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最近,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin提出,将ZK-EVM封装到以太坊的L1。该提议的目标是在以太坊协议中创建原生系统,利用零知识证明来验证以太坊区块。




ZK-VM(ZK虚拟机)的一个用例是Ploygon zkEVM,类似于用于区块链应用的“涡轮增压发动机”,与以太坊一起工作,但速度更快,更便宜。这种虚拟机使用零知识证明来处理交易,在基于以太坊强大安全性的同时加快速度并削减成本。

Polygon zkEVM结合了SNARKs和STARKs两种技术,使处理交易高效而快速。SNARKs有助于使数据变小,节省空间和成本,而STARKs则加快了证明交易合法的过程。通过同时运行这些证明生成器中的几个,Polygon zkEVM可以一次处理更多的交易,从而使整个系统更快、更顺畅。




Electric Capital的最新报告阐明了区块链领域中正在发生的转变:大量开发人员正在涌向EVM兼容链。该报告指出,有87%的多链开发人员已经在至少一条EVM兼容网络上工作。这表明EVM链对开发人员有很强的吸引力,开发人员愿意在上面花费时间和精力。


例如,EOS EVM充当EOS和以太坊生态系统之间的桥梁,让开发人员从以太坊带来了基于Solidity的项目、数字资产和DApps,融入EOS的生态。这种做法可以利用以太坊丰富的生态系统和成熟的工具,并将它们与功能丰富的EOS相结合。

EVM还支持Websocket,这是一种用于开发需要与服务器实时来回交谈的应用程序工具(使用常规的HTTP请求通常会有延迟)。这意味着开发人员可以直接在EOS EVM上构建响应更快和交互更好的应用程序,例如聊天应用程序、实时交易平台、DeFi通知和NFT铸造跟踪等。













Proposal on encapsulation Recently, the founder of Ethereum proposed that it should be encapsulated in Ethereum. The goal of this proposal is to create a native system in Ethereum protocol and verify that the Ethereum block will be integrated into the core of Ethereum by using zero-knowledge proof. The main purpose is to reduce the dependence of blockchain on external code base, thus reducing the risks related to these system vulnerabilities. This proposal shows that encapsulation at the protocol level and strengthening the framework structure of blockchain, which represents the core component of Ethereum, can improve Ethereum. The integration of security, efficiency and processing speed of network operation is also consistent with the multi-client concept of Ethereum, that is, supporting different customers to use various certification system packages as a strategic update to the infrastructure of Ethereum. The purpose is to solve the challenges of scalability, privacy and efficiency, thus supporting the growth of Ethereum and adapting to future needs. One use case of virtual machine is similar to the virtual one in which a turbocharged engine used for blockchain applications works with Ethereum, but it is faster and cheaper. The machine uses zero-knowledge proof to process transactions based on the strong security of Ethereum, and at the same time, it speeds up and cuts costs. Combining the two technologies makes the transaction processing efficient and fast, which helps to make the data smaller and save space and costs, while speeding up the process of proving that the transaction is legal. By running several of these proof generators at the same time, the whole system can be processed faster and smoother. Another example is that this is a complete equivalence that can be used with most Ethereum. Centralized application is compatible, so developers can transplant it from Ethereum without extensive modification. This compatibility can be extended to migrate code back to Ethereum or other compatible blockchain, thus enhancing adaptability and interoperability in a wider blockchain ecosystem. Because it is equivalent, it is similar to the main network of Ethereum, providing a platform for developers to create and use smart contracts in a familiar environment. The developers of Taifang are very friendly, and they can make use of it without making a lot of adjustments to their workflow. The latest report on the migration of developers to chains illustrates the changes taking place in the blockchain field, and a large number of developers are flocking to compatible chains. The report points out that some multi-chain developers have already worked on at least one compatible network, which shows that chains are very attractive to developers, and developers are willing to spend time and energy on them, not only working on one chain, but also working on different ones. Spreading their ideas and code ecosystem in the compatible chain is the most active domain for developers. The reason why the chain attracts developers is very simple. For beginners, these blockchains integrate Ethereum standards and protocols, so that developers can easily adapt to it. They can use the original knowledge and technology to reduce the time and energy needed to enter the business, for example, as a bridge with Ethereum ecosystem, so that developers can bring project-based digital assets and integrated ecology from Ethereum, which is beneficial. This is a tool for developing applications that need to talk back and forth with the server in real time. There is usually a delay in using regular requests, which means that developers can directly build faster-responding and better-interacting applications, such as chat applications, real-time trading platform notifications and casting tracking. Ethereum, its toolbox and community support enable developers to access documents ready-made. These rich resources, such as smart contract template and coding enthusiast forum, make it easier to build experiments and innovations. In addition to ease of use, cost and scalability, it is also very important. Because the cost of Ethereum sometimes soars, developers are looking for a place to build programs while avoiding high cost. Compatible blockchain can usually provide lower cost and higher performance, which makes it very attractive to participants who want to deploy or smart contracts. In addition, the rise of solutions and side chains means that. Stronger scalability and lower cost, while keeping friendly with the ecosystem of Ethereum, there are many projects that migrate to the chain, such as the smart chain of Hebian, which are active places for projects and markets, and are also conducive to the construction of developers, saving costs and attracting more audiences. In fact, developers themselves are also thinking strategically. They are looking for a platform that can best combine technical acumen, economic significance and audience range. The transfer to a compatible blockchain is not only a trend, but also an opening. As a cost-effective alternative, the blockchain data research platform believes that it has become a wallet-friendly choice in the blockchain field, pointing out a general trend. In view of the high cost of Ethereum and network congestion, the market is looking for smoother alternatives, and users and developers are more inclined to choose compatible networks, which can be said to have lower transaction costs. And the demand for faster processing time has pushed this choice. It is believed that this is not just a short-term trend. The market is undergoing a transformation. Promoting and compatible Ethereum alternatives is a major trend in the industry, because keeping costs down and improving efficiency is the key to the blockchain industry. New players and ecosystems may appear in this process, because developers and users will flock to platforms that strike the right balance between cost efficiency and performance, which may lead to more diversified blockchain ecosystems, namely. The common development of blockchain and solutions will provide more choices for developers and users. The prospect of Ethereum will continue to evolve. The upgrade chain aimed at solving scalability and reducing costs will continue to adapt to its development with the introduction of Ethereum improvement scheme. With the growth of Ethereum ecosystem, such as environmental impact management and how different systems work together, it will play a more important role. In addition, Ethereum's ability to work seamlessly with compatible chains will play an important role without sacrificing security or decentralization. It is very important to obtain the blockchain ecosystem with efficiency and user experience. It is considered that the rise of the blockchain ecosystem is a budget-friendly alternative. This trend is stimulating the competitive environment and accelerating the promotion of innovation, which may lead to the birth of new platforms and ecosystems. With the continuous development of blockchain space, sustainable governance and interoperability will become more and more important in shaping the future success of the chain and Ethereum. In this trend, adaptive efficiency and inclusiveness will be the most critical aspects. Summary Ethereum and its basic technologies are undergoing some major changes, which is one for developers, investors and blockchain enthusiasts. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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