
币圈资讯 阅读:40 2024-04-22 09:27:06 评论:0



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「新的治理提案发表:UF(Uniswap基金会)治理主管 @eek637 刚刚发布了一项升级 Uniswap 协议治理系统的提案。具体地说,这次升级将奖励那些持有并委托代币的 UNI 持有者。」

「潜在影响:权力下放、富有弹性和参与性的管理对于协议的长期健康和成功至关重要。我们相信,此次升级将加强和振兴 Uniswap 的治理。」



「* UF(Uniswap基金会)提议对 Uniswap 协议治理进行大规模升级,以激励积极、参与和深思熟虑的委托。具体来说,我们建议升级协议,使其收费机制能够奖励已授权并托管其代币的 UNI 代币持有者。

「* 本提案描述了这一变化的动机,并详细描述了实施这一变化所需的技术变化和后勤工作。

「* 多个附录提供了更多背景信息。

「* 假设没有重大阻挠因素出现,该提案的快照投票将于 2024 年 3 月 1 日发布,链上投票将于 2024 年 3 月 8 日发布。」


「搭便车和冷漠仍然是 Uniswap 协议可持续发展的潜在风险。用于对某一提案进行表决的 UNI 不足流通量的 10%。此外,现有代表中有很大一部分已经“过时”。截至 2024 年 2 月 1 日,在投票权排名前 30 位的代表中,有 14 位代表在过去 10 项提案中没有投过票,其中只有 7 位代表提出过提案。」


「我们很高兴能通过将授权与协议费用挂钩的方式,为治理注入活力——不仅激励授权,而且激励深思熟虑和积极的授权。具体来说,我们相信 UNI 代币持有者将有动力选择那些投票和参与协议的代表,从而促进协议的发展和成功。如果这项提议获得成功,我们相信我们将看到大量新的委托人涌入。同时,由于现有代表需要重新授权才能获得代币,我们将看到“陈旧”的现有授权将转移到已证明其支持协议承诺的代表身上。此外,这一机制可以在未来自行运行——继续激励参与式委托,而不需要任何额外的便利措施。」



「* 升级 Uniswap 协议治理,以实现无许可和程序化的协议费用收取

「* 将任何协议费用按比例分配给已投票并委托投票的 UNI 代币持有者

「* 允许治理继续控制核心参数:哪些资金池要收费,以及收费的幅度」

代码层面主要涉及两个新的合约,V3FactoryOwner.sol 和 UniStaker.sol,不再赘述。有希望了解者可以直接看原提案。


「1. 今天,2 月 23 日:根据治理程序,本帖将保持至少 7 天的开放性对话。

「2. 今天,2 月 23 日:Code4rena 审核竞赛开始,为期 10 天。竞赛详情请点击此处(24).

「3. 下周五(3 月 1 日):UF(Uniswap基金会)将发布快照,选项包括“是,升级 UniswapV3Factory 的owner”、“否,不升级 UniswapV3Factory 的owner”和“弃权”。

「在 Code4rena 竞赛和任何缓解措施结束后,V3FactoryOwner 和 UniStaker 的实例将在 Etherscan 上部署和验证。本帖将更新已部署和已验证合约的链接。

「4. 3 月 7 日:假设快照成功,UF 将发布链上投票,成功执行后将调用 UniswapV3Factory 的 setOwner 函数,并传递 v3FactoryOwner 地址。

「5. Immunefi 漏洞悬赏将在链上投票成功结束前生效。包括链接在内的悬赏详情将在链上投票之前公布。」



不过,市场短期逻辑根本不是基本面逻辑,而是资金面逻辑。有强庄要拉爆,消息不过只是配合而已。拉盘即正义。在爆拉面前,理性和逻辑都是苍白的 —— 看多的逻辑是废话,看空的逻辑是屁话。



Spring brings warmth to the country, flowers bloom in the spring, and gold blooms in the spring. First, it burns the leaves, and the plum blossoms bloom in full bloom, and a tree blooms in the daytime. At the governance forum of the well-known decentralized trading agreement, the director of foundation governance issued a solicitation opinion draft on the governance of the agreement. The official of the foundation pushed the proposal as shown below. At the same time, the governance token instantly exploded and pulled the ultra-hour line from the knife to the high knife at the next hour. The official of the foundation introduced the following new governance proposal. The director of the governance of the Foundation has just released a proposal to upgrade the governance system of the agreement. Specifically, this upgrade will reward those who hold and entrust tokens, which will have a potential impact on decentralization. Flexible and participatory management is very important for the long-term health and success of the agreement. We believe that this upgrade will strengthen and revitalize the governance. Let's take a magnifying glass closer and see what the main points of the proposal are. The following is a summary written by the Foundation. In order to encourage active participation and thoughtful entrustment, specifically, we propose to upgrade the agreement so that its charging mechanism can reward the token holders who have authorized and entrusted their tokens. This proposal describes the motivation of this change and describes in detail the technical changes and logistics work needed to implement this change. Several appendices provide more background information, assuming that there are no major obstacles, the snapshot voting of this proposal will be released on the release chain on, and the voting will be released on, and the last year will be briefly summarized. After the achievements of governance, he pointed out that hitchhiking and indifference are still the potential risks of the sustainable development of the agreement, and there is insufficient liquidity for voting on a proposal. In addition, a large part of the existing representatives are outdated. As of March, one of the representatives who ranked first in voting rights has not voted in the past proposals, and only one of them has proposed a proposal. What is the plan he tried to propose? It is to give the holders who actively participated in governance to motivate us. I am very happy to inject vitality into governance by linking authorization with agreement fees, which not only encourages authorization, but also encourages thoughtful and active authorization. Specifically, we believe that token holders will have the incentive to choose those representatives who vote and participate in the agreement, thus promoting the development and success of the agreement. If this proposal is successful, we believe that we will see a large number of new clients pouring in, and at the same time, because existing representatives need to be re-authorized to obtain tokens, we will see that the outdated existing authorization will be transferred. In addition, this mechanism can run by itself in the future and continue to encourage participatory entrustment without any additional convenience measures. The specific technical scheme focuses on the following three points. If this governance proposal is implemented, they will upgrade the protocol governance to realize unlicensed and procedural agreement fee collection, and allocate any agreement fee to the token holders who have voted and entrusted to vote in proportion, allowing governance to continue to control the core parameters and which fund pools are required. Fees and the range of fees are mainly related to two new contracts and will not be repeated here. Those who want to know can directly look at the next rhythm of the original proposal. According to the governance procedures, this post will maintain an open dialogue for at least days. For details of the one-day competition, please click here next week, May, and the Foundation will release snapshot options, including whether it is upgraded, whether it is not upgraded and abstained. After the competition and any mitigation measures are over, and examples will be deployed and verified on the website. The post will update the link between the deployed and verified contracts. Assuming that the snapshot is successful, it will release the function that will be called after the online voting is successfully executed and pass the address loophole. The reward will take effect before the online voting is successfully completed, and the reward details including the link will be announced before the online voting. This eight-character proposal has just drawn a pen and a half-stroke proposal, which is so powerful that it directly explodes a top-ranked market value in the planet membership group. The author joked that this is just before the needle is displayed, and the manager has been excited. In fact, the understanding of the proposal is mixed. People who are excited think that they will finally get dividends and empower them. People who are worried think that it will make it easier to be targeted by securities. However, the short-term logic of the market is not fundamental logic at all, but the logic of funds is strong and strong, but it is just to cooperate. The logic of rationality and logic are pale in front of the explosion. The logic of bearish is bullshit. At this time, the one who wants to cry most may be like a group. The team fell to the butcher before dawn. At present, the three main positions in the teaching chain of Niu Xiong have all been restored to profitability, and only by crossing the positions of Niu Xiong can we truly test the vision of focusing on long-term value. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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