一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun

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《Earth From Another Sun》是由Multiverse团队开发的一款科幻探险游戏。在这个基础上创立的虚拟世界,加入了大战场、真实宇宙、策略、RPG、剧情等内容。已完成 450 万美元融资,Solana Ventures、Alameda Research 和 Lightspeed 等参投。预计代币也会发行在 Solana公链上面。




区块链技术和游戏的结合,目前认为有两种方式,一种方式是把游戏内资产上链,形成各种代币,包括角色和物品类的NFT代币,和游戏内经济流通代币,这就是GameFi的概念。另一种方式是把游戏逻辑和资产都放到链上,形成“全链上游戏”(fully on-chain game)。

全链上游戏在过去一年有较为明显的进展,形成了独特的基础设施,也被认为是 Crypto Native 的游戏,但问题也随之而来:毕竟现在最快的链上虚拟机在性能上也仅仅相当于30年前的服务器,如果把游戏所有的逻辑都放到链上,只能做一些游戏逻辑和UI较为简单的项目,3A级别的游戏至少在目前还只能选择资产上链的“GameFi”路线。所以我们认为,本轮牛市在游戏赛道,GameFi和FOCG会同时发展并在两个方向进行演化。

那如何让GameFi破除Ponzi属性,能够有较为长期的价值呢?答案是从可玩性入手。在上一轮牛市中,链游项目更多从金融性入手,制作各种GameFi(将游戏和DeFi结合,更强调赚钱,弱化可玩性)。而在本轮牛市中,我们可以看到更多的是传统游戏公司进入链游行业,引入较为成熟的3A游戏制作供应链,在传统游戏的基础上实现“币改”,从而保证游戏的质量和可玩性。《Earth From Another Sun》就是这样的一款制作精良的链游大作。


根据官方的介绍,《Earth From Another Sun》是由Multiverse团队开发的一款科幻探险游戏。在这个基础上创立的虚拟世界,加入了大战场、真实宇宙、策略、RPG、剧情等内容。奇幻的未来世界里,势力的权力争夺、小人物的艰难求存、种族命运的跌宕起伏,一切的一切都交由你来抉择!

一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun

《Earth From Another Sun》核心玩法是最宏大的科幻第一人称射击战斗,其次包括:指挥军队,征服世界并建立国家,亲自参与拥有超多炫酷武器、能力、车辆以及单位的第一人称射击游戏。并且能够选择独自,或者合作、竞争的多人环境中享受游戏乐趣。从地球开始的冒险,直至探索整个银河系,探索银河系中的宝藏,认识各种角色,与各个国家相处,并面对足以毁灭世界的亡虫入侵。游戏里玩家是自由的,可以发挥影响力,招募士官与军队,推翻腐败国家,统治银河系,将亡虫踢出去;也可以作为前线指挥官,身体力行,亲手宰了愚蠢的反抗者与亡虫们。


· 最宏大的科幻战斗;

· 随着版本不断扩展的银河系地图,无数独特的区域可供探索;

· 大规模战场,最多支持 4 名玩家与 500 个 AI 单位于同一场景内战斗;

· 精心制作、有趣的第一人称射击游戏;

· 数百种独特的武器、武器改装、能力、敌人,每局都是全新的战斗体验;

· 机甲、坦克、气垫船、船只、飞机、宇宙战舰、宇宙要塞供你操作和战斗;

· 精心设计的 NPC 与星系内的任务系统;

· 精致的 Waifu 系统;

· 专属于你的星系土地,建造、种田,随你所愿。

以上内容截取于官方介绍,但根据我个人试玩的经验,整体类似于传统游戏中的老头环《EldenRing》,偏重于单机游戏,虽然官方也说过未来会开放PVP系统,但目前的测试版只能PVE。如果拿链游来对比的话,整体风格会更类似于 Animoca Brands 投资制作的机甲科幻探险游戏《Phantom Galaxies》,同样的机甲风格,宇宙探险,射击过关等等。

一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun

和大多数 GameFi 游戏一样,Web3 集成的《Earth From Another Sun》强调数字所有权的概念,允许玩家以 NFT 的形式拥有数字资产,例如角色、技能,武器,机甲等等。这些数字资产可以在游戏内的各种活动中开发和使用,比如交易物品和使用游戏中庞大的制作系统。这种集成为玩家提供了在游戏中拥有、交易和利用数字资产的新方式。我在试玩的过程中,第一个打海盗的任务还算轻松的完成,但后面的任务就需要有高级一些的武器和护甲才能胜任了,这就为NFT资产的销售垫定了需求的基础。



一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun

一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun


一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun

一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun


一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun


一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun


一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun

点击 Leaderboard,则可以看到游戏设置两种天梯数据来鼓励玩家竞争:分别是 Battle Pass Ranking 和 Attribute Ranking,一个是战网等级,一个是游戏角色的等级。如下图:

一文读懂3A新链游Earth From Another Sun

总结来说,游戏整体运行流畅,画面精美,接近于3A级别,故事连贯,完成任务也都有详尽的提示。这些都是传统游戏公司的优势所在。打海盗的时候,前面较为轻松,但后面的海盗难度骤升,我猜测是为了让用户购买NFT来升级武器的(目前的测试版还未开放NFT交易市场)。整体而言,《Earth From Another Sun》从游戏可玩性来说,在链游里面能排进前十,至于后面的代币经济学部分,则要等正式版发售后看看整体的运营情况了。

据了解,EFAS 在 2022 年 6 月 16 日融资 260 万美元,随后又完成 450 万美元融资,Solana Ventures、Alameda Research 和 Lightspeed 等参投。预计代币也会发行在 Solana公链上面。这么来看,技术实力强,又有知名投资机构做背书,测试版效果也不错,EFAS 在本轮牛市又一波小爆发还是值得期待的。

The author is a sci-fi adventure game developed by the team. The virtual world created on this basis has joined the battlefield, the real universe, the strategy, the plot and other contents. It is expected that ten thousand dollars of financing and equal participation will be completed, and tokens will also be issued on the public chain. The significance of the game itself is to provide people with emotional value, such as the aesthetic feeling that the game often brings, the sense of accomplishment that comes when it finishes the task, and the excitement that comes when it defeats the enemy. Usually, the game is classified into zero and zero according to the economic model. Games and non-zero-sum games are represented by gambling games. One side in Texas wins money, and the other side will lose money. Its economic system basically depends on external players. The latter is represented by various games, such as World of Warcraft, whose economic system itself depends on internal circulation. In the game, money is constantly generated and consumed in various links to form a small independent economy. At present, it is considered that there are two ways to combine blockchain technology with games. One way is to chain the assets in the game to form various tokens, including horns. Color and goods tokens and in-game economic circulation tokens. This is the concept. Another way is to put game logic and assets on the chain to form a full-chain game. In the past year, the full-chain game has made obvious progress and formed a unique infrastructure, which is also considered to be a game, but problems have followed. After all, the fastest online virtual machine is only equivalent to the server years ago in performance. If all the logic of the game is put on the chain, it can only do some game logic and be simpler. At least at present, the project-level games can only choose the route of asset winding, so we think that this bull market will develop at the same time on the game track and evolve in two directions. So how to make the break of attributes have a long-term value? The answer is to start with playability. In the last bull market, chain tour projects started with finance, making various games and combining them, emphasizing making money and weakening playability. In this bull market, we can see more traditional game companies entering the chain parade. The industry has introduced a relatively mature game production supply chain to realize currency reform on the basis of traditional games, so as to ensure the quality and playability of the games. This is such a well-made chain tour masterpiece game. According to the official introduction, it is a sci-fi adventure game developed by the team. The virtual world created on this basis has joined the battlefield, the real universe, the strategy, the plot and other contents. In the fantasy future world, the power of forces struggles for the survival of small people, the ups and downs of racial destiny, and everything. It's up to you to choose the article to understand the core gameplay of the new chain tour, which is the most grand sci-fi first-person shooting battle. Secondly, it includes commanding the army to conquer the world and establishing a country to personally participate in the first-person shooting game with vehicles and units with super cool weapons capabilities, and to be able to choose to enjoy the game in a multiplayer environment that competes alone or in cooperation. Adventures from the earth until exploring the whole galaxy, exploring the treasures in the galaxy, getting to know various characters and getting along with various countries and facing the world that is enough to destroy. In the game of the invasion of dead insects in the world, players are free to exert their influence, recruit petty officers and troops to overthrow corrupt countries and rule the Milky Way, and kick the dead insects out. They can also be used as front-line commanders to personally kill stupid rebels and dead insects. The main features of the game are the most grand sci-fi battles. With the continuous expansion of the version, countless unique areas of the map of the Milky Way can be used to explore large-scale battlefields. At most, players and units can fight in the same scene and elaborate interesting first-person shooting. Hundreds of unique weapons in the game, weapons modification ability, the enemy's every game is a brand-new fighting experience, mecha tanks, hovercraft, ships, planes, space battleship Cosmos Fortress, carefully designed for you to operate and fight, and the exquisite system of the mission system in the galaxy belongs to you, and the above content is intercepted in the official introduction as you wish, but according to my personal trial experience, the whole game is similar to the old man's ring in the traditional game, focusing on single-player games, although the official also said that the system will be opened in the future, but at present, The beta version can only be compared with the chain tour, and the overall style will be more similar to the mecha sci-fi adventure game invested and produced, the same mecha style, cosmic adventure shooting clearance and so on. Reading the article, the new chain tour, like most games, emphasizes the concept of digital ownership, allowing players to own digital assets in new forms, such as role skills, weapons, mecha and so on. These digital assets can be developed and used in various activities in the game, such as trading goods and using the huge production system in the game. This integration provides players with a new way of trading and using digital assets in the game. In the process of trial play, the first task of fighting pirates is fairly easy to complete, but the later tasks need advanced weapons and armor to be competent, which sets the demand for the sale of assets. After getting the test serial number, I downloaded the game installation package at the first time, which is slow, and it takes hours to complete the game installation. Log in with all kinds of ready-made social accounts, and I will directly choose to log in by email, read a new chain tour and read a new chain tour, followed by the opening animation of the game, in which the protagonist floats in space and is rescued by a spaceship, and then the protagonist is allowed to complete various tasks, such as flying to another planet to replenish supplies, finding a pirate ship to fight pirates, and so on. To choose, but how much influence it will have on the plot is unknown. Understanding the new chain tour is a routine key to control the movement of the protagonist. It is easy for players to get started. If it is to control the action of warships, you only need to click on the target with the right mouse button. It should be noted that the shooting scene will have certain coordination requirements because of the introduction of team combat. The following picture shows the scene of fighting with the team. There is another commendable place to understand the new chain tour is to acquire new skills or receive new ones every time. After the task, a tutorial video will automatically pop up to help players get familiar with new skills and tasks, thus reducing the difficulty in operation. After reading the key of the new chain tour, you can bring up the settings page, including the settings of the Mech Backpack Corps, etc. The following page can easily find the basic information of the equipment and the basic data such as the level of blood shield value. After reading the new chain tour, you can see two kinds of ladder data of game settings to encourage players to compete with one is Battle.net level and the other is the level of game characters. In summary, the overall operation of the game is smooth and the screen is beautiful. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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