随着比特币 ETF 逐渐赶超黄金基金 比特币会超越黄金吗?

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作者:Ben Strack ,blockworks 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

虽然业内观察人士指出,相反的资金流趋势可能会随着时间的推移而放缓,但比特币基金的资产规模有一天可能超过 900 亿美元的黄金 ETF 市场。

随着比特币 ETF 在推出大约六周后继续出现资金流入,投资者资金已经退出黄金基金——尽管一些人认为这种流动关系不太可能持续下去。

虽然分析师预测比特币 ETF 资产有一天可能会超过黄金基金内的资产,但行业观察人士指出,这两个行业并没有直接关系。

1 月 11 日上市的 10 只现货比特币基金迄今已净流入约 55 亿美元。 

与此同时,根据 ETF.com 的数据,自该日起,最大的黄金 ETF——道富环球顾问公司 (State Street Global Advisors) 的 SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) 和贝莱德 (BlackRock) 的 iShares Gold Trust (IAU) 分别遭受了约 27 亿美元和 3.5 亿美元的净流出。 

彭博资讯分析师埃里克·巴尔丘纳斯 (Eric Balchunas) 和安德烈·亚普 (Andre Yapp)表示:“尽管黄金现金可能很少进入比特币ETF,但它们的存在以及围绕新基金的热情——从许多方面来看,这是历史上最成功的推出——增加了对这种金属的竞争。”在周一的研究报告中写道。 

CoinShares 数据显示,对美国现货比特币 ETF 的兴趣推动加密货币投资产品连续第四周出现净流入。尽管 Grayscale Investments 的比特币信托 ETF ( GBTC ) 又连续一周出现流出,金额约为 4.3 亿美元,但该类别上周仍录得 5.98 亿美元的净流入。


晨星公司被动策略研究主管 Bryan Armour 表示,他还不愿意在比特币 ETF 和黄金ETF 的资金流之间“直接划清界限”。他补充说,这两种资产代表着截然不同的投资。
Armor 告诉 Blockworks:“黄金可能会出现资金外流,因为降息预期已经改变,或者因为市场正在进一步转向风险偏好模式。” “这些理由符合投资者传统上在投资组合中使用黄金的方式。


Fineqia International研究分析师Matteo Greco表示,他预计比特币基金和黄金之间的相反流动趋势最终将在长期内停止。

他指出,虽然一些投资者将比特币视为数字黄金,因此选择将资金从黄金 ETF 转移到比特币 ETF,但黄金仍然是许多投资者的避险资产。 

Greco 表示:“我预计这种趋势会随着时间的推移而逐渐放缓,黄金将保持其受人尊敬的地位,而从长远来看,比特币将吸引越来越多的投资和认可。” “我认为它更多地是比特币 ETF 的净流入,而不是从黄金到 BTC 的完全替代。”


尽管 GBTC 自转换为 ETF 以来资金流出超过 74 亿美元,但它仍然是该类别中规模最大的,管理资产近 228 亿美元。 

贝莱德 ( BlackRock ) 的 iShares 比特币信托 (IBIT) 和富达 (Fidelity) 的 Wise Origin 比特币基金 (FBTC) 分别拥有约 66 亿美元和 47 亿美元的资产。  

比特币 ETF 迄今为止管理着近 380 亿美元的资产。与此同时,黄金 ETF 持有超过 900 亿美元的资产,其中 GLD 和 IAU 分别约占 540 亿美元和 250 亿美元。

Greco 指出,黄金 ETF 花了数年时间才吸引到与现货比特币 ETF 类似的流量水平。在期待已久的比特币 ETF 获得监管机构批准后,这些基金迎来了历史性的开端,推出后一个月,IBIT 和 FBTC 的资产均增长至超过 30 亿美元。GLD 在交易的前 30 天才突破了 10 亿美元的资产大关。 

Greco 表示,随着数字化和代币化预计将变得更加普遍,比特币 ETF 资产最终可能会超过黄金基金中的资产。

“如果没有 ETF,传统金融投资者将无法直接投资 BTC,”他告诉 Blockworks。“因此,该产品的影响可能比 2004 年第一个黄金 ETF 获得批准时更具变革性。”

Balchunas 在 X 帖子中表示,比特币 ETF 管理的资产“很有可能”在两年内超过黄金基金的资产。 

但阿莫尔表示,比特币 ETF 颠覆黄金 ETF 的资产很可能是在“遥远的未来”——如果真的发生的话。 

他指出:“我预计比特币 ETF 流量将继续保持正值,比特币将会上涨。” “但要获得黄金 ETF 的 900 亿美元资产,需要更广泛地采用比特币 ETF 并持续强劲表现。”

Although industry observers point out that the opposite trend of capital flow may slow down over time, the assets of bitcoin funds may one day exceed 100 million dollars in the gold market. With the introduction of bitcoin for about six weeks, investors' funds continue to flow into the gold fund, although some people think that this liquidity relationship is unlikely to last, although analysts predict that bitcoin assets may one day surpass the gold fund. However, industry observers pointed out that the two industries are not directly related. The spot bitcoin fund listed on May has so far received a net inflow of about $ billion. At the same time, according to the data, the largest gold State Street Global Consulting Company and BlackRock have suffered a net outflow of about $ billion and $ billion respectively since that date. Bloomberg analysts Eric Balchiunas and Andreap said that although gold cash may rarely enter Bitcoin, their existence and enthusiasm around the new fund. In many ways, this is the most successful launch in history, which has increased the competition for this metal. In a research report on Monday, it was written that the data showed that the interest in spot bitcoin in the United States promoted the net inflow of cryptocurrency investment products for the fourth week in a row. Although the outflow of Bitcoin trust for another week was about $100 million, the category still recorded a net inflow of $100 million last week. The flow of gold and bitcoin is directly related. The director of passive strategy research at Morningstar Company said that he was not willing to compare with it. Draw a direct line between the special currency and the capital flow of gold, he added, adding that these two assets represent completely different investments, telling gold that there may be capital outflow because the expectation of interest rate reduction has changed or because the market is further shifting to the risk preference mode. These reasons are in line with the traditional way investors use gold in their portfolios. If the market risk increases, I expect the capital flow trend to reverse, he added, and a bear market may lead investors to turn to high-quality assets to avoid risks. The flow research analyst who will damage Bitcoin said that he expected the reverse flow trend between Bitcoin funds and gold to stop in the long run. He pointed out that although some investors regarded Bitcoin as digital gold, they chose to transfer their funds from gold to Bitcoin, but gold is still a safe-haven asset for many investors. He said that I expected this trend to gradually slow down over time, and gold will maintain its respected position, and in the long run, Bitcoin will attract more and more investments. And recognition, I think it is more a net inflow of bitcoin than a complete replacement of bitcoin from gold. Will the assets scale exceed that of the gold fund? Although the capital outflow has exceeded US$ 100 million since the conversion, it is still the largest managed asset in this category, with nearly US$ 100 million. BlackRock's Bitcoin Trust and Fidelity's Bitcoin Fund have assets of about US$ 100 million and US$ 100 million respectively. Bitcoin has managed assets of nearly US$ 100 million so far, while gold has assets of over US$ 100 million. Among them, Sum accounted for about $ billion and $ billion respectively, pointing out that it took several years for gold to attract a traffic level similar to that of spot bitcoin. After the long-awaited bitcoin was approved by the regulatory authorities, these funds ushered in a historic start. One month after the launch, Sum's assets all increased to more than $ billion, and the asset mark of $ billion was exceeded only before the transaction, indicating that with digitalization and tokenization, it is expected to become more common. Bitcoin assets may eventually surpass those in gold funds. Without traditional finance, investors will not be able to invest directly, he told me, so the impact of this product may be more transformative than when the first gold was approved in 2008. In the post, he said that the assets managed by Bitcoin are likely to surpass those of the gold fund within two years, but Amor said that it is likely that Bitcoin will subvert the assets of gold in the distant future. If it really happens, he pointed out that I expect that Bitcoin traffic will continue to be positive, but it is necessary to adopt Bitcoin more widely and continue to perform strongly in order to obtain the assets of 100 million dollars of gold. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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