解读 Lava Network:1500 万美元融资背后的原因

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作者:Revelo Intel 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网


今天,我们将重点关注 Lava Network。Lava Network作为一个动态的 P2P 市场,将区块链和去中心化应用 (dApp) 与提供 RPC 服务和数据的节点提供商连接起来。随着该协议最近的融资、即将到来的主网启动和积分计划,这个模块化数据层的形势日益火热。

Lava Network 简介

Lava Network 是一个模块化数据网络,为开发人员提供可扩展地访问任何 rollup 或区块链的通道。“模块化”一词最近经常被提及,但它到底是什么意思?在 Lava 的上下文中,它允许任何区块链访问其数据网络以帮助扩展。Lava 是一个节点提供商网络,提供对数据和 RPC 的访问。它基本上帮助使这些东西更易于被各种区块链访问。

对这类服务的需求已经得到证明,区块链选择像 EigenDA 和 Celestia 这样的 DA(数据可用性)解决方案来满足这一目的。Lava Network 去除了中间商,允许区块链访问抗审查、透明和隐私等功能。相比于只依赖一个节点或使用多个节点提供商,使用一个节点网络可能更优。

Lava Network 的联合创始人 Yair Cleper 用亚马逊的商业模式来解释 Lava Network 的作用。

点对点 SDK: 允许去中心化应用和多个提供商之间直接通信,无需中间商。提供商会根据评论获得奖励。在这种情况下,去中心化应用是客户,P2P 提供商扮演亚马逊商家的角色。提供商在交易结算后会因其贡献而获得奖励。Lava Network 上已经有 300 多个大小型的提供商。

规格:“Lava 里的“冠军”可以根据特定链定义 RPC API。 他们向社区提供这些规格,节点提供商可以根据这些规格启动节点。规格可以被理解为亚马逊自己提供的产品。“冠军”是提供规格的人,他们还为特定和即将推出的链定义 RPC。

就像亚马逊拥有众多供应商一样,Lava Network 的信任也分布在多个提供商之间,确保了可扩展性和可靠性。Lava 的目标是成为访问区块链数据的的一站式平台。它消除了开发人员单独获取 RPC 提供商和自己索引数据的需求。Lava 允许根据需求快速添加新的链和 API。

Lava Network旨在提供灵活性,让开发人员能够在他们想要的地方进行构建。它提供了一个动态的市场,可以根据需要添加更多的模块和链,确保供需平衡。

Lava Network的起源

Lava Network由Yair Cleper和Gil Binder共同创立,他们来自以色列,拥有在Web2领域建立多个创业公司的经验。最初,他们想要建立一个多链NFT市场,但意识到为每个区块链运行自己的节点是资源密集型的。然后他们探索使用节点提供商,但发现对于某些链,如Cosmos,选项有限。现有的提供商存在局限性或者不够可靠,无法满足他们的需求。他们决定先专注于以太坊,但再次面临API限制和需要使用多个提供商的挑战。

最终,团队意识到区块链世界是碎片化的、复杂的,并且在访问数据方面速度很缓慢。这正是Lava Network希望介入的领域。Lava Network旨在通过提供访问区块链数据的一站式解决方案来简化多链景观。有了Lava Network,开发者可以轻松访问相关提供商,而无需知道背后使用的是哪个提供商。Lava Network 的设计是模块化且灵活的,可以在新链流行时轻松集成它们。

Lava Network近期融资


尽管融资本身并不能完全证明成功,但它表明投资者看到了所提供的产品潜力。值得注意的是,Lava Network 最近获得了 1500 万美元的融资。种子轮融资由 Jump Capital 领投,其他参与者包括:Hashkey Capital、Tribe Capital、Alliance、Node、North Island、Quiet、Finality 和 Dispersion Capital。

之前投资过 Alchemy 的 Blockdaemon、ConsenSys (Infura) 和 QuickNode 也参与了此次融资。Cosmos、Polkadot、Filecoin、StarkWare、Axelar、NEAR、Celestia、Celo 等项目的验证者、生态系统和创始人也都加入了此次融资。这是近期加密生态系统宣布的一系列融资潮中的一个例子。

Lava Network Clearly 与 Cosmos 社区紧密集成。来自不同生态系统的数十个节点提供商已经加入 Lava,并将在每个月底获得奖励。

Lava Network 的主网上线预计在 2024 年;目前,该协议专注于将其产品扩展到非技术用户。虽然该产品的概念乍一看似乎难以理解,但团队正在韩国、土耳其、非洲等地建立由非技术用户组成的社区。这些社区在编写指南和主网上线文档方面需要提供帮助。

Lava 将很快引入积分系统,以吸引非技术用户参与。该系统旨在让每个用户都能通过随时随地提供访问权限并维护公共产品的方式为 Web3 带来越值。

With the price of bitcoin soaring to a record high, the hope of counterfeit currency will follow closely. People are easily attracted by price fluctuations, but we should not forget the underlying technologies and infrastructure that support all this. Although new user-oriented applications are constantly emerging, infrastructure projects similar to the last cycle continue to raise funds and deliver. Today, we will focus on blockchain and decentralized applications and services as a dynamic market. The node providers of data are connected together. With the recent financing of the agreement, the main network will be launched and the integration plan will come soon. The situation of this modular data layer is getting hotter and hotter. The introduction is that a modular data network provides developers with extensible access to any or blockchain. The word modularity has been frequently mentioned recently, but what does it mean in the context that it allows any blockchain to access its data network to help expand? It is a node provider network that provides access to data and. It basically helps to make these things easier to be accessed by various blockchains. The demand for such services has been proved. Blockchains choose data availability solutions like and to meet this purpose, eliminating the functions of middlemen allowing blockchains to access, anti-censorship, transparency and privacy, which may be better than relying on only one node or using multiple node providers to use a node network. The co-founders use Amazon's business model to explain the role of peer-to-peer allowing decentralized applications and Direct communication between multiple providers does not require intermediaries, and providers will be rewarded according to comments. In this case, the centralized application is that customer providers play the role of Amazon merchants, and providers will be rewarded for their contributions after the transaction is settled. There are already many champions in the specifications of large and small providers who can provide these specifications to the community according to specific chain definitions. Node providers can start node specifications according to these specifications, which can be understood as product champions provided by Amazon itself. They are the people who provide specifications, and they also define the specific and upcoming chains, just as Amazon has many suppliers, and the trust is also distributed among multiple suppliers, ensuring scalability and reliability. The goal is to become a one-stop platform for accessing blockchain data, which eliminates the need for developers to obtain suppliers and index data by themselves, allows new chains to be added quickly according to demand, and aims to provide flexibility so that developers can build where they want. It provides one. A dynamic market can add more modules and chains as needed to ensure the origin of the balance between supply and demand. They come from Israel and have the experience of establishing multiple startup companies in the field. At first, they wanted to build a multi-chain market, but realized that running their own nodes for each blockchain is resource-intensive. Then they explored the use of node providers, but found that the existing providers were limited or unreliable enough to meet their needs for some chains, such as limited options. Finally, the team realized that the blockchain world is fragmented and complex, and the speed of accessing data is very slow. This is exactly the field that they want to get involved in, aiming at simplifying the multi-chain landscape by providing a one-stop solution for accessing blockchain data. With developers, they can easily access related providers without knowing which provider is used behind them. The design is modular and flexible, which can be popular in the new chain. It's easy to integrate them. Although the financing itself can't completely prove the success, it shows that investors have seen the potential of the products provided. It's worth noting that the seed round of financing, which recently won $10,000, was led by other participants, including the verifier ecosystem and founders who have invested before and also participated in this financing project. This is an example of a series of financing waves announced by the encryption ecosystem recently. Close integration with the community comes from not. Dozens of node providers in the same ecosystem have joined the main online line, which will be rewarded at the end of each month. It is expected that in 2009, the agreement will focus on expanding its products to non-technical users. Although the concept of the product seems difficult to understand at first glance, the team is building communities composed of non-technical users in South Korea, Turkey, Africa and other places. These communities need help in writing guides and documents on the main online line, and will soon introduce an integral system to attract non-technical users to participate in the system, aiming at enabling each user to bring more value by providing access rights and maintaining public products anytime and anywhere. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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