深入解读热门 BTC 二层 B² Network

币圈资讯 阅读:35 2024-04-22 09:48:39 评论:0



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WBTC作为比特币流入DeFi领域的少有途径,是由中心化托管机构BitGo 1:1映射的ERC20资产,当前市值$7B,还不到比特币本身市值的1%。    



SegWit(Segregated Witness)升级让见证数据(解锁UTXO交易的签名信息)拥有了独立的隔离空间,且容量达到4MB,拓展了链上存储的媒体类型。







BRC20在五月和十二月的两波浪潮,都带动着BTC矿工收入的大大增加,目前为止,Ordinals协议为BTC矿工带来了5979.4 BTC (~$257.7M)的收入,远超矿工的coinbase收益。


Bitcoin 开发者们经常用的一个度量网络安全性的方法是评估全节点的数量。为了让个人 PC 都能运行全节点,要严格限制区块大小,以及 UTXO 集,以降低全节点的成本。

从BTC全节点的数量来看,由于铭文的出现,很多人需要和Bitcoin RPC 交互,增加了 Bitcoin 全节点的数量。



B² Network 释放BTC潜能的机制





B² Network就是一个BTC二层网络的先行者,它是基于比特币零知识证明验证承诺的,并且EVM兼容的ZK Rollup,将以太坊的天赋带到比特币生态。

(Source:B² Network LitePaper)


B² Network的技术架构主要包括两层结构,Rollup层和DA层。简单地理解这个架构:需要有个虚拟机来处理用户的交易,也需要有个地方能够存储数据、验证交易。

(Source:B² Network LitePaper)

在Rollup层,B² 采用zkEVM的方案,将与Polygon Labs一起,把Polygon CDK拓展到BTC上。


主账户可以通过Transaction Bundler服务,实现为子账户gas代付。

(Source:B² Network LitePaper)





(Source:B² Network LitePaper)


但它并不能保证 ZK-Rollup 内交易的有效性和正确性,也不能利用比特币强大的共识能力来保证 Layer 2 ZK-Rollup 的安全。



(Source:B² Network LitePaper)

B² 设计有几点非常巧妙:

1. 先是用账户抽象降低用户学习门槛,实际上是降低了资产接入的门槛,方便用户哪边有资产就接入哪边的钱包;

2. 二层网络EVM兼容,方便引入开发者和以太坊生态迁移;

3. 整体采用一种类似于zk+op的混合模式,用zk进行数据验证,降低交易成本,同时采用op挑战模式,规避BTC验证能力受限的问题。

B² Network的愿景不仅限于一条BTC Layer2,而是有类似于Cosmos Hub或者Op Stack一样的雄心,成为BTC二层中心。

未来B² Nodes升级成为B² Hub,B² Hub将会为所有希望在比特币网络构建二层Rollup的开发者和项目方服务,提供基于比特币网络的数据可用层和状态转化验证、证明系统。

未来,开发者可以选择 Polygon CDK + B² Hub 组合来构建自己的BTC Rollup。

B² 代币经济

在B² Network的设计中,有多个环节都有去中心化的需求,存在代币激励的地方:

  • 排序器(Sequencer)质押


  • B² Hub收入

Rollup通过B² Hub向BTC结算时,需要向B² Hub支付B² 代币,这部分作为Hub收入,部分会被燃烧。

  • zk证明


  • 存储节点


  • 治理


  • 质押

质押代币的用户可以分得平台部分 gas 费用。


1. B² Buzz


B² Buzz是B² Network推出的用户激励活动,用户可以在2月初至主网上线前三天内充值资产,用于获得组装矿机的零件,矿机可以开采 B² 原生代币。活动期间,所有资金均通过多重签名方法进行安全管理,桥接资产可以在 2024 年 4 月撤回到存入的第一层网络。


  • BTC:比特币网络上的 BTC、以太坊上的 wBTC、BNB 链上的 BTCB

  • BRC20 资产:ORDI、SATS

  • ETH:以太坊上的 ETH

  • 稳定币:以太坊上的USDC和USDT;BNB 链上的 FDUSD

  • Matic:Polygon上的 MATIC

通过组团可以获取更多的存款奖励,解锁更高级别的宝箱,使用 Biteye 的邀请链接,https://buzz.bsquared.network/?code=kUClH ,还能获得额外福利:

  • 50% 邀请积分分成

  • MiniBridge 8折的月卡

  • 存款超 500U 获得 CryptoHunt 月卡(目前价值0.1e)

2. B² Network Odyssey

用户可以在B² 网站关注、参与Odyssey的活动,主网上线前存入的资产将桥接到B²主网并在生态内流通,用户可以利用这些桥接资产与生态系统dapp进行交互,关注任务获取更多积分,未来有可能获取潜在空投。


3. 开发

B²发布了一百万美金的Grant项目,鼓励开发者在这条新生BTC L2上进行开发。目前首轮已有六个项目获得grant赞助,包括:

  • GlowSwap


  • Protocol X


  • L2scan

L2scan 是一个专注于L2 Rollup的区块浏览器。

  • PawX

NFT项目,可以在 PawX 虚拟宇宙中种植、繁殖、交易和与其他猫咪爱好者聊天。

  • Mystic Mind

一款人工智能驱动的 NFT 占星应用。

  • Golden Fleet



B² Network通过引入EVM兼容的BTC Layer2,大大开拓了BTC生态的可拓展性。

使用zk rollup大幅减少交易费用,并且通过巧妙的架构设计,结合类似于欺诈证明的方法,让zk承诺证明接受用户挑战,以此解决了BTC一层无法合约验证的局限性。

B² 的合作伙伴都是头部项目,如账户抽象采用Particle Network方案,与Raas的AltLayer合作,现在正与Polygon Labs一起打造第一个Polygon CDK的BTC用例。

强大的合作伙伴也能助力B²成为最可行的Bitcoin L2方案之一,值得关注和早期参与。

Bitcoin ecology contains great potential. As the cornerstone of the whole encryption industry, Bitcoin's current market value has reached, but most of the time it is only used as the value storage carrier of encrypted gold. As a rare way for Bitcoin to flow into the field, the current market value of assets mapped by centralized custody institutions is less than the market value of Bitcoin itself. Therefore, there is actually a lot of asset liquidity in Bitcoin network, and the original ecology of Bitcoin has huge potential momentum, which is contrary to widely recognized fact. Bitcoin network does not support smart contracts, but only for the sake of security and simplicity. Although the supported smart contract programming language is not as powerful as Turing, it can still support functions such as multi-signing, time-locking, partial signature transactions, etc., so that the signature information of witness data unlocking transactions has an independent isolation space and the capacity reaches to expand the media types stored in the chain, and the upgrade enhances the privacy of transactions and allows Bitcoin to perform more and more complicated transactions. It is easy to store data in the script path, which has promoted the birth of subsequent agreements, spawned the distribution of new assets and brought about the prosperity of new bitcoin assets, and brought people's attention back to the possibility of bitcoin ecology. Many bitcoins insist that Bitcoin should remain simple and pure and play the role of a good value reserve, but the lack of online activity will actually be harmful to Bitcoin. Take the upcoming bitcoin halving as an example. The reward for each block will be reduced by half, which means that the income of miners will be greatly reduced. If the income cannot make ends meet, it will naturally lead to a reduction in the number of miners, a reduction in the degree of decentralization and a corresponding increase in vulnerability when attacked. There are only two solutions to avoid this situation. Even if the price of bitcoin doubles, the reward income for the block will be balanced with the present or the active online activities will bring more fees, which has been agreed and verified in the two waves in May and December. The tide has greatly increased the income of miners. So far, the income brought by the agreement far exceeds the income of miners. A method often used by developers to measure the security of the network is to evaluate the number of all nodes. In order to enable individuals to run all nodes, the size of the block should be strictly limited and the cost of all nodes should be reduced. From the point of view of the number of all nodes, many people need and interact with each other, which obviously increases the number of all nodes. Obviously, the network needs rich activities on the chain that are ecologically empowered. It only brings economic benefits to miners, makes up for the loss after halving, increases the number of all nodes and increases the network security. More importantly, it makes more people really understand the reason why the mechanism of releasing potential is not applied. Besides the limitation of intelligent contract language, it is also slow and expensive. The important means to expand the capacity of Ethereum is essentially to separate the executive layer with the idea of modular blockchain to improve efficiency and inherit the security of Ethereum network. The past year has also been an extraordinary year for Ethereum. If you want to release the potential of Bitcoin, a natural idea is to build a two-tier network to expand its capacity, and make up for some shortcomings with an efficient and fast virtual machine or a more familiar executive layer. It is a pioneer of the two-tier network, which is based on the zero-knowledge proof of Bitcoin and is compatible. The technical architecture that brings the talent of Taifang to the bitcoin ecological technology architecture mainly includes two layers. The layer and the layer simply understand that this architecture needs a virtual machine to handle users' transactions, and also needs a place to store data to verify transactions. The scheme adopted at the layer will be extended to the world together. Users can use the Ethereum account and the account to interact, and at the same time take care of the common wallets of users with ecological habits on both sides. It can also continue to reduce users' learning costs. The main account can be realized as a sub-account through services, and users' transactions are submitted and submitted at the layer. Processing the user's state is also stored in the layer network, which will generate related zero-knowledge proof package and send it to the layer for storage and verification. The layer includes decentralized storage nodes and the zero-knowledge proof used by Bitcoin network for verification. Finally, the data will be engraved into Bitcoin network by inscription. The whole data flow is as shown in the figure below. After the sorter packages the user transaction data, it will be saved by distributed storage to avoid single point failure and increase reliability. Guaranteeing data availability will write scripts to Bitcoin network in each block to realize the continuity of data availability time. In Ethereum network, the data of the second-tier network is transmitted to the contract on the main network to verify the transaction and save the data. However, Bitcoin network does not support automatic verification of intelligent contracts. Only by writing the aggregated data with zero knowledge proof into Bitcoin, the data guaranteed is anchored in Bitcoin and cannot be tampered with, but it cannot guarantee the validity and correctness of internal transactions. Sex can't be guaranteed by bitcoin's powerful consensus ability. Therefore, the adopted scheme is to write the promise of zero-knowledge proof into the main network, allowing challengers to challenge the promise of zero-knowledge proof verification within a specified time limit. If someone challenges successfully, they will roll back the assets locked by the node, while if no one challenges or fails during the challenge period, they will be finally confirmed on the internet. The design is very clever. First, it reduces the learning threshold of users by using account abstraction, which actually reduces the capital. The threshold of production access is convenient for users to access their wallets wherever they have assets. The two-tier network is compatible, which is convenient for introducing developers and Ethereum ecological migration. A similar hybrid model is adopted to verify data, reduce transaction costs, and the challenge model is adopted to avoid the problem of limited verification ability. The vision is not limited to one, but it has similar or the same ambition to become a two-tier center, which will serve all developers and project parties who want to build a two-tier bitcoin network in the future. Providing data availability layer and state transition verification based on bitcoin network proves that future developers can choose combinations to build their own token economy. In the design, there are many links with decentralized needs. Where there are token incentives, the sorter pledge network realizes decentralized sorter service through nodes. The sorter participates in the sequence verifier election by pledging tokens. The service updates the sorter set through a similar mechanism. The sorter in the sorter set provides transaction sorting and packaging service income in sequence. It is proved that bitcoin will be burned by paying tokens as part of income when settling accounts. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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