获得币安Labs投资 Babylon能否引领比特币链上金融创新?

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最近,Binance Labs的决定向Babylon投资,虽未透露具体金额,但这则消息也足够劲爆。2月28日,Babylon推出了Pioneer Pass铸造活动,以庆祝该项目的测试网成功启动。


在去年12月,Babylon已成功完成1800万美元融资,由业界重量级的Polychain Capital和Hack VC领投,Framework Ventures、Polygon Ventures和OKX Ventures紧随其后。下文就为大家介绍一下,最近大火的Babylon项目。


Babylon,源自斯坦福的区块链创新,通过远程质押与Ordinals技术,重新塑造比特币的经济安全角色。Babylon利用Cosmos SDK打造的链条,不仅为PoS链提供了至关重要的比特币时间戳服务,还巧妙地充当了比特币网络与PoS链之间的同步枢纽。下面列举一下,Babylon的核心技术解决方案。










Babylon平台引入的“先锋通行证”(Pioneer Pass)象征着比特币质押领域的一次重大突破,为参与者提供了成为早期探索者的机会以及在Babylon生态系统中的特殊地位。为了参与并有机会获得这一纪念性NFT,参与者需要完成以下步骤:









Babylon Finance的故事是一个典型的加密货币领域的起伏叙事,从高速成长到突遭挫折,最终寻找到重生之路。2022年,随着BABL代币价格的暴跌及其宣布停止运营,Babylon似乎走到了尽头。这一时期,项目面临的挑战包括投资损失、TVL的急剧下降以及市场信心的丧失,给Babylon的未来蒙上了阴影。




The recent decision to invest, although the specific amount was not disclosed, was enough, but the news was exciting. On June, a casting activity was launched to celebrate the successful launch of the test network of the project. Can the investment in Bitcoin lead the financial innovation on the bitcoin chain? Last month, the financing of 10,000 US dollars was successfully completed, and it was led by the industry heavyweight and followed by the following. Let's introduce to you what the technical realization path of the recent fire project is and what the core advantages are from Stanford's blockchain innovation through remote. Pledge and technology reshape the economic security role of Bitcoin. The use of the created chain not only provides a vital bitcoin timestamp service for the chain, but also skillfully acts as a synchronization hub between the bitcoin network and the chain. The core technical solution listed below, remote pledge, represents a part of the technical core. It enables bitcoin holders to pledge without bridging bitcoin to the chain. This way uses the innovation of cryptography and consensus protocols and the bitcoin scripting language. The optimized use of ASP. NET has realized the decentralized pledge process, and completely eliminated the need for bridging and packaging to host bitcoin. The pledge enables bitcoin to be locked and pledged without moving to the chain through its revolutionary mechanism, which ensures the honesty of the verifier's behavior, because in the process of online verification, bitcoin is locked as collateral, and once the verifier violates the rules, the collateral will be reduced, which not only improves the security of the chain, but also allows bitcoin holders to obtain it while maintaining the safety of assets. Technical security with higher income is not only a pledge platform, but also a technical framework for bitcoin security sharing. It mainly includes two protocols: bitcoin timestamp and bitcoin pledge, which are designed to provide economic security for decentralized systems. By writing the block header information of the chain into the bitcoin blockchain, the security of the bitcoin network is used to provide additional protection for the chain in the ecosystem. Verifiers who operate not only get paid by using the original tokens of the chain, but also get further rewards from the original tokens. These technical practices and ideas about whether obtaining the investment in currency security can lead the financial innovation on the bitcoin chain show its key role in promoting the development of the cryptocurrency world. Through its remote pledge mode and unique mechanism, it not only creates new possibilities for bitcoin pledge, but also provides a new perspective for the security and application of cryptocurrency. How to obtain the commemorative tutorial to fully seize the development opportunity of the project? The pioneer pass introduced by the platform symbolizes a major breakthrough in the field of bitcoin pledge. It provides participants with the opportunity to become early explorers and a special position in the ecosystem. In order to participate in and have the opportunity to obtain this commemorative event, participants need to complete the following steps to install the necessary wallets, including wallets for connecting to the chain to obtain pledge rewards and wallets for connecting to the test network of bitcoin for pledge operation. Bitcoin participants need to visit the official bitcoin test network faucet to obtain the test network bitcoin. These test coins are specially designed for pledge activities. The international economic value ensures the safety of the participation process. According to the specific pledge guidelines issued on, participants need to complete the pledge operation according to the guidelines. Participants who successfully complete the pledge will be eligible to cast pioneer passes. As a souvenir, pioneer passes will be cast among participants who successfully complete the pledge activities. Each pass will be engraved with a unique serial number, which represents the unique contribution of participants in the bitcoin pledge revolution and gain the investment energy of Bitcoin. Whether to lead the financial innovation on the bitcoin chain: the claim period is days, starting from the month to the end of the month. Due to the limited supply of pioneer passes, participants need to act quickly to ensure that they can get this unique souvenir. By completing the above steps, participants can not only become a part of the bitcoin pledge revolution, but also enjoy special identity and rights in the ecology, which indicates whether they can lead the bitcoin chain in the future. Financial innovation is worth looking forward to, but the long-term trend of the project still needs to be vigilant. It is a typical story of ups and downs in the cryptocurrency field, from high-speed growth to sudden setbacks, and finally finding the road to rebirth. With the collapse of token prices and the announcement of the suspension of operation, it seems to have come to an end. The challenges faced by the project during this period include the sharp decline in investment losses and the loss of market confidence, which cast a shadow over the future. However, the recovery in brought new vitality through technological innovation and the adjustment of market strategies. It has successfully attracted new investment and demonstrated the potential and practicability of its technology on the test online. Although it faces the challenges of market demand matching and ecological construction in the process of recovery, its efforts have attracted widespread attention in the field of cryptocurrency. The journey reflects the difficulties that encryption projects must overcome in the rapidly changing market environment. Even after the decline, it has proved its resilience and potential by focusing on technological innovation and ecological system construction. However, the experience has also reminded encryption. Participants in the field need to understand the application and market demand of emerging technologies more deeply and carefully. The final story is not only about a journey of failure and recovery, but also about the importance of continuous innovation and adaptation in the encryption field. Its experience provides valuable lessons for other projects, especially how to remain resilient and seek innovation in the face of challenges. Whether it can continue to develop steadily in the field of cryptocurrency in the future will depend on how it continues to adapt to market changes and meet the needs of users. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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