虚拟币交易所平台,数字货币,NFT丨美能源信息管理局撤销对比特币矿工的紧急调查 加密货币估值的上涨被阻碍

币圈资讯 阅读:42 2024-04-22 09:15:16 评论:0



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根据周五提交的法庭文件,美国能源信息管理局(EIA)撤销了对比特币矿工的紧急调查。此前,德克萨斯州区块链委员会、Riot Platforms以及数字商会和国家公民自由联盟在此案中获得了临时限制令。 EIA在法庭文件中表示,作为对向美国各地比特币矿工发出的调查的回应,它将“销毁已经收到的任何信息”。 此外,EIA将发布关于拟议收集信息的联邦公报通知,该通知将取代2月初发布的紧急通知。 数字商会称这是加密货币挖矿的“巨大胜利”。


灰度分析师在一份报告中表示,上个月美国通胀加速,以及美联储降息的可能性降低,是未来可能阻碍加密货币价格上涨的主要原因。 报告写道:“上一个加密周期的一个重要教训是,宏观因素(例如美联储货币政策和经济状况)可能会严重影响加密资产的估值。如果通胀仍然居高不下,美联储官员可能会考虑将降息推迟到今年晚些时候或2025年,一般来说,美国利率上升可能对美元价值有利,但对比特币可能不利”。 据CNBC报道,美国国债每100天增加约1万亿美元,这一事实对通胀几乎没有好处。然而,灰度并不认为比特币估值的近期前景一定是可怕的,分析师写道:“我们认为,最有可能的结果是美国消费者价格通胀将继续下降,从而促进美联储最终降息,但加密投资者应关注即将发布的通胀报告以及美联储在下次会议上更新的政策利率指引”。











美SEC专员Hester Peirce猛烈抨击了其监管机构监管加密货币的方法,称其部分立场“毫无成效”且“毫无意义”。   Peirce是美SEC的共和党委员,因其对加密货币的支持立场而被昵称为“加密妈妈”,她表示:“你不会去打击那些要求你制定如何在这个领域开展工作的明确规则的人。但是,当你谈论注册违规时,因为有人接触了加密资产,几年后我们说这是一种证券,这似乎毫无意义”。 Peirce补充说,她并没有淡化登记义务的重要性,同时指出:“但是,如果你不愿意告诉人们什么是证券,那么在事后介入并开始以未注册为由来挑毛病似乎是非常没有成效的。”






▌去中心化声誉协议开发团队Karma3 Labs完成450万美元融资,HashKey参投

3月1日消息,去中心化声誉协议 OpenRank 开发团队 Karma3 Labs 宣布完成 450 万美元融资,Galaxy 和 IDEO CoLab Ventures 领投,Spartan、SevenX、HashKey、Flybridge、Delta Fund、Draper Dragon 和 Compa Capital 等参投。OpenRank 主要通过评级和推荐来提高用户对 Web3 的信任,新资金将用于推动其产品采用,并帮助推出该协议的初始版本以供开发者使用。


据官方公告,币安现已完成PlayDapp(PLA)代币置换为PlayDapp(PDA),并开放PDA代币的充值、提现业务。 PlayDapp(PDA)的可用服务:币安理财将于2024年03月01日16:00(东八区时间)上线PDA,用户可于此后申购PDA赚币活期产品;币安将于2024年03月01日16:00(东八区时间)开放PDA/BTC和PDA/USDT现货交易;币安全仓、逐仓杠杆将于2024年03月01日23:00(东八区时间)新增PDA可借资产,以及PDA/USDT全仓、逐仓杠杆交易对。



    根据彭博分析师Eric Balchunas发布的数据,周五美国现货比特币ETF的成交量仍然很高,是继周三和周四之后的第三大交易日,本周总交易量为220亿美元。 分析师表示:“这5天相当于一个月的交易量,贝莱德的IBIT每日成交额超过10亿美元。这种情况会消退还是成为新常态?下周的数据将告诉我们答案”。


    3月1日消息,据英国《金融时报》报道,比特币价格在兑许多货币的比率中创下新的纪录高位。美国批准比特币现货ETF的消息助长了市场的热情。预期在四月底比特币挖矿产出减半加剧了市场的狂热。预期下一次减半的买家需求上升,解释了为什么加密货币牛市现在愉快地预测比特币价格很快将超过100,000美元。 仔细观察,这种看涨目标似乎有些可疑。根据摩根大通的估计,目前的生产成本——主要是用于进行挖矿计算的电力成本——约为27,000美元。这为比特币设定了一个价格底线。减半后,这个价格将短期内跳升至约50,000美元。 然而,最近的激增使比特币价格远远超过了生产成本。对于比特币而言,这种情况并不可持续。此外,这些成本在减半后不久就应该开始下降,因为效率低下的矿工将退出市场,无法跟上步伐。随着旧机器被淘汰,哈希率应该会下降,生产成本也会随之降低。在某个时候,价格上涨势头将会减弱。假设挖矿处理能力下降了五分之一,那么生产成本相应将下降到约43,000美元左右。








    区块奖励是支持加密货币去中心化性质的关键组成部分,具有巨大的象征意义和功能重要性。从根本上来说,区块奖励是为加密矿工向网络添加授权交易而支付的费用。 这个过程被称为挖矿,涉及完成具有挑战性的数学难题、增加网络的计算能力并保持分布式账本的完整性。


    Headline US Energy Information Administration cancels emergency investigation on bitcoin miners according to court documents filed on Friday, after the Texas Blockchain Committee, the Digital Chamber of Commerce and the National Civil Liberties Union obtained a temporary restraining order in this case, it said in court documents that in response to the investigation sent to bitcoin miners all over the United States, it would destroy any information it had received, and it would also issue a letter about the proposed collection. The Federal Gazette notice of interest rate will replace the urgent notice issued at the beginning of the month. The digital chamber of commerce will say that this is a great victory for cryptocurrency mining. The gray report shows that stubborn inflation and interest rate cuts delay or hinder the rise of cryptocurrency valuation. Gray analysts said in a report that the acceleration of inflation in the United States last month and the possibility of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates are the main reasons that may hinder the rise of cryptocurrency prices in the future. The report writes that an important lesson in the last cryptocurrency cycle is macro factors such as the Federal Reserve's goods. Monetary policy and economic conditions may seriously affect the valuation of encrypted assets. If inflation remains high, Fed officials may consider postponing the interest rate cut until later this year or next. Generally speaking, the rise in US interest rates may be beneficial to the value of the dollar, but it may be unfavorable to Bitcoin. It is reported that the fact that US Treasury bonds increase by about one trillion dollars every day is hardly beneficial to inflation. However, the gray scale does not think that the near-term prospect of Bitcoin valuation must be terrible. Analysts wrote that we think it is the most likely. As a result, consumer price inflation in the United States will continue to decline, thus promoting the Fed to finally cut interest rates. However, encrypted investors should pay attention to the upcoming inflation report and the policy interest rate guidance updated by the Fed at its next meeting. As of press release, according to the data, the recent transaction price of the US dollar has risen and fallen in the day. The recent transaction price of the US dollar has risen and fallen in the day. The recent transaction price of the US dollar has risen and fallen in the day. Some ways in which the Commissioner of the United States supervises encryption are ineffective and meaningless. The Commissioner of the United States lashed out at the way in which its regulators supervise cryptocurrency, saying that some of its positions are ineffective and meaningless. The Republican Committee member was nicknamed "cryptomom" because of her support for cryptocurrency. She said that you would not attack those who asked you to formulate clear rules on how to work in this field, but when you talk about registration violations, we said that it was because someone was exposed to cryptoassets a few years later. It seems meaningless to add that she did not downplay the importance of the registration obligation, and pointed out that if you don't want to tell people what securities are, it seems very ineffective to intervene afterwards and start to find faults on the grounds of unregistered. The Bank for International Settlements recently issued a series of suggestions to guide the supervision of global stable currencies in order to deal with the potential financial stability risks it brings and encourage innovation. It is obvious that people are increasingly aware of the importance of establishing a coordinated global regulatory framework for digital assets, including stable currency. In the summary released on Thursday, it is emphasized that it may be of systemic importance in multiple jurisdictions. In order to reduce related risks, it is mainly recommended to strengthen the security of operational elastic networks and measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. It is also emphasized that an effective risk management framework is important to deal with all major risks related to the functions and activities of the global supply chain. It warns that it may pose risks to financial stability, emphasizes technology-neutral methods, and seeks to give priority to potential activities and risks rather than technology itself. It is a criminal offence for the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission's virtual asset trading platform to engage in any unlicensed activities. On its official website, the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission reminds the industry and investors that the virtual asset trading platform should submit a license application to the CSRC to continue operating in Hong Kong on or after, that is, the period of year, month and day has ended. According to the transitional arrangements, any virtual assets that are operating in Hong Kong have ended. If the production and trading platform fails to submit a license application to the CSRC on or before, it must end its business in Hong Kong on or before. These virtual asset trading platforms must obtain the necessary CSRC license before they can resume their business activities in Hong Kong or actively promote their virtual asset services to Hong Kong investors. It is a criminal offence to conduct any unlicensed activities. The blockchain application decentralization reputation agreement development team completed the financing of 10,000 US dollars and participated in the news decentralization reputation agreement. The development team announced the completion of USD 10,000 financing, lead investment and other participation, mainly through rating and recommendation, to improve users' trust. The new funds will be used to promote the adoption of its products and help launch the initial version of the agreement, so that developers can use the currency security to complete the exchange of tokens into the available services that have been officially announced. Currency security will be launched at the time of Dongba District, February, and users can apply for the currency-earning current product. Currency security will be launched at Dongba, June. Zone time opening and spot trading currency safe warehouse-by-warehouse leverage will add loanable assets and full warehouse-by-warehouse leverage trading to cryptocurrency. According to the data released by Bloomberg analysts, the weekly trading volume of spot bitcoin in the United States is still very high on Friday, which is the third largest trading day after Wednesday and Thursday. The total trading volume this week is $ billion. Analysts say that this day is equivalent to one month's trading volume, and BlackRock's daily turnover exceeds $ billion. Will this situation subside or become the new normal? Next week's data will tell us the answer. The British Financial Times published why bitcoin prices may still plummet. According to the British Financial Times, bitcoin prices have hit a new record high in the ratio against many currencies. The news that the United States approved bitcoin spot has fueled the enthusiasm of the market. It is expected that the mining output of bitcoin will be halved at the end of April, which has intensified the market frenzy. It is expected that the demand of the next halved buyers will rise, which explains why the cryptocurrency cattle. The city now happily predicts that the price of Bitcoin will soon exceed the US dollar. It seems suspicious to observe this bullish target carefully. According to JPMorgan Chase's estimation, the current production cost is mainly about US dollars for mining calculation, which sets a price bottom line for Bitcoin. After halving, the price will jump to about US dollars in a short time. However, the recent surge has made the price of Bitcoin far exceed the production cost. This situation is not sustainable for Bitcoin. Besides, these costs should start to decline soon after halving, because inefficient miners will quit the market and cannot keep up with the pace. With the old machines being eliminated. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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