Smart Layer:链接Web3和公链的中间件

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一直以来,公链 和 Web3 两者有着说不清道不明的关系,两者用户群体高度重叠,而大部分项目的业务逻辑却是各做各的,最终无非是靠项目的 token 将公链 和 Web3 关联在一起。

从字面上很容易读懂,Web3 是 Web2 的升级版,被视为互联网的下一阶段,旨在创建一个去中心化的网络环境,其中用户控制自己的数据、身份和交易,而不是依赖中心化的实体或平台。公链技术是实现Web3愿景的关键基础设施之一。

要实现一个去中心化、安全且由用户主导的 Web3 互联网,所使用的技术能够支持这些特性。而公链提供了一种安全、透明、不可篡改的数据记录方法,使得在不存在中央权威的情况下进行价值交换、合约执行和数据存储成为可能。因此公链是实现 Web3 愿景道路上的关键技术。



想要真正实现 Web3 愿景还要继续在公链技术的基础上进行创新。

Smart Layer 就是可以解决上述问题的创新基础设施,它作为去公链和Web3应用程序中间件(Middleware),既继承了公链的安全性,又能执行复杂的的Web3业务逻辑,可谓是一个全新的概念。

Smart Layer 介绍

Smart Token Labs,之前被称为 TokenScript,是可编程的智能代币和Web3应用的开源中间件,可以平滑地连接现有的 Web2 业务转移到 Web3。

Smart Layer 是一个为公链提供可编程服务网络的生态系统,它开启了智能代币的执行的时代,使得与各种系统和代币的复杂交互成为可能。

对于代币发行方而言,这一平台不仅允许他们创建和管理可编程的智能代币,而且还为 Web3 服务提供了一种中间件解决方案,极大地简化了Web服务与代币功能集成的复杂任务。Smart Layer正是解锁主流代币化使用案例所需的缺失层。

Smart Token Labs 的背景非常扎实,开发周期比较长,团队在2021年7月从Mark Cuban、、Framework Ventures 和 Mechanism Capital 等投资者那里筹集了 600 万美元的初始资金。

2022 年9月,由华语圈知名投资人 Liang Xinjun 领投, HashGlobal、Bodl 和 Fenbushi Capital 等投资者参投,该项目以前一轮4倍的估值价格又获得了 600 万美元融资。表明了专业投资人对赛道的支持和信心。

在今年年初,Smart Layer 发文回顾发展历程,表示 Smart Layer 已经完成了EVM公链提供支持,可以管理那些不存储在链上的令牌逻辑。

此外,项目还推出了引人注目的Smart Cat xNFT游戏,吸引了大量玩家的兴趣。同时团队还提出了ERC-5169标准,为代币的互操作性和功能性增添了新维度。

与此同时,Smart Layer通过与InsomniaLabs的紧密合作,成功推出了Loyalty+计划,这一计划旨在通过公链技术加强品牌与用户之间的忠诚度联系。项目已经拥有超过50个合作伙伴,包括polygon,Layerzero,Alchemy等机构,证明了其在行业内的广泛应用潜力。

在运营方面,Smart Layer 与世界排名前 10 的板球巨星 Glenn Maxwell 合作,使用 Smart Layer 的基于证明的可执行 NFT 启动了全球粉丝参与计划。

作为中间件,Smart Layer的意义重大。它不仅从服务的角度简化了传统Web2业务向Web3过渡的复杂度,为开发团队提供了一套灵活的工具,使得他们能够更加容易地开发和部署去中心化应用。

同时,通过Smart Layer,还实现了公链和Web3之间的鸿沟被有效地桥接的技术,为用户带来了更加安全、透明且不受中心化制约的用户体验。解决现有公链技术环境中存在的限制,在保证开启更广阔的应用可能性。

最最重要是,Smart Layer 宣布会在本年度(2024)开展空投计划!根据已有信息其 SLN 代币将作为 Smart Layer 网络的服务集点激励,保证整个网络的去中心化程度和平稳运行。


从宏观上看,Smart Layer 的技术整体由三部分,公链、锚定节点(Anchoring Node)和服务节点(Service Node)。而从用户能感知到的角度,可以将上面Smart Layer三层的创新技术结构根据分为两大块:

  • 智能代币 ERC-5169:在 EVM 公链上发行的创新代币标准,在继承传统代币功能的前提下,可以为代币带来交互性。

  • Smart Layer Network:实现代币可交互的网络层,是一种有别于公链的去中心网络基础设施。


Smart Token Labs 在 2022 年 5 月提出了以太坊标准 ERC-5169, 旨在通过引入scriptURI()函数,增强代币的功能性和互操作性。


目前,ERC-5169已经吸引了社区的广泛关注,并且得到了一定程度的认可。通过允许代币直接关联外部脚本,开辟全新代币用途和功能玩法的新维度,相信有朝一日 ERC-5169 将会在被纳入以太坊社区官方的标准之中。

从技术实现的角度看,ERC-5169标准的核心是引入了 scriptURI()函数。通过这一函数,代币合约能够指向一个外部存储的脚本地址,这个脚本可以包含任何形式的逻辑,从简单的信息展示到复杂的应用逻辑。



ERC-5169 不仅能够创造出功能丰富的智能代币,还能够推动去中心化应用(DApp)和Web3服务的创新,为用户提供更加丰富、灵活和安全的数字资产体验。

Smart Layer 网络

除了全新的代币标准,Smart Layer的核心技术是提供了一个去中心化的服务层网络,使得基于EVM的代币能够实现更复杂的功能和服务。

Smart Layer 网络利用锚定节点(Anchoring Nodes)和服务节点(Service Nodes)的架构来维护网络的稳定性和安全性,同时通过分布式哈希表(DHT)技术保证了网络中信息的有效分发和访问。

  • 锚定节点:负责监控和维护网络的整体健康状态,分配任务给服务节点、监控服务水平协议(SLA)的执行情况,以及管理代币操作的记录和提交。

  • 服务节点:执行具体的服务任务,如数据存储、内容分发等,根据其执行的效率和质量,通过一定的激励机制获得奖励。

Smart Layer 网络别于传统的公链,传统的公链依赖于共识机制,而 Smart Layer 它的核心是致力于实时监控和负载平衡,这正是锚节点发挥作用的地方。这些节点充当网络的守护者,确保一致的服务可用性,并在关键时刻介入。

由这些锚节点之间会通过分布式散列表(Distributed Hash Table)共享信息,在确定节点在负智能token服务时的任务分配。

这种分散式方法不仅能减少因节点 ID 与令牌 ID 匹配而可能产生的潜在攻击,还能保证对集成查询的及时响应。如此,锚定节点与其同级节点合作,维护一个分布式哈希表,为任何给定的智能令牌查找服务节点。

通过这样的设计,Smart Layer 旨在为去中心化应用(DApps)、去中心化金融(DeFi)服务以及其他基于公链的应用提供一个高效、灵活的后端服务平台,从而极大地拓展了公链技术在现实世界中的应用范围和深度。

Smart Layer 技术的两大部分共同作用,在继承 EVM 公链上通证功能的同时,进行了可执行的拓展,又通过自身的网络技术为这些功能提供基础设施,以此巧妙地实现了公链技术和Web3愿景的结合。


根据官网显示 SLN 通证将会在在2024年初(early in 2024)上线,具体细节还有待项目方更新。目前 Smart Layer 正在开展 Smart Pass 积分活动,团队曾多次表示 Smart Pass 积分和未来空投有直接关系。

Smart Pass 是由 Smart Layer 团队打造的一套用于 Web3 用户和社区增长的开发人员工具。不仅能推动Smart Layer 生态发展,还能为其他的 Web3 项目服务,以推动产品使用或社区参与的快速增长。


用户可以使用邮箱在 Smart Layer 右上角注册自己的 Pass。注册完成后,会显示两个板块的活动专区:

  • Quest:Pass 通行证将与积分总数动态同步。用户可以通过完成 Quest 来获得积分。这一部分的任务比较简单,并不需要投入额外的成本,只需要链接钱包和完成各种社交账号任务即可。要注意的是,每个钱包地址只有一次机会绑定Pass卡,也就是钱包和邮箱互相绑定,连接后不能取消。另外,因为可能会与未来空投有关,赚取积分前一定优先完成绑定钱包的任务,以防快照后无法领取空投。

  • Perks:Perks Hub 是 Smar tLayer 通行证持有者申请奖励、福利和机会的地方。Perks Hub 提供各种奖励、福利和机会,其中可能包括独家折扣、访问高级内容、提前访问新功能等。随着时间的推移,这些福利将定期更新和扩展,为 Smart Layer 通行证持有者提供持续的价值。

目前 Perks 中包含三个任务,其中第三方任务 JoyID 无需成本可以获得1500积分,参与的同时也有机会获得未来 JoyID 奖励。而另外两个任务属于 Smart Layer 的原生游戏任务,需要持有 Smart Cat NFT。目前该NFT发行量 94万逾枚,近期成交量和地板价都在稳步抬升中,说明需求量扩大。

用户可以日常与 Smart Cat 交互获得积分,每一步交互获得25点,每天最多15次交互,另外通过喂养让 Smart Cat 升级,可以获得额外奖励,7级500点,10级1200点,14级2500点,17级3000点,20级3500点。

用户可以使用安卓和 iOS 版 Alpha Wallet 进行Smart Cat 交互,或者在没有兼容TokenScript的钱包情况下使用 TokenScript Viewer 进行交互。


除了官网上的展现的 Smart Layer 生态的成果以外,Smart Layer 也致力于为以太坊社区做贡献。

团队紧跟市场动态,在ERC404出现后,推出了开源的改进版 ERC404方案, 该方案集成了 ERC404 V2、ERC5169 和 TokenScrip 多个方案的特性。通过将 ERC5169 和 TokenScript ,作为 ERC404 代币前端,利用 TokenScript 为令牌提供类似 HTML 的前端框架,为 ERC404赋予了标准化的代币前端,使令牌显示和交互标准化。

此外,该 404 改进协议不仅增强了安全性和用户体验,同时将使用案例扩展到了收藏品之外,并将 ERC-5169 和 TokenScript 纳入 ERC404 代币作为代币前端。这一改动可以使代币持有者对ERC-20和ERC-721代币转让的可见性和控制力大大增强。它还大大的扩展ERC 404的使用场景,比如为ERC404 赋予会员资格和404账户高级应用场景。

除了以上好处,此改进协议也让市场认识到了 Smart Layer 技术本身的可扩展潜力。这次可以结合ERC404,而未来还可以结合更多新技术、新叙事以拓展 Smart Layer 的生态版图。


经过技术和交互的两部分介绍,足以看出团队的诚意。不论是从产品核心技术 ERC-5169 和 Smart Layer Network,还是用户交互端的 Alpha Wallet 和 TokenScript Viewer ,团队为将智能代币推向市场,在生态系统的建设方面下足了功夫。

ERC404 和 Smart Layer 的结合,让我们见识到了 Smart Layer 技术的强大的兼容能力和扩展能力,同时也反映出团队的实力非常扎实,不仅会技术,开发效率很高,也懂市场,嗅觉敏锐。

总的来说,Smart Layer 在叙事上补足了 Web2 到 Web3的缺失的技术版图,为如何让传统公链技术与Web3愿景相结合这一难题交出了行业内第一份答卷。相信在不久之后推出正式主网激励措施后,其生态版图将会进一步扩大。

There has always been an indefinable relationship between the public chain and the two. The user groups of the two are highly overlapping, but the business logic of most projects is to do their own thing. In the end, it is nothing more than relying on the project to link the public chain together. Literally, it is easy to read. Yes, the upgraded version is regarded as the next stage of the Internet, aiming at creating a decentralized network environment, in which users control their own data identity and transactions rather than relying on centralized entities or platforms. The public chain technology is the key infrastructure to realize the vision. One is to realize a decentralized, secure and user-led Internet. The technology used can support these characteristics, and the public chain provides a safe, transparent and tamper-proof data recording method, which makes it possible to carry out value exchange, contract execution and data storage without central authority. Therefore, the public chain is the key technology on the road to realizing the vision. However, due to the limitations of performance and function of the public chain technology, many projects have to be used in practical applications. Some centralized technologies, such as projects, may choose to use centralized servers to handle some computation-intensive tasks or store a large amount of data only through the public chain to handle the core value transfer function. Although this compromise scheme improves the efficiency and functionality to a certain extent, it also weakens the degree of decentralization. To truly realize the vision, we must continue to innovate on the basis of public chain technology, which is an innovative infrastructure that can solve the above problems. The software not only inherits the security of the public chain, but also can execute complex business logic. It is a brand-new concept introduction. The open source middleware, formerly known as programmable smart tokens and applications, can smoothly connect the existing business and transfer to an ecosystem that provides a programmable service network for the public chain. It opens the era of the implementation of smart tokens and makes it possible to interact with various systems and tokens in a complex way. For token issuers, this platform not only allows them to create and manage. The programmed smart token also provides a middleware solution for the service, which greatly simplifies the complex task of integrating the service and token functions. It is the background of the missing layer needed to unlock the mainstream token use cases that is very solid, and the development cycle is relatively long. The team raised an initial capital of $10,000 from investors such as the Chinese-speaking circle, which was led by well-known investors in the Chinese-speaking circle and the investors participated in the project in the previous round, and the estimated price was doubled, which showed the professional investment. People's support and confidence in the track issued a document at the beginning of this year to review the development process, indicating that the public chain has been completed to provide support to manage the token logic that is not stored in the chain. In addition, the project has also launched a compelling game to attract the interest of a large number of players, and the team has also put forward standards to add a new dimension to the interoperability and functionality of tokens. At the same time, through close cooperation with, the plan has been successfully launched, which aims to strengthen the loyalty between brands and users through public chain technology. The project has more than 10 partners, including other institutions, which have proved its wide application potential in the industry. In operation, the proof-based executable used in cooperation with the world's top cricket stars has launched the global fan participation plan, which is of great significance as a middleware. It not only simplifies the complexity of the transition from traditional business to service, but also provides a flexible tool for the development team to develop and deploy decentralized applications more easily. The technology of effectively bridging the gap between the public chain and the public chain has brought users a safer and more transparent user experience that is not restricted by centralization. The most important thing is to announce that an airdrop plan will be launched this year to ensure the decentralization degree and smooth operation of the whole network. From a macro perspective, the technical details are anchored by three parts of the public chain. Nodes and service nodes can be fixed, and the innovative technical structure of the above three layers can be divided into two large pieces according to the innovative token standard issued on the public chain. On the premise of inheriting the functions of traditional tokens, the interactive network layer of tokens can be realized. It is a decentralized network infrastructure different from the public chain. Smart tokens put forward the Ethereum standard in June to enhance the functionality and interoperability of tokens. This proposal allows Token-associated executable scripts enable tokens not only to carry value, but also to execute complex logic and interact with various systems. From the perspective of industry development, it is a key innovation in realizing the vision. It enables tokens to become intelligent tools for connecting user data and services, which has attracted wide attention from the community and gained some recognition. By allowing tokens to directly associate with external scripts, it is believed that it will open up a new dimension of token use and function play. From the point of view of technical realization, the core of the standard is to introduce a function through which the token contract can point to an externally stored script address. This script can contain any form of logic, from simple information display to complex application logic, which means that developers can add additional functions to tokens, such as automating trading conditions and performing data retrieval, which greatly expands the application scenarios and potential of tokens. The location of the external script associated with the token is usually a script file stored in a distributed file system such as or other reliable storage services, which can not only create smart tokens with rich functions, but also promote the innovation of decentralized applications and services, and provide users with a richer, more flexible and safer digital asset experience network. In addition to the brand-new token standard, the core technology is to provide a decentralized service layer network to make the token based on it more complex. The function and service network uses the architecture of anchor node and service node to maintain the stability and security of the network, and at the same time, it ensures the effective distribution and access of information in the network through distributed hash table technology. The anchor node is responsible for monitoring and maintaining the overall health of the network, assigning tasks to the service node to monitor the implementation of the service level agreement and managing the recording and submission of token operations. The service node performs specific service tasks such as data storage content distribution, etc. According to its efficiency and quality, it obtains rewards through a certain incentive mechanism. The network is different from the traditional public chain, which depends on the consensus mechanism. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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