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目前发行比特币 ETF 的公司既有全球最大的投资管理公司贝莱德(BlackRock),也有 Bitwise Asset Management等规模较小的加密货币公司。彭博情报公司(Bloomberg Intelligence)分析师埃里克-巴尔丘纳斯(Eric Balchunas)认为,市场竞争的加剧将倒逼上述公司实现差异化,因为就现状而言,几乎所有公司的产品在客户和销售用途上都是同质化的。





视频的开头,一个名为 ‘妈妈’的联系人发短信表示:‘我怎么才能买到比特币?’“现在很简单...... ”她的孩子立刻回了一条短信,并表示,“有 ETF。”“WOW! 谢谢你。”妈妈写道,并添加了心形、笑脸和其他表情符号。

而在另一篇VanEck的帖子中,其称婴儿潮一代是 "世界上最优秀的一代",比特币可以帮助他们 “免受通胀对其血汗钱贬值的影响”。

根据广告测量公司iSpot.tv的数据,从1月11日到1月30日,包括VanEck、Bitwise、Wisdom Tree和Grayscale在内的公司花费了约30万美元在财经新闻节目中播放电视广告,涵盖传统受众广泛的节目,例如CNBC的 “Squawk Box ”和福克斯商业频道的 “Cavuto: Coast to Coast”。


首先,在新型广告中,几乎不太可能出现像汤姆-布雷迪(Tom Brady)这样的名人,而此前,他曾出演过加密货币交易所FTX 的广告。

对此,美国金融业监管局(Finra)高级主管艾拉-格鲁克(Ira Gluck)表示,任何有关这些受到严格监管的金融产品的推荐都必须来自具有专业背景的行业人士。Finra监管与管理公司合作营销和分销 ETF等证券的经纪自营商,当宣传活动违反规定时,Finra会对违规者处以罚款或进行其他处罚。


12月18日,在美国证券交易委员会做出决定的几周前,Bitwise发布了一则广告,在广告中,演员乔纳森-戈德史密斯(Jonathan Goldsmith)表达了他对比特币的兴趣。

创意和内容营销总监瑞奇-麦克罗斯基(Ricky McRoskey表示,Bitwise之所以能在美国证券交易委员会做出裁决之前发布广告,是因为它没有推广任何特定产品。

另一家专注于加密货币的投资公司Hashdex也在美国证券交易委员会批准之前发布了两段视频,旨在提高其品牌在老年人群中的知名度,营销主管克里斯-格伦丁(Chris Glendening)举例表示。


这将会是一场漫长的游戏。与Bitwise一样,Hashdex 也没有直接宣传ETF。






Facebook和Instagram可能很快也会效仿。发言人表示,母公司Meta Platforms目前正在根据美国证券交易委员会的决定更新其美国政策。



VanEck内容战略总监维姬-陈(Vicki Chan)就表示,VanEck为其HODL比特币ETF拍摄的首支电视广告就包含了许多针对加密货币爱好者的复活节彩蛋,例如在曼哈顿一家以比特币为主题的酒吧Pubkey拍摄的场景。

还有一些公司正试图利用自己的规模与悠久历史作为宣传卖点。灰度投资公司(Grayscale Investments)一直在全国各地的电视屏幕和机场为其GBTC比特币基金做广告,将其定位为历史最悠久、规模最大的加密货币ETF。

该公司首席执行官迈克尔-桑纳夏恩(Michael Sonnenshein)称,该公司计划用幽默的方式吸引更多的受众,而不是把目标锁定在老年投资者身上。

“我们相信,投资这一数字资产类别是一代人中仅有的机会,”Sonnenshein 表示。“传达这一点的最佳方式之一,就是不细分我们所追求的受众,而是思考什么可以超越不同时代和不同类型的投资者。”


Is Bitcoin a safe and reliable investment for baby boomers? The answer seems to be yes only from the increasingly rampant advertising in the streets of the United States. As we all know, on April, the US Securities and Exchange Commission approved the first batch of exchange-traded funds that directly hold Bitcoin in the United States. Currently, companies that issue Bitcoin include BlackRock, the world's largest investment management company, and Eric Balchiunas, an analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, a smaller cryptocurrency company. The intensification of competition will force the above-mentioned companies to achieve differentiation, because as far as the current situation is concerned, almost all companies' products are homogeneous in terms of customers and sales purposes, and they all adopt similar market operations. He said that this has brought great pressure to marketing, because under the same external conditions, it is necessary to find ways to cut into the market and stand out, indicating that the target audience is investment consultants and investors, which are more mature, more risk-conscious than people like native bitcoin lovers. In other words, they are usually the parents of typical cryptocurrency trendsetters. Recently, asset management has begun to focus on this target. In an advertising video released in the newspaper on January, the customer described a conversation between mother and son about investing in Bitcoin. At the beginning of the video, a contact named Mom sent a text message saying how can I buy Bitcoin? Now it is very simple. Her child immediately replied a text message and said that she thanked your mother and added a heart-shaped smile and other things. In another post, it said that baby boomers are the best generation in the world, and Bitcoin can help them avoid the impact of inflation on the depreciation of their hard-earned money. According to the data of the advertising measurement company, companies including Hehe spent about 10,000 US dollars on financial news programs, covering programs with a wide range of traditional audiences, such as the advertising strategy of Fox Business Channel, in addition to catering to older audiences, and on many levels. Before the epidemic, millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency were thrown at money, which seemed very different. First of all, it was almost impossible for a celebrity like Tom Brady to appear in new advertisements. Previously, he had appeared in the advertisement of cryptocurrency exchange. Ella Gluck, senior director of the US Financial Industry Supervision Bureau, said that any recommendation about these strictly regulated financial products must come from professionals with professional backgrounds to supervise and manage brokers who cooperate with companies in marketing and distributing securities. Proprietors will impose fines or other penalties on violators when their publicity activities violate the regulations. Nevertheless, some companies have found hidden ways to attract people's attention by using well-known familiar faces. On April, an advertisement was released a few weeks before the decision of the US Securities and Exchange Commission. In the advertisement, actor Jonathan Goldsmith expressed his interest in Bitcoin, and Ricky McCrosky, director of creative and content marketing, said that the decision was made at the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Before the decision, the advertisement was released because it didn't promote any specific product. Another investment company focusing on cryptocurrency also released two videos before the approval of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, in order to improve the popularity of its brand among the elderly. Chris Grendin, the marketing director, for example, said that analyzing videos from advertisements used more news clips decades ago, which compared traditional investors' skepticism about Bitcoin with their concern about the increasing popularity of personal computers in the last century and the opening of the King of Hamburg. The decision to accept credit cards was compared. Grendin said that we will continue to make efforts to provide the older generation of investors with background information on digital assets investment. It will be a long game, and there is no direct publicity. However, the companies that promote bitcoin spot at present still face other legal restrictions except the obscure use of celebrity endorsements. Senior director Gluck said that regulators want to ensure that all marketing materials of the fund can highlight the risk publicity activities related to their speculative assets. Consumers must be informed that if the private key used to authorize fund transactions is stolen or investors become victims of fraud, they may lose all their funds to invest in Bitcoin. He said that advertisements may be required to disclose the above information through voiceover instead of putting it in the inconspicuous slide at the end of the video. Gluck said that regulators do not want people to mistakenly think that Bitcoin is safe because it is regulated, leaving aside the figures of these companies. Advertising channels are constantly expanding. The spokesman said that after the approval of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, it began to approve bitcoin advertisements on its platforms, including Google Search and Google Search, and may soon follow suit. The spokesman said that the parent company is currently updating its US policy according to the decision of the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Of course, not all approved bitcoin activities are aimed at the parents of baby boomers. Some large and mature asset management companies are trying to incorporate encryption aesthetics into their propaganda and try to establish in the bitcoin community. Vicky Chen, director of credibility content strategy, said that the first TV advertisement for its bitcoin included many Easter eggs for cryptocurrency lovers, such as the scene taken in a bar with the theme of bitcoin in Manhattan, and some companies are trying to use their own scale and long history as propaganda selling points. Gray Investment Company has been advertising its bitcoin fund on TV screens and airports all over the country, positioning it as the oldest and largest cryptocurrency. Michael SanaShane, CEO of the company, said that the company plans to attract more audiences in a humorous way instead of targeting elderly investors. We believe that investing in this digital asset category is a unique opportunity in a generation, and one of the best ways to convey this is to think about what can transcend different times and different types of investors to recommend reading. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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