为什么ENS之争 Eth.Link很重要

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作者:Daniel Kuhn,《共识》杂志副主编 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

ENS 和 Manifold 对 eth.link 域名纠纷落幕

ENS Labs开发关键钱包链接基础设施以太坊名称服务 (ENS) 的团队,终于与其潜在竞争对手 Manifold Finance 就至关重要的 eth.link 域名访问权达成了和解。

作为和解的一部分,ENS 显然同意了一项禁止贬损条款,限制其在过去 18 个月针对 eth.link 域名展开的法律纠纷上公开表态。该域名曾作为 Web3 和 Web2 之间的重要网关。尽管 ENS 无法就此置评,但我可以进行分析。

Manifold 是一家中间件区块链公司,大多数人仅因与 ENS 的诉讼案才对其有所耳闻。虽然该项目在 2022 年的 Dynadot 拍卖会上以 852,000 美元的价格购买了 eth.link 并拥有法律上的索取权,但更好的做法是在了解其出售情况后放弃对其控制权。

Manifold 在 2022 年的 Twitter/X 上写道:“http://eth.link 被我们抢注了。” 目前尚不清楚该公司是否真的拥有过 eth.link 服务,或者他们打算用它做什么,因为 ENS 在意识到失去对该关键网关的访问权后,成功地从亚利桑那州凤凰城的联邦地区法院法官那里获得了一项初步禁令,停止转移并收回域名。

ENS 实验室首席执行官 Nick Johnson 在最近一份关于和解的 DAO 提议中写道,这本身开启了一段“通过法院缓慢进行的诉讼”时期。这场缓慢且几乎毫无必要的诉讼,是因为 Manifold 从未真正拥有该服务的道德权利。

自 2017 年以来,ENS 实验室一直将 eth.link 作为以太坊社区的公共网关,为传统网络服务提供访问链上 ENS 和 IPFS 数据的方式,而这些数据与传统网站背后的 DNS(或域名服务)架构不兼容。

ENS 和 Manifold 对 eth.link 域名纠纷的曲折过程

ENS 失去对 eth.link 的访问权限是因为该域名由以太坊基金会开发者和 ENS 前员工 Virgil Griffith 注册的。Griffith 因在朝鲜就公共区块链发表演讲而被捕,并在服刑 63 个月期间无法续期域名注册。

该事件复杂之处在于,根据 ENS 的诉讼,eth.link 最初是在网络注册商和托管公司 GoDaddy 注册的,原本有效期至 2023 年 7 月。但 GoDaddy 在 2022 年 7 月域名未续期后“单方面”认定域名已过期,并在当年 9 月非法将其出售给 Dynadot,尽管该域名实际还有 1 年有效期。

ENS 在诉状中指控:“GoDaddy 因此剥夺了原告 True Names Ltd. 的生计。此次出售将使一个有价值的加密货币网络无法正常运作,并鲁莽地冒着将其暴露给大量恶意行为者的风险。” 此外,ENS 援引 GoDaddy 的服务条款称,他们本应该被允许代表 Griffith 重新注册域名,但 GoDaddy “没有回复多次请求”。

Manifold 并不是导致域名被拍卖的直接原因,值得称赞的是,Manifold 确实提出以一定价格归还域名,这一举动介于域名抢注和索取租金之间。此外,ENS 是否需要将 Manifold 纳入其主要针对 GoDaddy 行为的诉讼尚不明确。(Manifold 和 ENS 均未回应置评请求。)

整个事件在某种程度上显得不光明正大。Manifold 在多个方面似乎都在嘲讽 ENS,例如曾在 Twitter/X 上发文称 ENS “实际上是在以不正当竞争的名义对我们提起诉讼。我们在这方面做得实在太好,以至于不公平”。Manifold 还提交了驳回诉讼和撤销将 eth.link 归还 ENS 的初步禁令的动议,这是为了继续持有该域名的冒险举动。

现在,ENS 社区将向 Manifold 支付 300,000 美元(再加上 ENS Labs 的 750,000 美元律师费)以解决此事。虽然加密货币行业早已过了仅凭意识形态承诺和坚定信念就能避免诉讼的阶段,但这场辩论确实引发了人们对正在发生的事情的质疑。

ENS 和 Manifold 对 eth.link 域名纠纷的后续影响

在最近接受 CoinDesk 采访时,Johnson 指出 Web3 无法天真地忽视更广泛的网络,这就是为什么 ENS 在技术上仍在法庭上与 GoDaddy 对簿公堂,同时又与其合作的原因。这一点确实如此,这也是 eth.link 域名如此重要的原因——区块链与传统网络之间的桥梁是无价的。

然而,这场令人不快的纠纷并不是 ENS 最后一次因无形资产的所有权而诉诸法律。公平地说,像 ENS 这样重要的项目(它是最常用的将字母数字区块链地址转换为人类可读名称的方式)应该寻求自我保护。但从原则上讲,两家注册公司在法庭上争论并不符合去中心化的本质。

令人欣慰的是,这场争端展现了 DAO 治理的有效性。该和解方案提交 ENS 社区投票,其中 88% 的投票权同意和解,84% 批准报销 ENS Labs 的法律费用。然而,以一种奇怪的方式,这次公开投票也损害了 ENS 的诉讼策略。

只有 11% 的 DAO 投票权支持继续诉讼。正如域名专家 Andrew Allemann 在 Domain Name Wire 上所写,由于 ENS 在放弃针对 GoDaddy 和 Dynadot 的诉讼之前仍需要最终敲定与 Manifold 的和解,因此 “鉴于 DAO 公开反对继续诉讼,Manifold 将处于有利地位获得其想要的条件”。


The author's deputy editor-in-chief of Consensus Magazine translated Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network and the team that developed the key wallet link infrastructure Ethereum name service at the end of the domain name dispute finally reached a settlement with its potential competitors on the crucial domain name access right. As part of the settlement, it was obvious that a derogatory clause was agreed to restrict it from publicly expressing its position in the legal dispute over the domain name in the past month. Although I can't comment on this, I can do it. Analysis is a middleware blockchain company, and most people only heard about it because of the lawsuit with. Although the project was purchased at the auction in 2000 for US dollars and has the legal claim, it is better to give up control of it after knowing its sale. In the newspaper in 2000, it was written that it was squatted by us. It is not clear whether the company really owned the service or what they intend to do with it, because they successfully obtained the right from Yali after realizing that they lost access to the key gateway. The judge of the federal district court in Phoenix, Arizona obtained a preliminary injunction to stop the transfer and take back the domain name. In a recent proposal for reconciliation, the CEO of the laboratory wrote that this in itself opened a period of slow litigation through the court. This slow and almost unnecessary litigation was because it never really owned the moral right of the service. Since 2000, the laboratory has been serving as a public gateway of the Ethereum community to provide access to the chain and data for traditional network services. However, these data are incompatible with the traditional website or the domain name service structure, and the tortuous process of domain name disputes leads to the loss of access to the domain name because the domain name was registered by the developer and former employee of Ethereum Foundation and was arrested for giving a speech on the public blockchain in North Korea, and the domain name registration could not be renewed during his imprisonment for months. The complexity of this incident lies in the fact that the lawsuit was originally based on the original validity of the registration of network registrars and hosting companies until June, but was unilaterally recognized after the domain name was not renewed in June. The domain name has expired and was illegally sold to the plaintiff in the same month, although the domain name actually has an annual validity period, which is alleged in the complaint, thus depriving the plaintiff of his livelihood. This sale will make a valuable cryptocurrency network unable to operate normally and recklessly risk exposing it to a large number of malicious actors. In addition, the cited terms of service say that they should have been allowed to re-register the domain name on behalf of them, but they did not reply to many requests, which is not the direct cause of the auction of the domain name. The act of returning the domain name at a certain price is between cybersquatting and asking for rent. In addition, it is not clear whether it is necessary to include the lawsuit that is mainly aimed at the behavior, and there is no response to the request for comment. The whole incident seems to be unfair to some extent. For example, it seems to be ridiculed in many aspects. For example, we wrote in the newspaper that we are actually suing us in the name of unfair competition. We have done so well in this respect that it is unfair. We also submitted the preliminary rejection of the lawsuit and the withdrawal of the return. This is to continue the adventure of holding the domain name. Now the community will pay US dollars plus US dollars in legal fees to solve this problem. Although the cryptocurrency industry has long passed the stage of avoiding litigation only by ideological commitment and firm belief, this debate has indeed aroused people's doubts about what is happening and the subsequent impact on the domain name dispute. In a recent interview, it was pointed out that the wider network cannot be naively ignored, which is why it is still in court technically. This is indeed the reason why we cooperate with the court at the same time. This is also the reason why the domain name is so important. The bridge between the blockchain and the traditional network is priceless. However, this unpleasant dispute is not the last time to resort to law because of the ownership of intangible assets. To be fair, it is the most commonly used way to convert the alphanumeric blockchain address into a human-readable name. However, in principle, the two registered companies do not argue in court. In line with the essence of decentralization, it is gratifying that this dispute shows the effectiveness of governance. The settlement plan is submitted to the community for voting, in which the right to vote agrees to settle and approve the reimbursement of legal fees. However, in a strange way, this public voting has also damaged the litigation strategy, and only the right to vote supports the continuation of the lawsuit. As the domain name expert wrote in the newspaper, because the settlement of the lawsuit against and still needs to be finalized before giving up, it will be in a favorable position to obtain it in view of public opposition to the continuation of the lawsuit. Desired conditions In an ideal world, this lawsuit should have helped to prove the value and necessity of decentralized digital identity, but in the end it seems that everything is controlled by centralized entities. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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