币安已经入场 链游的春天还会远吗?

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2月29日,Binance上线了Web3游戏平台Portal。时间回溯,近三个月Binance上线了多个链游类项目,如Pixels、Ronin、Sleepless AI 、Xai、Fusionist以及Heroes of Mavia 的项目币合约。显而易见,Binance的注意力凝聚在了沉寂已久的GameFi赛道。

自2021年11月链游之王Axie Infinity 急速陨落起,链游板块至今未复往日繁荣。现今两年时间已过,Binance亦有意助推链游再次登上币圈铁王座。只是GameFi添了更多叙事、游戏也更加新颖,炒新不炒旧逻辑下哪儿个新势力最具新王潜力?链游板块的班车正在注入燃料,现在会是最佳的买票时机吗?





据链游平台My Meta Data数据显示,从2023年5月份以来,链游赛道的活跃用户量就一路上涨,约从70万涨至220万,涨幅高达214%。而游戏数量则从2300涨至2800,涨幅约为21.73。

同样,我们在另一家链上数据平台Footprint Analytics上也能看到相似走势,不过值得注意的是,链游活跃用户数已经超过2021年11月的前高。这从侧面说明目前用户对链游具有相当高的认可度,而未来如果链游赛道能再度爆发,那么势必将吸引更多用户的涌入,最终形成良性循环。

而最能反应链游赛道回暖的指标则是其整体市值(MC),从上图可以看出,GameFi MC几乎与BTC MC同步,甚至在其巅峰时实现超越。目前BTC价格已触达64000美元,距离历史高点仅一步之遥,而随着传统机构投资者的入场,未来BTC价格继续上涨只是时间问题。若上图现象能够延续,那么GameFi赛道的市场份额也将同步上升。 




我们先来简单认识一下这几个新晋的链游类项目,Portal是一个Web3游戏平台、Ronin 是由 Axie Infinity 的开发者Sky Mavis构建的以太坊侧链、Pixels是由 Ronin Network 支持的社交休闲 web3 游戏、Sleepless AI 是一款基于 AI 的虚拟伴侣游戏、Xai是Arbitrum生态系统中的首个L3项目、Fusionist是一款3A 级别的 Web3 区块链回合制策略游戏、Heroes of Mavia 是由 Skrice Studios 开发的一款 MMO (大型多人在线)策略类手游。



在项目融资金额上,可以明确看出融资数目的是Pixels、Fusionist以及Heroes of Mavia,其中Heroes of Mavia融资总额最多,为800万美元,但现货还未上Binance。其它项目或未披露融资信息,或仅有其开发团队的融资情况,如Sky Mavis。





自去年12月中旬开始,Binance所上的新项目大多为链游类,平台似乎有意将加密市场流动性引向GameFi赛道。而前一段时间媒体流传的消息还是Binance Web3钱包以及入场铭文赛道等,但就平台目前的动作来看,显然链游更具吸引力。


首先从上述的链游赛道整体态势上可以看到,目前该板块的活跃用户数、链游项目数已经明显度过寒冰期,并有企稳向好的趋势。此外,GameFi 的MC与融资金额总体都在节节攀升。




其次再根据My Meta Data统计数据显示,BNB Chain的链游项目数量以及交易额分别以29.81%以及27.62%的占比领先其它各大公链,排名第一。从比重上可以看出,BNB Chain已占据GameFi板块的近三成。

此外,从上述七个新晋链游项目的投融资背景资料中可以发现,Binance Labs投资了其中的三个,分别为Fusionist、Sleepless AI、Heroes of Mavia。



此前已有多个Binance系链游项目上市自家交易所,但自2021年11月链游退潮后大都暴跌收场未能振兴,如BinaryX、Voxies、MOBOX 、League of Kingdoms等等。因此Binance在急需新链游项目证明自己的同时,也需要以此来回笼部分资金。






The author Bitcoin Trading Network launched several projects one after another around the New Year. It seems that it is intended to lead the chain tour year. Looking back over the past year, it has earned a lot of money because of the early layout of inscriptions. Will the same drama be staged again this year? The game platform will be launched on March, and the time will be traced back to nearly three months. A number of chain tour projects, such as the project currency contract, are obviously focused on the track that has been silent for a long time. Since the rapid fall of the king of chain tour in June, the chain tour plate has not recovered its prosperity in the past two years. Time has passed, and I also intend to boost the chain tour to board the iron throne in the currency circle again. I just added more narrative games and made it more novel. Under the old logic, which new force has the greatest potential for the new king? Is it the best time to buy tickets now? The overall situation of the chain tour track is that the encrypted market has changed from a bear to a cow, and many track sectors have been affected by the trend of bitcoin to a warm market. However, some tracks are still in a dormant period, among which the chain tour is not close. According to the data of the chain tour platform, the number of active users of the chain tour track has been rising all the way from 10,000 to 10,000, while the number of games has been rising from 10,000 to about the same. We can also see a similar trend on another chain data platform, but it is worth noting that the number of active users of the chain tour has exceeded the previous high in June, which shows from the side that the current users have a high recognition of the chain tour, and the future is like this. If the chain tour track can break out again, it will inevitably attract more users and eventually form a virtuous circle, and the index that can best reflect the recovery of the chain tour track is its overall market value. As can be seen from the above figure, it is almost synchronous, and even at its peak, it has surpassed the current price and reached the historical high of US dollars. With the entry of traditional institutional investors, it is only a matter of time before the future price continues to rise. If the above phenomenon can continue, the market share of the track will also rise synchronously. From the data, we can see that the amount and amount of game track financing have rebounded in the second half of the year, and the total amount of financing ranks second only to the new chain tour projects on the track. Compared with the launch of the game platform on March, this move once again brings the eyes of the encryption market to the chain tour projects. Previously, in the last three months, many chain tour projects were launched and listed in a short time. What are the important information about these chain tour projects? Who is the leader in this batch of projects? Let's briefly understand this first. Several new chain tour projects are a game platform built by developers, the Ethereum side chain is supported by social casual games, a virtual companion game based on, the first project in the ecosystem, and a level blockchain turn-based strategy game developed by a large-scale multiplayer online strategy mobile game. From the above introduction, it can be seen that four of the newly launched chain tour projects are game works, and others are game platforms and infrastructure bitcoin trading network to sort out these seven chains. By comparing the key data of tourism projects, we can clearly see that the financing amount of the projects is $10,000 at most, but the spot has not been put on other projects or the financing information has not been disclosed, or only the financing situation of its development team is, for example, the current market value is the highest, but it is an old-fashioned project and has experienced several waves of currency price surge compared with other projects. As a new force of chain tourism, the market value of several projects is close to the gap, and there is little difference. From the flux ratio and the two data, it can be seen that the circulation of chain tour projects is below, and most of them are online or around, and the fully diluted valuation of all the projects included at the same time is more than twice its market value, which means that there is a lot of unlocking pressure in new chain tour projects, and even if the future currency price rises, there will be a risk of falling due to selling and smashing, while the highest price is the lowest, while the new online currency price is not performing well, and the currency price is only a timely choice and seeking stability. Revenue Since the middle of last year, most of the new projects on the platform are chain tours. It seems that it intends to introduce the liquidity of the encrypted market to the track. Some time ago, the news circulated in the media was wallets and admission inscriptions on the track, but it is obvious that chain tours are more attractive in terms of the current actions of the platform. So what is the reason for a top exchange in the world to promote its chain tour? First of all, from the overall situation of the above-mentioned chain tour track, we can see the number of active users in this sector. The number has obviously passed the ice age and has a tendency to stabilize and improve. In addition, the amount of financing is generally rising. Based on the judgment of the chain tour environment, it is obviously a suitable time to push the chain tour project. Secondly, according to the statistical data, the number of chain tour projects and the transaction volume are ahead of other major chains in the proportion of, and it can be seen from the proportion that it has occupied nearly 30% of the plate. In addition, from the investment and financing background information of the above seven new chain tour projects, It is not surprising to find that we have invested in three of them as our own capital incubation chain tour projects and then launched our own trading platform. Finally, from the perspective of capital gains, it is somewhat helpless to bet on the chain tour track at this time. Previously, a number of chain tour projects were listed on our own exchange, but most of them failed to revive after the low tide of chain tour in January, so we need to withdraw some funds as we urgently need new chain tour projects to prove ourselves. When it comes to the issue of funds, we can't help but mention last month. A fine of $100 million paid for reaching a settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice, although it didn't have a bone-breaking impact, is not a small sum, but a lot of bets have been made on the chain tour track. If a new plate is built again like this, it will cost a lot of resources, and there will be a lot of risks. This can be referred to the previous trend of the inscription plate, so at present, it is the safest choice to push the chain tour project conveniently, no matter where it is. Conclusion: Chain tour is regarded as an increase in. One of the popular narratives in the secret industry has unlimited potential from its perspective, but as far as the quality of the chain tour that has come out at present is concerned, there are very few projects that are both playable and profitable, and the chain tour cards have been released one after another, which shows that they have some confidence in these projects that have been launched. Moreover, the chain tour track has experienced more than two years of innovation since its high point, and the quality of the game has also improved. In addition, the plate rotation effect of the investment market is hard to guarantee that the next slogan will not happen to the chain tour this year. However, it should be noted that the coat of publicity and hype can hardly stand the long-term test of 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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