你没有错过比特币 更不会错过山寨币

币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 09:15:24 评论:0



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在深耕行业若干年,小有心得之后,教链在2023年6月7号启动了《八字诀 · 十年之约》。转眼三个季度过去,已是18期。







比“错过比特币”更恶劣的话,莫过于另外一句经典话术:“你已经错过比特币了,难道还要错过XXX(山寨币)吗?” 或者 “比特币已经太贵了,XXX(山寨币)还在低位,潜力更大!”


第一种思维会让你不自觉地养成不懂感恩、自私自利的思维习惯。2022年底从前高6.9万跌回1.6万,你痛不欲生,后悔没有及早跳车,逃离BTC。2024年初涨到6万,你又后悔当初没有趁低价多囤一些。你只考虑自己的感受,永远把BTC当成玩弄的对象,跌了厌弃,涨了恐高,永远后悔 —— 你所后悔的,不过就是BTC没有偏爱你这个负心人罢了!







从创新增长S-曲线来看,问世仅仅15年的比特币,目前仍处于S-曲线的左端,即“发酵”阶段,距离采用率爆炸式的增长也就是“起飞”阶段尚有距离。这一点,从你身边有多少人一听说BTC就表示不理解和怀疑,甚至网上股评号下方多少对BTC充满鄙夷和仇视的留言等等,就可以见微知著。按照刘教链早在2020年12月19日文章《好戏才刚刚开始》的介绍,根据Rogers创新接受度曲线,BTC目前也才刚刚进入Early Adopters(早期接受者)阶段而已,应该还远远没到Early Majority(早期大众)的阶段。也就是说,现在进入的人,都是极早期用户。





区块链思维把这种怀疑精神提炼地相当到位,每一个小白都应该打印出来,贴在床头:Don't trust, verify.(不要相信,要验证)










中本聪设计比特币的核心思想,也就是这一点 —— 活着,永远活下去。






In a dizzying rapid climb, we sent away the soaring month and ushered in an uneasy month. On the last day of the month, the internal reference rushed forward, and the high level was nearly fulfilled. I dare to ask where the road ahead is. Turn over and post the bitcoin breathing map drawn in the bitcoin price forecast article as early as the year. The following picture shows that the end of the year rushed to the surface, but as expected, I can't help but wonder that this bitcoin really seems to be breathing like life. It is generally advocated that artificial intelligence seems to be moving towards superhuman intelligence, but in my opinion, no matter how the effect is cracked, it is only a cold tool with no life breath, but it is not understood by ordinary people, which is more in line with the characteristics of life described by Puligaozin's dissipation theory. After several years of deep cultivation in the industry, the teaching chain started the eight-character tactic on October, and it has been three quarters in the blink of an eye. As the saying goes, a girl who is old and has not put her bud will come out. The girl who has completed a graceful demeanour has completed her ten-year contract at the monthly closing price, and the rate of return of the firm witness position has also soared to nearly double the floating profit with the rapid rise. In the third quarter, the natural period has continued to increase due to the monthly increase, so there is still a reserve fund for subsequent ups and downs. Although it has been said many times, some friends still can't jump out of the obsession of seeing the mountains and seeing the water, that is, the so-called principal figures are not numbers in essence, but proportional relations. A principal is a principal, and so on. In this model, it doesn't matter how much the principal is, whether it is trillions or billions, whether it is or not, the rate of return is also called the rate of return on investment. The thinking of working and getting paid is to pay attention to the absolute value, but the investment thinking must pay attention to the percentage, that is, the relative proportion, and don't be too obsessed with the absolute value. Although the teaching chain emphasized the importance of this thinking upgrade many years ago, we can review the articles written in the month and month of the teaching chain. Instead of absolute value, a large number of new classmates and friends are still stubborn in the old thinking, and they often ask such obvious amateur questions as how so big and so small. This wrong thinking habit is absolutely harmful to cruising the financial market, so we must change and overcome it as soon as possible. When the station is high before the impact, many people start to say things like missing Bitcoin. The worse thing than missing Bitcoin is another classic saying: You have already missed Bitcoin. Do you want to? Did you miss the counterfeit currency or bitcoin is already too expensive? The counterfeit currency is still at a low level, and the potential is even greater. The first kind of thinking harms people's fate. The second kind of thinking harms people's wallets. The first kind of thinking will make you unconsciously develop the habit of not being grateful and selfish. At the end of the year, you fell back to 10,000 from the previous high. You regret that you didn't jump out of the car early and rose to 10,000 at the beginning of the year. You only consider your own feelings, and you will always be the object of playing. Fear of heights will always make you regret that you are not partial to you, a ungrateful person. But we know that Bitcoin never fails to live up to everyone who lives up to it. Whenever we return to a new height, we can't help but feel grateful in our hearts. We applaud it and cheer for it. We are sincerely happy that it has fallen. We bargain-hunting and add positions with it to stick to the dark moment. Yes, if we want to live up to you, we must first live up to it. Ask not what we have done for you, but what you have done. What did Mrs Thatcher say? Be careful with your thinking. It will become your language. Be careful with your language. It will become your action. Be careful with your action. It will become your habit. Be careful with your character. It will become your destiny. Why are some people doomed to fail? The root cause is that there is something wrong with thinking habits. The teaching chain has never been an industry media. The media in the industry pay attention to the outside world. It is always confusing and unpredictable. The teaching chain of touching variables pays attention to the inside, enlightens the mind to communicate, and the soul is the eternal invariable road of human nature. The teaching chain also writes external variables, but the purpose is different from that of the media, not simply to spread excitement, but to understand the equation, to fix the truth and solve the invariants from the variables, and to get a glimpse of the mystery of things. In fact, you are far from missing Bitcoin. From the innovation growth curve, Bitcoin, which has only been around for a year, is still at the left end of the curve, that is, the distance from the adoption rate in the fermentation stage is exploding. There is still a long way to go in the flying stage. How many people around you express their incomprehension and doubt when they hear about it? Even how many messages full of contempt and hatred are left under the online stock review number, etc., which can be seen. According to the introduction of Liu Jiaolian's article as early as March, the drama has just begun. According to the innovation acceptance curve, it has just entered the early stage of acceptance, and it should be far from the early stage of mass, that is to say, the people who are now entering are very early users. I thought it had changed the world. The way is to make a great product. Now I find that the product doesn't matter whether it is great or not. The most important thing is that it can always live, live maverick, live until the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, live until the end of time, and all those who question it and oppose it die, then die and die. It is still alive, and people will be conquered by its Sartre-style existentialism, that is, living reasonably means living great long enough is enough to change the world. If simply regretting missing bitcoin is stupid with low self-awareness, then missing bitcoin is considered as missing bitcoin. The argument leads to the argument that you can't miss a certain fake coin meme coin, that is, someone else's tricks have broken a new leek that has just entered the encryption market. Everything tries to persuade you not to pay for the fake coin meme coin, that is, people who can probably escape the pit to work and get paid. The thinking is obedience, that is, they don't know how to refuse, that is, they always say investment thinking. On the contrary, they are skeptical, that is, they refuse before thinking, and that is, they always say no to others. Blockchain thinking puts this. The spirit of doubt is quite refined. Every little white should be printed and pasted on the bedside. Don't believe that the logic of the origin of Satoshi Nakamoto's invention of Bitcoin is not to trust anyone. So Satoshi Nakamoto invented the workload certificate to eliminate the dependence on unreliable human intermediaries. Some people may still worry that 111 really missed the wealth password. In fact, as long as you think a little, you will be relieved. Rejection will only reduce the risk of one loss, but keep the funds in your wallet without increasing the risk of missing. Why is it because the underlying logic of investment must be that the world will develop and advance rapidly? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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