整合资源投身比特币生态建设 波场做对了什么

币圈资讯 阅读:46 2024-04-22 09:25:13 评论:0



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2023 年无疑是比特币历史上最具变革性的年份之一。Ordinals协议的诞生激发了比特币上一个全新的市场,这让一直没有太大发展的比特币网络迎来了跨越式发展。可以预见,比特币生态,会在这轮牛市会像热带雨林一样,深深扎根并枝叶茂盛。其中最主要的原因,是技术的逐渐成熟和大资本的不断流入。








TRON DAO Ventures涉足Ordinals与比特币Layer 2解决方案。计划以投资、孵化形式推出用户友好的钱包和支持BRC-20代币的工具,这标志着TRON DAO对Ordinals和比特币Layer 2解决方案的探索。


TRON将与多个比特币Layer 2协议合作,逐步宣布重大合作伙伴关系。这些合作将使TRON用户能够参与到主要比特币Layer 2网络的再质押活动中,以TRON的多样化资产组合支持比特币Layer 2生态系统的发展。


宣布一项整合TRON、BTTC与比特币网络的Layer 2解决方案,这将是一个重大里程碑。该解决方案将推出一个与比特币高度协同的协议,旨在保持PoS系统的速度和低费用,同时确保与BTC Layer 2一致的PoW与UTXO安全性。

正如孙宇晨所说,这三个阶段的详细规划,“旨在以去中心化的方式,将TRON网络内的各类代币,包括稳定币,与比特币网络及其构建的Layer 2,如Ordinals世界等,通过多种组合方式紧密联系起来。此举不仅将TRON直接与比特币链接,还将使超过550亿美元的价值接入比特币网络,从而为比特币注入金融活力。”



其次,我们能看到,波场TRON在比特币生态建设上,也有自身的技术优势,其将整合TRON、BTTC与比特币网络。据公开资料显示,BTTC是全球领先的区块链扩容解决方案,BTTC为各公链提供跨链服务,为Web3开发者提供了一个速度更快、费用更低、可扩展性更强的平台。通过BTTC,全球用户可直接以去中心化的方式在波场TRON、以太坊、BNB Chain等公链间无限制转移主流资产。

而在2023年,BTTC的发展也取得了傲人的成果,其积极拓展DeFi业务,整合了众多重磅项目,其中包括 Sushi、Spooky Swap和Kyber Swap。作为行业内领先的扩容方案,BTTC作为波场TRON发展比特币二层的技术保证是十分可靠的。


行业建设 波场从未缺席






除了这次详细的路线图规划之外,早在2023年铭文火爆之时,TRON DAO Ventures就在持续为精英团队及开发者提供资金支持与指导。可见,作为增速最快的公链,波场TRON投入了大量的资源在比特币生态上,这对于行业是有积极示范作用的。


Undoubtedly, 2008 is one of the most revolutionary years in the history of Bitcoin. The birth of the agreement has inspired a brand-new market in Bitcoin, which has ushered in a leap-forward development of the Bitcoin network. It is foreseeable that the Bitcoin ecology will take root like a tropical rain forest in this bull market, and the main reason is the gradual maturity of technology and the continuous inflow of large capital. Both the head exchanges and the bitcoin ecology have invested a lot of money and technology in 2008. At the beginning of this year, Wave Field, whose market value of stable coins on the chain is the second highest among all public chains, also announced that it will vigorously promote the construction of Bitcoin ecology in. A unique and complete development plan is given for Bitcoin ecological wave field, which involves technical investment and the integration of its own resources to bring a model for the industry to face the deterministic development direction of the industry. What should a head public chain do to integrate its own technical market capital? Sun Yuchen, the founder of Golden Advantage Moon Wave Field, released the bitcoin two-layer solution and road map of the wave field on social media. The specific contents are as follows: In the road map stage, bitcoin has been connected to the network through cross-chain mode and exchanged through exchange mode. In the future, assets based on bitcoin network will be extended to cross-chain, and various tokens will be connected to bitcoin network through cross-chain technology, so as to realize seamless interoperability and interoperability between tokens and bitcoin network, and set foot in the bitcoin solution plan for investment. User-friendly wallets and tools to support tokens are launched in the form of incubation, which marks the exploration of bitcoin solutions. In the roadmap stage, major partnerships will be announced in cooperation with several bitcoin agreements. These cooperation will enable users to participate in the re-pledge activities of major bitcoin networks, and a solution to integrate with bitcoin networks will be announced in the roadmap stage of supporting the development of bitcoin ecosystem with diversified asset portfolios, which will be a major milestone. An agreement that is highly coordinated with Bitcoin will be launched, aiming at maintaining the speed and low cost of the system while ensuring consistency and security. As Sun Yuchen said, the detailed planning of these three stages aims to closely connect all kinds of tokens in the network, including stable coins, with the Bitcoin network and its construction, such as the world, in a decentralized way. This will not only directly link with Bitcoin, but also enable more than 100 million dollars of value to access the Bitcoin network, thus injecting money into Bitcoin. In the three stages of financial vitality analysis, we can see that the layout of the wave field for bitcoin ecology focuses on giving full play to its own advantages. First, as the public chain wave field with the second highest market value of stable currency in the chain, the advantage lies in that it has a large number of users. According to official news, the total number of users in the wave field has exceeded 100 million, which is more than the total users in the encryption industry. Realizing the cross-chain of wave field and bitcoin will undoubtedly let a large number of users in the wave field participate in the bitcoin ecology. For the users in the wave field, they can grasp the rapid development process of bitcoin ecology. The access of wave field to bitcoin network fills the lack of assets for bitcoin ecology and gives bitcoin more playability. Undoubtedly, a public chain with highly active users can inject more vitality into bitcoin. Secondly, we can see that wave field also has its own technical advantages in bitcoin ecological construction, which will be integrated with bitcoin network. According to public information, it is the world's leading blockchain expansion solution, providing cross-chain services for all public chains for developers. It provides a platform with faster speed, lower cost and stronger scalability. Through global users, mainstream assets can be transferred between public chains such as Wave Field Ethereum in a decentralized way, and its development in has also achieved proud results. It has actively expanded its business and integrated many heavy projects, including and as the leading expansion plan in the industry, which is very reliable as the technical guarantee for wave field development. It can be seen that the wave field will support bits in all directions from technology to capital to user market. The development of currency ecology, the construction of the industry wave field has never been absent. Over the years, the wave field and Sun Yuchen himself have been betting on and investing in important tracks of the industry. Sun Yuchen himself often gives money to promote the development of the industry, such as giving money to support troubled encryption enterprises in a bear market. All these reflect that the wave field and Sun Yuchen himself are firmly involved in the constructive development of the encryption industry. From the detailed route planning of the wave field, we can see that there is a choice for the future public chain of an industry. Bitcoin ecology is not a brand-new track. The reason why the development of Bitcoin has been relatively stagnant in recent years is that Bitcoin chose to continue the development route of digital gold value storage after the dispute of block size, while some public chains led by Ethereum became programmable computers. In recent years, the ecology of Ethereum and some new public chains has flourished, but the ecology of Bitcoin has been stagnant. Conversely, as a blockchain that accounts for more than the total market value of the industry, Bitcoin has unlimited potential to be used by the industry. Some things that cannot be done in the main chain of Bitcoin can be realized by building two floors. As the blockchain with the highest value in the encryption industry, Bitcoin itself is the safest and most reliable cornerstone of the industry, and the innovations generated by it are enough to bring subversive development to the industry, especially the spot of Bitcoin in the United States. It is undoubtedly this round by making Bitcoin truly enter the mainstream narrative of the world, adding the arrival of the bitcoin halving cycle and the development of various technologies on the bitcoin chain. In addition to this detailed road map planning, the biggest deterministic opportunity of bull market has been providing financial support and guidance to elite teams and developers as early as when the inscription was hot in. It can be seen that as the fastest-growing public chain wave field, a lot of resources have been invested in the bitcoin ecology, which has a positive demonstration effect on the industry. We can expect that the entry of the wave field will promote the rapid development of the bitcoin ecology, and at the same time, it shows that the public chain, as the head of the industry, is actively undertaking the responsibility of industry development. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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