TI Research:2024年加密交易所产品报告

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作者:TokenInsight Research

中心化交易所一直是 Crypto 行业的关键组成部分。它们不仅提供 Crypto 的买卖服务,还承担着资金存管、理财质押、交易结算等重要职责,直接影响着整个 Crypto 市场的流动性和稳定性。尽管各家交易所的主要交易产品大体相似,但在细节上其实存在着一些差异,而这些差异往往是影响交易所用户使用体验的关键因素。此外,一些交易所还提供了独特的辅助功能,以满足用户的多样化需求。因此,对于交易者来说,选择适合自己需求的交易所至关重要。

鉴于产品情况和目前中心化交易所所处的竞争环境,TokenInsight 选择了 9 家在 Crypto 行业中颇具影响力的中心化交易所,对产品、交易以及用户体验这三个关键维度进行了全面对比。这篇报告旨在揭示这些交易所的独特特点并展示它们的长处以及短板,为投资者们提供参考依据,从而帮助他们选择更加符合个人交易习惯的交易所。



纵观所有交易所的产品分类,除基础的现货及衍生品交易产品外,每个交易所都有着各自独特的定位,因此产品种类各不相同。例如,Binance、OKX 和 Gate 作为目前中心化交易所的龙头,已经建设得较为成熟,因此产品覆盖面最广。从 NFT 市场、钱包到学院、数据看板,几乎囊括了 Web3 的所有热门内容。而 Coinbase 作为挂牌的合规交易所,产品则更偏向于专业交易员和大型机构用户。以 CoinEx 为代表的新兴中小型交易所,则更专注服务于新手小白用户,为他们提供易用性高、简单便捷的基础交易产品。




除基础交易产品外,理财产品是最受散户和机构用户喜爱的交易所产品。和传统金融的理财类似,它可以帮助用户更加简单便捷的增加收益,且较为稳定。因此,每个交易所都推出了自己的理财产品以吸引用户。在我们统计的所有交易所中,理财产品种类最多的交易所是 Gate。它拥有 16 种理财产品,包括基础的 Simple Earn(活期/定期)、结构化产品、定投、质押等,还有一些较为独特的产品,例如云算力和插槽拍卖。

在所有理财产品中,Simple Earn 无疑是最“傻瓜”的理财产品,较为适合新手用户。正因如此,每个交易所都推出了基础的 Crypto 活期/定期理财产品。而高收益结构化产品则是另外一种广受用户欢迎的理财产品。其中,Dual 和 Shark Fin 是两种最常见的结构化产品,均能为用户带来较高收益,平均 Max. APR 在 100%~150% 之间。

钱包 & 启动板


钱包是目前大多数中心化交易所都会推出的产品,旨在为用户提供链上交易、代币存储以及 NFT 交易等功能。而各家交易所在功能维度上相差无几,差异则主要体现在辅助功能的设计上。例如,OKX 钱包的网页端看板额外具备区块链浏览器的查看功能,为用户提供了更为便利的链上数据访问途径。

这里值得注意的是,尽管 Bitget 的钱包声称支持超过 100 条链,但实际上这是因为它允许用户将自己的网络添加到其中,这里面还掺杂着大量的测试网。因此,用户真正可以使用的网络仅占其中的一小部分,这可能会在一定程度上影响到用户体验和操作便利性。

在启动板方面,除了 Gate 以外,目前大多数交易所并没有将其视为重点产品进行发展。例如,Binance 和 OKX 等交易所的启动板在推出后的一段时间内上线了大量新项目,但随后的更新却相对稀少,导致整体的更新频率处于较低水平。尽管如此,启动板作为一个并非所有交易所都具备的功能,未来可能成为一些交易所发展的重点之一,因为它可以在牛市中为用户们提供更多的投资选择和交易机会。


交易产品主要分为现货交易和衍生品交易两大类。各大交易所的现货交易产品基本类似,但在衍生品交易上的区别较大。比如,Binance 除 U 本位和币本位合约外还额外支持期权交易;而 Bybit 则支持反向合约和 USDC 期权交易。




在基础交易产品的币种更新数量方面,MEXC 一直保持着非常高的更新频率,甚至在市场较好时单周能上线超过 50 个新币种。然而,需要特别注意的是,这些上线的币种中有很大一部分是所谓的 Meme 币,这些币种在刚上线时可能会出现一定的涨幅,但随后无论是交易量还是价格都有较大可能经历巨幅波动,因此投资者在交易这些代币时需要格外小心。

相比之下,Binance 和 OKX 的币种更新频率较低,这主要是因为这两家交易所对币种上线的规则较为严格。然而,每当有新币在这两个平台推出时,往往会引起一段时间的市场热点,导致这些币种价格的短期上涨。因此,尽管更新频率较低,但这两家交易所的上币行为往往能够作为 Crypto 市场的风向标,引领着一段时间内的投资热点。



在策略机器人方面,OKX、Gate 和 Bitget 的产品可谓最为突出。它们不仅拥有丰富的种类,而且对于基础的 Grid 和 DCA 策略都设计了更高级的版本。此外,这些交易所还贴心地对这些机器人进行了分类,旨在帮助用户快速选择适合自身需求的机器人。更值得一提的是,许多交易所的策略机器人还支持通过 AI 自动填充参数,这对于新手用户来说尤其友好。

与此同时,一些交易所如 Binance 和 Bybit 还提供了 Webhook 功能,允许用户设置特定条件触发的交易订单。然而,想要充分利用这一功能,用户需要对 TradingView 和代码有一定的了解,这可能存在一定的上手门槛。此外,部分交易所如 Binance 仅允许 Pro+ 或 Premium 级别的账户使用该功能,因此这一功能更多地服务于专业级的交易员。





对于刚刚步入 Crypto 世界的新手用户来说,交易所主界面的设计是影响用户体验的关键因素。首先,在功能清晰度上,主界面上方的导览栏需要在分类上做到能清晰地展示交易所的全部产品,才让用户能第一时间定位到自己想要使用的产品。而这部分的佼佼者是 OKX,它的分类规则最为清晰且主次分明。

其次,设计和排版上最为突出的是 BingX 和 CoinEx。BingX 在产品上的展示度最高且都拥有快链能直接链接至产品;而 CoinEx 的界面设计则相当出色,主题颜色统一且大方简洁,还提供了基础/进阶交易教程、滚动币种信息及重要公告的展示,易用性较高。



法币入金渠道也是衡量交易所用户体验的一个重要因素。交易所支持的渠道越多,对于不同国家和地区的用户们就越便捷。根据我们的统计,Bybit 的 P2P 交易(USDT:USD)支持最多 219 种支付方式,最为便捷。而 MEXC 的 P2P 交易则不支持美元,只支持韩元、越南盾和卢布三种法币兑换,这对于主要支付货币为美元地区的用户很不友好。

而链上充币方面 Gate 则最为出色,支持包含大型基础 Layer1、Layer2 网络以及其原生网络 Gate Chain 和 OK Chain 在内的 16 条网络。

更多关于 Crypto 交易所 2024 产品报告的内容,欢迎下载报告完整版免费阅读!

Author-centered exchanges have always been a key part of the industry. They not only provide trading services, but also undertake important responsibilities such as fund deposit management, financial pledge transaction settlement, which directly affects the liquidity and stability of the whole market. Although the main trading products of various exchanges are generally similar, there are actually some differences in details, which are often the key factors affecting the user experience of exchanges. In addition, some exchanges also provide unique auxiliary functions to meet the diversity of users. Therefore, it is very important for traders to choose the exchange that suits their own needs. In view of the product situation and the competitive environment in which centralized exchanges are located, the centralized exchange, which is influential in the industry, has been chosen, and the three key dimensions of product trading and user experience have been comprehensively compared. This report aims to reveal the unique characteristics of these exchanges, show their strengths and weaknesses, and provide reference for investors to help them choose a more personal exchange. Easy-to-get-used exchange products A comprehensive survey of the product classification of all exchanges, except the basic spot and derivative products, each exchange has its own unique positioning, so the product types are different. For example, as the leader of the centralized exchange at present, it has been built more maturely, so the product coverage is the widest, from the market wallet to the college data billboard, which covers almost all the hot contents, while the products of the listed compliant exchange are more inclined to professional traders and large institutional users. The emerging small and medium-sized exchanges represented by the thought are more focused on serving novice users and providing them with simple and convenient basic trading products with high usability. Therefore, these exchanges can be said to have their own advantages in product richness, but there are differences in the focus direction. This report only selects some major products for in-depth horizontal comparison, such as wealth management products wallet and launch board wealth management products. In addition to basic trading products, wealth management products are the most popular exchange products for retail investors and institutional users. Similar to traditional financial management, it can help users to increase their income more simply and conveniently, and it is relatively stable. Therefore, each exchange has launched its own financial products to attract users. Among all the exchanges we count, the exchange with the largest variety of financial products is that it has a variety of financial products, including basic current structured products, fixed investment pledge, and some more unique products, such as cloud computing power and slot auction, which are undoubtedly the most stupid financial products among all financial products. For this reason, novice users have launched basic current fixed-term wealth management products in every exchange, and high-yield structured products are another kind of wealth management products that are popular with users. Among them, sum and two most common structured products can bring higher benefits to users, and the wallet startup board wallet is a product that most centralized exchanges will launch at present, aiming at providing users with functions such as online trading, token storage and trading, but the functional dimensions of each exchange are almost the same. The difference is mainly reflected in the design of auxiliary functions, such as the wallet's web billboard with the additional viewing function of blockchain browser, which provides users with more convenient access to data on the chain. It is worth noting that although the wallet claims to support more than one chain, it is actually because it allows users to add their own networks to it, which is also mixed with a large number of test networks, so the network that users can really use only accounts for a small part of it, which may affect it to a certain extent. In terms of user experience and convenience of operation, most exchanges do not regard it as a key product at present, for example, the launch board of the exchange such as Hehe has launched a large number of new projects for a period of time after its launch, but the subsequent updates are relatively rare, resulting in a low overall update frequency. Nevertheless, as a function that not all exchanges have, the launch board may become one of the focuses of some exchanges in the future because it can be used in a bull market. Users provide more investment choices and trading opportunities. The comprehensive trading products are mainly divided into two categories: spot trading and derivative trading. The spot trading products of major exchanges are basically similar, but there are great differences in derivative trading. For example, in addition to standard and currency-based contracts, options trading is additionally supported, while reverse contracts and options trading are supported. In the report, we compare the basic trading products owned by all exchanges with the strategic robot products and documentary trading owned by most exchanges. Product basic trading products have always maintained a very high update frequency in terms of the number of currency updates of basic trading products, even when the market is good, more than 10 new currencies can be launched in a week. However, it is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that a large part of these online currencies are so-called coins, which may have a certain increase when they are first launched, but then both the transaction volume and the price are likely to experience huge fluctuations, so investors need to be extra careful when trading these tokens. The currency update frequency of Xiahe is low, which is mainly because the two exchanges have strict rules on currency online. However, whenever new coins are launched on these two platforms, it will often cause market hotspots for a period of time, which will lead to a short-term rise in the prices of these currencies. Therefore, although the update frequency is low, the coin-loading behavior of these two exchanges can often lead the investment hotspots for a period of time as a weather vane. Advanced trading products and strategic robots can be described as the most advanced products in terms of strategic robots. In order to highlight that they not only have a rich variety, but also design more advanced versions of the basics and strategies. In addition, these exchanges have carefully classified these robots in order to help users quickly choose robots that suit their own needs. What's more worth mentioning is that the strategic robots of many exchanges also support automatic filling of parameters, which is especially friendly for novice users. At the same time, some exchanges such as and also provide functions that allow users to set specific conditions to trigger trading orders. However, if you want to make full use of this function, users need to have a certain understanding of the sum code, which may have a certain threshold for getting started. In addition, some exchanges only allow or grade accounts to use this function, so this function serves more professional traders. For centralized exchanges, a good user experience is one of the most important factors to attract new users, which is often reflected in many details, including the design of the exchange's main interface, the convenience of buying and selling cryptocurrencies, the convenience of operation during trading, etc. We have compared some of the main interfaces, deposit channels and trading interfaces of each exchange. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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