market low point at the beginning of the year to sell cakes to pay off debts, but according to common sense, it is likely to want to maximize its own profits, so it is highly probable that it will choose to make the best use of the micro-strategy of the bull market at the end of the year. If it pours out at the high point of the bull market in 2008, will it be an important incentive for the next bull market to end and turn into a bear? Disclaimer: Nothing in this article constitutes any investment suggestion. Cryptographic currency is a very high-risk variety with the risk of returning to zero at any time. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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