BNBChain X Space回顾:去中心化治理和区块链信任

币圈资讯 阅读:33 2024-04-22 09:20:42 评论:0



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于2024年2月26日,Eric Zhang受邀参加了由BNBChain主办的X Space活动,该活动着重探讨了去中心化治理议题。以下是对整个讨论中Eric发言部分的摘要。


Eric:谢谢Mehmet,我很高兴可以加入BNBChain X Space活动,和大家一起讨论去中心化治理这个话题。可能大家对于DoraHacks比较熟悉,它是一个全球极客运动平台,黑客马拉松社区,也是最活跃的Web3开发者激励平台之一。 Dora Factory 的目标是为Web3 开源社区和生态系统在资助过程中遇到的一个重要问题提供解决方案,那就是如何让开源资助更加可持续。 这对于 Web3 乃至整个开源世界的发展都至关重要。

Dora Factory发展了两个产品来解决这个问题,第一个是公共物品质押(Public Good Staking)。 公共物品质押的概念是通过原生区块奖励来激励整个区块链生态系统的发展。 目前,Dora Factory PGS是包含L1和应用链在内30多个区块链的验证节点,目前它是整个行业增长最快的验证基础设施之一。

另一个产品是 Dora Vota,这是一个拥有先进治理技术的去中心化治理应用链。它可以帮助社区通过有效且高效的去中心化治理来提高资金利用效率。


Eric:可以的,比如当你拥有一个像Layer1区块链这样的去中心化金融基础设施,或者像 DAO 这样的去中心化应用程序时,你就拥有了一个去中心化的社区。这个社区是分散的,社区成员可能来自世界各个地方。 那么你如何做出重要决定呢? 这是时候去中心化治理的作用就体现出来了。人们可以利用相关技术和协议栈,在去中心化的环境中做出集体决策。

例如,我们可以为去中心化社区创建特定的区块链原生机制,例如 Futarchy,它就是一个基于预测市场做出的治理决策。


Eric:我认为去中心化治理技术的精神与区块链技术本身是一致的。 区块链共识协议是协调分布式机器网络,你拥有的是去中心化的金融基础设施。 中心化治理协议是协调去中心化社区中的人们,帮助这些人达成共识。 但你知道,区块链协议是由人维护的,所以去中心化治理很重要。 比如之前出现的DAO Hack 硬分叉和BTC / BCH 硬分叉。 在没有治理的情况下,如果存在重大分歧,硬分叉是唯一可以采用的方法。



Eric: 这样的例子太多了。 因为Dora Factory 的公共物品质押验证了许多区块链网络,所以我们参与了很多生态系统的治理。 其中有很多常见的问题,比如例行的软件升级、IBC通道的恢复等,也有引发争论的热点话题。

两周前,我们关于 Injective(第 341 号提案)的提案获得通过。我们提议部署二次方融资智能合约并启动Injective原生二次融资。 该提案以压倒性的投票率获得通过。社区对此的热情相当高涨。

当然,还有一个影响更大的例子。比如备受争议的 CosmosHub 848 号提案,该提案将通货膨胀率从 20% 降低到 10%,并最终获得通过。 Cosmos ATOM2.0提案期间也存在较大争论,这个提案是最终没有通过。 作为社区成员,如果你确实不喜欢她,你可以随时出售你的代币,加入另一个社区。 但去中心化治理可以将人们凝聚在一起。


Eric:我想我不能代表整个行业,但对我们来说,零知识证明的发展以及如何将其应用于去中心化治理很重要。 Dora Vota目前为MACI开发了一个通用接口,通过零知识证明,我们可以参与投票,进行去中心化治理,完成对投票者的隐私保护以及抗共谋。

早在 2022 年,ETHDenver 就采用了 MACI 来帮助激励黑客马拉松 BUIDL。在那次投票活动中,我们将Spork DAO 持有者列入白名单,他们可以匿名投票,最终结果通过零知识证明进行验证。 之后,MACI在开源资助中的应用越来越多,例如 0x 黑客松、Opensea 和 Replit 黑客松。现在,基于Dora Vota,开发者部署这类治理技术、MACI 投票的成本会大大降低,因此即使非常小的社区也可以进行自己的去中心化社区治理。


Eric:我认为去中心化治理技术正在帮助解决这个问题。随着时间的推移,做到Web3 协议真正的去中心化、社区足够的自治以及保护社区用户并践行承诺,将是最重要的事情之一。去中心化治理技术可能是确保这一点的最重要的技术。

X Space访谈回顾:

关于DoraFactory & Dora Vota

Dora Factory创建了协议、工具和公共物品基础设施,以帮助开源社区和前沿技术开发者的发展。Dora Factory是增长最快的PoS验证器之一,总锁定价值超过3亿美元。



Dora Vota是一条专门用于投票和去中心化社区治理的区块链。Vota首次将本地二次方资助引入到Cosmos Hub中。


I was invited to participate in the activity sponsored by on, which focused on the topic of decentralized governance. The following is a summary of the speeches in the whole discussion. Welcome to our theme activity. Please give us a brief introduction of the project first. Thank you. I am very happy to join the activity and discuss the topic of decentralized governance with you. Maybe you are familiar with it. It is a global geek sports platform, hackathon community and one of the most active developer incentive platforms. The goal is to An important problem encountered by open source communities and ecosystems in the process of funding is to provide solutions, that is, how to make open source funding more sustainable, which is very important for the development of the whole open source world. Two products have been developed to solve this problem. The first is the pledge of public goods. The concept of public goods pledge is to stimulate the development of the entire blockchain ecosystem through native block rewards. At present, it is the verification node of multiple blockchains including application chains. At present, it is the increase of the whole industry. One of the fastest-growing verification infrastructures, another product is that it is a decentralized governance application chain with advanced governance technology, which can help communities to improve the efficiency of capital utilization through effective and efficient decentralized governance. Some people may not be familiar with the concept of decentralized governance. Can you briefly introduce it? Yes, for example, when you have a decentralized financial infrastructure like blockchain or a decentralized application like this, you will have one. Centralized community This community is scattered, and its members may come from all parts of the world, so how do you make important decisions? This is the time for decentralized governance, which shows that people can make collective decisions in a decentralized environment by using related technologies and protocol stacks. For example, we can create a specific blockchain native mechanism for decentralized communities, for example, it is a governance decision based on forecasting the market. How do you think decentralized governance will promote blockchain technology? I think the spirit of decentralized governance technology is consistent with the blockchain technology itself. The blockchain consensus agreement is to coordinate distributed machine networks. What you have is decentralized financial infrastructure. The centralized governance agreement is to coordinate people in decentralized communities to help these people reach a consensus. But you know that the blockchain agreement is maintained by people, so decentralized governance is very important. For example, the hard forks and hard forks that appeared before are hard to divide if there are major differences without governance. Fork is the only method that can be adopted, but if the decentralized governance protocol is used, people can reach a consensus at the human level. This is a great progress in decentralized communities, which is also conducive to the development of a new generation of blockchain technology, which is also consistent with the development of multi-chain and application chain movement to a certain extent. Now users can choose their favorite chains and favorite communities, which is largely due to the development of decentralized governance, and we are in the early stage of this movement. Can you Do you share an example to illustrate the real impact of decentralized governance on a project or community? There are too many such examples. Because the pledge of public goods has verified many blockchain networks, we have participated in the governance of many ecosystems. Among them, there are many common problems, such as the recovery of routine software upgrade channels, and there are also hot topics that have caused controversy. Two weeks ago, our proposal on ProposalNo. was passed. We proposed to deploy a smart contract for secondary financing and start a secondary financing. The proposal was passed with an overwhelming voting rate, and the community's enthusiasm for it is quite high. Of course, there is another example with greater influence, such as the controversial proposal No.1, which reduced the inflation rate from 0 to 0 and was finally passed. There was also a big debate during the proposal. This proposal was finally passed. As a member of the community, if you really don't like her, you can sell your tokens at any time to join another community, but decentralized governance can bring people together. Do you think decentralized governance can bring people together? What are the trends in China and how will these trends shape the future of blockchain technology? I don't think I can represent the whole industry, but it is very important for us to develop zero-knowledge proof and how to apply it to decentralized governance. At present, we have developed a universal interface through zero-knowledge proof, and we can participate in voting for decentralized governance to complete the privacy protection of voters and anti-collusion. It was adopted as early as 2000 to help motivate hackathon. In that voting activity, we listed the holders. After being whitelisted, they can vote anonymously. After the final result is verified by zero-knowledge proof, there are more and more applications in open source funding, such as hacker pine and hacker pine. Now the cost of voting based on the deployment of such governance technologies by developers will be greatly reduced, so even very small communities can conduct their own decentralized community governance. How do you think regulatory considerations will affect the model design of decentralized governance? How will you deal with these challenges? I think decentralized governance technology is helping. To help solve this problem, over time, it will be one of the most important things to truly decentralize the agreement, ensure sufficient autonomy of the community, and protect the community users and fulfill their promises. Decentralized governance technology may be the most important technical interview to ensure this. The creation of agreement tools and public goods infrastructure to help the development of open source communities and cutting-edge technology developers is one of the fastest growing verifiers, with a total lock-in value of more than 100 million US dollars. official website officials are a blockchain dedicated to voting and decentralized community governance. Learn more for the first time. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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