新闻周刊丨区块链板块大幅上涨 ETF复兴推动比特币站上5万美元

币圈资讯 阅读:40 2024-04-22 09:44:03 评论:0



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得益于比特币ETF在美国的上市表现创纪录,比特币在两年多的时间里首次跃升至5万美元。自去年年初以来,最初的加密货币价值已经增长了两倍,从2022年暴跌64%的情况下回升。上个月美国批准交易所交易基金可以直接持有比特币,这种乐观情绪正促使更多的人接受比特币,从而推动了比特币的最新涨势。加密货币对冲基金AltTab Capital的联合创始人Greg Moritz表示,过去几周的低迷在很大程度上是由于灰度的资金外流。 现在这些资金流出已经放缓,我们看到,正如预期的那样,净流入正在回升。






Ripple公司于2023年5月收购的加密货币托管公司Metaco的首席执行官和首席产品官已经离职。Ripple的一位发言人证实,首席执行官Adrien trecani和首席产品官Peter DeMeo已经离职,并表示托管仍然是Ripple不断增长的业务不可或缺的一部分,因为我们将继续为全球客户提供一流的企业加密解决方案。



尼日利亚区块链信息分析服务提供商 A&D Forensics 的联合创始人 Adedeji Owonibi 在 2 月 9 日提供的加密货币合规专家培训中表示,尼日利亚政府需要对加密货币活动进行监管,并制定相应的法律,以遏制金融犯罪,特别是洗钱活动。 尽管尼日利亚中央银行(CBN)最近解除了对加密交易的禁令,使得银行可以为虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP)运营账户,但 Owonibi 解释说,合规专家培训旨在确保银行与 VASP 的互动符合相关法律规定。 Owonibi 表示,各大银行必须确保在其银行开设账户的虚拟资产服务提供商是合规的交易所,防止它们成为全球洗钱、毒品销售或恐怖主义融资的渠道。


区块链协会与80名前国家安全和军事专业人士一起向国会领导人写了另一封信,这次呼吁立法者否决一项旨在将加密货币公司纳入反洗钱政策的法案。   在致四名众议员和两名参议员的一封信中,签署者表示,《数字资产反洗钱法案》(DAAMLA)“危及我们国家的战略优势,威胁到数以万计的美国就业机会,并且对其针对的非法行为者影响甚微。”   签署者补充说,该法案如果获得通过,可能会将数字资产公司推向海外,从而可能增加不受监管的离岸交易所的流动性。 周二的信是区块链协会、国会议员和前政府工作人员之间一系列通信中的最新一封。





deBridge 首席执行官 Alex Smirnov 表示:安全性一直是跨链领域非常具有挑战性的一个方面,因为桥接协议中出现了重大黑客攻击和漏洞利用。



CryptoPunks推出“Punk in Residence”平台

比特币买卖交易网报道,蓝筹NFT项目CryptoPunks宣布推出性“Punk in Residence”平台,这一举措旨在融合传统艺术和数字艺术领域,为艺术家在 web3 背景下探索和重新定义Punks提供独特的平台,据悉“Punk in Residence”将由Nina's Super Cool World NFT系列作者Nina Chanel Abney担任首任艺术家,以推动将传统艺术与Web3创新结合起来。

    南非支付公司Callpay新增Xion Global一键加密结账功能

    比特币买卖交易网报道,Web3支付提供商 Xion Global 宣布与南非支付公司Callpay 建立战略合作伙伴关系。该合作旨在将 Xion 的创新技术与 Callpay 强大的市场影响力相结合,促进南非 Web3 支付的采用。这一合作伙伴关系拓宽了客户的支付选择,提供了 Xion 一键式加密结账的便利性,将易用性与节省成本结合起来


      CARV的首席增长官Leo Li发文表示,区块链游戏在2023年第四季度增长了33%,交易量在六个月内大约增加了两倍,但与此形成鲜明对比的是,传统游戏却呈现下滑趋势,由于开发商面临市场饱和和用户数量停滞,全球移动游戏收入连续第二年下降,传统游戏比以往任何时候都更需要Web3,传统游戏领域的深层次问题使Web3成为显而易见的下一步行动。





      美国众议员Tom Emmer发文表示,今天,我向FinCEN和OFAC财政部长询问了《华尔街日报》对哈马斯数字资产筹款活动的报道。Nelson副国务卿公开证实,《华尔街日报》的数据不准确,而且加密货币甚至不是哈马斯恐怖分子的流行工具。





      ▌灰度:GBTC截至2月13日持仓较前一日减少1912 BTC

      据数字资产管理公司灰度(Grayscale)官方更新现货比特币 ETF 持仓数据显示,截至 2 月 13 日,GBTC 持有 463,475.4355 枚比特币,较前一日减少约 1912 枚比特币,此外,GBTC 的资产管理规模(非公认会计原则)降至 22,907,018,487.04 美元,流通份额减少到 518,980,100 份。


        根据财政部金融犯罪执法网络(FinCEN)发布的趋势报告,基于金融公司在 2020 年和 2021 年向政府提交的文件,在此期间,加密货币(最常见的是比特币)在包括人口贩运和儿童性剥削在内的犯罪中的使用呈上升趋势。分析发现,在这两年中,有 2311 起报告称加密货币被用于此类犯罪,涉案金额超过 4.12 亿美元。




          Token Unlocks数据显示,本周CYBER、SAND和APE等代币总计释放价值超1.3亿美元。其中: CYBER(CyberConnect)于2月14日下午16点解锁236万枚CYBER代币,价值约1799万美元,占流通供应量的15.93%; SAND(TheSandbox)将于2月15日凌晨0点解锁2.05亿枚代币,价值约9732万美元,占流通供应量的9.19%; APE(ApeCoin)将于2月17日下午16点解锁1560万枚APE代币,价值约2247万美元,占流通供应量的2.61%。









          Golden Weekly is a weekly summary column of blockchain industry launched by Bitcoin Trading Network, which covers a week's key news, mining information projects, dynamic technology progress and other industry trends. This article is one of the news weekly to show you the headlines of blockchain industry events this week, and promote the revival of Bitcoin stations. Thanks to the record listing performance of Bitcoin in the United States, Bitcoin jumped to $10,000 for the first time in more than two years. Since the beginning of last year, the initial cryptocurrency value has increased by two. Last month, the United States approved that exchange-traded funds can directly hold bitcoin. This optimism is prompting more people to accept bitcoin, which has promoted the latest rise of bitcoin. The co-founder of cryptocurrency hedge funds said that the downturn in the past few weeks was largely due to the gray-scale capital outflow, and now these capital outflows have slowed down. We saw that the net inflow is rising as expected, and the law firm was ready to be appointed as an independent monitor. The law firm is preparing to be appointed as an independent supervisor. The bankruptcy case that the law firm was handling before, the blockchain plate of the US stock market opened sharply. The three major stock indexes opened higher collectively. The Dow rose, the Nasdaq rose, the S&P index rose, and the blockchain plate rose sharply. Jianan Technology rose nearly, ultra-semiconductor stocks rose, and NVIDIA rose, ultra-micro computers rose, surpassing the CEO and product director of its company. The CEO and chief product officer of the cryptocurrency custody company acquired by the company in June have left. A spokesman confirmed that the CEO and the Chief Product Officer had left, and said that custody is still an indispensable part of the growing business because we will continue to provide first-class enterprise encryption solutions to customers all over the world. Nigeria urged the supervision of cryptocurrency to combat financial crimes. The co-founder of the Nigerian blockchain information analysis service provider said in the training of cryptocurrency compliance experts provided on May that the Nigerian government needs to supervise cryptocurrency activities. And formulate corresponding laws to curb financial crimes, especially money laundering. Although the Central Bank of Nigeria recently lifted the ban on encrypted transactions so that banks can operate accounts for virtual asset service providers, it explained that the training of compliance experts aims to ensure that the interaction between banks and banks conforms to relevant laws and regulations, which means that major banks must ensure that virtual asset service providers with accounts in their banks are compliant exchanges to prevent them from becoming channels for global money laundering, drug sales or terrorist financing. Former government officials said that it might harm the cryptocurrency industry in the United States. The Blockchain Association, together with a former national security and military professional, wrote another letter to the congressional leaders, this time calling on legislators to veto a bill aimed at bringing cryptocurrency companies into the anti-money laundering policy. In a letter to four members of the House of Representatives and two senators, the signatories said that the anti-money laundering bill on digital assets endangered the strategic advantage of our country, threatened tens of thousands of American jobs and targeted illegal acts. The signer added that if the bill is passed, it may push digital asset companies overseas, which may increase the liquidity of unregulated offshore exchanges. Tuesday's letter is the latest in a series of communications between members of parliament of the blockchain association and former government workers. Ethiopia signed a power supply agreement with a bitcoin miner. Ethiopia's national power company has signed a power supply agreement with a bitcoin miner. These transactions not only make this African country the world's largest. One of the main destinations of bitcoin mining machine has also opened up a potentially lucrative source of foreign exchange. The CEO of blockchain application security has always been a very challenging aspect in the cross-chain field. The CEO said that security has always been a very challenging aspect in the cross-chain field because of major hacking attacks and loopholes in the bridge agreement. Use the sports betting platform to announce the key details of the token distribution plan, token generation and The airdrop will be held in the first week of June, but the specific date has not yet been announced. In the next few years, two airdrops will be held to account for the total supply of tokens. Bitcoin Trading Network reported that the blue-chip project announced the launch platform. This initiative aims to integrate the fields of traditional art and digital art and provide a unique platform for artists to explore and redefine in the background. It is reported that a series of authors will be the first artists to promote the combination of traditional art and innovation. South African payment company adds one-click encryption checkout function Bitcoin trading network reports that payment providers have announced the establishment of a strategic partnership with South African payment companies, which aims to combine innovative technologies with strong market influence to promote the adoption of South African payment. This partnership has broadened customers' payment choices and provided convenience for one-click encryption checkout, combining ease of use with cost saving. Traditional games need more chief growth officials than ever before. According to the article, blockchain games increased in the fourth quarter of 2008, and the transaction volume tripled in six months. However, in sharp contrast, traditional games showed a downward trend. Because developers faced market saturation and the number of users stagnated, the global mobile game revenue declined for the second consecutive year. Traditional games needed deep-seated problems in the traditional game field more than ever before, which made it obvious that the next step was to interrupt the use of artificial intelligence by five malicious network actors related to the country. Neng Startup Company issued a document saying that we interrupted the use of our platform by five malicious network actors related to the country, and the work done in cooperation with the Threat Intelligence Center. The US Congressman issued a document saying that today I asked the Finance Minister about the Wall Street Journal's report on Hamas's digital asset fundraising activities. The Deputy Secretary of State publicly confirmed that the data of the Wall Street Journal were inaccurate and the encrypted currency was not even HAMA. Chairman of the popular tools of terrorists, many encryption platforms failed to comply with the regulations. Chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Gaenssler, many encryption platforms failed to comply with the regulations. The scale of asset management exceeded 100 million US dollars. He posted on social media that the scale of asset management exceeded 100 million US dollars. According to the official update of the digital asset management company's gray scale, the position data of spot bitcoin showed that the number of bitcoins held by the company decreased by about 100 bitcoins compared with the previous day. In addition, the scale of asset management decreased to US dollars, and the share of circulation decreased to a report that bitcoin was green in human trafficking and child exploitation every year. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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