BTC L2 正统定义引起争议 海外大佬怎么看?

币圈资讯 阅读:36 2024-04-22 09:24:44 评论:0



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作者:OneKey 中文 来源:X,@OneKeyCN

最近比特币的老牌权威的媒体《比特币杂志》的技术编辑@brian_trollz 发布了关于其杂志的代币和 BTC L2 的「报道资格政策」。 其中对 BTC L2 的定义,「无代币、无信任的提款、无法离开比特币而运行」——引起了热论。 一起来看看精彩评论区和各大佬回应。

有人在评论区给出了一张关于所有(海外社区在关注的) BTC L2 的排列图,希望《比特币杂志》能够一一「盖章」,让大家知道什么 L2 能够被它们报道。 比特币杂志 CEO 回复到:我们正在寻找一位专职的L2报道作家,他会投入时间来分析这些内容。


有人直接询问了海外社区比较关注的三个 L2—— Liquid、RSK 和 Stacks,在《比特币杂志》编辑眼里是否算 L2。 Spook 的回复是:“Liquid 和 Rootstock 满足他们 BTC L2 的所有三个标准,Stacks 不使用非 BTC 代币作为原生资产(所以不是)。”

可能是看到了相关的讨论。Stacks 的联合创始人@muneeb直接发推表态,认为《比特币杂志》完全不会影响 Stacks,并且认为只有最能满足用户需求和在自由市场胜出的L2才重要。他提倡让市场自由发展,大家应该集中精力扩大比特币市场份额。

有人问道,如果有链直接说自己是「侧链」,而没强调自己是 L2,那会认为是 L2 吗? Spook 回复道,完全使用 BTC 作为原生资产的侧链,可以满足标准而作为 L2。对于「无法脱离比特币而运行」,他认为因为这种侧链需要 BTC 才能运行、或者联合挖矿,也是符合的。

相较于 Stacks 联创的理性,Bitcoin Frontier Fund 管理合伙人、披萨忍者联创 trevor.btc@TO直接表达了「失望」的态度——甚至是挖苦讽刺。


他认为这个所谓的标准,直接影响了所有有自己原生代币的 BTC L2,而且似乎还很「针对」Stacks —— 几乎每一家在这个领域内有信誉的投资公司和分析师都将 Stacks 与 Liquid 和 RSK 同等的位置。 他表示这种举动会破坏创新,这也是导致过去三年没有什么人和机构想在比特币上构建、投资「酷炫的东西」。

对于 Stacks ,他深入解释道,Stacks 的去中心化桥和安全机制,需要有一个自己的原生代币。这个代币为其用户服务,是出于一个合理且合法的目的。 《比特币杂志》认为一个第二层必须使用BTC作为本地代币,否则它就是“坏的”,这种观点是可笑的,且没有任何合理的技术或经济基础。这不是基于事实,而是基于个人意见和政治。

并且,他作为一个已经为比特币杂志撰写了三篇技术评论文章的人,他个人对于「仅仅因为有自己的代币,把很多新的和有趣的 BTC L2 排除在外」而感到失望。 更讽刺的是,他反问道:这些 BTC L2 仍然被鼓励以数十万美元的价格赞助《比特币杂志》,同时被当作三等公民对待,这有点令人尝不出味道。这些 L2 能被允许赞助杂志媒体,但不足以被包括在重要的技术分析中或覆盖新闻价值和比特币创新吗?



业内知名投资人 KOL@dotkrueger批评道: 现在出台标准太早了。 看起来《比特币杂志》在真正的无需信任的 BTC L2解决方案甚至存在之前,就开始在做“ L2 清真测试”。

如果你不够“清真”,你就会被视为“寄生虫”。 你们怎么不先写写技术挑战/可能的解决方案呢?

Oridnal 市场 Bioniq 的 CEO@BobBodily帮他们做了个大审查。假设按照他们的标准,那基本上要么过于理想化做不出来,要么就能先实现的方案都被排除在外。 下面的评论有人调侃道,基本所有的 ETH L2 都不能叫做 L2 了。

可以看到社区多持负面态度,认为这标准太严苛且阻碍创新。 其实类似的讨论,在以太坊社区已有多次。比如 V 神最开始很支持 Plasmas,后来又改口,在一些问题上甚至多次出现反转。 

所以不论「标准」如何,最后还得交给市场的实践。 引用群友的一句话:「L2 Builder 放心飞,我们韭菜永相随」。

The author's Chinese source Recently, the technical editor of Bitcoin magazine, an old and authoritative media of Bitcoin, issued a policy on the tokens and reporting qualifications of its magazine, in which the right definition was given. Without tokens, the withdrawal without trust could not run without Bitcoin, which caused a heated discussion. Let's take a look at the wonderful comment area and the responses of the big bosses. Someone gave a Pareto diagram about the concern of all overseas communities in the comment area, hoping that Bitcoin magazine could stamp one by one to let everyone know what could be reported by them. The magazine replied that we are looking for a full-time reporter who will devote time to analyzing these contents. Someone directly asked three people who are concerned by overseas communities, and in the eyes of Bitcoin magazine editors, whether the reply is to meet all three standards of them, and not to use non-tokens as original assets, so it is not possible that the co-founder who saw the relevant discussion directly tweeted that Bitcoin magazine will not affect at all and that only it can best meet the needs of users and be free. What matters is that the market wins. He advocates the free development of the market. Everyone should concentrate on expanding the market share of Bitcoin. Someone asked if there is a chain that directly says that it is a side chain without emphasizing that it is. He replied that the complete use of the side chain as a primary asset can meet the standards, but for the operation that cannot be separated from Bitcoin, he believes that it is also in line with the rational management partner of Lianchuang, Pizza Ninja Lianchuang. Disappointed, even sarcastic, he thinks that this so-called standard directly affects all those who have their own original tokens, and it seems that almost every reputable investment company and analyst in this field will be in the same position. He said that this move will undermine innovation, which also leads to no one and institution wanting to build cool things on Bitcoin in the past three years. For the decentralization bridge and security mechanism he explained in depth, they need to have their own. This token serves its users for a reasonable and legal purpose. Bitcoin magazine thinks that a second tier must be used as a local token, otherwise it is bad. This view is ridiculous and has no reasonable technical or economic basis. It is not based on facts, but on personal opinions and politics. As a person who has written three technical review articles for Bitcoin magazine, he personally ranks many new and interesting just because he has his own token. More ironically, he asked, these are still encouraged to sponsor Bitcoin magazines for hundreds of thousands of dollars and treated as third-class citizens, which is a bit tasteless. Can these be allowed to sponsor magazine media but not enough to be included in important technical analysis or cover news value and Bitcoin innovation? After that, he expressed the hope that Bitcoin magazines can reconsider their position, which is based on technical and economic basis rather than arbitrary personal opinions. We are entering. In a new era of bitcoin innovation, the worst thing that Bitcoin magazine can do is to start to exclude a large number of bitcoin builders according to arbitrary standards. Well-known investors in the industry criticized that it is too early to introduce standards. It seems that Bitcoin magazine began to do halal tests before real untrusted solutions even existed. If you are not halal enough, you will be regarded as a parasite. Why don't you write about possible solutions to technical challenges first? The market helped them make a big censorship hypothesis. According to their standards, the schemes that are basically either too idealistic to be done or can be realized first are excluded. Some people ridiculed that basically all of them can't be called. It can be seen that the community has a negative attitude that this standard is too harsh and hinders innovation. In fact, there have been many similar discussions in the Ethereum community. For example, God supported it at first, and then changed his mind on some issues and even reversed it many times. Therefore, no matter what the standard is, it has to be handed over to the market for practice. To quote the words of group friends, we can fly with confidence. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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