深入 Telegram Bot(一):如何通过链上经纪机构推动 Web3 大规模采用?

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作者:Gryphsis Academy 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

自Telegram Bot领域诞生以来,交易门槛大大降低,在手机上即可轻松进行链上交易。Telegram Bot 作为“链上经纪商”的存在,推动了众多项目代币价格的强劲上涨,从而引领了一波 Telegram Bot 热潮。本系列文章将对 Telegram Bot 赛道进行深入分析,分为两篇文章。第一篇是赛道概述的总结,第二篇是项目深入分析的总结。

1. 赛道概览

自 Telegram Bot 空间诞生以来,我们目睹了多个项目的代币价格强劲上涨。尤其是Unibot,其价格自2023年7月起就开始快速上涨。根据CoinGecko的数据,Unibot的代币价格从5月份的低点3.13美元上涨到8月份的高点200.45美元。这几乎是 100 倍的增长,引领了 Telegram 机器人的浪潮。然而,随着 Unibot 的人气逐渐消退,香蕉枪出现了。9月份宣布空投后,其代币价格从约9美元攀升至18美元。虽然其上升势头不及Unibot那么强劲,但Banana Gun对于Telegram Trading Bot生态来说仍然保持着一定的知名度。


值得关注的新兴力量是基于 Solana 链的 BonkBot。其日活跃用户已达到约35,700人,不仅超越了Banana Gun和Maestro等成熟项目,而且与去中心化交易所领域相比表现尤为出色。在DEX竞争领域,BonkBot的7天日均用户量仅次于sushiswap,领先于Maverick Protocol、Trader Joe等老牌项目。这种热潮无疑得益于近期 Solana 生态系统的火爆,再加上用户在 Solana 上热衷于 memecoin 交易,进一步推动了 BonkBot 的交易活跃度。

BTCBot.pro作为BTC生态的Telegram Bot,已经上线近一个月了。由于BTC生态系统的特殊性,BTCBot.pro还为用户提供了与ETH和Solana链上不同的Telegram Bot功能,值得研究。

纵观 Telegram 交易机器人领域,很明显这并不是昙花一现的现象。然而,该领域的格局在不断变化,本文旨在梳理 Telegram 交易机器人当前的宏观状况,并重点介绍一些值得关注的项目。




根据上述数据分析,BonkBot自上线以来,在交易频率和用户数量上均领先市场上其他交易机器人。尤其是在交易频率方面,BonkBot的性能明显高于Banana Gun和Maestro Bot,其交易频率大约是它们的10倍。这一出色的成绩得益于BonkBot在Solana链上的高效设计,Solana链以高TPS着称,可以支持更频繁的交易处理。与此同时,随着近期 Memecoin 在 Solana 生态系统中的崛起,BonkBot 巩固了其在 Telegram 交易机器人市场的主导地位。

借鉴 BonkBot 的成功,Solana 上也推出了类似的仿 Sol 交易机器人。它在交易量上已经赶上了 Banana Gun 和 Maestro Bot 等项目,甚至在交易频率和日活用户数上都超过了这些项目。

至于Unibot,现有数据表明其市场优势已经减弱。即便如此,值得注意的是,该项目已经开始部署在 Solana 链上,这也小幅带动了其交易量趋势。显然,使用 Solana 作为基础设施的项目可能是启动下一波 Telegram 交易机器人的关键。

尽管 Solana Bot 表现出色,但不应忽视的是,Banana Gun 在 Solana 热潮之前就表现良好,在几个关键指标上落后于 BonkBot。


随着加密货币行业的蓬勃发展,Telegram Bot作为一种智能交易工具,越来越受到加密货币社区的关注。早在2017年,Telegram Bot就已经具备自动回复消息和执行用户指令的功能。随着加密货币行业的兴起,Telegram 已成为加密货币爱好者最常用的即时通讯工具。在此背景下,基于Telegram的交易机器人逐渐兴起。可以实现代币兑换、跟单交易、数据分析、自动化空投交易、资产跨链等自动化操作。




Telegram 交易机器人是 Telegram 内的一个自动化系统,可帮助用户在去中心化交易所执行交易。用户通过应用程序的消息传递界面与这些机器人进行交互。

不同的 Telegram 交易机器人提供独特的功能,但大多数都具有常见的交易功能,包括止损和止盈订单、复制交易和多钱包支持。

这些机器人取代了 Web3 钱包和 DEX 的用户界面 (UI) 和用户体验 (UX),简化了购买和销售去中心化加密货币的复杂流程。

这些机器人利用先进的算法和基础设施来进行快速交易,通常被称为“Uniswap 狙击手”。它们满足了用户对交易效率和便利性的需求。尽管所有这些机器人的共同点是交易速度快,但它们在细分功能上都有所不同。例如,UniBot提供限价单和镜像狙击等功能,SwipeBot注重易用性,OxSniper则具有抗MEV保护等功能。以下是交易机器人的主要用途:


设置止损订单:用户可以使用这些 Telegram 交易机器人设置止损和止盈订单,让交易根据预设参数自动执行。该功能特别适合交易尚未在CEX上市的新代币,但交易此类代币存在风险。

防逃逸监控:部分 Telegram 交易机器人具有防逃逸和防 MEV 功能。如果代币开发商计划逃跑,防逃跑功能会识别即将到来的内存池交易并快速执行销售,以防止逃跑诈骗。反MEV功能通过私有中继引导购买交易,确保购买不会在内存池中广播,从而防止MEV或三明治攻击。


跟单交易:用户可以通过特定的 Telegram Bot 自动追踪特定钱包地址的交易。这种类型的机器人充当用户帐户和所选交易者之间的桥梁,根据跟单交易者的信号执行交易。但需要注意的是,跟单交易涉及流动性风险。市场流动性不足可能导致交易难以执行,从而增加交易成本。

狙击:一些交易机器人可以执行流动性狙击、方法狙击和多钱包狙击。流动性狙击是当机器人检测到流动性增加时自动执行的购买操作。方法狙击会根据开发者待处理交易的“方法 ID”自动执行购买。用户还可以使用多个钱包通过 Telegram 交易机器人进行狙击。



Telegram Bot 功能已经存在几年了,但最近人们对将 Telegram 机器人与区块链和智能合约等 Web3 技术集成产生了很大的兴趣。Unibot 是 Web3 Telegram 机器人开发的领先平台之一,提供一套工具和服务来帮助开发人员创建、管理和组织可以与去中心化应用程序和区块链网络交互的机器人。


Telegram 机器人本质上是使用 Telegram 机器人 API 与 Telegram 系统交互的程序。机器人可以被编程为响应消息、命令和内联请求。要创建机器人,您需要在 Telegram 系统中注册,这将为您提供一个唯一的令牌。该令牌用于验证系统中 Bot 的身份并向 Bot API 发送请求。

在基础设施方面,Bot 运行在服务器上,而不是用户的设备上。这意味着他们始终在线并且可以立即回复用户消息。服务器可以是云服务器,也可以是本地机,具体取决于开发者的喜好。

5. 增长动力

5.1 加密货币交易的普及

加密货币交易普遍被认为有一个通病:交易知识门槛较高,交易难以普及。与股票交易相比,加密货币交易需要更多的基础设置,比如创建钱包、完成KYC等程序,这给公众投资加密货币带来了一定的障碍。其次,即使使用中心化交易所,与 Telegram Bot 相比,用户界面也相对复杂且不够简单。


近期,Telegram 机器人的交易量激增,恰恰证明了市场对此类交易方式的需求。特别是对于缺乏流动性或尚未在交易所上市的代币,Telegram 机器人会显着增加其曝光度。同时,这也为交易者增加了更多的投资选择,形成双赢的局面。

5.2 Telegram载体

作为全球最受欢迎的社交软件之一,Telegram 日活跃用户超过 5500 万,这为 Telegram Bot 的发展提供了极其肥沃的土壤。由于其广泛的知名度和用户基础,Telegram正计划转型为类似于微信的超级应用程序,支持在其平台上运行的各种小程序。此举不仅增强了其功能多样性,还为去中心化支付开辟了新途径。

为了实现这一雄心勃勃的蓝图,Telegram 正在与包括 TON 基金会和腾讯云在内的领先技术和加密货币公司合作,旨在扩大其全球影响力并加速去中心化进程。这一系列战略举措凸显了 Telegram 作为未来 web3 关键超级应用的潜力。

建立在如此强大平台上的 Telegram Bot 无疑将成为受益者,并有望将 Telegram 庞大的用户群转变为 Bot 的忠实用户群,进一步加强其在数字交易和加密货币整合方面的影响力。


6.1 资产安全风险

使用Telegram Bots进行加密货币交易时,用户需要承担资产安全风险。这些机器人通常需要创建专用钱包或连接到现有钱包。在这两种情况下,机器人都可以访问私钥,从而导致安全漏洞。



资产管理不善和未经授权访问的风险: Telegram 机器人通常设计为在没有用户直接监督的情况下管理资产,从而为潜在的管理不善打开了大门。此外,缺乏强大的安全协议可能会导致未经授权的访问,无论是通过机器人本身的安全缺陷还是通过外部威胁。

为了减轻这些风险,建议用户在使用 Telegram Bot 进行加密货币交易时进行尽职调查。这包括彻底研究机器人的安全功能,避免在这些机器人访问的钱包中存储大量资产,并定期监控交易活动是否有任何未经授权的行为迹象。尽管 Telegram 机器人为交易提供了便利和效率,但它们也给资产安全带来了巨大风险。用户必须保持警惕,并采取积极主动的措施,在这个不断发展的领域中保护自己的数字资产。

6.2 缺乏代码审计的风险:

对于 Telegram 机器人来说,未能进行全面、定期的安全代码审核可能会增加漏洞被利用的风险。缺乏审计导致缺乏透明度和监督,使用户的资产面临风险。以Unibot和Banana Gun为例,根据Certik的数据,这两个项目没有经过Certik的代码审计,因此用户需要承担智能合约相关的风险。


由于该项目未通过 Certik 的代码审核和 KYC 审核,因此在“代码安全”和“基本健康”方面得分较低。




Unibot选择了不太认可的第三方来进行代码审核,并且没有进行KYC审查。这种情况可能会影响项目的可信度和安全性,因为不太知名的审计公司可能无法提供与更有声望的机构相同水平的审计质量。同时,缺乏 KYC 审计也增加了与匿名或不透明实体进行交易的风险。

6.3 竞争激烈

在竞争激烈的Telegram Bot生态中,市场进入门槛相对较低,容易被模仿和复制,导致项目间同质化严重。在这样的竞争格局中,单个Bot可能面临用户流失的挑战,因此建立强大的竞争壁垒成为关键要素。这意味着项目需要具有独特的优势,以防止竞争对手侵入市场。

以Bonkbot为例,其在Solana memecoin领域的热门地位主要得益于其市场先锋地位。然而,该领域的用户忠诚度普遍较低,他们更有可能根据产品性能和潜在利益而不是品牌忠诚度来选择服务。这意味着一旦出现更好的交易条件或更具吸引力的机会,用户将迅速转向其他平台。这就是 Unibot 或 Maestro Bot 等平台未能保持领先地位的关键原因。

综上所述,虽然 Telegram Bot 领域整体表现出良好的增长潜力,但这并不意味着每个项目都能在竞争中脱颖而出。因此,投资者在涉足该领域时需要意识到每个项目潜在的投资风险,并意识到这个市场的不可预测性。


7.1 Solana 生态系统 Telegram Bot 竞争加剧

市场饱和与领导者形成:随着Solana生态中Telegram Bot之间的竞争日益激烈,Unibot、Banana Gun等知名项目的参与使得市场更加饱和。在这样的环境中,只有少数项目能够生存,这需要每个项目制定独特的路线图和价值主张。


7.2 加密货币市场进入牛市

政策及市场情绪影响:受益于政策利好消息,加密货币市场正逐步进入牛市。这将吸引更多散户投资者进入市场,并有助于Telegram Bot等工具的普及。

市场定位和受欢迎程度:鉴于 Telegram Bot 的目标是简化加密货币交易流程,随着散户投资者进入市场,它们对普通 Web 2 用户的吸引力将会增加。

7.3 Ordinals 铭文市场和比特币 Telegram Bot 开发

比特币市场的积极趋势: Ordinals 市场受益于积极的比特币趋势和新闻,预计将进一步增长。


总体而言,虽然市场竞争激烈,但也意味着存在大量机会。对于 Telegram Bot 项目来说,识别并利用这些趋势,同时继续创新和改进以保持市场竞争力和吸引力非常重要。

Since the birth of the field, the trading threshold of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network has been greatly reduced, and online transactions can be easily carried out on mobile phones. The existence of online brokers has promoted the strong rise of token prices of many projects, thus leading a wave of enthusiasm. This series of articles will analyze the track in depth and divide it into two articles. The first article is a summary of the track overview, and the second is a summary of the project in-depth analysis. Since the birth of space, we have witnessed the token prices of many projects. Strong rise, especially its price has been rising rapidly since January. According to the data, the token price has risen from the low point of US$ in January to the high point of US$ in February, which has almost doubled the growth, leading the wave of robots. However, with the gradual decline of the popularity of banana guns, the token price has climbed from about US$ to US$ after the air drop was announced in January. Although its upward trend is not as strong as that, it still maintains a certain popularity for the ecology. The emerging force worthy of attention is the day based on the chain. The number of active users has reached an appointment, which not only surpasses mature projects such as Hehe, but also performs particularly well compared with decentralized exchanges. In the field of competition, the daily average number of users is second only to those who are ahead of established projects. This upsurge undoubtedly benefits from the recent popularity of the ecosystem and the trading activity further promoted by users' enthusiasm for trading in the world. As an ecosystem, it has been online for nearly a month. Due to the particularity of the ecosystem, it also provides users with different functions from the Hehe chain, which is worth studying. Obviously, this is not a short-lived phenomenon in the field of trading robots. However, the pattern of this field is constantly changing. This paper aims to sort out the current macro situation of trading robots and focus on some noteworthy projects. According to the above data analysis, since it was launched, it has been ahead of other trading robots in the market in trading frequency and number of users, especially in trading frequency, which is obviously higher than and about twice their trading frequency. This outstanding achievement is due to the efficient design in the chain. Chain is famous for its high position, which can support more frequent transaction processing. At the same time, with its recent rise in the ecosystem, it has consolidated its dominant position in the transaction robot market. Based on its success, it has also launched a similar imitation transaction robot, which has caught up with and other projects in transaction volume and even surpassed these projects in transaction frequency and daily users. As for the existing data, its market advantage has weakened. Even so, it is worth noting that this project has begun to be deployed on the chain, which is also slightly small. It is obvious that the use of infrastructure projects may be the key to start the next wave of trading robots. Although it has performed well before the upsurge, it should not be ignored that it has lagged behind the historical evolution in several key indicators. With the vigorous development of cryptocurrency industry, it has attracted more and more attention from cryptocurrency community as an intelligent trading tool. As early as in, it has the function of automatically replying messages and executing user instructions. With the rise of cryptocurrency industry, it has become a plus. In this context, the most commonly used instant messaging tool for cryptocurrency lovers is based on the gradual emergence of trading robots, which can realize the automatic operation of token exchange, documentary transaction data analysis, air-drop trading assets and cross-chain, etc. The trading robot is an automatic system that can help users execute transactions in decentralized exchanges. Users interact with these robots through the messaging interface of application programs. Different trading robots provide unique functions, but most of them are common. The trading functions include stop-loss and take-profit orders, duplicate trading and multi-wallet support. These robots have replaced wallets and simplified the complicated process of buying and selling decentralized cryptocurrency. These robots use advanced algorithms and infrastructure to conduct fast trading, which is often called snipers. They meet the needs of users for trading efficiency and convenience. Although all these robots have the same thing of fast trading speed, they are different in subdivision functions. If you provide functions such as price limit order and mirror attack, it has anti-protection functions. The following are the main uses of trading robots to buy and sell tokens. The integration of trading robots and platforms allows users to easily obtain tokens by copying and pasting the contract address into the message box. Some robots provide real-time updates of trading profits and losses, and accelerate token sales by enabling pre-approved transactions. Set stop-loss orders. Users can use these trading robots to set stop-loss and take-profit orders for trading roots. Automatic execution of this function according to preset parameters is especially suitable for trading new tokens that have not yet been listed, but there are risks in trading such tokens. Anti-escape monitoring part of the trading robot has anti-escape and anti-escape functions. If the token developer plans to escape, the anti-escape function will identify the upcoming memory pool transaction and quickly execute the sales to prevent escape fraud. The anti-function guides the purchase transaction through private relay to ensure that the purchase will not be broadcast in the memory pool, thus preventing or sandwich attacks. In addition, the trading robot can detect it. The malicious transaction that the developer is about to make, if this kind of transaction leads to the inability to sell the token, the token will be regarded as a fraudulent project. The robot will quickly close your position to avoid falling into a scam. The user can automatically track the transaction of a specific wallet address through a specific robot. This type of robot acts as a bridge between the user account and the selected trader, and carries out the transaction according to the signal of the documentary trader, but it should be noted that the documentary transaction involves liquidity risk, and the lack of liquidity in the market may lead to. It is difficult to execute the transaction, thus increasing the transaction cost. Some trading robots can execute liquidity sniper and multi-wallet sniper. Liquidity sniper is a purchase operation method that is automatically executed when the robot detects an increase in liquidity. Sniper will automatically execute the purchase according to the method of the transaction to be processed by the developer. Users can also use multiple wallets to snipe through the trading robot. Traders can create automatic tasks through robots to realize the airdrop target, which aims at airdrop mining. Robots usually run across multiple chains to identify promising airdrop opportunities. However, when participating in unverified airdrops, we should be careful to prevent fraud. The path function has been realized for several years. Recently, there has been great interest in integrating robots with technologies such as blockchain and smart contracts. It is one of the leading platforms for robot development to provide a set of tools and services to help developers create robots that can interact with decentralized applications and blockchain networks. Robots are essentially programs that use robots to interact with systems. Robots can be programmed to respond to message commands and inline requests to create. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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