
币圈资讯 阅读:25 2024-04-22 09:14:55 评论:0



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同日,加密交易平台币安已从其点对点 (P2P) 功能中删除了尼日利亚货币奈拉。尼日利亚的币安用户在社交平台X上抱怨并表达了对其发展的担忧。

币安将奈拉从其P2P市场下架之际,尼日利亚当局声称,该平台导致奈拉贬值。尼日利亚总统顾问Bayo Onanuga此前表示,币安如果不停止,将摧毁尼日利亚经济,因为任意固定外汇汇率。


尼日利亚的加密用户早些时候报告说,他们难以访问加密交易所网站,包括Binance、OctaFX等。几天后,币安对P2P平台上USDT的销售价格设置了限制,导致交易者无法以每USDT以1,802 奈拉以上的价格出售USDT。


2023年5月1日,据彭博社报道,尼日利亚证券交易委员会证券和投资服务主管Abdulkadir Abbas在接受采访时表示,该机构正在考虑允许在许可数字交易所发行由股权、债务等资产支持代币,但不是“加密货币”。

2023年06月10日,尼日利亚证券交易委员会(SEC)官方通告称,注意到由Binance Nigeria Limited运营的网站,该公司没有注册也没有受到委员会的监管,因此其在尼日利亚的业务是非法的。

与该实体打交道的任何投资公众成员都自担风险。通知特此指示Binance Nigeria Limited立即停止以任何形式招揽尼日利亚投资者。



2023年08月09日,尼日利亚货币兑换运营商协会 (ABCON) 呼吁联邦政府禁止币安在该国开展业务,以加强奈拉汇率。此前该协会将币安视为对奈拉汇率施加压力的主要因素之一。






而后,尼日利亚央行行长Olayemi Cardoso表示,去年价值260亿美元的无法追踪资金流经币安尼日利亚。尼日利亚正面临外汇危机,并正在寻找限制资金外流的途径,因为当地货币奈拉在周三创下历史新低。除了采取诸如对外籍工人征收税收之类的措施之外,最近再次呼吁限制该国的加密货币成为头条新闻,有报道称,当地阻止用户访问某些加密交易所,包括币安。









    It was reported that the Nigerian government demanded that Coin 'an pay at least US$ 100 million in compensation. This request was made against the background of Nigeria's crackdown on cryptocurrency exchanges and the devaluation of its own currency. Nigeria accused Coin 'an of profiting from illegal transactions in the country. At present, Coin 'an has been investigated in Nigeria, and its executives were detained in Nigeria earlier this week. On the same day, Coin 'an, a cryptocurrency trading platform, has deleted the Nigerian currency, Nyala, from its peer-to-peer function. On social platforms, users in Angola complained and expressed their worries about its development. When Qian An removed Naira from its market, the Nigerian authorities claimed that the platform led to the devaluation of Naira. Earlier, the Nigerian presidential adviser said that Qian An would destroy Nigeria's economy because of the arbitrary fixed foreign exchange rate. Due to the rapid decline of Naira and the resulting high inflation in recent years, the government turned its focus to the platform for providing cryptocurrency services because of these websites' transactions and the establishment of Naira's informality. Encrypted users in Nigeria reported earlier that it was difficult for them to access the website of the encrypted exchange, including waiting for a few days. After that, Bian set a limit on the selling price on the platform, which made it impossible for traders to sell at a price above naira. It was reported by Bloomberg that the head of securities and investment services of the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission said in an interview that the institution was considering allowing the issuance of tokens backed by assets such as equity debt but not encrypted currency on the licensed digital exchange. The official notice of the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission on April said that it noticed that the website operated by the company was not registered and was not supervised by the Commission, so its business in Nigeria was illegal. Any member of the investment public who dealt with the entity was informed at his own risk. It was hereby instructed to immediately stop soliciting Nigerian investors in any form. Subsequently, the Nigerian securities regulatory agency issued a warning on June to reiterate that the activities of Coin 'an in Nigeria were neither registered nor accepted by the Commission. It will be supervised, so its business in Nigeria is illegal. At the same time, the supervision also pointed out that any member of the public who deals with this entity for such solicitation should bear his own risks. The notice once again stressed that all platform providers who engage in such solicitation should immediately stop soliciting Nigerian investors in any form. The Nigerian Currency Exchange Operators Association called on the federal government to ban the currency security from doing business in the country to strengthen the naira exchange rate. Previously, the association regarded the currency security as an application to the naira exchange rate. One of the main factors that put pressure on Nigeria's central bank issued the first guideline for banks to open cryptocurrency accounts, while retaining the ban on banks holding or trading virtual assets in their own names. The central bank's website details this measure, which aims to supervise virtual asset service providers to cope with the global trend and the surge in the adoption of cryptocurrency in Nigeria. It is worth noting that these accounts are limited to transactions based on naira, and the frequency of withdrawal is limited. The official ban on the cryptocurrency exchange, including Coin Anhe, was instructed by the Nigerian government on June, which reflected the global regulatory challenge faced by the digital asset platform. This move occurred a few months after the Central Bank of Nigeria lifted the ban on cryptocurrency transactions in June, showing the instability of the regulatory environment for digital assets in Nigeria. Then the governor of the Nigerian central bank said that last year, untraceable funds worth hundreds of millions of dollars flowed through Coin Anhe, and Nigeria was facing a foreign exchange crisis. And is looking for ways to limit the outflow of funds, because the local currency Naira hit a record low on Wednesday. In addition to taking measures such as collecting taxes on foreign workers, it has recently called for restrictions on the country's cryptocurrency, which has made headlines. It is reported that local users are prevented from accessing some cryptocurrency exchanges, including Qian' an. Last year, the country's securities regulator warned that the activities of Qian' an and an entity named Nigeria Qian' an Limited were illegal. According to a local news website, the central government of Nigeria reported. The Bank is cooperating with various government agencies and the police to further investigate these capital flows. In addition, according to the Financial Times, two senior executives of Bi 'an were detained in Nigeria. According to informed sources, after Nigeria decided to ban multiple cryptocurrency trading websites last week, these senior executives flew to Nigeria, but their passports were confiscated by the National Security Adviser's office. At the end, it can be said that Bi 'an is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, but it has encountered unprecedented difficulties in Nigeria. Since January, the Nigerian government has taken a series of tough measures against the currency security, including demanding that it pay at least US$ 100 million in compensation, accusing it of profiting from illegal transactions in the country, and preventing its websites and services in the country. Nigeria is the largest economy in Africa and one of the countries with the highest usage rate of cryptocurrency in the world. However, the continuous decline of the currency naira in the past few years has led to soaring inflation and shortage of foreign exchange, which is one of the main reasons for the devaluation of the naira by the Nigerian authorities, because they provide a channel to bypass the official exchange rate and also threaten the financial stability and security of the country. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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