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来源:dlnews.com 翻译:defi.io社区

Farcaster 是一个由加密货币驱动的社交媒体平台。

  • 加密货币的最新去中心化社交媒体应用程序已成为中心舞台,因为用户现在正忙着交易 Farcaster ID。

  • 早期的 ID 有资格获得各种空投,这可能会推动交易活动。

  • Farcaster 是加密推特最近的主角,吸引了包括以太坊联合创始人维塔利克-布特林(Vitalik Buterin)在内的许多加密名人的兴趣。

Farmarket上的交易正在蓬勃发展,用户花费巨资购买 Farcaster ID。

到目前为止,Farcaster 账户市场上销量最高的 FID 为前所有者赚取了近 7000 美元的以太坊。

Farcaster 是一个基于 Optimism 的社交媒体平台,早期加入者声称 FID 很低,仅为一位数至五位数。现在,FID 已达到六位数水平。

Farcaster ID 以数字显示,数字越低出价越高。它们也是可以买卖的 NFT。

在 Farcaster 账户市场 FarMarket 上,用户相互提供高达 34,000 美元的账户 NFT。 (FarMarket)

人们对低FID的兴趣很可能与一些Farcaster应用程序开始向低位数FID空投病毒式流行币有关。CoinGecko 的数据显示,一种名为DEGEN的代币自1月底以来已经飙升了800%。

假名 X 用户 kcaz 告诉DL News,"我认为这是一种很快就会消亡的时尚,[这]就是为什么我立即将我的'稀有'FID 以合理的价格挂牌出售--目前最高售价为 3 ETH,"他指的是围绕低 FID 的炒作。

就是他们卖出了价值近 7000 美元的 FID,编号为 4323。


该协议于 2022 年 8 月推出,目前已有来自 41,000 多个以太坊钱包的 293,000 多名 用户,并吸引了包括以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在内的多位知名加密货币人士。

对低位数加密 ID 的投机兴趣并非新现象。

低位数的以太坊名称服务名称在过去也曾卖出过数千美元的价格,000.eth 在 2022 年 7 月以 300 ETH 的价格 售出,当时价值 31.5 万美元。

与数字ENS 域名的情况一样,FID 也出现了根据其低价程度确定的分级底价。底价是一个 NFT 的最低报价,可用于计算一个 NFT 集合的最低价值。

Farmarket 的数据显示,低于 20,000 美元的 FID 目前的底价为几百美元。

正在崛起的 Farcaster

投机性 FID 趋势是在 Farcaster 采用指标广泛增长的背景下出现的。

上周,该协议的日活跃用户数量飙升了 400%,与此同时,该协议还推出了 Frames 功能,让用户可以将 Warpcast 上的社交帖子转化为迷你应用程序,用于 NFT 和游戏等应用案例。

Warpcast 是建立在 Farcaster 协议之上的众多应用程序之一。许多应用程序被吹捧为流行的网络社交媒体平台的去中心化替代品。Warpcast 类似于 X,前身是 Twitter。Fancord 类似 Discord。

尽管 Farcaster的各项指标都在飙升,但其竞争对手却在奋力追赶。

Friend.tech是去年 占主导地位的SocialFi协议,其用户数量已从9月份的峰值骤降96%。

"糟糕的 gamefi 是用金融投机来替代乐趣,"Buterin 在推特上回应有关 Friend.tech 近期用户活跃度下降的评论。"我相信加密货币社交也有类似的情况。"

这位以太坊联合创建者预测,Farcaster 和另一个 web3 媒体协议 Lens "不会在 4 个月或 1 年内被遗弃"。

The source translation community is a social media platform driven by cryptocurrency. The latest decentralized social media application of cryptocurrency has become the center stage, because users are now busy trading. Early users are entitled to all kinds of airdrops, which may promote the trading activity. The recent protagonist of crypto Twitter has attracted the interest of many crypto celebrities, including Vitalik Butrin, co-founder of Ethereum. The trading is booming, and users have spent huge sums of money to buy the account market so far. The highest-selling company in the world earned nearly US dollars for its former owners. Ethereum is a social media platform based on. Early entrants claimed that it was very low, only one to five digits, and now it has reached the six-digit level. The lower the numbers are, the higher the bids are. They can also be bought and sold. In the account market, users provide accounts of up to US dollars to each other. People's interest in low is likely to be related to some applications starting to airdrop viral popular coins to low digits. Data shows that a token called "Token" has been available since the end of this month. Pseudonym users who have soared in recent years told me that this is a fashion that will soon die out, which is why I immediately listed my rarity for sale at a reasonable price. At present, the highest price is what he means. He refers to the hype around low prices, that is, they sold the serial number with a value of nearly US dollars, which has been falling all the way in the secondary market. The agreement was launched in June. At present, many users from many Ethereum wallets have attracted many well-known cryptocurrency people, including the co-founder of Ethereum, to add low digits. The secret speculative interest is not a new phenomenon. The low-digit Ethereum name service name has also sold for thousands of dollars in the past. It was sold at the price of $10,000 in June, which was the same as the case of digital domain names. The graded reserve price determined according to its low price level is a new lowest price, which can be used to calculate the lowest value of a collection. The data shows that the current reserve price below $100 is a few hundred dollars. The rising speculative trend is in the context of the widespread increase in the adoption of indicators. Last week, the number of daily active users of the agreement soared. At the same time, the agreement also launched a function that allows users to convert social posts into mini-applications for games and other applications. The case is one of many applications built on the agreement. Many applications are touted as decentralized substitutes for popular online social media platforms, similar to their predecessors. Although all indicators are soaring, their competitors are struggling to catch up with the agreement that dominated last year. The number of its users has plummeted from the peak in June. Unfortunately, financial speculation has replaced fun. Responding to comments on the recent decline in user activity on Twitter, I believe there is a similar situation in cryptocurrency social interaction. The co-founder of Ethereum predicts that another media agreement will not be abandoned in next month or year. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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