比特币 VS 房地产:危机时期哪个是更好的保值手段?

币圈资讯 阅读:36 2024-04-22 09:06:19 评论:0



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文章作者:LEON WANKUM 文章编译:Block unicorn


我们生活在一个高度数字化的世界,但大多数人仍然使用实物商品来存储价值。世界上最常用的价值储存手段是房地产。据统计,全球财富的约 67% 由房地产持有。然而,最近宏观经济和地缘政治逆风凸显了房地产作为实物价值储存手段的弱点。如果爆发战争怎么办?如果用作保值手段的房屋被毁坏了会发生什么?




进入21世纪以来,战争给人类造成的损失从未如此之大。去年,超过 238,000 人在冲突中丧生。叙利亚、苏丹、乌克兰、巴勒斯坦、以色列、黎巴嫩——全球冲突根源正在增加。其中一些地区已经遭受了大规模破坏。那里已经没有更多的财产了,其中存储的价值实际上已经蒸发了。除了战争带来的痛苦和悲痛之外,很难想象人们还要忍受多少经济上的挫折。




2009 年比特币的推出挑战了房地产作为人类首选价值储存手段的角色,因为它代表了一种更好的选择,可以让全世界的人们相对轻松地保护自己的财富。

您可以购买非常小面额的比特币,最小的为 1 聪(比特币的 1/100,000,000),价格低至 ≈ 0.0002616 美元(2024 年 2 月 12 日)。安全存储它所需要的只是一台没有互联网接入的计算机和一个 BIP39 密钥生成器,或者只需花费 50 美元购买一个硬件钱包。如果您需要搬迁,您可以记住 12 个单词,即钱包的备份(助记词),并“带走”您的比特币。








此外,宏观经济格局的变化可能会导致房地产迅速贬值。 通常,房地产是通过贷款购买的。 因此,利率上升会导致融资承受能力下降,导致需求减少,从而导致房地产价格下降。 我们可以看到这种情况现在在全球范围内上演,利率上升和需求减少的结合导致了全球房地产价值的下降。

比特币 VS 房地产


比特币遵循通货紧缩模型,意味着随着时间的推移,其供应量逐渐减少,直到 2140 年达到硬性限制。每四年,比特币区块奖励减半一次(Block unicorn注释:比如,现在矿工打包一个区块奖励是10块钱,由于四年之后比特币奖励减半,那矿工得到的奖励只有5块钱)。

即将于 2024 年 4 月 19 日星期五进行的减半预计会将区块奖励从 6.25 个比特币减半至 3.125 个比特币,这意味着每天发行 450 个比特币,而不是 900 个。










We live in a highly digital world, but most people still use physical goods to store value. According to statistics, the most commonly used means of value storage in the world is real estate. However, the recent macroeconomic and geopolitical headwinds have highlighted the weakness of real estate as a means of physical value storage. What if a war breaks out? What will happen if the house used as a means of value preservation is destroyed? It sounds like a dystopia if you don't take real estate with you in case of war, but I believe that if you take long-term wealth management seriously, you should consider the worst situation and possible global impact. Since the beginning of the century, the losses caused by war to human beings have never been so great. Born in Syria, Sudan, Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and Lebanon, the root causes of global conflicts are increasing, and some areas have suffered large-scale destruction. There is no more property there, and the value stored in it has actually evaporated. Apart from the pain and sorrow caused by the war, it is hard to imagine how many economic setbacks people have to endure, although there are some exceptions, such as Japanese real estate, which is used as a means of value storage all over the world. With the intensification of the threat of destruction, millions or even billions of people. Apart from inflation and taxes, the destruction of material wealth has always been one of the biggest threats to the overall prosperity. As early as ancient times, the army brutally plundered cities and destroyed residents' property. Fortunately, with Bitcoin, the threat of the destruction of wealth stored in physical assets can be solved. As a digital near-perfect mobile value storage means, it is difficult to destroy and easy to move. The launch of Bitcoin in 2000 challenged real estate. The role of human beings' preferred value storage means, because it represents a better choice, people all over the world can protect their wealth relatively easily. You can buy very small denominations of bitcoin, and the smallest price is as low as US dollars. All it needs is a computer without Internet access and a key generator, or just spend US dollars to buy a hardware wallet. If you need to move, you can remember one word, that is, the backup mnemonic of wallet. And take away your bitcoin. Digitalization optimizes almost all the functions of preserving value. Bitcoin is rarer, easier to obtain, lower in maintenance cost and more mobile. The most important thing is that it allows you to transfer your wealth in times of crisis. Bitcoin is really your wealth. With the threat of wars around the world imminent, I think it is better to hold wealth in digital assets such as Bitcoin than in physical assets such as real estate, gold or art, because these assets are easily destroyed or confiscated by taxation. If we look back at the history, it is obvious that the storage of physical value makes people vulnerable to excessive government intervention. A historical example is the deprivation of Jews by Nazi Germany. Unfortunately, these repression is not an isolated case in history. This kind of thing often happens. As Michael Seiler likes to point out, after Fidel Castro took office, many people lost their property in Cuba. These painful historical lessons emphasize the importance of protecting the wealth of digital assets such as Bitcoin. Facts have proved that confiscation, taxation or Destroying bitcoin is challenging, and it is easy to transfer macroeconomic changes. In addition, changes in macroeconomic structure may lead to rapid depreciation of real estate. Usually, real estate is purchased through loans, so rising interest rates will lead to a decline in financing affordability, which will lead to a decline in demand, which will lead to a decline in real estate prices. We can see that this situation is now being staged on a global scale, and the combination of rising interest rates and reduced demand has led to a decline in the value of global real estate. Compared with bitcoin, it is less affected by the problems of the traditional legal tender financial system, because it runs independently of the system, and variables such as interest rate, central bank decision-making and arbitrary government actions have limited influence on bitcoin. The price mainly depends on its supply, issuance schedule and adoption rate. Bitcoin follows the deflation model, which means that its supply gradually decreases over time until it reaches the hard limit in 2000. For example, the reward for bitcoin blocks is halved every four years. After four years, the bitcoin reward will be halved, and the miners will only get a reward of RMB. The halving will be carried out on Friday, June, and it is expected that the block reward will be halved from one bitcoin to one bitcoin, which means that the annual inflation rate of bitcoin is expected to drop to almost negligible after the upcoming halving. In addition, a large number of bitcoins have been lost, and we can foresee that many bitcoins will be lost in the future, and the limited supply will continue. The decline has increased the deflationary pressure of the bitcoin network. As more and more people and machines use bitcoin, the increase in demand is offset by the decrease in supply. This extremely strong deflationary movement is not observed in the real estate field. Although the supply of construction land is limited, real estate is also scarce, but there is no hard upper limit. For example, new construction land can be developed and the zoning method can allow the construction of higher floors. It is absolutely scarce for most people to imagine the impact of fixed supply on asset prices. Before the emergence of Bitcoin, there was no concept of essentially scarce goods. Even gold has flexibility. The increase in supply demand has made mining more intensive. This flexibility does not apply to Bitcoin. Therefore, every halving event means that the supply will decrease, and the price of Bitcoin will rise and continue. As long as there is corresponding demand, this permanent growth will continue, which may be attributed to the special monetary properties of Bitcoin. Even during the global economic crisis, this dynamic is expected to continue. The supply of bitcoin will continue to decrease, and the price is likely to continue to rise. As explained, due to the expected sustained demand during the crisis, even inflation will have a positive impact on the price of bitcoin, because it will lead to an increase in the supply of legal tender that can invest in bitcoin. At the end, in a world of increasingly radical and deeply crisis financial system, bitcoin has become the best choice to store value, especially in the period of macroeconomic fluctuation. In this turbulent period, the importance of bitcoin is expected to rise, and it may replace real estate as the first choice of value storage means for human beings in the distant future. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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