
币圈资讯 阅读:32 2024-04-22 09:47:29 评论:0



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作者:BITWU.ETH 来源:X,@BTW0205

Pixels 是一款免费的 Web3 农场游戏;


我关注一段时间的 MaviaGame 也被币安投资,目前上涨形势和推土机一样有得一拼;

本次挖矿一共持续10天,可以使用BNB、FDUSD 免费获得代币 Pixels(PIXEL),我从第一天开始就质押进去了,目前获得2017枚代币;



2、Pixels 的代币模型?




一、什么是 Pixels ?

Pixels 是一款P2E为主的 Web3 农场游戏。


其次,游戏重现了经典 16 位角色扮演冒险的氛围,让玩家在像素艺术世界中导航,相互互动、耕种土地、玩迷你游戏并获得代币奖励。

另外,它还允许精选 NFT 个人资料图片(PFP)收藏品的持有者在游戏中使用他们拥有的头像。增添了游戏的乐趣。

一款 P2E 的游戏想要有稳健的运行状态,需要团队有成熟的思考。可以从游戏趣味性、互操作性和去中心化三方面来理解 Pixels 团队的构想。

在游戏的趣味性上,Pixels 的设计可以让所有类型的用户都能体验到游戏乐趣。社区 KOL@0xPixelPenguin认为,Pixels 丰富的玩法和生态,可以满足不同人群的需求。专业玩家可以选择氪金,装修自己的 Land NFT,通过让其他玩家在自己的土地上种植来赚得土地税收;普通玩家可以给专业玩家们「打工」赚工资。此外,玩家可以参与由团队主导的不定期活动(例如感恩节火鸡、复活节彩蛋等),从中获得奖励。

在互操作性上,Pixels 利用了链游的独特优势——Pixels 实现了第一个 NFT 集成,允许用户连接他们的 Metamask 钱包并作为他们的 NFT 在 Pixels 世界中漫游。据 Pixels 团队称,目前已整合了 50 多种 NFT 集合。「在我们看来,这些关于元宇宙的讨论指的是:一个由冒险、游戏和空间组成的相互关联的网格,您的数字身份可以在其中流动。」

在去中心化概念上,Pixels 采取了产品优先的方法,逐步实现去中心化。早期的去中心化主要体现在链上拥有游戏物品的所有权上,但许多游戏机制在服务器端执行,这可以加快开发速度,缩短响应时间,从而为玩家带来更好的游戏体验。未来,可将机制的实际实现迁移到链上并迁移到合约中。

2022 年 2 月,Pixels完成了由 Animoca Brands 、 PKO Investments 领投,OpenSea 等参投的 240 万美元种子轮融资。

最近,Pixels 采取了一项战略举措,从 Polygon 迁移到 Sky Mavis 的 Ronin 网络。Pixels 在 Ronin 网络上的受欢迎程度急剧上升,每月链上交易量超过 150 万笔。如此高的活跃度证明了该游戏的吸引力及其吸引大量用户群的能力。


PIXEL 是 Pixels 生态系统中的原生实用程序和治理代币,用于以下功能:


1、NFT 铸币:未来所有来自 Pixels 的 NFT 铸币都将以 $PIXEL 形式存在。

2、VIP 会员资格:用户将能够以 $PIXEL 购买 VIP Battle Pass。

3、公会:用户将能够使用 $PIXEL 加入新的社交网络功能(公会)。

4、生活质量升级:高级游戏功能将以 $PIXEL 的价格出售。

治理: $PIXEL 最终将用于治理社区金库。

截至 2024 年 2 月 8 日,该项目已通过 3 轮私人代币销售筹集了480 万美元,

其中 14% 的 $PIXEL 代币供应量已以 0.005 美元/$PIXEL、0.009 美元/$PIXEL 和 0.012 美元/$PIXEL 的价格出售。





上面谈及,三轮私募价分别为:0.005, 0.009, 0.012U



至于是否借币,U可以趁低价时拿来换FDUSD,借BNB 要看看利率,太高不划算;


上线价格我觉得可以看下:@ai_9684xtpa 的预估方式,应该比较准:

1、BEERRY <> PIXEL 兑换:BEERY 价格为 $0.0027,根据 1000 BEERY = 7.6175 PIXEL 计算,1 PIXEL 的成本为 $0.354

2、币安挖矿:目前 Venus 的 BNB 借币利率为 74%,10 天共需利息 2%,当前共存入约 1600 万枚 BNB,每 1 枚 BNB 在 10 天内一共可以挖到 17.5 枚 PIXEL,每一枚的成本约为 $0.365

以上是购买 BEERY 更换 PIXEL 的成本和租借 $BNB 挖矿的成本,而上线价格应该高于这个价格,预估在0.4-0.6之间较为合理;




The author's source is a free farm game, Coin 'an. This year, a large number of new projects show to some extent that the trend of a new bull market will definitely have a place for the game. I have been paying attention to it for some time, and the current rising situation is as good as that of bulldozers. This mining can be used for a total of three days, and I have pledged it from the first day, and I have obtained a token at present. This paper mainly analyzes what the token model of the project is through related track and project research. Estimating the return is not worth borrowing money to dig online, estimating the price and how to operate it. What is a main farm game? First, the game is free. It allows players to engage in familiar agricultural activities such as resource planting, food preparation and goods trading. Players also have a unique opportunity to own and develop separate farmland plots. Secondly, the game reproduces the atmosphere of classic role-playing adventure, allowing players to navigate and interact in the world of pixel art, cultivate land, play mini-games and win. In addition, it also allows the holders of selected personal data and pictures to use their avatars in the game to increase the fun of the game. A new game needs mature thinking from the three aspects of game fun, interoperability and decentralization. The design of the game fun can make all types of users experience the fun of the game. The community believes that rich gameplay and ecology can meet different groups of people. Demand professional players can choose krypton to decorate their own, and earn land tax by letting other players plant on their own land. Ordinary players can work for professional players to earn wages. In addition, players can participate in irregular activities led by the team, such as Thanksgiving turkey and Easter eggs, and get rewards from them. In terms of interoperability, they use the unique advantages of chain tours to realize the first integration, allowing users to connect their wallets and roam around the world as their own. According to the team, it has been integrated at present. In our opinion, these discussions about the meta-universe refer to an interrelated grid composed of adventure games and spaces, in which your digital identity can flow. In the concept of decentralization, the product priority method has been adopted to gradually realize decentralization. The early decentralization is mainly reflected in the ownership of game items in the chain, but many game mechanisms are executed on the server side, which can speed up the development and shorten the response time, thus bringing a better game experience to players. In the future, the actual realization of the mechanism can be moved to the chain and moved to the contract. In June, the financing of the seed round of 10,000 US dollars was completed, and the popularity of the migrated network on the network has risen sharply. The monthly transaction volume on the chain exceeds 10,000. Such high activity proves the attraction of the game and its ability to attract a large number of users. Second, the token model is a native utility program in the ecosystem and governance tokens are used to coin coins in the following functions. In the future, all coins from will exist in the form of membership, users will be able to purchase the guild, users will be able to use the new social network function to upgrade the quality of life of the guild, and the advanced game function will be sold at a new price, which will eventually be used to manage the community treasury. As of March, the project has raised $10,000 through private token sales, of which the token supply has been sold at the price of US dollars and US dollars, accounting for the total supply after listing. A few days before the announcement of the total supply of coins, we will focus on and gradually eliminate the holders' ability to convert their tokens into three in proportion, and estimate whether the return is worth borrowing money. The interview and three rounds of private placement prices are calculated according to the highest private placement times, and the initial circulation is about 100 million. The annualized income will not be particularly high next year, but because it can dig the sky, I personally feel that the annualized income can be considered as moderate above. As for whether to borrow money can be exchanged at a low price, it depends on whether the interest rate is too high and uneconomical. How to estimate the price and how to operate the online price? I think the estimation method we can look at should be more accurate. The calculated cost is based on the exchange price. At present, the current interest rate for borrowing coins is about 10,000 pieces. At present, about 10,000 pieces can be dug in one day. The cost of each piece is about the above, which is the cost of purchasing and replacing and the cost of renting and mining. The online price should be higher than this price. If the online price is low and high, you can catch some around. If the opening price is high, it is recommended to wait and see for a while. After all, the 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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弹窗与图片大小一致 文章转载注明 网址:https://netpsp.com/?id=60809




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