如何定义 Bitcoin L2 以及包容性视角的 L2

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作者:jolestar 来源:X,@jolestar

最近 Bitcoin Magazine 关于 Bitcoin L2 的定义引起了什么是 Bitcoin L2 的争论,这个问题原来 Ethereum 社区也有过争论。那到底如何定义 L2 ?我们可以从技术和生态两个角度分析一下,我更主张一种包容性视角的 L2。

L2 的技术角度定义

如果要从技术上定义 L2,关键是要让它能明显的和 L1 以及中心化的方案有区别。我认为关键有两点:

1. L2 并不创造新的区块空间。创建新的区块空间的技术解决方案本质上都是 L1。

2. L2 要利用 L1 来实现数据可用以及安全。创建新的区块空间的技术解决方案本质上都是 L1。


L2 的生态角度定义

从生态的角度定义L2时,我们关注的是L2如何利用或继承L1提供的能力。我们以 Bitcoin 为例,分析 Bitcoin 上有哪些可继承以及扩展的方向。

BTC 资产

这是所有的 L2 都在讲的一个故事,如何让万亿级规模的 BTC 的资产产生额外的使用场景,无论是交易,还是质押,都有非常大的想象空间。而让一个区块链系统的资产到另外一个系统中交易,都需要一个桥,而这里的关键问题是如何让用户信任这个桥,并保证资产的安全。

从这个角度,所有通过桥给 BTC 资产创造使用场景的方案,都可以理解成 Bitcoin L2。甚至BTC ETF 也可以理解成 Bitcoin 的 L2,它是一个完全中心化的托管的桥,通过法律监管保证安全。所以大家纠结的不是去中心化问题,而是信任问题。去中心化的方案可以降低用户的信任成本,给新的项目带来机会,但 Bitcoin 上如何构造安全的去中心化的桥是一个关键难题,L2 能不能利用 Bitcoin 的其他特性来提高这个桥的安全性。

另外随着 Bitcoin 上的扩展协议发展,无论是 Ordinals,以及 Ordinals 之上的扩展协议(BRC20等),Atomicals,还是 RGB,Taproot assets 等,Bitcoin 上的新型资产会越来越多,如何让这个桥具有扩展性,可以快速的支持新的资产类型,也是一个巨大的挑战。

Bitcoin 区块空间

Bitcoin 作为最去中心化的一个区块链网络,它的区块空间的价值并没有完全发挥出来。而这波 Ordinals 铭文热,可以理解成对 Bitcoin 作为数据可用层(DA)的价值发现。Ordinals 协议定义了一个具有扩展性的数据格式标准,让解析,展示,以及交换 Bitcoin 上铭刻的数据有了一套统一的方案。

Bitcoin 上的扩展协议以及 L2,如何充分有效利用 Bitcoin 的区块空间,是一个探索方向。

Bitcoin 网络的可编程能力

Bitcoin Script 的编程能力有限,它对资产的编程能力主要表现为三种锁:时间锁,Hash 锁,私钥锁。而 Taproot 让 Bitcoin Script 的复杂度可以上一个量级,所以才有了 bitvm 这样方案的可能。但这方面的关键挑战在于,Bitcoin Script 都是无状态的,它无法读取 Bitcoin 的状态,以及累积状态,只能依赖输入,能否利用 Bitcoin 的脚本来实现仲裁,依然是一个待探索的方向。

另外一个角度是密码学上的创新,包括基于密钥交换来构造博弈机制来保证安全的协议,比如闪电网络。还有 Babylon 的 “可提取的一次性签名”,虽然它的实现细节尚未公布,但市场已经非常期待了。

Bitcoin 的状态

Bitcoin 的状态包括以下几种:

1. Bitcoin 的时间戳

2. Bitcoin 的区块 nonce 随机数

3. Bitcoin 的 UTXO,以及 UTXO 的所有权

4. Bitcoin 的区块,以及 UTXO 上附加的新资产和信息

然后我们可以通过以上角度来分析不同的 Bitcoin 扩展协议以及 L2 项目是如何扩展 Bitcoin 的。

如何扩展 Bitcoin

桥 + 可编程环境

鉴于Bitcoin本身的编程能力受限,一种方法是将Bitcoin资产转移到具有更强可编程性的环境中,如EVM,从而为Bitcoin资产开辟新的应用场景。这方面的代表有 BEVM, Merlin,关键在于桥的设计:1. L2 能否利用 L1 提供的安全性。 2. 跨链方案的可扩展性。

在 Bitcoin 上扩展一个智能合约层

RGB 利用了 Bitcoin 的 UTXO 只能使用一次的特性,来实现一次性密封,同时也利用 Bitcoin 的区块空间来公布交易承诺,提供了一种 Offchain 的编程环境。它的优势是完全匹配 UTXO 模型,不依赖全局状态,保证了隐私,但这个也同时是它的缺点,限制了它的编程场景。在这个方向上,CKB 的 RGB++ 对 RGB 的特性做了取舍,通过 cell 模型提供了更丰富的编程模式。

Indexer 模式的 Offchain 计算

铭文 Indexer 模式可以理解成一种 Offchain 的计算模型,资产定义在链上,合法性由链下计算保证,同时能提供全局状态。铭文可以理解成一种介于 L1 和 L2 之间的资产,如果协议内置 L1 到 L2 之间的迁移机制,则可以实现资产在 L1 到 L2 之间的流通。 而如果让铭文资产的生成和校验逻辑,通过代码铭刻在 Bitcoin 上,也是一种对 Bitcoin 编程能力的扩展方案,比如 bitseed。

Stackable L2(堆叠式 L2)

如果通过智能合约来实现 Bitcoin 的扩展协议的 Indexer,在 Indexer 中解析 Bitcoin 上的所有 UTXO 以及附加的状态,同时允许开发者通过智能合约部署应用到 Indexer 中,相当于给 Bitcoin 提供了一种新的智能合约层,这是 Rooch 的方案。

之前我把这种模式叫做智能 Indexer,但 Indexer 的概念给人的感觉就是只读的,所以用了一个新词“Stackable L2”,指所有在 L2 中包含 L1 全状态的扩展方案,它完全继承了 L1 的所有状态。这种情况下,L2 的应用即可以读取 L1 上的所有状态,同时也可以创建新的状态,L1 和 L2 的资产可以通过堆叠组合来形成新的资产。而 L2 的安全,可以通过模块化的方案来保证。关于这个概念后面再写详文描述。


包容性视角的 L2

如果我们抛开了具体的实现方式,抽象的理解 L2,就会发现它应该是一个连续光谱,从最左端的 CEX,到最右端的 L1,中间地带的解决方案都可以囊括到这个光谱范围内。这个光谱的两端也代表着两种不同的成长模式。CEX 基本是完全产品和用户导向的成长方式,而 L1 构建周期比较长,则是叙事和蓝图优先,而 L2 则在中间,会是一种混合成长模式。

采取包容性视角,我们无需过分纠结于何为“真正的L2”。业界创造的各种技术和方案,Validium,Plasma,Sovereign rollup,Op/Zk rollup ,Modular Execution layer,Decentralized compute,side chain,L2/L3 等,都应被视为这一光谱的一部分,行业通过各种排列组合方式探索着新的应用需要的基础设施。

而不同的项目对新应用的假设不同,也决定了它的组合方式和成长模式,它可能是 L1 向左一点,或者 CEX 向右一点。未来是不确定的,这个阶段很难断言那种模式会成长起来,但有一点是确定的,行业经过这么多年的摸索,有了上规模 L1,有了上规模的 CEX,也需要有上规模的中间层填补上这个沟壑。

The author's recent definition has caused a debate about what is right. This question has also been debated in the community. How to define it in the end can be analyzed from the technical and ecological perspectives. I advocate a technical perspective definition with an inclusive perspective. If it is to be defined technically, the key is to make it obvious and different from the centralized solution. I think there are two key points that do not create new block spaces. The technical solution to create new block spaces is essentially to use it. Now that data is available and the technical solutions to safely create new block spaces are essentially, it is obvious that the market is not only defined from a technical point of view, but also from an ecological point of view. When defining from an ecological point of view, we are concerned about how to use or inherit the provided capabilities. We take the example to analyze what assets can be inherited and expanded. This is a story that is all being told. How to make trillions of assets generate additional use scenarios, whether it is trading. Whether it is pledge or pledge, there is a great imagination, and it takes a bridge to make the assets of one blockchain system trade in another system. The key problem here is how to make users trust this bridge and ensure the safety of assets. From this perspective, all the schemes to create use scenarios for assets through bridges can be understood as even as a completely centralized managed bridge, which ensures security through legal supervision, so what everyone is entangled in is not decentralization but trust. Decentralization scheme can reduce users' trust cost and bring opportunities to new projects, but how to construct a safe decentralized bridge is a key problem. Can we use other features to improve the security of this bridge? In addition, with the development of the extension protocol on the Internet, there will be more and more new assets, whether it is the extension protocol on or above, and how to make this bridge extensible and support new asset types quickly is also a huge challenge. The value of a blockchain network has not been fully exerted, and this wave of inscription fever can be understood as defining an extensible data format standard for the value discovery protocol as the data available layer, so that the analysis, display and exchange of engraved data have a unified set of expansion protocols and how to make full and effective use of the blockchain space is an exploration direction. The programming ability of the network is limited, and its programming ability for assets is mainly manifested as follows The complexity of three kinds of locks, time lock and private key lock, can be an order of magnitude, so this scheme is possible, but the key challenge in this respect is that they are stateless, their unreadable state and accumulated state can only rely on the script that can be used by the input, and arbitration is still a direction to be explored. Another angle is cryptography innovation, including the construction of game mechanism based on key exchange to ensure security protocols, such as lightning network and extractable one-time signatures. However, the details of its implementation have not yet been announced, but the market has been looking forward to it very much, including the following kinds of time stamps, random numbers, ownership blocks and new assets and information attached to it. Then we can analyze different expansion protocols and how the project expands from the above perspective. In view of its limited programming ability, one way is to transfer assets to an environment with stronger programmability, such as opening up new ones for assets The representative of the application scenario in this respect lies in whether the design of the bridge can make use of the scalability of the provided security cross-chain scheme to extend an intelligent contract layer to realize one-time sealing, and at the same time, it also uses the block space to announce the transaction commitment, which provides a new programming environment. Its advantage is that the perfect matching model does not rely on the global state to ensure privacy, but at the same time, its shortcomings limit the correct characteristics of its programming scenario in this direction. The model provides a richer programming mode. The computing inscription mode can be understood as a new computing model. The definition of assets on the chain is guaranteed by the calculation under the chain, and at the same time, it can provide the global status inscription. It can be understood as an asset between and. If the protocol is built into the migration mechanism between, it can realize the circulation of assets between and. If the generation and verification logic of the inscription assets is engraved on the code, it is also an expansion plan for programming ability, such as Stacking, if all the analytic and additional states of the extension protocol are realized through smart contracts, and at the same time, allows developers to deploy applications to the application through smart contracts, it is equivalent to providing a new smart contract layer. Before this scheme, I called this mode smart, but the concept gives people the impression that it is read-only, so I used a new word to refer to all the extension schemes that contain all the states, and it completely inherited all the states. In this case, the application can read what is on the platform. Assets that have a state and can also create a new state and sum can be stacked and combined to form new assets, and the security can be guaranteed through modular schemes. We will write a detailed description about this concept later. In fact, all the above schemes can cooperate with each other through the combination mode. If we abandon the abstract understanding of the specific implementation, we will find that it should be a continuous spectrum, and all the solutions in the middle zone from the leftmost to the rightmost can include this spectrum. Within the scope, the two ends of this spectrum also represent two different growth modes, which are basically completely product-oriented and user-oriented, while the longer construction period gives priority to narrative and blueprint, while in the middle it will be a mixed growth mode. We don't have to dwell too much on what the real industries create, such as various technologies and solutions, and so on, which should be regarded as part of this spectrum. The industries explore the infrastructure needed by new applications through various permutations and combinations, but different projects. Different assumptions about the new application also determine its combination mode and growth mode. It may be a little to the left or a little to the right, and the future is uncertain. At this stage, it is difficult to assert that that mode will grow up, but one thing is certain. After so many years of exploration, the industry has a large scale and needs a large-scale middle layer to fill this gap. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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